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1、Unit 3 Life in the future Period 2 Learning about Language & Using Language 课时精练(人教版必修5,课标 通用) 时间: 30 分钟 .短语填空 1She wants to get married and _. 2We must find an effective way to _ radioactive waste. 3Dont _so _ money. 4He _ his car after escaping from the prison. 5He _ himself _ a doctor. 6When I sa

2、w him ,he _ the book. 7How _ do they manage to rob the bank? 8He _ the beggar with sympathy. 9The driver was not _ the accident. 10She finished her work _. 答案1.settle down2.dispose of3.be; greedy for4.sped up5.described; as6.was absorbed in7.on earth 8stares at9.to blame for10.in an instant .完成句子 1他

3、们为了迎合人们的需求,已经加快了新车的生产。(speed up) They _ _ _ the production of the new car in order to meet the peoples requirements. 2英国在国外有许多殖民地。(settlement) The British Empire had many _ abroad. 3小镇的东部有一个美丽的湖。(完全倒装 ) East of the town _ _. 4他们一听到警报,就立即集合准备战斗。(the instant) _ _ _ _ _ _ , they fell in for action. 5我会

4、给经理打电话让他们加快办事的速度。(speed up) Ill phone the manager and get them to _ _ _. 答案1.have sped up2.settlements3.lies a beautiful lake4.The instant they heard the alarm 5.speedthings up .单项填空 1In todays world, the Internet is a very useful tool for_business communication. Awrapping up B growing up Cspeeding

5、up Dpulling up 答案C考查短语辨析。 句意: 当今世界, 网络是一个很有用的加速商业交流的工具。A 项 “ 包裹 ” ;B 项“ 长大 ” ;D 项“ 停车 ” 均可排除。C 项“ 加速 ” 符合语境。故选C。 2. To protect the environment, we should take all the plastics and newspapers to_. Arecycle Bthrow Ccycle Dstore 答案A句意:为了保护环境,我们应该把所有的塑料和报纸重新利用。recycle 回收,重 新利用; throw 扔掉; cycle 骑自行车;stor

6、e储存。根据句意可知选A。 3Though the pretty girl got what she had listed on the paper, she looked at the shop window with_eyes. Aexciting Bcasual Cabsent-minded Dgreedy 答 案D 考 查 形 容 词 词 义 辨 析 。exciting “ 让 人 感 到 兴 奋 的 ” ; casual“ 随 便 的 ” ; absent-minded“ 心不在焉的 ” ; greedy“ 贪婪的 ” 。由题意可知D 项正确。 4Many of the party

7、s traditional voters_it at the last election. Areserved Bdeserted Cpreserved Ddepressed 答案B考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个党的很多传统支持者在上一次选举中抛弃了它。“ 抛 弃” 应用 desert 表示。reserve“ 预定 ” ;preserve“ 保护;保持 ” ;depress“ 使忧愁 ” 。故选 B。 5Out of the crowded train_ , who was dressed in a blue suit and waved to a lady. Aa tall man in hi

8、s fifties stepped Bstepped a tall man in his fifties Cdid a tall man in his fifties step Ddid a tall man step in his fifties 答案B考查倒装句。当介词短语(作地点状语 )提到句首时,该句采用全部倒装句式,即: 状语十谓语主语(名词 ),故选 B。 6. After the_of their differences, Tim and Jenny became good friends. Asettler B settlement Csolute Danswer 答案B句意:

9、解决了分歧之后, 提姆和詹妮成为了好朋友。settler 名词,“ 定居者 ” ; settlement 名词, “ 定居,解决 ” ; solute 动词, “ 解决 ” ; answer 名词或动词,“ 回答,答案 ” 。由句意知 选 B。 7 What do you think of teaching ,Bob? I find it fun and challenging. It is a job_you are doing something serious but interesting. Awhere B which Cwhen Dthat 答案A句意: 鲍勃,你认为教学工作怎么样

