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1、学习必备欢迎下载 八年级英语上册第六单元综合测试题 一单项选择。(15 分) ()1. Your school bag is nicer than _. A. hers B.her C. him D it ()2. -Is English _than history? -No,English isnt so _as history. A. easier; more difficult B. difficult; more difficult C.more difficult;easier D. more difficult; difficult ()3. His homework is_wor

2、se than mine. A. more B. quite C. even D. too ()4. Now Mike studies _than beofore. A. more careful B. much careful C. much carefully D. more carefully ()5. Tom is _ than any other boy in his class. A.tall B. taller C. tallest D.the tallest ()6. -Hey, Jally!Dont you remember me? -Yeah, I remember you

3、 very well. We are _on the swim team last year. A. neither B. both C. all D.either ()7. This blue bike is too expensive,could you shoe me _one ? A.cheap B. cheaper C. more cheap D. cheapest ()8. She called you for _. A. many information B. much informations C.more information D. .more informations (

4、)9. They are twins,but they look_. A. same B. the same C.different D.common ()10. I have nothing _common with Kate. A. on B. at C. of D. in ()11. -I don t know which T-hirt was_. So I took them both. -Y es, its really difficult to choose. A. better B. well C. best D. good ()12. _it is dark now, _the

5、 workers go on working there. A.Though; but B. Though; / C. But; though D. / ; though ()13. Li Ming and Lin Tao _ black eyes. A. has B. have both C. both haveD. both has ()14. John is _ than Peter. A. funnier B. fun C. funny D. more funny ()15. An elephant is _ than a tiger. A. heavy B. very heavy C

6、. the heaviest D. heavier 二完形填空。(10 分) All parents love their children.Many parents want their kids to ( 1 ) _well-known people when they(2)_.Most of them want their kids to live better than others.Many of them (3)_their kids will be singers or actors. Actors and singers can(4)_money easily in our c

7、ountry.When they appear in the advertisement,they will get (5)_money which a farmer or a worker cant make 学习必备欢迎下载 all his life. Some of the parents want their kids to be businessmen(6)_ doctors. If they work hard, they will have cars and big houses in several(7)_.Some parents want their kids to wor

8、k in cities and towns.They dont (8)_them to work in the countryside.People who work in the cities and towns can get money after the (9)_.If you are a famous man, especially an actor, youll get much but pay a little. A farmer is (10)_-he gets little but pays much. ()(1) A.do B.become C.like D.work ()

9、(2) A.grow up B.get up C.stand up D.set up ()(3) A.make B.like C.love D.hope ()(4) A.lose B.make C.remember D.take ()(5) A.many B.a little C.much D.a few ()(6) A.or B.and C.but D.else ( )(7) A.days B.weeks C.years D.moths ()(8) A.paly B.need C.enjoy D.want ()(9) A.retire B.leave C.die D.move ()(10)A

10、.happy B.different C.rich D.lucky 三阅读理解( 20分) A. Alice has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals,. Pedro is her husband. He works in an factory. He is often very tired after a days work. Every day, he can have dinner when he gets home from his factory. One day,Pedro came home very late beca

11、use he was very busy in the factory.He was very hungry when he got home . He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very angry with his wife.He shouted at her,” I m going out to eat in a restaurant.”“ wait for five minutes, ”said his wife. “ Why?Do you think that dinner will be

12、 ready in five minutes? ”asked Pedro. “Of course not.” she answered.”But I can be ready to go with you in five minutes.” ()1. Pedro is _. A.a factory worker B. an office worker C. a teacher in a school ()2. Alice stays at home because _. A.she llikes cooking B. she loves her huasband C.she doesn t h

13、ave ajob ()3. One day,Pedro came home very late because _. A. he was hungry B. he had a lot of work to do C.he was angry with his wife ()4. Pedro was _when he found his dinner was not ready. A.happy B. not happy C. hungry ()5.Which sentence is true? A. Alice could have dinner ready in five minutes.

14、B.Alice wanted to go to the restaurant with her husband. C .Alice didnt like the dinner at home. B Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other, sometimes they were not. But all of their classmates said they were like brothers. 学习必备欢迎下载 One day they went out for a walk toge

15、ther. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked , “What can I do for you?“ “Please bring us two apples first.” said Tom. When the waiter put two apples on the table , Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry, “You are imp

16、olite,Mike. Why don t you take the smaller one?“ Tom said. “But I am right. ”said Mike with a smile , “if I let you take first, which one will you choose?“ “Of course I11 take the smaller one. “said Tom. “Yes. ”Mike said, “If you take the smaller one,the bigger one will still be mine. Dont you think

17、 so?“ “Oh!“Tom couldn t answer. ()1. Tom and Mike were_ A. always kind to each other B. sometimes kind to each other C. dear brothers ( )2. Mike thought only about_ when they were having lunch. A. himself B. Tom C. his parents ()3. The waiter gave them _ A. two eggs B. two apples C. three oranges ()

