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1、Unit 4第三课时 .单项填空 1(2014 安徽, 35)I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day. Oh great! _. AGood luck BCheer up CSame to you DKeep it up 答案: D 考查情景对话。句意: 我每天至少要锻炼半个小时。 哦,好极了! 坚持下去。 A 项为:祝你好运;B 项为:振作些;C 项为:你也是;D 项为:坚持下去。由句 意可知选D 项。 2 Since the house price in the city may be _ we cant imagi

2、ne, I suggest that we rent an apartment to live in first. Aas high as Bas expensive as Cso high as Dso expensive as 答案: A考查原级比较。句意:这个城市的房价既然高到我们很难想像的那样,我建议 我们先租套公寓住着。表示价格高用high, expensive 用于说明某物贵,so.as.用于否定句。 3Please keep your word _ you have promised to come. Asince then Bnow that Conly if Dso long

3、 答案: B句意:既然你答应了要来,你就要守约。now that 既然,引导原因状语从句。 4After fighting with his illness many years, the patient _ finally. Apulled out Bpulled through Cpulled up Dpulled down 答案: B句意:经过很多年与疾病作斗争之后,这个病人最终康复了。pull out 抽出, 取出; pull through 康复; pull up 停车; pull down 拆除。 5(2014 温州高一检测)Im thinking of the tomorrows

4、 test. Im afraid I cant pass this time. _! Im sure youll make it. AGo ahead BGood luck CNo problem DCheer up 答案: D考查短语用法。答句句意: 振作起来!我相信你会成功的。cheer up 变得 高兴, (使 )振奋起来, 用来鼓励对方; go ahead 表示允许某人做某事;good luck 用于祝福某人, 表示“祝你好运”;no problem 用于答应某人某事,意为“没问题”。结合题意,故选D。 6As soon as the fire _, it spread quickly

5、. Abroke out Bput out Ccame out Dgot out 答案: A考查动词词组辨析。句意:火灾一发生就迅速蔓延开来。break out 指“ (战争、 火灾、疾病等的)突然发生”; put out 熄灭,扑灭; come out 出现,露出,长出;get out 泄露, 被人知道。 7All the visitors were told to _ for those dangerous animals while visiting the zoo. Awatch out Btake care Cwatch over Dtake up 答案: A句意:在参观动物园时,所

6、有游客都被告知当心那些危险的动物。watch out 注意,当心,与介词for 连用。 watch over 照看,为及物动词短语。故选A。 8Two people were killed in the serious car _ the other day. Acrash Bbreak Cstrike Dincident 答案:A句意:在前几天的严重轿车相撞事件中,有两人遇难。 crash 的意思是“相撞(事 故)”,符合句意。break“中断,休息”;strike“罢工;袭击”;incident“事件”。 9In order to _ the sunshine, the students

7、had many books piled high. Ablock up Bblock out Cbreak out Dbreak up 答案: B句意:为了挡住阳光,学生们让很多书高高地堆着。block up 塞住; block out 挡住 (光线 );break out(战争、火灾、疾病等的)突然发生; break up 解散,分手。 10Usually in spring the _ here is mild, but today the _ is a bit cold. Aweather; weather Bclimate; climate Cclimate; weather Dwe

8、ather; climate 答案: C句意:在春天这里的气候通常温和,但是今天的天气有点冷。climate 指长期的 天气特征; weather 指短期的,具体到某一天的天气。 .完成句子 1在爆炸发生之后,警方封锁了那条路。 The police _ after the explosion. 2去年他的家乡发生了一场洪水。 A big flood _ in his hometown last year. 3既然你已犯了错,就应该受到惩罚。 _, you should be punished. 4司机在红灯前把车停下。 The driver _ at the red light. 5一听说他

9、恢复了健康,他的队友高兴起来。 His teammates _ as soon as they knew he had recovered from illness. 6猫的睡眠时间是人的两倍。 Cats sleep _ people. 7一辆大卡车失去了控制,撞上了一辆汽车的尾部。 A big truck was out of control and _ the back of a car. 8在黑暗中,他们惊恐地注意到有奇怪的东西在空中飘浮着。 In the darkness, they were frightened to notice something strange _. 答案:

