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1、学习必备欢迎下载 初中英语分类练习 句子种类与简单句的基本句型 一、句子种类: . 句型转换(按要求完成句子) 1. Those children are students.(否定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 2. We can see a lot of girls in the picture. ( 否定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 3. They will go to England for a visit. (否定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 4. The young men arent having a party. (肯定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 5. She has been to Shanghai

2、already. ( 否定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 6. Dont be noisy, please. (用 quiet 改为肯定句 ,) 7. Stand in front of the class. ( 否定句 , 反意疑问句 ) 8. Both Mary and Tony are good students. ( 否定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 9. All the students in our class are going to visit the Science Museum. ( 否定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 10. There is an English test on Friday

3、. ( 反意疑问句 ) 11. There will be a report on Chinese history tomorrow. ( 否定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 12. Tom has his lunch in the school. ( 否定句 , 一般疑问句 , 反意疑问句 ) 13. John does his homework at home. (否定句 , 一般疑问句 , 反意疑问句 ) 14. He saw the TV news yesterday evening. ( 否定句 , 一般疑问句 , 反意疑问句 ) 15. I think you are right. ( 否

4、定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 16. This kind of car is made in Japan. ( 否定句 , 一般疑问句 ) 17. Arthur runs fastest in his class.( 就划线部分提问) _ runs fastest in his class? 18. Bob”s painting was put up on the wall of our school.( 同上 ) _ painting was put up on the wall of our school? 19. Chapter One is very difficult to learn.

5、 (同上 ) _ chapter is very difficult to learn? 20. Mary does her homework after supper in the evening. ( 同上 ) _ _ Mary _ after supper in the evening? 21. He has borrowed four books from the school library. ( 同上 ) _ _ he borrowed from the school library? 22. It took him 30 minutes to get there. ( 同上 )

6、_ _ _ it take him to get there? 23. My father is a teacher in the school. ( 同上 ) _ _ your father _ in the school? 24. It will be Wednesday the day after tomorrow. ( 同上 ) _ _ will it be the day after tomorrow? 25. There are Three thousand people in the factory. (同上 ) _ _ people _ _ in the factory? 26

7、. Linda s mother works in a big hotel. ( 同上 ) _ _ Linda s mother work? 27. They usually go to school by bus. ( 同上 ) _ _ they usually go to school? 28. They couldn t pass the exam because they didn t work hard. ( 同上 ) _ _ they pass the exam? 学习必备欢迎下载 29. He said something important at the meeting. (改

8、为否定句,一般疑问句) He _ _ _ important at the meeting. _ he _ _ important at the meeting? 30. I have to wash all the plates and things after meals. (划线提问) _ _ you have to wash all the plates and things? 31. The woman in the red coat is her mother. (划线提问) _ _ is her mother? 32. Li Ping spent twenty yuan on t

9、he dictionary. (划线提问) _ _ _ Li Ping _ on the dictionary? 33. Both of his parents are workers. (改成否定句) _ of his parents _ a worker. 34. He went to the park with his sister. (划线提问) _ _ _ he go to the park? 35. We really enjoyed working on the farm. (划线提问) What _ you really enjoy _? 36. She writes to h

10、er parents once a week.(划线提问) _ _ _ she write to her parents? 37. Our P.E teacher has been at this school since he came. (划线提问) _ _ _ our P.E teacher been at this school 38. Its ten minutes walk from my home to the school. (对划线部分提问) _ _is it from your home to the school? 39. She is going to be a nur

11、se in the future.( 对划线部分提问) _is she going to _in the future? 40. Allan will go back to England by plane next month. .( 对划线部分提问) _ _ Allan go back to England next month. 41. John went to see his grandmother once a week. .( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ John go to see his grandmother? 42. I have been to Beijing twic

12、e. .( 对划线部分提问) _ _ _ have you been to Beijing. 43. The old man can hardly dress himself.( 改为反意疑问句) The old man can hardly dress himself,_ _? 44.Jim is ill. Let s go and see him after school. (改为反意疑问句) Jim is ill. Let s go and see him after school,_ _? 45. I don t think his father knows English. ( 改为

13、反意疑问句) His father hardly knows English,_ _? 46. He thinks his aunt is right. ( 改为反意疑问句) He thinks his aunt is right,_ _? 47. Linda s just come back from America . ( 改为反意疑问句) Linda s just come back from America, _ _? 48. It is cold today. ( 改写成感叹句) How _ it is today! 49. She sings very well. ( 改写成感叹句

