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1、Unit 5 The Tapestry of Friendship A friend in need is a friend indeed. In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends. Churton Collins Pre-reading discussion 1. Do you still keep in touch with your childhood friends even you have made many new friends? What do you need friends f

2、or? 2. Is there any difference between the friendship of men and women? 3. Do you think there is true friendship between man and woman? Background information: 1. About the text: This text is taken from Close to Home, which was published by The Boston Globe Company / Washington Post Writers Group in

3、 1979. 2. about the author: Ellen Goodman, is a Boston Globe Online columnist and a stylish writer with a humanizing touch on any issue, public or personal. She is widely acclaimed as a voice of sanity, and readers depend on her to help them make sense of their changing lives and relationships. 埃伦 古

4、德曼 :1941 年出生的古德曼毕业子美国女子学 院。她从 1957 年开始,成为波士顿环球报的一名 编辑兼专栏作家。她在1979 年出版过一本名为转折 点的书。 1980 年,她荣获普利策杰出评论奖。 2000 年,她和另一位作家合作山版了一本书,名为 我完全理解你的意思友谊在女性人生中的份量。 3. Claudia Weill: 克劳迪亚 威尔是拍实验电影和纪录片山身 的导演 她最有名的纪录片是和莎莉 麦克琳合拍的 半边天中国记怀 (THE OTHER HALF OF THE SKY: A CHINA MEMOIR), 记录中国妇女的现状,获奥斯卡提名。 她的剧情片女朋友 ( GIRLFR

5、IENDS, 1978 )也是对女性生活、处境有深刻反映 的电影 。 5. Hemingways:海明威 (1899-1961) 美国小说家、 诺贝尔文学奖获得者。1899 年7月21日生于芝加 路市郊像胶园小镇。父亲是医生和体育爱好者, 母亲从事音乐教育。6个兄弟姐妹中,他排行第 二,从小酷爱体育、捕鱼和狩猎。中学毕业后曾 去法国等地旅行,回国后当过见习记者。第一次 大战爆发后,他志愿赴意大利当战地救护车司机。 1918 年夏在前线被炮弹炸成重伤,回国休养。 后来去加拿大多伦多市星报任记者。1921 年重 返巴黎,结识美国女作家斯坦因、青年作家安德 森和诗人庞德等。1923 年发表处女作三个

6、短 篇小说和十首诗,随后游历欧洲各国。1926 年出版了长篇小说太阳照样升起,初获成功, 被斯坦因称为“迷惘的一代”。 1929 年,反映第一次世界大战的长篇巨著永别了,武器 的问世给作家带来了声誉。30年代初,海明威到非洲旅 行和狩猎。 1935 年写成非洲的青山和一些短篇小说。 1937 年发表了描写美国与古巴之间海上走私活动的小说 有的和无的。西班牙内战期间,他3次以记者身份亲临前 线,在炮火中写了剧本第五纵队,并创作了以美国人参 加西班牙人民反法西斯战争为题材的长篇小说丧钟为谁而 鸣(1940) 。他曾与许多美国知名作家和学者捐款支援西班 牙人民正义斗争。 1941 年偕夫人玛莎访问中

7、国,支持我国 抗日战争。后又以战地记者身份重赴欧洲,并多次参加战。 战后客居古巴,潜心写作。1952 年,老人与海问世, 深受好评,翌年获普利策奖。1954 年获诺贝尔文学奖。卡 斯特罗掌权后,他离开古巴返美定居。因身上多处旧伤,百 病缠身,精神忧郁, 1961 年7月2日用猎枪自杀。海明威去 世后发表的遗作主要有:海流中的岛屿(1970) 和伊甸 园(1986) 。他那独特的风格和塑造的硬汉子形象 对现代欧 美文学产生了深远的影响。 8.Babbitt 巴比特 是一部反映 美国商业文化繁盛时期城市商人生活 的小说。这本小说不仅塑造了一个典型的商人形 象“巴比特”,还漫画式地表现出美国上个世纪

8、 二十年代商业文化的方方面面,具有文化对照和 艺术欣赏的双重价值。 巴比特是一位成功的房地产商人,过着富足而又 平板的中产阶级生活。然而作为一个人,他受到 空虚的袭击,于是企图寻找另一种“真正的生 活”。为此,他外出漫游,尝试过一种玩世不恭 的生活,甚至染上了革命情绪。但巴比特又没有 勇气去承受接之而来的社会冷落,于是,他重新 投入了家庭生活和商人生涯的怀抱,在小说的结 尾,巴比特将希望寄托在他的儿子身上。 Language Work chase v. follow rapidly in order to catch or overtake;pursue Liverpool are chasi

