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1、教学设计 仁爱版七年纪下 Unit 7 Topic 1 Section A、B、C 和 D 四课时的教学设计(海 口七中戴慧) Unit 7 Topic 1 Section A 听说课 . Material analysis(教材分析) 本课是第七单元话题一的第一课时。本话题主要学习关于日期、出生时间、 出生地点、物体形状特征的表达方式、be 动词的一般过去时和序数词。本课的 主要活动是 1a, 1c 和 3a。 通过 Kangkang和 Michael谈论英国作家 J.K.Rowling 展开学习,对话主要涉及到J.K.Rowling的作品、出生地点及出生年月。通过人 物对话,学生将学习关于

2、询问和回答出生年月与地点的表达方式并初步了解be 动词的一般过去时; 还能通过一系列听、 读、写的练习活动掌握年份和十二个月 份的表达法及其书写形式。语音板块通过听说让学生掌握字母组合ou, ow, ph 及辅音字母 p 的发音,并根据发音规则正确拼读和辨认单词。 . Teaching aims(教学目标 ) 1. Knowledge aims(知识目标 ) 能根据已学语音、 音标及发音规则, 正确朗读下列词汇并运用于情景对话中: writer, was, were, born, novel, thousand, fan 能够熟练读、写表示年份和月份的单词: January, February

3、, March, April, May 等; 能够用英语熟练应用关于询问和回答某人的出生地和出生年月的表达方 式,如: (1)Where was/ were .born? In (2) When was/ were .born? was/ were born in 能够掌握字母组合ou, ow, ph 及辅音字母 p 的读音及读音规则; 能识别出相同字母或字母组合的不同读音; 能够正确使用 be 动词的一般过去时was/ were ,如: When were you/was he/she born? I/He/She was born in January, 1999. 2. Skill ai

4、ms( 能力目标 ) 能听懂有关年月、出生年月和出生地点的语段; 能根据图文就表达年月、谈论出生年月和出生地点的表达方式进行简单 的交流; 能正确地读出年份和十二个月份; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能正确书写出年份以及表示月份的单词。 3. Emotional aims(情感目标) 通过相关活动,培养学生关注名人的生平事迹并向他们学习的习惯; 能够体会到英语学习的兴趣,养成良好的英语学习习惯。 . The key points and difficult points 1. Key points( 教学重点 ) 正确使用表达年月、谈论出生年月和出生地点的表达方式; 正确读、写关于年

5、份、月份的表达。 2. Difficult points(教学难点) Be 动词 was, were 在一般过去时中的应用; 英语中十二个月份的读、写。 .Teaching methods( 教学方法 ): 情景教学法,功能交际法,任务型教学 V.Learning strategies 1.能将谈论出生年月及地点的表达法运用于生活实践; 2.利用实物教学有助于学生理解和掌握所学知识。 . Teaching aids(教具) 录音机、教学挂图、日历和黑板 . Teaching procedures(教学步骤) Step 1 Getting ready for learning (设计目的:在于为

6、了学生更好地进入课堂学习做好准备,将学生引入与课 堂教学有关的语境中,创设利于学习的情景,提高学生的学习兴趣) 1. Warming up Duty report 1.Focus their attention on the teacher. 2.Do duty report. Introduce his/her favorite persons, such as writer, singer, etc. A:Who is he/she? B: A:Where is he/she from? B: 3.Do1c. Read after the teacher for several times

7、 to learn 12 months. 4.Read the word one by one. Step 2 Revision 1.(设计目的:在于简单回顾和复习上个单元所学重点知识,激活学生的已 有知识,为本节课学习新知识做准备。) 2.Do1a. Guess the woman; And pay attention to the two questions. Then learn the phrase be born. 2.Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions. 3.Read 1a after the tape; Look

8、and listen to the teacher carefully. e.g. When were you/was he/she born? I/He/She was born in Where were you/was he/she born ? I/He/She was born in Step 3 presentation (设计目的: 在于让学生学习本课的关键单词和主要句型,帮助学生获取对 话大意) 1.Do 1b. Answer the questions together and fill in the blanks in 1b individually. 2.Practice

9、 the sentences in pairs: A:When was he/she born? B:He/She was born in A:Where was he/she born? B:He/She was born in 3.Answer the question: I was born. 4.Practice the sentences in 1c and survey the birthday and birthplace of your group members. Then one student in every group reports it to the class.