14、) _ well she sings! 50. He speaks English fluently! ( 改写成感叹句) 学习必备欢迎下载 _ _ he speaks English! .单项选择 ( )1、Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night,_ A. don t they B. didn t they C. did they D. do they ( )2、 -Youve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you ? -_. How I wish to visit the Dinosaur

15、 World. A. Yes, I have B. No, I haven t C. Certainly, I have D. Of course, I havent ( )3、His sister had a bad cough, _she? A. wasn t B. doesn t C. hadn t D. didn t ( )4、Mr. Green went to Shenzhen on business last week,_? A. isn t he B. doesn t he C. didn t he D. hasn t he ( )5、 John can hardly under

16、stand any Chinese, _he? A. Can t B. doesn t C. can D. does ( )6、Don t smoke in the meeting-room,_? A. do you B. will you C. can you D. could you ( )7、Lucy, you clean the blackboard today,_ A. do you B. did you C. will you D. can you ( )8、 Miss Cheng will never forget her first visit to Canada ,_? A.

17、 will she B. won t she C. isn t she d. wasn t she ( )9、The lady couldn t say a word when she saw the snake,_? A. could the lady B. couldn t the lady C. could she D. couldn t she ( )10、-_sweater is this? -I think it s Peter s. A. Who B. What C. Which D. Whose ( )11、-_I go and meet you at the airport?

18、 -No ,thanks, dear . I can take a taxi home. A. Will B. Do C. Shall D. Should ( )12、-_is the Confucian Temple( 孔庙 ) from here? - It s about 10 minutes walk. A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How far ( )13、-_may I keep these book? -two weeks. A. How often B. How far C. How long D. How soon ( )14

19、、Tina is unhappy now,_? A. isn t she B. is she C. is he D. did she ( )15、-_you _TV at the moment? -No ,you can turn it off. A. Did, watch B. Are ,watching C. Do ,watch D. Have , watched ( )16、-_do you go to Hong Kong? -sorry , I ve never been there. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon (

20、)17、A: _you ever _ the Great Wall? B: Only once. 学习必备欢迎下载 A. Did ,go B. Have , been to C. Have ,gone to D. Have ,been in ( )18、-You lent me some money a few months ago. -_? I don t remember lending you any money . A. Did I B. Did you C. Do I D. Do you ( )19、-_is it from here to Yancheng Railway Stat

21、ion? -About two kilometers. A. How often B. How far C. How soon D. How long ( )20、-Are you going to borrow a dictionary or a magazine? -_. A. Yes, a dictionary B. No, a magazine C. A dictionary D. Yes both ( )21、My uncle has never been to a foreign country,_? A. has he B. does he C. hasn t he D. doe

22、sn t he ( )22、There is some water in that bottle, isn t _ A. there B. it C. that D. those ( )23、-_will the foreign students be back from Nanjing. -In two days, I think . A. How soon B. How often C. How far D. How fast ( )24、-Have you seen the film Return Of the King ? -_. I going to see it tonight.

23、A. No , I didn t B. Yes ,I do C. Yes ,I have D. Not yet ( )25、-John, will you please paint the door yellow? -_? A. Why B. What is it C. How is it D. How about ( )26、-Let s go and play football,_? -That s wonderful. A. will you B. do you C. won t you D. shall we ( )27、-The boy has to stay at home to

24、look after his little sister,_? -Yes, because his mother has gone shopping. A. does he B. is he C. doesn t he D. hasn t he ( )28、-You won t follow his example, will you ? -_,I don t think he is right. A. No, I won t B. Yes, I will C. No, I will D. Yes, I won t ( )29、-_? -The one behind the tree. A.

25、Whose girl B. Who s that girl C. Which girl D. Where s the girl ( )30、_the population of china? A. How many B. How much C. How s D. Whats . 汉译英 (A)感叹句 1. 多棒的书啊! 2. 多么有趣的故事呀! 3. 多么漂亮的花呀! 4. 多么大的雪呀! 5. 多么诚实的孩子呀! 学习必备欢迎下载 6. 时间过得真快呀! 7. 好凉快呀! 8. 精彩极了! 9. 多么高的楼房呀! 10. 多么糟糕的天气呀! 11. 多么明亮的阳光呀! (B)主语 +谓语(S

