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1、- 1 - 五年级英语上期期中试卷 姓名:_ 分数: _ 听力部分( 40 分) 一、仔细听,选出你听到的单词。 (10 分) ()1.A.Monday B.Thursday C.Friday ()2.A.shy B.quiet C.hard-working ()3.A.Chinese ()4.A.delicious B.healthy () football books C.clean the room 二、仔细听,选出你听到的句子。 (10 分) ()1.A.David and Jean have two rea

2、ding classes on Wednesdays. B. David and Jean have science and art on Tuesday. ()2.A.Ms Zhang is kind,but sometimes she s strict. B.Mr Zhang is young and funny. ()3.A.We don t have tea today. B.We have beef noodles and fish hamburgers today. ()4.A.David is polite and hard-working. B.David is polite

3、and helpful. ()5.A.I often draw pictures and do homework on the weekend. B. I often wash my clothes and watch TV on Sundays. 三、听问句,选答语。 (10 分) ()1.A.She s Miss Green. B.She s tall and thin. ()2.A.We have carrots and chicken. B.We have computer and science. ()3.A.I like green beans. B.They re hot and

4、 delicious. ()4.A.I don t like Tuesday. B.Tuesday. ()5.A.Yes,it s healthy. B.I d like some apples. 四、仔细听,选出所听句子正确的中文意思。(10 分) ()1. A.你最喜欢吃什么食物? ()2. B.你经常在公园里看书吗? ()3. C.我喜欢沙拉和冰激凌。 ()4. D.你应该每天做体育运动。 ()5. E.王女士将是我们的新语文老师。 - 2 - 笔试部分( 60 分) 五、选出下列各组中不同类的单词。 (5 分) ( ) 1. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday

5、D. day ( ) 2. A. Miss B. music C. Mr D. Ms ( ) 3. A. funny B. strict C. homework D. kind ()4.A.tea B.salad C. sandwich D.hamburger ()5.A.fresh C.sweet D.onion 六、选词填空。(每词限填一次)(10 分) read healthy strict tea play salad Thursdays hamburger clever listen 1. What do you do on ,Grandpa? Oh, I have a

6、cooking class with your grandma. 2. I often to music on the weekend. 3. They sometimes books in the park. 4. My favourite food is .It is delicious. 5. She likes apples very much. They are fresh and . 6. Sarah is .She is helpful at home, too. 7. Robin is .He makes me finish my homework every day. 8.

7、We often ping-pong after school. 9. What would you like to drink?. 10. I d like a , and some apple juice. 七、单选 。 (10 分) ()1.I don t like ice cream. They are . A.sweet C.healthy ()2.What would you like for lunch? I d like some . A.sandwiches B.sandwichs C.sandwich ()3.I d like some water. What

8、you? A.are B.about ()4.What do you on Saturdays? B.does ()5.Is your science teacher young? No,he isn t. He is ,but very funny. A.old B.polite C.hard-working ()6.Do you have a new teacher ? . A.Yes,I am. B.No,I don t. C.No,I do. - 3 - ()7.your maths teacher? Mr Zhao . A.What s B.Who s

9、C.Where s ()8.What s he like? He s . A.funny C.teacher ()9.?She s shy. A.What s your sister like? B.What would your sister like? C.What does your sister have? ()10.What s your food? Noodles . B.favourite C.delicious 八、情景选择 。 (5 分) ()1.你想知道 Sarah的妹妹什么样儿,你应说:。 A.What s your sister? B.How

10、old is your sister? C.What s your sister like? ()2.你告诉 Sarah“我最喜欢的食物是牛肉面和鸡肉” ,你应说:。 A.Beef noodle and chickens are my favourite food. B.Beefs noodles and chicken are my favourite food. C.Beef noodles and chicken are my favourite food. ()3.John问你冰激凌的味道,你应说:。 A.It s hot and sweet. B.It s cold and swee

11、t. C.It s fresh and old. ()4.Chen Jie告诉你她弟弟很害羞,她应该会说:。 A.My brother is shy. B.My brother is quiet. C.My brother is clever. ()5.Miss White 问你午餐想吃什么,她可以说:。 A.What would you like for lunch? B.What s your favourite drink? C.What do you like? 九、连词成句。 1. Mondays do have on what you ? _ 2. teacher your art

12、 who s ? _ 3. he young Is ? _ 4. favourite your food what s ? _ 5. sandwich like a I d . _ - 4 - 十、根据对话内容判断正误,正确的打“ ” ,错误的打“ ” 。(10 分) Cook (厨师) : Look!This is the school menu (菜单).On Mondays we have fish and onions. On Tuesdays we have chicken and carrots. On Wednesdays we have tomatoes and rice. O

13、n Thursdays we have hamburgers and salad. On Fridays we have green beans (豆角)and beef. What do you like, Amy ? Amy:I like fish. I like Mondays. Cook:What about you,Chen Jie ? Chen Jie:I like beef. I like Fridays! ()1.Chen Jie likes Friday. ()2.Amy likes Wednesdays. ()3.They have chicken on Tuesdays. ()4.They have beef on Thursdays. ()5.They have fish,onions and salad on Mondays. 十、根据提示写一篇短文,简要介绍一下你自己,内容包括描述你的外貌和性格,你喜欢星 期几,那天上什么课,你周末经常做什么活动以及你最喜欢的食物是什么等。要求不少于五 句话,开头已为你写好,请补充完整,(五句话不包括下列提示的句子)。 (10 分) Hello!My name is .I m a .I m years old.


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