10、 5.Do 2a. Talk about the rule of reading different years. Read the first six years and write the rest in English. 6.Do 2b. Listen to the tape and write down the year or month in each conversation. Check the answers by yourselve Step 4 Consolidation 1.(设计目的:在于让学生理解对话和巩固对话。通过让学生听力填空,使 学生进一步学习1a 对话, 然后

11、再阅读 1a 对话,理解对话,最后听录音模仿1a 对话语音语调,巩固对话。) Do 3a. Try to read the words by yourselves. Step5 Practice 2.(设计目的:让须生在理解课文的基础上, 再俩俩操练 1a, 表演 1a, 根据 1b 复述 1a,达到强化 1a 的目的。 3.Do 3b. Look, listen and circle the words. Then listen again and check the answers. 4.Listen and read Step 6 Production (设计目的:通过学生活动,增强学生

12、的综合运用能力。) 1.Do the name cards. 2.Practice and act out the dialogues of asking and answering the birthplace and the date of birth. 3.Step 7 Sum up (设计目的: 教师引导学生总结本课的主要知识点,达到强化本课知识点的 目的) When were you/was he/she born? Where were you/was he/she born? Take turns to practice asking and answering the sent

13、ences. . Blackboard design(板书设计) Topic1 When is your birthday? Section A 1. When were you/was he/ she born? March June September December I/ He/ She was born in. April July October January 2. Where were you/was he/she born? May August November February I/ He/ She was born in. 教学设计 Unit 7 Topic 1 Sec

14、tion B 听说课 . Material analysis(教材分析) 本节课是第七单元话题一的第二课时,主要活动是1a 和 2a。通过 Jack 和 Kangkang谈论生日聚会的对话,展开本课的教学内容。主要学习谈论生日 和日期的表达方式。 通过找出序数词的拼写规律以及通过听录音了解并掌握序数 词的拼写及读音。还将通过匹配图文和对比了解日期的不同表达法学习美式英语 和英式英语的差异。另外,学生还将继续巩固由be 动词构成的一般过去时的句 型。 . Teaching aims(教学目标 ) 1. Knowledge aims(知识目标 ) 能够根据已学语音、音标以及发音规则,正确朗读下列词

15、汇并运用于情 景对话中: birthday, date, calendar, plan, celebrate, party 能够熟练拼读、书写序数词: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth等; 能够用英语谈论生日和日期的表达法,如: (1) When is your birthday? May 13th. (2) What s the date today? Its May 8th. 2. Skill aims( 能力目标 ) 能够听懂有关询问生日、谈论日期的表达方式,并做出正确地回答; 能够应用询问生日的表达方

16、式进行简单的交流; 能够用正确地语音、语调朗读对话; 能够应用本课重点句型编写谈论生日、日期的对话。 3. Emotional aims(情感目标) 通过小组间良性的竞争和合作培养学生友好互助的精神; 通过相关的活动,培养学生关爱家人的意识。 . The key points and difficult points 1. Key points 掌握谈论生日、日期的表达法; 熟练掌握序数词的读、写。 2. Difficult points 熟练掌握序数词的读、写。 . Learning strategies(学习策略) 1.能将出生日期、时间等表达法用于生活实践; 2.在交际中,能够创设一定的

17、语境进行简单的对话和交流。 . Teaching aids 多媒体图片、黑板和录音机 . Teaching procedures 第一步:复习 (设计目的:在于为了学生更好地进入课堂学习做好准备,将学生引入与课 堂教学有关的语境中,创设利于学习的情景,提高学生的学习兴趣) 1.学生值日:如: Im on duty today. Today is Its my birthday. 这 项工作可加入以后的课堂中,让学生汇报上一节课学过的知识,谈论日期、天气等 做为一个课前 2 分钟的 free talk 。 2.游戏,数字接龙:全班同学参加。从1 到 100,遇到 8,8 的倍数或带 8 的数 字

18、,说“pass”。如: five,six,seven,pass,.fifteen, pass, seventeen,. 第二步:呈现 (设计目的:该部分在于进行序数词和日期表达的学习,让学生先感知并进 行操练,为接下来的活动做准备。) 1.师生对话: A:When is your birthday? B:Its A:When were you born? B:I was born 2.推出新单词“ be born ”。 3.听录音 1a,回答下列问题: (1)When was she born? (2)When was her daughter born? (3)Where was her d

19、aughter born? 答案:( 1)She was born in June,1970. (2)She was born on October 22nd,1996. (3)She was born in Henan. 4.两人一组练习 1a 的对话。 第三步:巩固 (设计目的:通过教师增设的听力训练,在语境中进一步感知序数词和日期 表达法,加深学生的理解和对单词的记忆力。) 1.两人一组练习 1b 。 2.学生独立完成 1c,教师核对答案。 3.带领学生读 2。 第四步:练习 (设计目的:在于鼓励学生根据1a 所学内容,结合自己的实际情况,综合仿 编对话。鼓励学生做1b ,1c 将所学词

