2017-2018学年度深圳市龙岗区初中英语七年级下Unit 5单元测试题.docx

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1、七年级(下)Unit 5能力测试题笔试部分(85分)第一卷 选择题(55分)I.词汇测试。(10分)i)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)()1. How was your journey to China?It was great. I hope to go there again.A. supportB. programmeC. trip()2. Dont forget to return the bike to Sam.OK, Mom.A. take outB. give backC. lend to()3. After a sho

2、rt break, the scientists continue doing the experiment.How hard-working they are!A. go onB. take inC. look for()4. The apple is a bit dirty. Let me wash it for you.Thank you, Miss Wang.A. a lotB. a fewC. a little()5. Sir, please turn off your cellphone. Our plane is going to take off (起飞).Oh, sorry.

3、 I will do it right now.A. throw awayB. switch offC. leave forii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共5小题,每小题1分)()6. If something is _, it is very useful and important.A. valuableB. convenientC. harmful()7. To _ something is to make it start to exist and develop (发展).A. forgetB. formC. save()8. Can

4、 you help me put some _ into the soup? It is too fresh.No problem.A. energyB. chemicalsC. salt()9. Could you keep your _ down? The baby is sleeping.Oh, lam sorry. I will go out to answer the phone.A. voiceB. careC. diary()10. The lake was very beautiful but now it is going to _. Yes. It may disappea

5、r one day.A. wake upB. give upC. dry upII.完形填空。(15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分)Rosie loves bedtime, because her dad always tells her all kinds of stories.But that night, Mom 11 Rosie to bed instead. “Dad is 12 Mom told Rosie. “And I can tell you a story if you want me to

6、.” Then her mom would tell Rosie a story. But to Rosie, it wasnt the same. She felt 13. She didnt want Dad to be sick, and she 14 the story time with Dad. She thought maybe Dad missed the story time too. A(n) 15 came to her mind. Rosie jumped out of her bed. She decided (决定) to go to her parents 16.

7、 She knocked on the door. “17,” Dad said. When Rosie opened the door, Dad smiled and said, “Im 18. Im going to miss (错过) the story time tonight.” Rosie sat on her dads bed. She said, “No, you wont. Im going to tell you a story.” So Rosie told Dad a story. Dad loved the story and he fell asleep with

8、a 19 on his face. “I love you, Dad Get well 20 please,” Rosie said in a low voice.()11. A. leftB. tookC. tied()12. A. sleepyB. hurtC. sick()13. A. interestedB. excitedC. sad()14. A. missedB. finishedC. forgot()15. A. dreamB. ideaC. hobby()16. A. bandB. bathroomC. bedroom()17. A. Come in B. Wake up C

9、. Go away()18. A. sorryB. nervous C. bored()19. A. joke B. problem C. smile()20. A. brightly B. quickly C. slowlyIII.阅读理解。(30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)ANoticeThere will be an English speech next Monday afternoon. More information about it is as follows.Topic:How to help teena

10、gers deal with (处理) their unhappy feelings.Speaker: Tracy GreenShe is a famous psychologist (心理学家). She comes from Oxford University. She has good ways to help middle school students solve their problems.Time: 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m., April 16, 2018Place: Room 518, Blue Sky BuildingAttention:Arrive ten

11、minutes early. Dont be late.Ask your students to study in the classroom by themselves between 2:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. next Monday.Welcome to the speech!Teaching Affairs Office21. The speech is probably for _.A. doctorsB. studentsC. teachersD. patients()22. What is the speech mainly about?A. How to s

12、tudy English well.B. How to become a psychologist.C. How to make friends at school.D. How to deal with students unhappy feelings.()23. How long will the speech last?A. For one hour.B. For one and a half hours.C. For two hours.D. For two and a half hours.()24. The students will _ next Monday afternoo

13、n according to the information above.A. study by themselves in the classroomB. go to the speech with their teachersC. have a party in Room 518, Blue Sky BuildingD. have a chance to talk about their problems with Tracy Green()25. What can we know about Tracy Green?A. Tracy Green will give the speech

14、in Chinese.B. Tracy Green is an English teacher in the school.C. Tracy Green will give the speech on May 18, 2018.D. Tracy Green is good at helping students solve their problems.BSan Francisco is a big city in the USA. Julia lives in the city with her family. Today the weather here is cloudy and rea

15、lly hot. Its 3:00 in the morning and Julia is sleeping in her bed. She is dreaming about a vacation. The summer vacation is coming. In her dream, she is on a beach in Acapulco, Mexico. She is staying on the beach and watching the sea. The water is blue and warm, and the beach is white and clean. Som

16、e white clouds are in the sky. The wind cools the heat (热) of the sun. Julia is wearing a pink skirt. She is having a cold drink with some ice-cream in it. Julia can hear a mariachi playing traditional music beautifully in a nearby restaurant. Julia can see green trees and nice flowers here and ther

17、e. These flowers are yellow, pink, red and blue. Julia can see some people on the beach too. Theyre dancing and singing. Everyone enjoys their life. Julia feels happy, and she is still in her dream.()26. Hows the weather in San Francisco today?A. Windy and cool.B. Sunny and hot.C. Cloudy and hot.D.

18、Rainy and cold.()27. From the passage, we can know that Julia is _ in her dream.A. in a white skirtB. playing musicC. staying on the beachD. eating ice-cream at the restaurant()28. What does the underlined word “mariachi” mean?A. An animal.B. A musician.C. A kind of plant.D. A kind of food.()29. Whi

19、ch of the following is NOT true?A. Julia is still sleeping now.B. Julia is staying in the USA now.C. Julia is living with her family now.D. Julia is on vacation with her parents now.()30. What is the best tile for the passage?A. A terrible trip.B. A beautiful dream.C. A nice skirt.D. A happy family.

