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1、2019-2020 年牛津译林版高中英语必修一Unit 1 School Life (School Life in The UK)教案 【教学目标】 1.To encourage students to speak out to practice their oral English 2.To arose their interest in learning this unit through activities. 3.To let them know more about the school life in the UK, and make an interesting comparis

2、on between school life in China or school life in the UK 【教学重点】 How to understand the cultural difference 【教学难点】 Encourage the students to share their opinions by fully participating in the discussion in order to understand the difference between school life in China or school life in the UK 【教具】 Mu

3、lti-media projector 【教学过程】 Step1 Lead-in Play the song of High School Life and show students photos. Can yo u guess the name of the song? What can you think of when we talk about school life? Now we are going to read a magazine article which is written by Wei Hua, an exchange student. She has been s

4、tudying in the UK for one year. She will give us a brief introduction of her school life there. Let s first preview the words that will be used in the article, the definition of the word is given, please match the meaning with the word. Step2 reading Before we read the article, we are going to learn

5、 the reading strategies: skimming and scanning. 1. Reading strategyscanning We scan the text when we want to find certain information in a text quickly. Apply scanning to finish PartC1.C2. 2. Reading strategySkimming We skim a text when we want to get a general idea of what it is about. Apply skimmi

6、ng to find the key sentences of the paragraph. Find out the main idea of each paragraph and answer questions concerning the content of each paragraph. Part1: School hours: 1. Was she happy with the school hours? _ 2. School in Britain _ around 9 am and _ about 3:30 pm, while schools in China begins

7、before 8a.m. We believe that _早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 Part2: Attending assembly: 1. Who was the girl sitting next to her on the first day?_ 2. The headmaster told them about _ during assembly. 3. The best way to earn respect from the school was to _and _. Because_( 知识 就是力量) Part3: Teachers and classmates: 1. Who

8、was her favorite teacher?_. 2. Was it easy for her to remember all the Ss f aces and names? Why ? _. 【二次备课】 Part4 / 5 / 6: Homework and subjects: 1. The homework was not heavy, but why was it a bit challenging for her? _. 2. Why did her English improve a lot? _. 3. Did she enjoy cooking? How do you

9、know? _. 4. Do Ss have to learn all the subjects even if they dont like them? _. Discussion: Do you think we should learn more foreign languages? If you have a chance, would you like to learn a foreign language? Part 7: British food and her activities: 1. Why did she miss Chinese food a lot at lunch

10、time?_. 2. She usually played on the school field. Sometimes _. Sometimes _. Discussion: If you are abroad, what kind of Chinese food do you think you will miss? Step3 Detailed reading Read the text again carefully and find out the similarities and differences between lives of British and Chinese st

11、udents. Step4 Consolidation 1. Task-based gap filling exercise (1)_ life in the UK The (2)_an d (3)_ Experienc e of school life in the UK On the first day, all students went to attend (4)_ During it, the headmaster told us about the rules of and the best way to (5)_respect from the school work hard

12、and (6)_ high grades. My(7)_ teacher taught us English Literature. Homework was not as (8)_as what I used to get old school. My English (9)_a lot as I used English everyda spent an hour each day reading English books. Students can (10)_some subjects if they dont 2. Comprehension of the whole text. F

13、inish some multiple choices Step5 Discussion What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad? Step6 Language points 1.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. 去一所英国中学读书一年对我来说是一次令人愉快和兴奋的经 历。 本句里的 Going 是动名词,它和后面的to a British high sc

14、hool for one year构成动名词短语作句子的主语。Go to a British high school 本来是个动词词组,在go 后面加上ing 后,它就 具备名词的特性可以在句子中充当主语、宾语或表语。 experience作名词时既可以作可数名词又可作不可数名词,另 外它还可作动词,具体用法如下: 1) C 经历 The car accident was a terrible experience to him. 2) U 经验 Have you had any experience in this job? Experience comes from practice. 经

15、验来源于实 践。 3) vt 体验 He experienced the greatest hardship for the first time in his life. 拓展: experienced adj. 有经验的 an experienced doctor be experienced in (doing ) sth / at sth 在某方面有经验 He is experienced in drawing. 2. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m