20、汇和表达运用于实践。) 1.学生模拟例句独立完成3a,教师核对答案。 2.学生合上书 ,教师举起写有各种资料的卡片引导学生说出类似的句子。如: Maria was born on July the twelfth. 3.学生两人一组完成3b。 4.听录音 ,学生独立完成 4,教师核对。 第五步:综合探究活动 (设计目的:在学习1a 后,鼓励学生总结所学知识达到学以致用的输出目 的) 1.总结知识点。 2.让学生写几句话 ,介绍自己的出生时间、出生地点、年龄,越详细越好。 . Blackboard design Topic 1 When is your birthday? Section B 1

21、. When is your birthday? 1 first 8 eighth May 13th. 2 second 9 ninth 2. What s the date today? 3 third 12 twelfth It s May 8th. 4 fourth 20 twentieth 3. When/Where was/were.born? 5 fifth 21 twenty-first .was/were born on/in. 6 sixth 100 one hundredth 教学设计 Unit 7 Topic 1 Section C 阅读课 . Material anal

22、ysis 本节课是第七单元话题一的第三课时,继续谈论康康生日的话题, 主要活动 是 1a 和 2a。通过 Michael猜测 Maria 送给康康的生日礼物展开,在复习描述 物体颜色的句型的基础上学习描述物体形状、尺寸、用途等特征的句型。 本课的 语法点是 be 动词引导的一般过去时的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答:Was it like .? Yes, it was. /No, it wasnt. 语音板块继续巩固字母组合ow, ou的读 音规则,训练学生辨音的技能。 . Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. Knowledge aims(能力目标) 能够根据已学语音、音标以及发音规则

23、,正确朗读、拼写下列词汇: present, shape, afraid, star, mouse, square等; 能够熟练使用描述物体形状、尺寸、用途的表达方式,如: (1) What s the shape of .? = What shape is .? Its . (2) How long/wide is it? Its .centimeters long/wide. (3) What do we use it for? We use it to . 能够运用以下句型询问和描述物体,如: (1)What is it like? (2) What s the shape of ?=W

24、hat shape is? Its (3) Was it like .? Yes, it was./No, it wasnt. 练习、巩固字母组合ow, ou 的读音规则,能够有意识地注意句子重音、 画线部分字母组合的发音特征; 复习 be 动词的一般过去时态。 2. Skill aims (能力目标) 能够听懂有关描述生日礼物特征的语段; 能够根据图文应用本课所学的表达方式和同伴就描述物体形状、尺寸、 用途等特征进行交流; 能够用正确地语音、语调朗读对话; 能够参照图片或范例写出简单的描述物体特征的句子。 3. Emotional aims(情感目标) 1.采用游戏、对话、竞赛等灵活多样的授

25、课方式,培养学生学习英语的 兴趣; 2.鼓励学生敢于开口,积极参与活动。 . The key points and difficult points Key points (重点) 1. 能够掌握描述物体形状、尺寸、用途等特征的表达方式: What s the shape of .? = What shape is .? Its . How long/wide is it? Its .centimeters long/wide. What do we use it for? We use it to . 能够运用 be 动词引导的一般过去时的一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答: Was it lik

26、e .? Yes, it was. /No, it wasnt. 2. Difficult points(难点) be 动词引导的一般过去时的一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答: Was it like .? Yes, it was./No, it wasnt. . Learning strategies(学习策略) 1.能将描述物体特征等表达法运用于实际生活; 2.培养借助图片等非语言信息理解阅读和听说的习惯。 . Teaching aids 多媒体、黑板和录音机 . Teaching procedures Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间:5 分钟) (设计目的:在于为了学生更好地进

27、入课堂学习做好准备,将学生引入与课 堂教学有关的语境中,同时让学生通过值日报告和回答老师的问题,复习 Section AB 所学重点知识,激活学生的已有知识,创设利于学习的情景,提高 学生的学习兴趣 ) 复习序数词 , 引入新课。 (做游戏。 ) (复习序数词。把全班分成两组Group A 和 Group B 。 Group A 的一名学 生先说三个基数词 , Group B 的一名学生要迅速说出相对应的序数词。注意每逢 带有 3、6、9、13、16的序数词要跳过。 ) T: Now we divide the class into two groupsGroup A and Group B.