18、4. Tom took the_ apple. A. better B. bigger C. smaller ()5. Who took the apple first? _ A. Mike B. Tom C. Both Tom and Mike 四、短文填空() It was Mr Hills birthday. He was one (1)_ years old and many people came to his birthday party. A reporter (记者) came to the party and (2)_ him a few questions. “Many p

19、eople want to know (3)_ you live long, ” the reporter said, “Could you tell us (4)_ it?” “That is I (5)_ get up at six in the morning,” said Hill. “And have three (6)_ a day. Never drink.” “(7)_,” said the reporter, “my uncle also did so, and he (8)_ lived to be eighty. (9)_ do you think of that?” “

20、He didn t keep (10)_ long enough,” was the old mans answer. 五、用单词的适当形式填空 1. He sings _ (well) than his sister. 2. Mr Green is _ ( serious) than Mr Brown. 3. The sun is _( big) than the earth. 4. Unit 4 is _ ( difficult) than Unit 5. 5. My mother is _ (young) than your mother is. 6. Bob enjoys _ (tel

21、l) jokes. only, it, hundred, ask, meal, about, always, how, what, about, but, 学习必备欢迎下载 7. It is very necessary for us _ (read) English in the morning. 8. He can hardly make the baby _ (stop) crying. 9. The movie is very _ and I am _ in it. ( interest) 10. Both of _ (they) are outgoing. 六、完成句子 (20 )

22、1. 他多久时间拜访祖父母一次?他每月拜访祖父母3 到 4 次。 How _ does he visit his grand parents? He _his grandparents _ or _ _ a month. 2. 我姐姐和我一样。我们都很外向。 My sister is the _ _ me. We are both _. 3. 我们应该每天打扫教室。 We should _ our _ every day. 4. 小明擅长游泳 Xiao Ming is _ _ _. 5. 你看上去和你的妹妹长得一样你们是双胞胎吗? You and your sister _ _ _. Are

23、you twins? 6. 你认为谁应该得到这份工作?_ do you think should _ this job ? 7. 我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。We _ like _ to parties. 七书面表达。(15 分) 请你谈谈你和你的好朋友的相同点和区别。从外表、性格和爱好三方面描述。 不 少于 60 词。 1、在某些方面我们看起来一样。 2、我们都喜欢购物和看电视 3、我们都喜欢打网球,但他不能打败我。 4、我们都擅长学业; 5、在某些方面我们看起来不同; 6、她比我高、瘦。 7、我比她外向; 8、她比我镇静,内向; 9、我比她活跃; 10、我们总是很高兴。 学习必备欢迎下载 【能

24、力提升】 语法练习 1. My sister is _ more outgoing than me. A. more B. most C. a little D. little 2. Li Ming and Lin Tao _ black eyes. A. has B. have both C. both haveD. both has 3. John is _ than Peter. A. funnier B. fun C. funny D. more funny 4. I _ a primary school student two years ago. A. am B. was C. b

25、eD. were 5. He likes to do the same things _ me. A. in B. on C. likeD. as 中考链接 1. Li Lei s parents _ doctors.(烟台 2007) A. are all B. are both C. all are D. both are 2. An elephant is _ than a tiger.(德州 2008) A. heavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavier 3. He is not as _ as his younger brother.(

26、临沂 2008) A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest 4. Usually Xiao Li spends _ time doing homework than Xiao Chen does.(江苏 2008) A. little B. less C. few D. fewer 5. Which do you like _,apples or oranges?( 徐州 2007) A. best B. good C. well D. better 快乐阅读 Tom and Mike were good friends. Some

27、times they were kind to each other, sometimes they were not. But all of their classmates said they were like brothers. One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked,“What can I do for you?“

28、 “Please bring us two apples first.” said Tom. When the waiter put two apples on the table, Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry, “You are impolite ,Mike. Why don t you take the smaller one?“ Tom said. “ But I am right. ” said Mike with a smile , “if I let you take first, which one will y

29、ou choose?“ “ Of course I 11 take the smaller one. “said Tom. “Yes.” Mike said ,“If you take the smaller one , the bigger one will still be mine. Dont you think so?“ “Oh!“Tom couldn t answer. 1. Tom and Mike were_ A. always kind to each other B. sometimes kind to each other C. dear brothers D. frien

30、ds of different school 2. Mike thought only about _ when they were having lunch. A. himself B. Tom C. his parents D. his friends 学习必备欢迎下载 3. The waiter gave them _ A. two eggs B. two apples C. three oranges D. some milk 4. Tom took the_ apple. A. better B. bigger C. smaller D. worse 5. Who took the

31、apple first? _ A. Mike B. Tom C. Both Tom and Mike D. The waiter Section B 【目标呈现】 知识目标: 词汇: schoolwork laugh opposite interest though necessary beat care friendship information 短语: primary school ,the same as ,be good at/do well in ,beat sb ,have good grades ,be good with childern 句型: 1. A good frie