10、? 我觉得它既有趣又具有挑战性。 教学工作是一份严肃且有趣的工作。此题考查定语从句。先行词为 a job。从句中所填词相当 于 in the job,故用关系副词where。 8Most_of parents present at the meeting are for the suggestion given by the teacher. Arepresentative Brepresentatives Crepresentation Drepresenting 答案B句意:与会的家长代表们大部分赞同这项政策。representative 用作名词,意为“ 代 表” ,指人,有单复数变化。

11、representation 用作名词,意为“ 代表,支持 ” ,为动词represent 的名词形式,是不可数名词,显然B 项正确。 9. _I saw him, I knew he was the man the police were looking for. ABefore BWhile CThe instant DImmediate 答案C考查连词。句意:一看见他,我就知道他是那个警察正在寻找的人。此处需要连 词“ 一 就” ,只有 C 项符合。若选D, 应用 Immediately 。故选 C。 10Nature has the capacity to_wastes and cha

12、nge them into new resources. Areceive Brecycle C reuse Drepeat 答案B考查动词词义辨析。句意:大自然有能力回收利用废物并把它们转化为新的资源。 recycle 是指 “ 再利用 ” ,符合语境。receive“ 收到 ” ;reuse“ 重复使用 ” ;repeat“ 重复 ” 。故选 B。 .阅读理解 A The average college student in America spent about seven hundred dollars on textbooks last year.The National Assoc

13、iation of College Stores reported more than five billion dollars in sales of textbooks and course materials. Association spokesman says electronic textbooks now cover just two to three percent of sales. But he says that is expected to reach ten to fifteen percent by 2012. Online versions are now ava

14、ilable for most popular college textbooks. E-textbooks can cost half the price of a new print textbook.But students usually lose access after the end of the term.And the books cannot be loaded on more than one device,so they are not easy to share. So what do students think of e-textbooks? Earlier th

15、is year Administrators at Missouri State University tested them with five hundred students in twenty classes. The University provides laptop computers to all seven thousand of its full-time students.It does not require students to buy their textbooks. They rent them to save money.The school aims to

16、save even more by moving to e-textbooks. The students in the survey reported that downloading the books from the Internet was easy.They liked the idea of carrying lighter backpacks And fifty-six percent said they were better able to find information. But most found that using e- textbooks did not ch

17、ange their study habits.And sixty percent felt they read more when they were reading on paper.In all ,almost half the students said they still liked paper textbooks better. But the survey found that cost could be a big influence.Fifty-five percent said they would choose e-textbooks if using them mea

18、nt their textbook rental fee would not increase. Roger Von Holzen heads the Center for Information Technology in Education.He tells us that administrators are disappointed with the e-textbooks now available because the majority are not interactive( 交互的 ) He thinks growth will come when more digital

19、books include video, activities, games and other ways to interact with the information.But for now,most of the books are just words on a screen. 【解题导语】本文主要是将传统的课程资料和电子教材进行比较,哪一种更好呢?看看文中 是怎么说的。 1The underlined word “ them” in the fourth paragraph refers to_. Auniversity students Btextbooks and course

20、 materials Clap top computers De-textbooks 答案D词义推断题。第四段第一句提出问题“ So what do students think of e- textbooks? ” 可 知,后面的them 指代的是e-textbooks。故选 D。 2We can learn from the passage that_. Ait is against law to share e-textbooks among students Bstudents in Missouri State University cant afford to buy textbo

21、oks Ce-textbooks will not be available when the term is over Dmost students refuse e-textbooks though they are cheap 答案C推理判断题。根据文章第三段第三句可知C 项正确; A 项内容文章没有提到;根 据文章第四段最后一句可知B 项错误,根据文章第六段最后一句可知D 项是错的。 3Missouri State University_. Arequires students to buy both laptop computers and textbooks Bmakes a lo

22、t of money by renting textbooks to students Cencourages students to use the e- textbooks to save money Dforbids the use of ordinary textbooks to lighten their backpacks 答案C细节理解题。根据文章第四段特别是最后一句可知,C 项是最佳答案。 4The survey made by Missouri State University shows that _. Amost popular college textbooks are

23、 still hard to download Bsome students havent got used to the new reading habits Cthe computer costs affect the popularity of e- textbooks greatly De-textbooks caused a sharp increase in students rental fee 答案B推理判断题。由第六段“ But most found that using e-textbooks did not change their study habits.paper.