28、 The first player from Group A says three cardinal numbers quickly. The first player from Group B must say the correct ordinal numbers as quickly as possible accordingly. You mustnt say“3rd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th” Example: SA: One, two, four. SB: First, second, fourth. T: If the player in Group B is

29、successful, Group B gets a point. If the player in Group B is not successful, Group A gets a point. Let s find which group will be the winner. Group Point Group A Group B Step 2 Presentation 第二步呈现(时间:15 分钟 ) (设计目的: 在于解决阅读本文中主要的语言点,如生词和词组等, 为学生 阅读文本扫清语言障碍。 并把学生带入该文本的语境中,以帮助学生更好地理解 文中信息。) 呈现并练习表达形状的句型

30、,呈现1。 1. (教师出示一个球 , 引出表示形状的句型和生词circle 。) T: I have a lot of objects. Do you want to have a look at them? OK, I ll show them to you. T: What s this in English? S1: Its a basketball. T: What color is it? S1: Its red. T: What shape is it?(教师可用汉语提示。 ) S1: 圆的。 T: Yes. Its round. It s a circle. 2. (教师出示一

31、块三角形的蛋糕、一个鸡蛋、一张长方形的硬纸, 引出生词 triangle, oval, rectangle, square。) (1)(对话一 ) T: What s this in English? Ss: Its a cake. T: What shape is it? Ss: 三角形。 T: Yeah, you are right. Its a triangle. (2)(对话二 ) T: What s this? Ss: Its an egg. T: What shape is it? Ss: 椭圆形。 T: Very good. Its an oval. (3)(对话三 ) (教师出

32、示一张长方形硬纸, 然后把它剪成正方形。 ) T: What s this? Ss: Its a piece of paper. T: What shape is it? Ss: 正方形。 T: Yes, it s a square. What shape was it a moment ago? Ss: 长方形。 T: Well done. It was a rectangle. (板书画线部分。 ) What shape is it? Its round. Its a/an circle / triangle /oval / square. What shape was it a mome

33、nt ago? It was a rectangle. 3. (教师出示一个地球仪 , 引出词组 be like 。) T: What is it like? (教师可用汉语提示 ) Ss: 球。 T: Yes. It is like a ball. 4. (教师出示一颗五角星形状的纸, 然后把它折成一朵花的形状。) T: What is it like? Ss: It is like a flower. T: Was it like a flower just now? Ss: No, it wasnt. It was like a star. (板书画线部分。 ) What is it l

34、ike? It is like a ball/flower. Was it like a flower just now? No, it wasnt. It was like a star. (让学生用他们的学习用品或图画和同桌对话, 互相提问物体的形状。 ) Example: S1: What shape is it? S2: It s round. S1: What is it like? S2: It is like a ball. 5. (教师出示 2a 的图片, 练习 be like 的一般现在时和一般过去时用法。) T: Now, look at the pictures in 2

35、a. Lets talk about it like this: T: What is it like? S1: It is like a dog. T: Was it like a dog just now? S1: No, it wasn t. It was like a hill. 6. (呈现 2b。学生两人一组按范例操练,完成2b 。) T: Well done. Now, look at the example in 2b and work in pairs. Example: S2: What shape is it now? S3: Its a circle. S2: What

36、 shape was it a moment ago? S3: It was a square. T: Good job. Let s stop. Do you want to know about the present for Kangkang s birthday? Lets listen to 1a and answer the questions. (过渡到下一步。 ) 7. (呈现 1, 听录音并回答有关问题 , 掌握对话内容。 ) (1)(设置并板书听力任务。让学生听1 的录音 , 回答问题。 ) T: Now, listen to the tape and answer the

37、 questions on the blackboard. (1) What s Maria s present for Kangkangs birthday? (2) Whats the shape of her present? (3) What color is it? (4) Can Michael have a look? (2)(教师核对答案并板书关键词和词组。) present shape color soccer ball have a look Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固(时间:5 分钟) (通过跟着录音读课文,培养学生正确朗读课文的能力,同时通过标

38、出重读 与语调,训练学生对知识点的实际运用能力和口头表达能力。) 巩固 1。表演对话。 1. (放 1 的录音, 让学生跟读 , 并用铅笔标出重读与语调。) T: Follow the tape and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil. 2. (让学生擦去所标重读与语调, 先自读 , 然后跟录音一起读 , 逐句核对语 音和语调。 ) T: Rub them out and read by yourselves. Then check your pronunciation and intonation sentence by sen

39、tence according to the tape. Go! 3. (人机对话。 ) T: Suppose you are Maria, listen to Michael and make a dialog with him. (或 T: Now, you are Michael, listen to Maria and make a dialog with her. ) 4. (根据第二步呈现在黑板上的关键词和词组, 学生两人一组表演1。 强化学 生对关于物体形状的句型的记忆。) T: Work in pairs. Close your books, look at the black