10、1.blocked up the street2.broke out3.Now that you have made mistakes4.pulled up 5.cheered up6.twice as much as7.crashed into8.floating in the sky .完形填空 How big is space? That is a question man has been asking since the beginning of time. When your grandparents were in school ,it was _1_ that the univ

11、erse was very _2_ perhaps only 5,000 light years _3_. 500 years ago people considered that the universe was only a little bit _4_ than the earth. In modern times with the _5_ of technology we are finally starting to _6_ the immense (无边的 ) size of the universe,and it is much bigger than anyone _7_ ha

12、ve ever imagined. Scientists cannot stretch (伸展 ) a measuring tape from the earth to a nearby star, so _8_ do they know how far away they are? Scientists use something _9_ parallax (视差 ). Parallax means _10_ that they look at how much the stars move in the sky _11_ throughout the year as the earth c

13、ircles the sun. This is not something _12_ to you. In fact if you stretch out your hand in front of you and _13_ your thumb, while _14_ one eye, and then the other, your thumb will _15_ to move back and forth. Stars do the _16_ thing,but our eyes are too close to see the _17_. However, if we take a

14、picture while on one side of the earths orbit,and then take another when we get to the _18_ side of the orbit,then we have a large enough _19_ that we can see the stars parallax, and _20_ how far away they really are. 1A.measured Bbet Cthought Dproved 答案: C根据上下文知,这里表达的是在祖父母上学时人们以为宇宙有多大,不是客观 事实,所以不能用

15、measured/proved,也不是打赌。 2A. old B. big C. mysterious D. small 答案: D从后面的only 可以看出,在当时大家都认为宇宙只有5000 光年那么大,即人 们以为宇宙比较“小”。 3A. over B. across C. through D. outside 答案: Bacross此处意为 “from one side to the other”。over 指“在 , 的上方”;through 指“从 , 中间穿过”;outside 意为“在外面”。 4A. bigger B. smaller C. heavier D. nearer

16、答案: A这里讨论的话题是宇宙有多大,所以不是轻重远近的问题。500 年以前人们以 为宇宙仅仅比地球大一点。 5A. popularity B. power C. energy D. strength 答案:Bthe power of the technology 指科技的力量; popularity 意为“普及; 流行”;energy 意为“能力;精力;活力;能源”;strength 通常指 (具体的 )力气、力量。 6A. understand B. control C. imagine D. feel 答案: A在科技的帮助下人们开始理解宇宙到底有多大。understand 指“掌握;领

17、会; 理解”; control 意为“控制”;imagine 意为“想象”;feel 意为“感觉”。 7A. would B. should C. could D. might 答案: C宇宙比人们以前所想象的要大得多。 8A. what B. why C. how D. when 答案: C下文讲了科学家测量天体之间距离的方法,所以用how。 9A. honored B. called C. considered D. believed 答案: B科学家用了一种叫做“视差”的方法,所以用called。 10A. actually B. exactly C. generally D. simp

18、ly 答案: D视差就是由决定新视线的观察位置的变化引起的物体方向的明显变化。simply 意为“仅仅;简单”;actually 意为“实际上”;事实上;exactly 意为“确切地”;generally 意为“一般;通常”。故simply 符合语境。 11A. in and out B. back and forth C. sooner or later D. up and down 答案: B根据 10 题后可知选B。back and forth 意为“来回移动”;in and out 意为“进 进出出”; sooner or later 意为“迟早”;up and down 意为“上上下

19、下”。 12A. unacceptable B. unfamiliar C. unbelievable D. unnatural 答案: B根据下文所举的例子,人们对这一现象并不陌生。unacceptable 意为“无法接 受的;不受欢迎的”; unfamiliar 意为“不熟悉的”; unbelievable 意为“难以置信的”; unnatural 意为“不自然的”。 13A. look at B. shake C. glare at D. notice 答案: A把手伸到前面并看你的大拇指。shake意为“摇动”;glare at 意为“怒视”; notice 意为“注意到”。根据句意,

20、这里仅仅是普通的“看”。 14A. covering B. opening C. controlling D. hiding 答案: A这里指先遮住一只眼睛,会看见拇指在一个位置;然后换另一只,拇指又处于 另一位置。 cover 有“遮住,覆盖”的意思。 15A. continue B. happen C. stop D. appear 答案:Dcontinue to move 指继续移动; happen to move 指碰巧在移动; stop to move 指停 下来然后移动。这里指人的一种感觉,大拇指会显得来回移动。 16A. common B. different C. strang