26、+V) 1. 他们将接受建议。 2. 外国游客将于本周六抵达。 3. 在中国,人们经常吃饺子来庆祝春节。 4. 他和他的妻子两年前居住在英国。 5. 他们将飞往巴黎去参观博物馆。 6. 校长通常比老师们早到学校。 7. 渔民在四月份捕了很多鱼。 8. 他正喘着粗气。 9. 消防员正在体育馆里进行乒乓球比赛。 10. 长颈鹿和它的孩子正在森林里散步。 (C) 主语 +系动词 +表语(S+P+V ) 1. 那个年长的男人是我们工厂的工程师。 2. 教练们正在练习如何使用计算机。 3. 总统正在听音乐会。 4. 三明治和蔬菜在冰箱里。 5. 大学生们正在准备竞赛。 6. 他是一个著名的飞行员。 7.

27、 我觉得这个主意太好了。 8. 昨天我借的那本书非常有意思。 9. 对我来说解决这个问题是很重要的。 10. 那个婴儿看上去好像睡着了。 11. 天气变得越来越暖,花闻起来很香。 12. 他总是保持沉默。 13. 树叶在秋天变黄。 14. 我的体温看来是正常的。 (D) 主语 +及物动词 +宾语 1. 爸爸喜欢晚饭后看报纸。 2.他刚刚写完他的书法。 3.我们班长不想放弃数学。 4.我想知道你同意谁。 5.这位医生在给谁做手术? ( S+vi+prep+O ) 6.这些外国游客昨天晚间到达沈阳. 7.他害怕攀登。 8.或许我需要一些睡眠。 9.小婴儿不再哭泣啦。 10.玛丽喜欢听我说话。 11

28、.童年的时候我不知道怎样节约时间。 学习必备欢迎下载 12.那个俄国人想要买些葡萄酒。 (E) 主语 +谓语 +直接宾语 +间接宾语 13.王太太给他的丈夫买了一条领带作为生日礼物。 14.请给我看看那些艺术珍品。 15.她把她的笔记借给了她的秘书。 16.他的精神给了我很大的力量。 17.那个老妈妈给孩子们做了一些香肠。 18.他给我看了一些长城的照片。 19.经理借给了我一副手套。 20.这个新的手提包花了他600元。 21.我们把那些人叫欧洲人。 22.给我指一下走哪条道好吗? (F) 主语 +谓语 +宾语 +宾语补足语 23.他发现学习英语很重要。 24.约翰请我今天晚间帮他学物理。

29、25.没见到他们我不会让你走的。 26.有人看见他昨天夜里在街上哭。 27.你以前听过他唱歌吗? 28.前天我发现那个穿着红裙子的小女孩。 29.我们认为他是一个优秀的飞行员。 30.他告诉我什么也不要给你。 (G) There be 句型 31.杯子里有一点水。 32.路的两边有很多树。 32.桌子上有一把小刀,两把尺子和一块橡皮。 33.桌子上有5 本书1 个文具盒和3 个作业本。 34.刚才房子旁边有一辆自行车。 35.明天下午将有两场足球。 36.还有 20 棵树要种。 37.近 20 年来 ,我的家乡已有很大的变化。 38.几年来一直未下雨。 39.今晚可能还有一场地震。 40.他的

30、决定必定还有其他的理由。 41.没什么可担心的。 42.没什么时间了。 43.我的自行车出了毛病。 44.你没事了。 45.上个月每周一都有一个会议。 46.我的电脑似乎有点毛病。 47.那天碰巧有一个事故。 48.那儿有一座楼。 49.传来一个甜美的声音。 参考答案 . 学习必备欢迎下载 1. Those children aren t students. Are those children students? 2. We can t see many girls in the picture. Can we see many girls in the picture? 3. They w

31、on t go to England for a visit. Will they go to England for a visit? 4. The young men are having a party. Aren t the young men having a party? 5. She hasn t been to Shanghai yet. Has she been to Shanghai already? 6. Please be quiet. 7. Don t stand in front of the class. 7. Stand in front of the clas

32、s, will you? 8. Neither Mary nor Tony is a good student. 8. Are both Mary and Tony good students? 9. None of the students in our class is/are going to visit the Science Museum. Are all the students in our class going to visit the Science Museum? 10. There is an English test on Friday, isn t there? 1

33、1. There won t be a report on Chinese history tomorrow. Will there be a report on Chinese history tomorrow? 12. Tom doesn t have his lunch in the school. Does Tom have his lunch in the school? Tom has his lunch in the school, doesn t he? 13. John doesn t do his homework at home. Does John do his hom