40、board and act out the dialog. Step 4 Practice 第四步练习(时间:10 分钟) (设计目的:在于引导学生引导学生理解3a 3b, 能够根据图文应用本课所 学的表达方式和同伴就描述物体形状、尺寸、用途等特征进行交流的能力) 练习 3, 掌握关于形状、长度、宽度等的有关句型。 1. T: Stop here. Now, look at me. (做测量黑板的动作。测定后转过身来) Our blackboard is 3 meters long. It is 1.5 meters wide. (板书画线部分的简略形式。) It is 3 meters lo

41、ng. It is 1.5 meters wide. (指着黑板问学生 ) T: How long is it? Ss: It is 3 meters long. T: How wide is it? Ss: It is 1.5 meters wide. (板书画线部分。 ) How long is it? How wide is it? 2. (教师手里拿着一个铅笔盒,把手放在背后,让学生猜。引出3。) T: Now, please look at me. There is a present for you in my hand. Can you guess what it is? Wha

42、t shape is it? Ss: Is it a circle? T: No. S5: Is it a rectangle? T: Yes. S5: How long is it? T: It is 24 centimeters long. S5: How wide is it? T: It is 6.4 centimeters wide. S5: What do we use it for? T: We use it to keep pencils, rulers, erasers and so on. S5: Oh, it must be a pencil-box. (由此引出 3 中

43、的重点句型并板书其核心结构。) What do we use it for? We use it to 3. (让学生两人一组看3 中的图片 , 进行对话操练。 ) T: Now please work in pairs, and act out the dialog. 4. (小组活动:学生4 人一组针对周围实物或学习用具进行对话, 练习有关 形状的句型。 ) T: Good, stop here. Lets work in groups of four, and talk about the shapes of the things around you. Remember to use

44、“What shape ? How long ? How wide ?”and so on. Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动 (时间:10 分钟) (设计目的: 教师引导学生总结本课的主要知识点,达到强化本课知识点的 目的) 通过活动 , 进一步巩固有关询问形状的句型。 1. (猜谜游戏。 ) (完成 4。做下面的游戏 , 一名学生把物品放在背后, 让其同伴猜。 ) T: Lets play a game. One student holds an object behind his/her back, and another student guesses what it

45、is. Practice like this: S1: What shape is it? / What is it like? S2: It s a/an S1: What color is it? S2: It s S1: How long is it? S2: It is centimeters long. S1: How wide is it? S2: It scentimeters wide. S1: Is it a/an ? S2: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 2. (猜词比赛。 ) (学生两人一组 , 一人面向黑板 , 一人背向黑板。 教师在黑板上写下一

46、些物品 的名称 , 面向黑板的学生描述物品, 背向黑板的学生猜词 , 在规定时间内以猜中 多者为胜。 ) T: Work in pairs. I ll write the names of some objects on the blackboard. S1 stands with his/her back to the blackboard. S2 stands with his/her face to the blackboard and describes the objects until S1 guesses what it is. The pair who have the mos

47、t guesses in the limited time are the winners. 3. (家庭作业。 ) (选择一件你所熟悉的物品进行描述。不少于5 个句子。 ) T: Describe one of your familiar things with at least 5 sentences. Example: I have a desk in my study. I want to tell you its shape. It is a rectangle. It is 100 centimeters long. It is 60 centimeters wide. I do

48、my homework on the desk every day. .疑点探究 look like和 be like 的区别: look like 只用于询问事物的外貌特征; be like 主要用于询问人的性格或事 物特征 , 也可以用于询问人的外貌特征。 教学设计 Unit 7 Topic 1 Section D 复习课 . Material analysis(教材分析) 本节课是第七单元话题一的最后一课,也是一节复习课。主要活动是 Grammar, Functions, 1和 2。通过听对话完成表格,巩固关于物体形状、尺寸 及其用途的表达方法; 通过阅读关于生日计划的短文,完成判断正误的练习, 训 练学生快速从短文中获取具体信息、理解文章大意的能力; 通过谈论为父母制定 生日计划,鼓励学生说英语,培养学生关爱父母的情感态度;通过 Grammar和 Functions的内容,将复习 be 动词的一般过去时和序数词的拼写,以及复习有 关生日、日期、物体形状、尺寸和用途等特征的表达法。 . Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. Knowledge aims(能力目标) 根据已学语音、音标以及发音规则,正确朗读、拼写下列词汇:


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