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1、2010 年八年级上英语期末复习基础练习8 (考试时间90 分钟满分 100 分) 一、听力测试(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共 20 分 ) 第一节听音辨图听句子,选择与你所听到的句子内容相符的图画。每个句子读两遍。(4 小题,每小题1 分,共 4 分) 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 第二节情景反应听句子,选择恰“-3 的答语。每个句子读两遍。(6 小题,每小题1 分,共 6 分) ( )5A You are right B Good ideaCThat s fight ( )6A YespleaseB Youre welcome CI m sorry to hear that ( )7A He

2、s here B Hes in the office C Sorry,I don t know ( )8AEverything is OK BLet me seeCDont w orry about me ( )9AFive years agoB Since five years ago:CIt s six ten ( )10AShes shy BShes twenty CShes tall 第三节对话理解听五组短对话和五个问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话读两遍。(5 小题,每小题1 分,共 5 分) ( )11ATake fl walk BDo exercise CPlay football

3、( )12ALondonBNew York CParis ( )13AThe supermarketBThe hospitalC The post office ( )14AMusicBStudyCArt ( )15A By bikeBOn foot CBy bus 第四节语篇理解听一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(5 小题,每小题1 分,共 5 分 ) ( )16Whats wrong with Li Ming? AHes ill BHe has some problems with his English CHe makes some mistakes in English

4、 exam ( )17Whats the good idea to improve the speed of reading? A-To read more BTo speak moreCTo ask more ( )18How to improve your listening and speaking according to this letter? ATry to read the text loudly B Try to keep a diary in English CTry to speak English in or after class ( )19who can help

5、you if you have some questions? AYour teacherBLi Ming CBetty ( )20From whom is this letter? ALi Ming B A teacherCBetty 二、单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共 20 分 ) A从 A、 B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ( )21 Try_ the meaning。f each word when you read English articles( 文章 ) Anot understand Bunderstanding Cno understanding Dno

6、t to understand ( )22In the last 20 years,they_ on many great films in the poor areas Aput Bhas put Chave put Dare putting ( )23Li Jie is_ boy . He is very naughty Aa eight-years-old Ban eight-years-old Ca eight-year-old Dan eight-year-old ( )24The students_ English when the teacher came in Awere re

7、ading Bare reading Chave read D read ( )25That man quite cool Do you know him? A100ks Bsounds Ctastes DsmeIIs ( )26_people came to Beijing to watch Chinas National Day Parade(中国国庆阅兵式) AMillion of BMillions of CMillion DMillions ( )27I think it isnt certainly very traditional, Ado I Bdont I Cis it Di

8、sn t it ( )28The factory has made the lake_ Ato become dirty Bis dirty Cto dirty Ddirty ( )29I m very thirsty Please_ me a glass of water Atake Bbring Ccarry D to bring ( )30Must the children get to the square before 6 :00am? No, they_ Amustnt Bcant C dont have to Dmust ( )31One of the greatest comp

9、osers in the world_ Mozart Aare Bwere Cis Dbe ( )32They didn t do this for money,_ to help the church Abut Bor C and Dthen ( )33Excuse me, _? Go straight aheadIt s about 10 metres away Awhere the bookshop is Bhow can I get to the bookshop Cwhat can I do for you DI don t know the way ( )34I didnt do

10、well in the maths examI got angry_ myself Ato Bwith Cin Dfor ( )35The film has_ for about twenty minutes Astarted Bbegun C been Dbeen on B选择与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。 ( )36Our English teacher always speak English in class Afor a time Ball the time Csometime Dall time ( )37Sally flies to America on business fr

11、om time to time Asome times Bsometime C some time Dsometimes ( )38Where is Miss Zhang? She may be in the office Amaybe be Bprobably is Cmight is Dperhaps be ( )39Amy is a bit shy in front of strangers Aa kind of Ba few Ca little Da bit of ( )401 want to go to Beijing with Tony Awould like B feel lik

12、e Cenjoy Dlike 三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共 10 分 ) MrLee is going to take his family on a trip to some other countriesHis brother decides_41_ with them Mr Lees father is old ,SO he wants to_42_ and takes care of the houseThey are planning to take a train to visit New York_43_ then go to Europe_44_ shipTh

13、eyd like to take buses or trains to visit some countries in EuropeThen they are going to fly home It takes _45_a long time to decide where to go ,but Mr Lee thinks they will have an_46_ trip They will go to England, France and Italy Mrs Lee is very interested in_47_because shes a teacher of FrenchMr