16、. and ends about 3.30 p.m. be happy with对很满意,相当于 be pleased with Im pleased with his new house. 拓展: be happy to do sth乐于做某事 I shall be happy to accept your invitation. 3.This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. as 在本句中是连词表示“因为” 1)mean vt. (meant mean

17、t) 意味着 , 后面通常加名词, 动名 词或宾语从句。 mean doing sth 意味着做某事 mean to do sth 打 算做某事 If you miss this train, that will mean waiting for another 30 minutes. He meant to cause trouble. 2) usual adj. 往常的 than usual 比往常 as usual跟往常一样 He arrived later than usual. As usual he forgot to make his bed after he got up. 4

18、. He also told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades. 1) earn vt. to get something by working获得;赚,挣得 He earns 10,000 a year. 他一年赚10000 英镑 . earn one s living / make ones living 谋生 earn fame / praise / respect 获得名誉 / 赞扬 / 尊敬 2)respect v. 遵守 , 尊敬

19、 ; 敬重 ; 钦佩 ; n.(与 of, for连用)尊敬;尊重 respect the speed limit 遵守限速规定 We d better respect others feelings. show / have respect /to /for sb. = respect sb. The young should show respect to those who are older. 年 轻人应该尊敬长者。 gain / win / earn respect 博得钦佩 respects (pl) 敬意;问候 Give my respects / regards to your

20、 wife. 请代我向你太太 问好。 3) achieve vt. 完成 , 达到 The university has achieved all its goals this year. achievement n. U 完成,达到; C 成就 , 功绩 make achievements 获得成 绩,取得成就 5. This is about the average size for British schools. average adj. “平均的”或“平常的”“普通的” Whats the average age of the girls in your class? 你们班上女生的

21、平均年龄是多少? average n. 平均数 , 一般水平 ( 通常不用复数形式) Alices maths is above the average in the class 爱丽丝的数学成绩高于班级平均水平。 On (an the) average平均 average vt. 平均达到 The rainfall averages 36 inches a year.年降雨量平均达到36 英寸。 6. was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me 1)

22、used to do过去常常做某事be used to do被用来做 be/get used to doing sth./ sth. 习惯于 / 开始习惯于做 there used to be 某地过去有某物 There used to be a swimming pool in our town 我们镇上过去 有一个游泳池。 Knives are used to cut things. 小刀被用来切东西。 I am used to traveling by air. 我习惯了乘飞机旅行。 2) a bit和 a little a bit和 a little都可以修饰形容词或副词的原级或比较级

23、。如: Its a bita little cold today。今天有点冷。 She is driving a bita little faster 她现在开得稍快了一 点。 a little可直接加名词而 a bit须加 of 后才能加名词。如: a little bread: a bit of bread一点儿面包 a little wooda bit of wood一点儿木柴 not a bit意为“一点不” = not at all,而 not a little意为 “很”表示很多大,属肯定意思。如: He is not a bit surprised at the news他对此消

24、息一点不吃 惊。 He is not a little surprised at the news 他对此消息非常吃 惊。 3 ) challenge n./v. 挑 战challenging adj. 挑 战 性 的a challenging task 一项有挑战性的任务 He challenged me to play another tennis game. 他向我挑 战要我跟他再打一场网球。 The present world is full of challenges as well as opportunities. 当今社会充满了机遇与挑战。 7. It is a struggl

25、e for me to remember all the faces and names. 参考金榜直通P5,第 4 点。 8. so I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free. free adj. 免费的;空闲的 a free meal.免费的一餐 for free( free of charge)免费的 All the students got the books for free. 9. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook f

26、ood. 参考金榜直通P6 第 7 点 1) fun n. U愉快;开心adj. 有趣的,奇妙的 (比较: funny adj. 好笑的,滑稽的) for fun 寻找乐趣;当作玩笑;make fun of捉弄 have fun 尽情地玩 He spoke it for fun. 他是说着玩的。 2) prepare: v准备 , 预备 , 有能力而且愿意prepare for /prepare for preparation: n. 准备 , 预备make preparations for in the preparation for be prepared for为作准备 【作业布置】 【教学后记】


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