21、e D. same 答案: D举例就是为了说明视差是如何产生的,所以这里归到主题,说明可以采用同一 种方式去测量。 17A. result B. effect C. difference D. similarity 答案: C眼睛之间的距离太近,被观察的物体太远,就很难发现差别。result 意为“结 果”; effect 意为“效果;影响”;similarity 意为“相似性”。 18A. suitable B. same C. opposite D. correct 答案: C在与轨道相反的一侧拍照。 19A. distance B. length C. height D. width 答

22、案: A有足够的距离观察天体的视差。 20A. realize B. determine C. recognize D. design 答案: B测定天体之间到底有多远。realize 意为“意识到;实现”;determine 意为“决 定;决心;测定”;recognize 意为“辨认出;承认”;design 意为“计划,筹划”。 .阅读理解 (2014 河北正定中学高一期末) Space is where our future is trips to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Most people would think that aside from come

23、ts(彗星 ) and stars, there is little else out there. But, since our space journey started we have left so much trash(垃圾 ) there that scientists are now concerned that if we dont clean it up, we may all be in great danger. The first piece of space junk was created in 1964, when the American satellite V

24、anguard I stopped operating and lost its connection with the ground center. However, since it kept orbiting around the Earth without any results, scientists became increasingly comfortable abandoning(抛弃 ) things that no longer served any useful purpose in space. It is said that there are now over 50

25、0,000 pieces of man- made trash orbiting the Earth at speeds of up to 17,500 miles per hour. The junk varies from tiny pieces of paint chipped off rockets to cameras, huge fuel tanks, and even odd items like the million- dollar tool kit that astronaut Heidemarie Stefanyshyn Piper lost during a space

26、walk. The major problem with the space trash is that it may hit working satellites and damage traveling spaceship. Moreover, pieces of junk may crash with each other and break into pieces which fall back to the Earth. To avoid this, scientists have invented several ways for clearing the sky. Ground

27、stations have been built to monitor larger pieces of space trash to prevent them from crashing into working satellites or space shuttles. Future plans include a cooperative effort among many nations to stop littering in space and to clean up the trash already there. 文章大意: 文章介绍了第一片人造太空垃圾是一个破碎的卫星,因为它没

28、有造成任何问 题,所以科学家最初并没有关心太空垃圾。随着太空垃圾越来越多,科学家意识到如果不及 时清理太空垃圾,人类将面临危险。 1What was the first piece of man- made space trash? AA camera. BA tool kit. CA fuel tank. DA broken satellite. 答案:D细节理解题。 根据第二段的句子: The first piece of space junk was created in 1964, when the American satellite Vanguard I stopped opera

29、ting and lost its connection with the ground center.可知第一片人造太空垃圾是一个破碎的卫星,选D。 2Why were scientists NOT concerned about space trash in the beginning? AIt no longer served any useful purpose. BIt was millions of miles away from the Earth. CIt did not cause any problems. DIt was regarded as similar to co

30、mets and stars. 答案:C细节理解题。 根据第二段的句子: However, since it kept orbiting around the Earth without any consequences, scientists became increasingly comfortable abandoning things that no longer served any useful purpose in space.可知科学家最初没有关心太空垃圾,是因为它没有造成 任何问题,故选C。 3Which of the following statements is true

31、 about space junk? AIt is huge, heavy machines. BIt never changes position. CIt floats slowly around the Earth. DIt may cause problems for space shuttles. 答案:D细节理解题。 根据第四段的句子:The major problem with the space trash is that it may hit working satellites and damage traveling space ship. Moreover, piece

32、s of junk may crash with each other and break into pieces which fall back to the Earth. 可知太空垃圾会给太空飞船带来很多 问题。 D 项的表述正确,故选D。 4What has been done about the space trash problem? AScientists have cleaned up most of the trash. BLarge pieces of space trash are being closely watched. CMany nations have work

33、ed together to stop polluting space. DGround stations are built to help store the trash properly in space. 答案: B细节理解题。根据第四段的句子:To avoid this, scientists have invented several ways for clearing the sky. Ground stations have been built to monitor larger pieces of space trash to prevent them from crashing into working satellites or space shuttles.可知现阶段比较大的太空废物 正在被紧密监测,故选B。


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