24、” 可知 B 项正确,故选B。 B We dont know how different out future will be in the future.We can only try to imagine it. At first we think about human relationship.In the year 2050,we will use computers almost every day. We will be making new friends through the Interneteven our husbands or wives will be met in

25、 this way.It will be much faster and easier for us.On the other hand, our relationships with people wont be as important as they are today we will feel a little lonely. Computers will also help us in many other activities in 2050.For example,they will be used by the children at school to make their

26、learning easier.In addition ,there will be much more other machines which will play a similar role as computers,like robots which will do the housework for us. Spending holidays will also be completely different.Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.Means of transp

27、ort will , of course, change, too.We will be using solar-powered cars,which will be much more environmentally friendly. We could expect that the faster technological progress would lead to a more polluted environment.But it isnt true.We will pay more attention to protecting the environment.And , sci

28、entists will probably find cures for many dangerous diseases ,like cancer or AIDS. Therefore ,our surroundings as well as health will be in better condition. Although we cant predict the exact changes which will be made in the world, we often think about them.We worry about our and our childrens fut

29、ure ; we have expectations, hopes as well as fears.But I think we should be rather sanguine about our future.We should be happy and believe good things will happen. 【解题导语】2050 的生活会是什么样的?设想一下。 5Why will people probably feel a little lonely in 2050? ABecause the number of people will become much small

30、er. BBecause there will be less face-to-face communication. CBecause people wont like making friends with each other. DBecause people wont communicate with each other much often. 答案B推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可知,在2050 年,人们主要通过电脑进行交流, 而很少进行面对面的交流,人与人之间的关系也就淡薄了,因此那时的人们会感到有点孤独。 6The third paragraph mainly tells us_

31、. Athat computers will do all the things for human beings Bhow people will use computers to communicate with each other Cthat machines like computers and robots will help people a lot Dhow people will use robots to do the housework 答案C主旨大意题。根据第三段的内容可知,计算机和机器人等机器会给人类很大的帮 助,故选C。 7According to the pass

32、age,which of the following will happen in 2050? AThe relationship between people will be more important than today. BThe way of spending holidays will be the same as that of today. CIt wont be difficult for people to travel to other planets. DOur environment will be much more polluted with a growing

33、 number of cars. 答案C推理判断题。 根据第二段的our relationships with people wont be as important as they are today 可知 A 项不正确;根据第四段的Spending holidays will also be completely different.可 知 B 项不正确;根据第四段的Traveling to other planets or to the moon will be available for everyone.可知C 项正确;根据倒数第二段的We will pay more attenti

34、on to protecting the environment.Therefore ,our surroundings as well as health will be in a better condition.可知 D 项不正确。 8The underlined word “ sanguine ” in the last paragraph most probably means “ _ ” Adisappointed Bsurprised Ccurious Doptimistic 答案D词义猜测题。根据文章最后一句话可以猜测出作者认为我们对未来应该持积极乐 观的态度,故选D 项。 .

35、短文改错 下面短文中有10 处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。 删除 :把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改 :在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意 :1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改10 处,多者 (从第 11 处起 )不计分。 My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day.She liked it at once.Then she bent down and picked up to look at a

36、price on it.As she did this ,lots of tea splashed on his !I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face !My sister was about get out of the shop as quickly as she could while a shop assistant came over to us.It was turned out to be her own cup,that shed left on the shelf by mistake.The assist

37、ant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister ,but I just thought it was funny! 答案My sister saw a lovely cup when we are were shopping the other day.She liked it at once.Then she bent down and picked it up to look at a the price on it.As she did this , lots of tea splashed on his her Tshirt!I had to

38、try hardly hard not to laugh at her shocked face !My sister was about to get out of the shop as quickly as she could while when a shop assistant came over to us.It was turned out to be her own cup,that which shed left on the shelf by mistake.The assistant was clearly as embarrassing embarrassed as my sister, but I just thought it was funny!


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