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1、高二英语(上)期末复习讲义 单词拼写: 1.When comparing different cultures, people usually pay more attention to the d_ than similarities. 2.He speaks English with a strong American a_. 3.Believe it or not. Though it sounds u_, it is a true fact. 4.I feel it e_ to forget the lines while singing in public. 5.Students s

2、hould be encouraged to p_ in school activities. 6.The food was _(分析)and found it contained amounts of poison. 7.I suggest you get your parents _(同意)before you travel alone. 8.He was filled with _ (雄心) to become famous all over the world. 9.Respecting the old and taking care of the young is a t_ in C

3、hina. 10. Both views are incorrect and all such confusing ideas must be c_. 11. The _(积累)of knowledge is very important. 12. These desks and seats can be a_ to the height of each child. 13. You haven t done the job _ (合适地) . You will have to do it again. 14. G_ speaking, young women like it better t

4、han older women do. 15. In China there are 55 m_. 16. Leifengs s_ encourages a lot of people to help others. 17. Please give me an a_ of your adventure to Africa. 18. Since 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has had p_ over China. 19. Whats the common _ (程序) for regestering a mailbox? 20. Don t make

5、any rude r_ about his disability. 21. He fell from his bike and his right arm was _ (稍微) injured. 22. Erhu is a traditional musical i_ in China. 23. Of all the teams p_in the competition, I think the Oxford team will win. 24. The man feels unhappy because his wife often_( 误解 ) him. 25. He is one of

6、those who are not satisfied with the _(招待,接待 ). 26. It took years for the native people to accept these European _ (定居者) . 27. On his first trip to America , my father bought lots of _(纪念品)for our relations. 28. Eating _(火鸡) is one of American people s traditions of celebrating Thanksgiving. 29. Whe

7、n visiting other countries, we should follow the local customs to behave in an a_way. 30. The opening c_ of the 29 th Olympic Games was just wonderful! 31.- What s your n_? -Im Chinese. 32. I don t have much b_in his honesty. 33. We must work harder to live up to our parents e_. 34. C_ about his hea

8、lth, I went to the hospital as soon as I got off the train. 35. His advice _(关于,涉及) the school reform has been taken seriously. 36.The party was the largest social _(集会 )of the season. 37. Can you give me a _( 概要 ) of your speech? 38. The nation wants peace, only a m_ want the war to continue. 39. W

9、hat a _ ( 盛宴 )!” she said, surveying all the dishes on the table. 40. You looked _(同等地 )nice in both dresses-I wouldn t know which one to advise you to buy. 41. Please put the meat into the oven to _( 烤)it for dinner. 42. A m_ person is one who enjoys making or listening to music. 单项选择: 1.A professo

10、r of nursing is leading the animal-assisted study _ the influence of robotic dogs on old people s depression and physical activity. A. concerning B. concerned C. connecting D. to be connected 2. -As a man he is too short, I think. -But_ that, he is an excellent gymnastic athlete. A. in addition to B

11、. in spite of C. thanks to D. because of 3. Im certain David s told you his business troubles. _, it s no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank. A. However B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though 4. The difference _ character _the twins is known to his parents. A. on; of B. in; between C. of; in D

12、. on; between 5.-How do Amercians like to be called? -Most of them don t object _ them by their first name. A. that I call B. for calling C. to my calling D. to call 6. The five mascots for the 2008 Olympic Games are lovely, cute and quick. _, I can t speak too highly of them. A. In a word B. By the

13、 way C. As a result D. On the contrary 7. It is _ that he won t adopt your advice, so it makes no sense trying to persuade him to do so. A. aware B. sure C. possible D. plain 8. A dog can be a good _when you are alone. A. company B. duty C. companion D. competitor 9. I_with my uncle and aunt because

14、 my parents have gone abroad for a holiday. A. stayed B. am staying C. have stayed D. was staying 10. What he did in the experiment was quite good. We must _ his age. A. take notice of B. take charge of C. take advantage of D. take account of 11. The mail was _for two days because of the heavy snow

15、storm in North China. A. held out B. held up C. held off D. held down 12. The naughty boy , with his hands _ on the stomach, pretended to have a pain. A. press B. pressing C. pressed D. to press 13. Don t forget go outside to breathe _ fresh air and have some exercise each day. It will make _BCADC d

16、ifference. A. the ; a B. / ; a C. /; the D. a; the 14. -Tom, it s 10 oclock . You really must get up at once! -_, if you must. A. No, I needn t B. It doesn t matter C. Sorry, but I won t D. All right 15. He becomes gloomy whenever it _ the failure of his experiment on human genes. A. speaks of B. re

17、fers to C. comes to D. focuses on 16. -Oh, must you go? Stay a little longer. It s been such fun _ you here. -Thanks, but I have to go. I have an early start tomorrow morning. A. have B. to have C. having D. being had 17. As a matter of fact, the document they drew up at the meeting has _ the situat

18、ion; that is, the company must get a qualified leader as soon as possible, or else, it will close down. A. declared B. clarified C. adopted D. adjusted 18. If it were not for the fact that she _ sing, I would invite her to the party. A. couldn t B. shouldn t C. can t D. might not 19. To all the peop

19、le here _the honor for the success. A. belong to B. belongs to C. belong to D. belongs 20. -What are the events like? -Several eyewitnesses _ differed from the official version of events. A. accounts B. opinions C. advice D. explanations 21. -Excuse me, could you tell me the _ a week? -70 pounds a w

20、eek, if you are the person we want, it will be more. A. salary B. wage C. money D. income 22. Though he is a _American , it is strange that he s got a strong French_. A. local; speech B. local; accent C. native; speech D. native; accent 23. If John _his legs in the last training, he would join in th

21、e coming World Cup, which he has been longing to compete in. A. didn t hurt B. hadn t been hurt C. wasn t hurt D. hadn t hurt 24.Though you may hate some customs in other countries, _, you must remember “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” A. generally B. therefore C. otherwise D. anyway 25. When w

22、ill the government _ its position on eaqual pay for women? A. explain B. clarify C. tell D. suggest 26. At the _ of the headmaster, the students plan to set up a music club at school. A. approval B. agreement C. objection D. appointment Keys for Module 6 Unit 3: 1.differences 2. accent 3. unbelievab

23、le 4. embarrassing 5. participate 6. analysed 7. approval 8.ambition 9. tradition 10. clarified 11. accumulation 12. adjusted 13. properly 14. Generally 15. minorities 16. spirit 17. account 18. power 19. procedure 20. remarks 21. slightly 22. instrument 23. participating 24. misunderstands 25. reception 26. settlers 27. souvenirs 28. turkey 29. appropriate 30. ceremony 31. nationality 32. belief 33. expectations 34. Concerned 35. concerning 36. gathering 37. summary 38. minority 39.feast 40 equally 41. roast 42. musical 1-5 ABBBC 6-10 ADCBD 11-15 BCADC 16-20 CBCDA 21-26 BDDDBA


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