9、ngtheir third league title in four years 利物浦队正全力以赴准备四年后第三次赢得联赛冠军。 (点拨) chase 和pursue 都含有“追随”的意思。 chase 意为“为了某种目的主动追逐、追赶”,句子 的主语,宾语一般都是有生命力的人或动物,如: The little boy watched a cat chasing birds小男 孩看见猫追小鸟。 pursue 意为“为了达到目的而追赶,追逐”,有坚 持不懈,穷追不舍的劲头,被追逐的可以是具体 的人 (物),也可以是 抽象的事物。 cosmic : 1) very great; limitle

10、ss; vast Thisearthquakewasadisasterof cosmic scale. 2) relatingto the universe The other great cosmic realityis time. reflect v. manifest as a result of sth反映,表现 The election results do not always reflect backthe views of the voters 选举的结果并不总能 真实地反映 选民的意见。 后接 on或upon, 意为“思索、蒙受、招致、博得”,如: reflect on a

11、problem 仔细思考一个问题 reflect on one? s conduct 反省某人的行为 Such results reflected great credit upon us. 这些成绩给我们带来了莫大的光荣。 被动结构和过去分词作后置定语时,后接in或from ,如: The mountains are reflected in the water 群山倒映在水中。 作及物动词,后接宾语从句,如: She reflected that life is short她认为生命太短暂了。 Cull : choose from various sources Herearea fewf

12、actsandfiguresI ve culled from the week s papers. It s a collectionoffascinatingstories culled from a lifetimeof experience. inherit: inheritance; inheritor; inheritage 1)receive(money, a house etc.) from someone afterthey have died WhenI tookonthejobofmanager,I inheritedcertainfinancialproblems. 2)

13、be bornwith(a physicalor mentalquality thata parent,grandparentor otherrelative has) Rosieinheritedherredhairfromher mother. The childhas an inheriteddiseasewhich attacksthe immunesystem. capacity n. ability ,quality of being suitable for or receptive to specified treatment能力;性能,品质 Housewives who do

14、 not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full capacity. 没有外出工作的家庭主妇们常常觉得没有充分体现出她们的 工作才能。 capacity 和ability 都有“能力”的意思 但capacity 指人接受、容纳、吸收、理解方面的能力,亦 可表示无生命的事物的承受、容纳、装载能力; ability 则一般指 人办事等实际应用上的能力, 或智力和体力 方面的才能,本领。 capacity 后可接介词 for, of 或不定式,如: The library has a capacity of more

15、than 250, 000 volumes. 这个图书馆藏书达25 万多册。 He succeeded for he had infinite capacity for taking pains 他之所以成功在于他能吃苦耐劳。 The country has the capacity to compete with Japan in export trade 这个国家在出口贸易方面有能力和日本竞争。 count v. to believe or consider to be;deem 认为,相信或认为 是;认为 She counts among the most gifted of the c

16、urrent generation of composers 她算是当代最有才华的作曲家。 作动词,后可接 as, against, among, for, on 或upon; 等 介词。后接 as时,意为“把 . .看作”,但 as常可省略, 如: He counted himself (as) lucky 他认为自己很幸运。 后接against ,意为“不利于”,如: His age counted againsthim 他的年龄对他不利。 后接among, 意为“算在 内”,如: You count amongmy best friends你算是我最要好的 朋友之一。 后接介词 for

17、,意为“有 价值或作用”,如 : For him fame does not count formuch 在他看来,出名算不了什么。 后接介词 on或upon ,意为 “指望,依靠”,如: I have counted uponhaving it completed by March. 我原来指望到三月份能完成此事。 作名词,常用短语有: lose count of 数不清 on all counts 从所有方面说,如: On all counts,I have been greatly benefited by his counsel. 从各方面说,他的劝告 / 建议使我受益匪浅。 conf

18、idence n( often confidences ) a secret or private matter told to someone under a condition of trust秘密;私事;私房话 (释例)A friend does not betray confidences. 朋友是不会泄露秘密的。 (点拨)confidence和assurance 都表示一种信心。 confidence是对某人能力的一种坚定的信任,例如: I have every confidence in your ability to succeed. 我对你的成功有绝对把握。 assurance

19、 更加强调 把握性甚至暗示傲慢 ,例如 : How can a nonscientist explain an abstruse theory with such assurance? 一个非科学家怎么能够如此自信地解释这一深奥的理 论? confess v. admit or acknowledge something reluctantly, typically because one feels slightly ashamed or embarrassed 承认,坦白,忏悔 He confessed himself to be totally ignorant of their pla

20、ns. 他承认自己对于他们的计划一无所知。 (点拨 )confess 后接介词宾语为名词或动名词, 如: He confessed to cheating on the exam. 他承认考试作弊。 restraint n. deprivation or restriction of personal liberty or freedom of movement 抑制,制止,克制 He exercised considerable restraint in not suing for a divorce. 他极力克制自己,不提出离婚诉讼。 (点拨)后接in,意为“自我克制”;后接 on,意为“

