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1、课后练习 30 主谓一致 温馨提示: 为满足部分老师批改时的评估需要,本课时的题量已按满分100 分来设置, 请需 要的老师自行规划。 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Usually, a messenger_(stay ) in the position(职位) for three years. 2. Nobody_ ( want) to make friends with Bill. 3. Look!A group of American people_(stand ) under the big tree. 4. His family_(enjoy ) watching volleyb

2、all games. 5. Neither my sisters nor my little brother_(watch) TV. They are playing computer games. 6. Both Helen and I_ (get ) ready for the picnic when Mom came back home. 7. The Whites_(live ) in China for more than five years. 8. I think climbing mountains_(be) better than going fishing. 9. Ever

3、yone except Tom and John_(be) there when the meeting began. 10. David with his brother_(play ) soccer in the park every day. 11. The population of Shanghai_( be) larger than that of Lanzhou. 12. Collecting coins_(be) my hobby. 13. Physics_ (be) so difficult for me that I cant pass it every term. 14.

4、 Neither she nor her two sisters_(be) interested in playing the guitar. 15. I think two months_(be) quite a long time. Yes, I m afraid that she will miss a lot of lessons. 16. What youve done_ (be) very important to all of us. 17. This pair of shoes_ Sarahs. My shoes_under my bed. (be) 18. The teach

5、er and writer_(be) coming to our school to give us a talk. 19. Nothing_ (be) difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. 20. There are fifty students in our class. Two thirds of them_(be) boys. 二、完形填空(2018遂昌模拟) Paul was a rich man. When his father died, he 1 Paul a beautiful forest manor (

6、庄园) . 2 , before Paul could sell it for a lot of money, a terrible fire destroyed 3 . Watching the beautiful green trees turned into ashes(灰烬) overnight, Paul felt his 4 broken. In order to bring back the forest manors beauty, Paul tried to 5 money from the bank. But the bank refused him, 6 the bank

7、 didnt believe hed pay it back. Then he didn t know what to do. He became so 7 that he hid in his room for days. His wife was worried about him and suggested he 8 outside. Paul went for a walk. When he turned at the first corner, he saw a 9 with a huge crowd. It showed that the housewives were waiti

8、ng in line to buy charcoal (木炭) used 10 winter heating. Then Pauls eyes lit up because he thought this winter was so 11 that the charcoal must be short. He 12 home and asked some charcoal workers to make the forest s burned trees into charcoal. 13 his charcoal went on the market, it sold out quickly

9、. Soon, he 14 more than 1,000 boxes of charcoal. It gave Paul hope again. The following year in spring, he used the money to buy a large number of 15 . After a few years, the forest manor that everyone thought had disappeared came to life again. ()1. A. built B. left C. bought D. made ()2. A. Unfort

10、unately B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Unhappily ()3. A. him B. her C. it D. them ()4. A. head B. arms C. heart D. legs ()5. A. get B. make C. save D. borrow ()6. A. because B. and C. so D. as ()7. A. relaxed B. sad C. angry D. serious ()8. A. sell the manor B. have a drink C. make money D. take a break

11、()9. A. park B. bank C. store D. hotel ()10. A. by B. for C. in D. as ()11. A. cool B. cold C. warm D. hot ()12. A. drove B. walked C. ran D. jumped ()13. A. As long as B. After C. As soon as D. Before ()14. A. bought B. sent C. gave D. sold ()15. A. trees B. flowers C. horses D. cows 三、单句改错 1. Clas

12、s 3 was all out when the door opened. _ 2. The police is searching for the murderer last night. _ 3. The family is watching TV now. _ 4. Our headmaster and secretary are kind and strict. _ 5. Shanghai is one of the biggest city in China. _ 6. Three months are quite a long time. _ 7. Neither Mary nor

13、 her parents has been to Australia. _ 8. Physics are a difficult subject for girls. _ 9. Each of them are looking forward to coming back again. _ 10. Everyone are in the classroom except Lily and Lucy. _ 四、语法填空(2017海宁模拟) 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的 词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空(每空不多于3 个单词)。 Do you of

14、ten feel like recording the beautiful moments in your life? Then what do you usually do? Post words and 1 (picture) on Weibo, WeChat or QQ? It s true that social media(社交媒体) has become 2_important part of our daily life, but traditional handwriting is coming back, too. Keeping a daily journal(日志) is

15、 a fashionable way to do it. A daily journal can 3 (call ) shouzhang (手账) in Chinese. The word 4 (come) from Japan, where the trend(潮流) of keeping a daily journal started. A daily journal is 5 (real ) like a mixture of a diary, a planner and a scrapbook (剪贴簿) . You may write 6_those little things in

16、 your life, such 7_the breakfast you eat, the book you read and the thoughts you have. You may also use your journal 8 (make ) new year plans and daily schedules. 9_you watch a movie or take a train, you may save the ticket stub (票根) in your journal too. More and more daily journal keepers are tryin

17、g to make their journals art pieces. 10_could take a long time for a beginner to become a daily journal expert. And here may be where you start. 参考答案 一、 1. stays 2. wants 3. are standing 4. enjoy 5. is watching 6. were getting 7. have lived 8. is 9. was 10. plays 11. is 12. is 13. is 14. are 15. is

18、6. is 17. is, are 18. is 19. is 20. are 二、 1. B 2. A 【解析】由下文大火毁坏了庄园可知是不幸的事。 35. CCD 610. ABDCB 11 15. BCCDA 三、 1. was, waswere 2. is, iswere 3. is, isare 4. are, are is 5. city, citycities 6. are, are is 6. has, has have 8. are, areis 9. are, areis 10. are, areis 四、 1. pictures 2. an 3. be called 4. comes/came 5. really 6. down 7. as 8. to make 9. After/If 10. It


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