20、CJacques Cousteau was born on 11 June, 1910 in France. He studied the sea and all forms of life in water. He loved the beautiful colors and the beautiful fish in the sea.One day, when he was taking photos under the sea, he saw some colorful coral reefs (珊瑚礁) were dead and grey. He wanted to know why

21、 and he found a factory near the sea poured waste water into the sea. Jacques Cousteau was very sad and he decided to tell people it was important to protect the environment under the sea. He started to make an organization (组织) to help people to protect life in the sea.Water covers most of the Eart

22、h, so Cousteau knew that we should keep the sea clean. We should not throw litter into the sea, and we should clean up the dirty parts of the sea. He encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.Jacques Cousteau died of a heart attack on 25 June 1997. He made a g

23、reat contribution to(对作出很大的贡献) the environment of the sea.()31. Why were some colorful coral reefs dead and grey?A. Because the waste water polluted the sea.B. Because there was not enough water in the sea.C. Because some fish in the sea ate them.D. Because people near the sea cut them off.()32. Wha

24、t did Jacques Cousteau do to advise people to protect the environment?A. He wrote a book.B. He gave a speech.C. He set up an organization.D. He built a factory.()33. How old was Jacques Cousteau when he died?A. 83 years old.B. 85 years old.C. 87 years old.D. 89 years old.()34. What might Jacques Cou

25、steau be?A. A conservationist (自然环境保护主义者).B. A fisherman.C. A science teacher.D. A swimmer.()35. What is the passage about?A. How to protect the sea.B. A man who protected the sea.C. All forms of life in water.D. A great organization.DPeople in the world need to save water. This may seem strange to

26、you because nearly 71% of the Earth is covered with water. But we need to know that most of the water is sea water, or salt water. People cant use it directly (直接地). Only 2.5% of the water is fresh water. People can drink and use it. And the fresh water is from rivers, lakes and other sources. But n

27、ow we cant use all of that, because some of it is dirty. Some of you may think that the fresh water is still enough for us today, but our need for water is becoming larger and larger. Its not enough for the later generations (后代). So we all have to learn how to stop wasting our valuable water.First,

28、 we should find ways of using water twice or more times. Today, in many large cities, water is used only once. We should stop doing this. Second, we should find ways to make use of the sea water in the world. We can remove the salt from it. It is a good but difficult way to solve the fresh water pro

29、blem. If we do these, we can save a lot of fresh water.()36. People in the world need to save water because _ according to the passage.A. we need more water to drinkB. we can only drink and use about 2.5% of the water in the worldC. only 71% of the Earths surface is waterD. we only use water once()3

30、7. What should we do to stop wasting water if we live in the large city?A. We should use the water twice or more times.B. We should protect the river in the city.C. We should take water from rivers.D. We should stop using water.()38. How many ways did the writer tell us to save water in this passage

31、?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.()39. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?A. Salt water. B. Fresh water.C. Sea water. D. The Earth.()40. Where may we read this passage?A. In a magazine.B. In a storybook.C. In a comic book.D. In a travel guide.第二卷 非选择题(30分)IV.连词成句。(共5小题,每小题1分)41. are a few th

32、e on there table oranges (.)_42. you much every water do how drink day (?)_43. mother money did not have present Sam a enough to for his buy (.)_44. in there any fridge meat is the (?)_45. the there too weekends many at are people in park (.)_V.语法填空。 (10分)根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。(共10小题

33、,每小题1分)When I was a child, my mother always asked me to draw. She hoped that I could be good at (46) _ (draw) like her. But I didnt like it at all.(47) _ I grew up and got into the college, I became interested in knowing about different (48) _ (thing) on the Internet, from history to modern science.

34、 I liked DIY a lot. I always spent days (49) _ (make) one piece of work. It was hard and others might say it was (50) _ (bore) sometimes, but I still kept doing it. Whats more, I enjoyed (51) _ (have) pets around me. They could provide (52) _ (I) with love and comfort. Not long ago, I (53) _ (start)

35、 to have a small coin collection. I love seeing different kinds of coins from all over (54) _ world.I have many different hobbies now, (55) _ I cant live without them. My mom doesnt worry about me any more.VI.书面表达。(15分)专家提醒我们: “If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be a tear drop.”请根据提示

36、写一篇60词左右的短文。提示:1.生活离不开水;2.淡水量越来越少;3.水污染严重;4.应该保护水资源,再利用水。参考词汇:amount数量 reuse再利用_七年级(下)Unit 5能力测试题笔试部分 第一卷I. 1-5 CBACB 6-10 ABCACII. 11-15 BCCAB 16-20 CAACB III. 21-25 CDCAD 26-30 CCBDB31-35 ACCAB 36-40 BABBA第二卷 (One possible version) IV. 41. There are a few oranges on the table.42. How much water do

37、 you drink every day?43. Sam did not have enough money to buy a present for his mother.44. Is there any meat in the fridge?45. There are too many people in the park at weekends. V. 46. drawing 47. When 48. things 49. making 50. boring 51. having 52. me 53. started 54. the 55. andVI. Water is very im

38、portant to humans. We cant live without water. The amount of fresh water is becoming less and less now, but some people still dont care about this. They waste a lot of water. They pour dirty water into rivers and pollute them. They throw rubbish into them too. So we must protect water and find ways to reuse it. If we dont, the last drop of water will be a tear drop.【书面表达写作指导】本次书面表达要求根据提示写一篇关于为什么要保护水资源的作文。写作时要注意以下几点:1. 要根据提示内容进行描述,注意不要遗漏内容;2. 如果描写目前的状态或者经常性或习惯性的动作用一般现在时;3. 文章完成之后,要通读全文,检查语法是否正确、要点是否齐全。


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