21、限 制”,如: His restraint in not showing his anger was admirable 他对怒气的克制真令人佩服。 The government places a restraint onpublic spending 政府限制公费开支。 grieve grievances 抱怨;不平 v. cause to be sorrowful; distress使人伤心,为伤心 It grieves me to hear how disobedient you,ve been 听说你很不听话,使我感到非常难过。 grieve, mourn和deplore 有“悲痛,哀

22、悼”的意思, 但三者有所区别。 grieve 常有独自一人内心悲痛 的含义,比 mourn 的词义 强,如: The nation grieved for its war dead全国都 为战死的人悲伤。 mourn 常指表现出来的悲痛,多用于哀悼死者 。如: She mourned for him so constantly that she became seriously ill 她天天为他的死而悲伤,以致得了重病。 deplore 多用于 不可挽回的悲惨之事 ,如: He deplored the loss of his dear friend 他失去一位亲密的朋友,深感惋惜。 gri

23、eve 的宾语通常是 人,不可以是物,如 : Her death grieved him .她的死使他很悲伤。 intimate buddy-chum-pal adj . having or being a very close and friendly relationship亲密的,密切的 We? re not exactly on intimate terms,but we see each other fairly often. 我们虽算不上关系亲密,但还常见面。 (点拨) 作形容词,后接 with ,意为“与某人很亲密”,如 I am intimate with Joe; we ha

24、ve been friends for many years. 我同乔关系密切,我们是多年的知己. 作名词,意为“知己,密友”,通常要受到前置或 后置的定语修饰,几乎不单独出现在句中,如: my intimate 我的知己soulmate an intimate of the presidents 总统的一位密友 Structural Analysis This text distinguishes two kinds of friendship: that between men and that between women. Part I paragraph 1-2 In this par

25、t the author reveals what kind of film the woman had just seen and what attitude she had to it. Part II paragraph 3-6 This part describesthe woman s observationof the shift of focus of the cinemaand advances the argument for the distinction between two types of friendship. Part III paragraph 7-18 Th

26、is part discussesin detailthe distinctions between the Male Companionship and the Female Friendship. Part IV paragraph 19 This part restatesthe distinctionbetween the two types of friendship. http:/www.putclub .com/html/ability/transla tion/interpretation/exercise/Politics/2012/ 0322/48771.html?1332

27、394179 视频:英女王发表登基60 周年演说 Part I paragraph 1-2 In this part the author reveals what kind of film the woman had just seen and what attitudeshe had to it. 1. What kind of film did the woman see? 2. What did she think of it? Text Explanation It was, in many ways,a light movie. P1 In many respects it was

28、 a simple and ordinary film. big-budget chase scene: P1 a car-chase scene that costs a lot of money Slowly ,it panned acrossthe tapestry of friendship Step by step it gave an all-sided/ panoramic view of the complex structure/characteristics of friendship. P2 Part II paragraph 3-6 This part describe

29、s the woman s observationof the shift of focus of the cinema and advances the argument for the distinctionbetween the two types of friendship: that between men and that between women. 1. Why does the author list the movies the woman had seen? 2. What led the woman to think that the cinema has drasti

30、cally shifted its focus ? 3. What was the shift ? 4. Do you agree on the point of the distinction between the two types of friendship? Give your own reasons. Text Explanation This wasnt just another binge of trendiness, but a kind of cinema verite. P4 This was not simply a shift from one fashion to

31、another, but a trend toward more realistic and natural depictionsin cinema-making. across millions of miles of celluloid .: P5 in large numbers of movies only men inherited a primal capacityfor friendship: P5 only when were born with the instinctive capacity of making friends. In contrast, they port

32、rayed women picking oneach other, the way they once picked berries: P5 本句话可理解为: On the contrary, women were described fastidious and superficialin films who chose friends just as picking berries. Well, that duality must have been mortally woundedin some shootout at the P5 The tendency to present onl

33、y men as capable of true friendship was challenged by the appearance of a more subtle approach. Part III paragraph 7-18 This part discusses in detail the distinctions between the Male Buddinessand the Female Friendship . Generally speaking, the former is action-oriented while the latter is emotion-o

34、riented, the Male Buddiness is based on the need for co- operation in the activities that men are engaged in or in the adversesituationsthey are confronted with. In contrast, the Female Friendship borders on love, the need for mutual emotional support . 1. What ? s the fundamental difference between

35、 buddies and friends? 2. What are the conditionsof men becoming buddies and of women becoming friends? 3. Why was the woman shocked by men? s description of friendship? Text Explanation whilst women ask fewer proofs and more signs and expressions of attachment. P7 actions and words that show intimac

36、y “through the wars: together corporate or athletic or military: P10 through the commercial, athletic or military strivestogether. They had to soldiertogether: had to struggletogether P10 loathsome confidences: disgusting secrets Buddies hang toughtogether; friends hang onto each other. P11 A: Buddi

