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1、1 Book 3 Module 5 Lao She Teahouse 一、教学内容:Unit 1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. 二、课型:Listening and speaking 三、教学目标: 1、能正确运用本单元的词汇及短语:actress, teahouse, offer, end, in the end, no idea 2、能听懂有关京剧的对话,了解老舍茶馆,并感知动词不定式作宾语的表达。 3、能用动词不定式表达自己的意图和计划, 并培养学生对京剧中国传统文化的兴趣 和爱好,增强其民族自豪感。 四、 教学重难点: 1、本单元要求掌握的单词和

2、词组。 2、掌握动词不定式作宾语的用法, 并能用动词不定式表达自己的意图和计划等。 五、 教学准备: 本课指导学生通过听力获取信息,培养学生听力技能。 课堂上采用多媒体手段辅 助教学,在轻松愉快的氛围中,在较真实的语境下,并联系学生生活实际,结合已有 的知识和经验, 运用所学的语言基础知识自我学习、互相学习, 让学生在语言实践中 相互启发、生成,体验成功。培养学生的合作精神, 发展其思维和想象等能力。在教 学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。 因此,本节课需准备: PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品。 六、 预习要求 : 1、根据音标自学本课新单

3、词; 2、查找相关资料,找出你认为本课较重要的语言点和短语。 七、 教学过程: 教学 步骤 教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step One Warmin g-up (3) Lead in 1. Enjoy the music the Beijing Opera. Q1: What s the song about? Then show the title. (I wanted to see the Beijing Opera.) 2Free talk: (Activity 1) Ask two students some questions like this : (1)Do you like t

4、he Beijing Opera? (2) Do you want to see the Beijing Opera in Lao She Teahouse? (3) Do you know Lao She? Who is he? 1. Enjoy the song and answer the question. (The Beijing Opera.) 2. Listen and answer the questions.” 先用一首京剧 来引出本节课 的主题,通过 这个环节,既 活跃了课堂气 氛,还调动了 学生的学习兴 趣 同时让学生在 free talk 的过 程中感受新的 语言项目,

5、通 过这个环节, 提高了学生的 认知能力。 2 Step Two Pre-task (5 ) Task1: Check the new words. 1. Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words. 2. Organize the students to read the new words together. 3. Check the new words. 1. Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words. 2. R

6、ead the new words together. 3. Give the answers. 引导学生谈论 实物及power point 上 的 图 片 ,检 查 学 生 对词汇的掌握 程度,训练学 生 的 表 达 能 力,通过图片、 情景学单词, 做 到 词 不 离 句。学完单词 后,及时检查 课前布置的单 词练习题来巩 固词汇。 Step Three While-ta sk (20) Task2:listening (1). Play the tape, ask students to listen and underline the correct words or expressi

7、ons, then check the answers. (Activity 2) (2)Guide the students to listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. 1. Where did Lingling and Betty go last night? A. Beijing B. Lao She C. Lao She Teahouse 2.Did Betty understand the opera? A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn t. C. We don t know

8、. 3. How long did they stay in Lao She house? A. An hour B. Two hours C. Three hours 4.Who is Lao She? A. A writer B. An actor C. A player (3).Organize the students to check their answers. Task 3: Reading (1) Ask the students to read the conversation to check the true sentences, then check the answe

9、rs. (Activity 3) (1). Listen to the tape and underline the correct words or expressions, then show the answers (Activity 2). (2).Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer. (3)Check the answers. (1) Read the conversation to check the true sentences, then check the answers. (Activity 3)

10、 利 用 听 读 , 练 习的方式加强 学生对课文的 理解,培养学 生细节听力的 技 巧 ,能 够 听 取信息,训练 和培养学生细 节听力技巧。 通过看视频听 读对话,帮助 学生进一步理 3 (2) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video. (3).Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation. (4) Have a competition: Read the conversation in groups and choose the

11、 best group. Task 4: Solve the language points (1).Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found. (2).Help the students to solve the difficult points. Task5: Retell the dialogue (1)Ask students to complete the passage with the correct form of

12、 the word in the box. (Activity4 ) (2)Ask the students to retell the dialogue (2)Read the conversation with the video. (3) Read the conversation in groups. (4) Read the conversation in groups and choose the best group. (1). Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points, the other

13、students listen to them carefully and note . (2).Solve the difficult points with the teacher s help. (1)Students complete the passage. (2) Retell the dialogue . 解课文内容。 小组活动能通 过学生间的自 主、合作学习, 让学生充分地 实 践 运 用 语 言,并培养团 结合作精神。 通过让学生上 台展示他们所 找的语言点, 既培养了学生 的胆量,又培 养了他们自主 学习的能力。 教师点拨、补 充语言点,让 学生进一步理 解知识点。 通 过

14、 复 述 对 话,加深对课 文的掌握,同 时也锻炼了口 语。 Step Four Post-tas k (9) Task 6:Do some speaking (1) Show some information that this weekend plan to do. Help the students to talk about them like this: What do you plan to do this weekend? Where do you want to go? What do your parents offer to you? etc. (2). Have the

15、Ss report their plans for this weekend (3). Ask students to do some (1). Talk about something my plan for this weekend with the teacher s help. What do you plan to do this weekend? Where do you want to go? What do your parents offer to you? etc. (2). Report their plans for this weekend. I plan to. I

16、 want to. My parents offered to. I hope to . etc (3)Do the exercises, then 通过做报告训 练学生说的能 力,能使学生 加 深 对 课 文 内容的理解, 适量的口头练 习,让学生巩 固本课时的语 言重点。 通 过 笔 头 练 4 Exercises and then check. check. 习,进一步巩 固所学。 Step Five Summar y(2 ) 1. Get the students to sum up the language points. T: What have we learned today?

17、 Ss: 2. Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson. 1. Sum up the language points. 2. To choose the best groups. 引导学生对这 节课的总结, 让学生做自由 发言,培养学 生自主学习, 自主总结的良 好学习习惯。 简短的评价使 学生的课堂表 现得到肯定并 且可以激励学 生 的 学 习 兴 趣,树立学习 英语的信心。 Step Six Home- work (1 ) (1) Write a short composition My plan for this w

18、eekend. (2) Finish the exercises in the workbook of Unit 1. Finish the homework. 课后作业有助 于学生巩固已 学的知识,补 充其他方面的 锻炼。 板书 设计 Module5 Lao She Teahouse小组评价 、 Unit1 I wanted to see the Beijing Opera. I went to. I wanted/ planned/ to It +adj +to+do sth. 达标训练题 一、单项选择 ()1. He stayed at home for _ hour. A. a B.

19、an C. the D. ()2.The old man was badly ill and we _ him _ hospital right away. A. take; to B. bring; to C. took; to D. brought ; to ()3. It is difficult for the boy _ English well. A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. learning ()4. Don t forget _ your homework. - OK. I ll do it right now. 5 A. doing B. do C. to do D. did ()5. Would you please show me the way _ the bank? A. in B. for C. with D. tot 二、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1、北京因北京烤鸭而著名。 Beijing _ _ _ Beijing duck. 2、 我们同意早点动身。 We _ _ start early. 3、你将呆在这儿多长时间? _ _ will you stay here? 4、我对读书感兴趣。 I _ _ _ reading books. 5、昨天他主动提出借些书给我。


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