34、ework at home? John does his homework at home, doesn t he? 14. He didn t see the TV news yesterday evening. Did he see the TV news yesterday evening? He saw the TV news yesterday evening, didn t he? 15. I don t think you are right. Do you think I m right? 16. This kind of car isn t made in Japan. 16

35、. Is this kind of car made in Japan? 17. Who 18. Whose 19. Which 20. What does, do 21. What has 22. How long did 23. What does, do 24. What day 25. How many, are there 26. Where does 27. How do 28. Why couldn t 29. didn t say anything; Did , say anything 30. When do 31. Which woman 32. How much did,

36、 spend 33. Neither, is 34. With whom did 35. did, doing 36. How often does 37. How long has 38. How far 39. What, be 40. How will 41. How often did 42. How many times 43. can he 44. shall we 45. does he 46. doesn t he 47. hasn t she 48.cold 49.How 50.How fluently 15 CBDCC 6-10 BCACD 11-15 CDCAB 16-2

37、0 BBABC 21-25 AAAAA 26-30 DCACD (A) 感叹句 1. What a wonderful book it is! 2. What an interesting story it is! 3. What beautiful flowers they are! 4. What heavy snow it is! 5. What an honest boy! 6. How time flies! 7. How cool! 8. How wonderful! 9. What tall buildings they are! / How tall the buildings

38、 are! 学习必备欢迎下载 10. What bad weather it is! / How bad the weather is! 11. What bright sunshine it is!/ How bright the sunshine is! (B) 主语 +谓语(S+V) 1. They will accept the advice. 2. The foreign visitors will arrive this Saturday. 3. In China, people often eat dumplings to celebrate the Spring Festiva

39、l. 4. He lived with his wife in England two years ago. 5. They will fly to Paris to visit the museum. 6. The principle often goes to school earlier than teachers. 7. The fisherman caught a lot of fish in April. 8. He is breathing heavily. 9. The firemen are playing table tennis in the gym. 10. The g

40、iraffe is walking with the baby in the forest. (C)主语 +系动词 +表语(S+P+V) 1. The elder man is our factory s engineer. 2. The coaches are practicing how to use computer. 3. The president is at the concert. 4. The sandwiches and vegetables are in the fridge. 5. The college students are preparing for the co

41、mpetition. 6. He is a famous pilot. 7. It sounds like a fantastic idea to me. 8. The book I borrowed yesterday is very interesting. 9. It is important for me to solve the problems. 10. The baby seemed to be asleep. 11. The weather gets warmer and warmer, and the flowers smell sweet. 12. He always ke

42、eps silent. 13. The leaves turn brown in autumn. 14. My temperature seems all right. (D)主语 +及物动词 +宾语 1. Father likes reading newspapers after supper. 2. He has just finished his handwriting. 3. Our monitor doesn t want to give up maths. 4. I wonder whom you agree with. 5. Who is this doctor operatin

43、g on? 6. These foreign travelers arrived in Shenyang yesterday evening. 7. She is afraid of climbing. 8. Maybe I need some sleep. 9. The baby stopped crying. 10. Mary enjoys listen ing to me. 11. I didn t know how to save time at the age of my childhood. 12. That Russian would like to buy some wine.

44、 (E) 主语 +谓语 +直接宾语 +间接宾语 13. Mrs. Wang bought a tie for her husband as his birthday present. 14. Please show us those art treasures. 15. She lent her notebooks to her secretary. 16.His spirit gave me much energy. 17. The old woman made some sausages for the kids. 18. He showed me some pictures of the

45、 Great Wall. 19. The manager lent me a pair of gloves. 20. This new handbag cost him six hundred yuan. 学习必备欢迎下载 21. We call those people from Europe European. 22. Would you show us which way to take? (F) 主语 +谓语 +宾语 +宾语补足语 23. He found it important to learn English. 24. John will ask me to help him w

46、ith his physics this evening. 25. I won t let you go without seeing them. 26. Someone saw him crying in the street last night. 27. Have you heard her sing before ? 28. I found the girl in a red dress the day before yesterday. 29.We found him a excellent pilot. 30. He told me not to give you anything. (G)There be 句型 31. There is a little water in the glass. 32. There are a lot of trees on each side of the road. 33. There is a knife , two rulers and an eraser. 34. There are five books a pencil-case and three exercise books. 35. There was a bike near the house a moment ago.


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