32、nd likes to the same things as me. 2. I like to have friends who are like me. 3. It s not necessary to be the same. 语法:形容词、副词的比较级和最高级 能力目标: 能对人物的外表进行描绘,个性进行比较. 情感目标: 正确看待自己和他人的优缺点,以便扬长避短。 教师寄语: One today is worth two tomorrow. 充分利用好今天能抵得上两个明天。 【基础巩固】 自主学习 一 、词语检测 1. Tom is strong and healthy. He is

33、a_. 2. T_ he was poor, he was very happy. 3. His jokes make us all l_ loudly. 4. The museum is o_ to the cinema. 5. Although there are some d_ between the twins, it is still difficult to find out who is the elder sister. 二 、短语互译 1. a photo of Lucy_ 2. look the same_ 3. 看起来不一样_ 4. 多于 _ 5. do well in_

34、 6. 讲笑话 _ 7. 惹某人笑 _ 8. stop doing_ 9. beat sb. _ 学习必备欢迎下载 0. as as _ 三 、根据提示完成句子 1.我喜欢交像我一样的朋友。_ 2. 我喜欢交和我不一样的朋友。_ 3.没有必要一样。_ 4.我认为差异对于友谊来说并不重要。_ 5. _ 知识要点 all 和 both 的用法与区别 all 代表或修饰两个以上的人或事物,或不可数的东西。可以做主语、表语、同位语和定语。 例句: All of us like to eat potato chips. (作主语) =We all like to eat potato cjips. (作

35、同位语) 我们所有的人都喜欢吃薯条。 You have not eaten all (of) the bread. 你的面包没有吃完。 both 是指 “ 两者都 ” ;而 all 是指 “ 三个或三个以上的人或物都” ,可以作主语、宾语、 同位语和定语。注意它们的区别: 例句: They were all waiting outside the gate. 他们(三个以上)都在大门外等着。 They were both waiting outside the gate. 他们两个都在大门外等着。 随堂达标 一 、单项选择 1. Is your brother good at _basketb

36、all? Yes, he is. A. to play B. plays C. played D. playing 2. This book is _ as that one. A. same B. different C. the same D. difference 3.We all like Tina , so she is very _ in school A. pretty B. beautiful C. funny D. popular 4. Mary likes to have friends who are different _her. A. at B. of C. from

37、 D. for 5. Sandy is _ at playing soccer than Simon. A. better B. good C. well D. best 二 、用单词的适当形式填空 1. Bob enjoys _ (tell) jokes. 2. It is very necessary for us _ (read) English in the morning. 3. He can hardly make the baby _ (stop) crying. 4. The movie is very _ and I am _ in it. ( interest) 5. 6.

38、 Both of _ (they) are outgoing. 6. He sings _ (well) than his sister. 7. Here are some _ (photo) for you 三 、完成句子 1. 刘英不像她姐姐那样擅长运动。 学习必备欢迎下载 _ 2. 一个好朋友喜欢和我做相同的事情。 _ 3. 李强比李壮胖得多。 _ 4.Lucy 和 Lily 都喜欢滑冰。 _ 5.尽管天在下雨,工人们没有停止工作。 _ 6.我们两个都喜欢参加聚会。 _ 四 、短文填空 It was Mr Hill s birthday. He was one (1)_ years ol

39、d and many people came to his birthday party. A reporter ( 记者 ) came to the party and (2)_ him a few questions. “ Many people want to know (3)_ you live long,” the reporter said, “ Could you tell us (4)_ it? ” “ That is I (5)_ get up at six in the morning,” said Hill. “ And have three (6)_ a day. Ne

40、ver drink.” “ (7)_,” said the reporter, “ my uncle also did so, and he (8)_ lived to be eighty. (9)_ do y ou think of that?” “ He didn t keep (10)_ long enough,” was the old man s answer. 【能力提升】 语法练习 1. He plays baseball _. He is _ at sports A. well, well B. good, good C. well, good D. good, well 2.

41、 _ they look different, they have some similarities. A. But B. As C. Although D. When 3. I m a little _ than my brother, A. tall B. taller C. the tall D. the taller 4. He was too tired,so he _. A. stopped resting B. stopped to rest C. stopped to work D. stops working 5. How do you feel today, Ted? I

42、 feel _ better today, thank you. A. more B. little C. a few D. a little 6. Of the two man, who is your father? _ of them is my father. A. Neither B. Both C. None D. Either 中考链接 1. Tom is _ than Jim.( 黄石 2006) A. short B. very shorter C. shortest D. a little shorter 2. As a teacher, he is quite popul

43、ar_ his students.(南京 2007) A. to B. in C. for D. with only, it, hundred, ask, meal, about, always, how, what, about, but, 学习必备欢迎下载 3. You must drive _ next time.( 浙江 2008) A. more carefully B. carefully C. careful D. more careful 4. _ did you like the trip to Hainan? It was wonderful.( 山西 2007) A. When B. How C. Where D. What 5. Betty didn t come to school yesterday _ she was ill.(济宁 2008) A. Because B. Though C. When D. As 小试身手 六书面表达。 (15 分) 请你谈谈你和你的好朋友的相同点和区别。从外表、 性格和爱好三方面描述。不少于 60 词。


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