37、es act toughto show off to each other, so would not reveal weaknesses; friends show their need for each other and are ready to confess weaknesses. B: Buddies hold on together in face of adversity; friends cling tightly together for emotional support. who have been trained in restraint , to be dispas

38、sionate and moderate in behavior PDA: public display of affection The only relationship that gave meaning to the claustrophobiclife of George Babbitt had been with Paul Riesling. P16 Claustrophobic life: closed life with very little communication with the outside What made the claustrophobiclife of

39、George Babbitt meaningfulhad been his relationship with Paul Riesling; Withouthis relationship with Paul Riesling, George Babbitt would have found his claustrophobic life meaningless. A man once told her that men weren? t real buddies until they had been . P10 until 和till 两者都可作介词、连词,一般情况下可以互换 使用。用于肯

40、定句时,主句的动词只用延续性的,它所 表示的动作一直延续到 ill 或until 表示的时间为止,意为 “直到 为止”;用于否定句时,主句的动词一般是 非延续性的,也可以是延续性的,它所表示的动作直到 till 或until 所表示的时间才发生,意为“直到 (才)”。 如:She watched TV untiltill her mother came back 她看电视直到她母亲回来。(看电视的动作延续到母来 才结束) She didn ? t watch TV untiltill her mother came back 直到她母亲回来她才(开始)看电视。(看电视 的动作直到她母亲回来才发

41、生) 现将一相关知识点作具体的介绍: 1)until 和till 以作介词或连词。作介词用时,后 面接名词或副词;作连词用时,常用来引导一个 时间状语从句。当它们用于肯定句中,主句动词 常为延续性动词,表示这个动作一直延续到till until 所表示的时间为止。当它们引导时间状语从 句时往往要用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如: They worked until/till six o? clock 他们一直工作到六点钟。 He will wait for until/till your mother comes. 他将等你直到你母亲来。 2)not until/till意为“直到 才”,主句常

42、用终止性动词 (即非延续性),表示until/till所表示的时间一到,该动作 就发生。如: He didnt go to bed until/till eleven last night. 昨天夜里他直到十一点才上床睡觉。She didnt know me until/till last week.她直到上一周才认识我。Einstein was not able to return to his homeland until the war was over 直到战争结束后爱因斯坦才得以回国. 注意: not until 放在句首时要用倒装语序,如上面第三个 例句可以改为放在句首的倒装句:

43、Not untilthe war was over was Einstein able to return to his homeland。 3)如果要 放在句首 ,只能用 until 而不能用 till ,如:误: Till I finished my homework, mother didn? t let me out 正:Until I finished my homework, mother didnt let me out 直到我做完家庭作业妈妈才准我出去。 4)强调结构中也常常出现not until 结构,常见句型为: It is was not untilthat 。如下面这个

44、句子: She didn ,t find me until I called her from behind. 直到我从后面叫她之后 .她才发现了我。 改为强调结构 :It was not until I called her from behind that she found me. 注:但在强调句型中, not until 置于句首构成倒装句以 及until 放在句首时,均不能用till 替换until 。 例如:It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcast began.直到1920 年才开始有定期的无线电 广播。 Not unti

45、l 12 oclock last night did Tom come back.( 倒装句 )昨晚直到十二点汤姆才回来。Until I was 20 I had never been away from my hometown.我二十岁 以前,从未离开过家乡。 Part IV paragraph 19 This part is the Conclusion of the text, which restates the distinction between the two types of friendship. In what ways buddies and friends diffe

46、r? Buddies are those you can do things together with in your lifetime, but friends are those with whom you can share roses and thornsin your life. Text Conclusion In the text the author discusses the differences between a buddy and a friend in a forceful way. We can summarize the author s viewpoint

47、with the following sentence: A buddy is a fine life-companion but a friend is that part the race with which you can be human. The more specific differencesbetween a buddy and a friend are: 1. Buddies bond, but friendslove. 2. Buddiesfaceadversitytogether,but friendsface each other. 3.Buddiesseemedto

48、 “ do”thingstogether;friends simply “ are ” together. Rhetorical Features To show the differences between buddiness and friendship effectively, the author of the text coordinates sentences in various ways. Sometimes he uses conjunctionssuch as but , yet and while . And sometimes he simply puts two c

49、lauses together without using any conjunction at all. For example: 1) Buddiesbonded,but friendsloved. 2)Buddiesfacedadversitytogether,but friendsfaced each other.(coordinators) 3) Men affecteachotherin thereflectionof noble or friendlyacts, whilstwomenask fewer proofsandmoresignsandexpressionsof attachment. 4)Menoftenkeeptheirbuddiesinthese categorieswhilewomenkeepaspecial categoryfor friends.(subordinator


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