14、 Lees brother can _ 48_ Italian well ,SO hes looking forwardto the trip in Italy They also talk about _49_they are going to Europe At first they want to fly there,because it is faster and can save more time But Mr Lees brother would like to take a boat trip and he thinks the children will enjoy it _

15、50_ ( )41Agoing Bto go Cgoes D go ( )42Ago to the park Bgo shopping Cstay at home Dtravel ( )43Ayet Balready C next Dfirst ( )44Aby Bfor Con Din ( )45Athey Bwe Cthem Dus ( )46Ainterested Bbored C boring Dinteresting ( )47AEngland BFrance CItaly DAmerica ( )48Atalk Bsay Ctell Dspeak ( )49Ahow Bwhat C

16、why Dwhere ( )50Aalso Btoo Cas well Deither 四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共 15 分 ) A 篇:根据短文内容判断正误。正确写(T) ,错误写 (F)。 Animals are people s friends, but many animals are in great danger because the environment that they are living in has changed a lotFor example,their living areas have become smaller and smalle

17、r because of the development of cities and the large population They don t have enough places to live in or enough food to eat At the same time, men are trying to kill these animals to get more money or have their meat People should realize how serious the situation is and must do something to prote

18、ct the animalsWe should stop the killing and build some nature reserves( 自然保护区 ),SO that animals call live happily there Whats more ,we should do something to make our world cleaner ( )5 1Many animals are dangerous SO we should protect them ( )52Animals living areas have become larger and larger now

19、 ( )53Many animals have enough food to eat now ( )54It s necessary for US to know how serious the situation is ( )55We should stop killing animals because they are our friends B 篇:根据表格信息,选择正确答案。 ( )56Jims father likes Beijing Opera He call go to_ AGrand Theater BPeople s Theater CPeople s Hall DChao

20、 rang District ( )57The Jazz concert is on_ ASaturday afternoon B Sunday afternoon CSaturday evening DSunday evening ( )58What can we do in Yuansu Teahouse? AWe Call enjoy Beijing Opera BWe can enjoy traditional music CWe Call enjoy jazz DWe can enjoy the lecture ( )59If you want to know something a

21、bout western classical music,where should you go? ATo the teahouse CTo People s Hall BT0 Grand Theater DTo People s Theater ( )60Which statement is Wrong according to the passage? A You have to pay for the lecture B You have to pay so Yuan for the jazz concert if you are a child CFor the adults ,the

22、 ticket to Beijing Opera is more expensive than the ticket to Jazz concert DYou can drink tea in Yuansu Teahouse C 篇:根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 A good memory( 记忆 )is a great help in learning a language Everybody learns his own language by remembering what he hears when he is a small child , and some childrenlik

23、e boys and girls who live abroad with their parents-seem to learn two languages almost as easily as oneIn school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have SO little time for it,and they are busy with other subjects ,too A mall s mind(头脑 )is rather like a camera, but it takes

24、photos not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste When we take a real photo with a camera there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends In the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our mindMemory is

25、the diary( 日记 )that we all carry about( 携带 )with US ( )61We usually begin to learn a language by_ it first Aspeaking Bhearing Cseeing D feeling ( )62If you have a good memory ,youll have_ difficulty in learning something Amore Bmuch Cfew Dless ( )63The children who live abroad with their parents can

26、 learn two languages more easily,because_ Athey are very clever Bthey have good teachers Cthey have more chances(机会 )to use these languages Dthey have a better life ( )64We know that ones mind_ a camera A likes Bis liked Cwill like D is like ( )65A camera takes photos of what can be Aseen Bfelt Chea

27、rd Dsmelt 五、综合填空(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共 20 分 ) A单词拼写:根据句子意思及所给的中文或首字母提示完成单词,请将完整的单词填写在右边的横线上。每空只能填 一词。 (本部分共10 小题,每小题1 分,共 10 分) 66The soup tastes_(咸的 )Please give me a glass of water66_ 67Dont pour_( 垃圾)here and thereWe should protect our home 67_ 68Walk across the_( 广场 )and go along Zhongshan Road 68_ 6

28、9In the_( 戏剧 ),she fell in love with the captain 69_ 70D0 you_( 同意 )with me about the need for more exercises? 70_ 71Earth is a P_in the Solar System 71P_ 72How d_ is the fiver? Its about 20 meters 72d_ 73_What were you doing d 73d_ I was playing computer games 74Have you ever seen Harry Potter Y_ ?

29、 74y_ No,never 75David is my younger brother and Peter is my e_ brother75e_ B选词填空:根据句子意思,从方框中选择恰当的单词填写在右边的横线上,注意:部分单词在填入前需进行词形转 换。每个单词只能选用一次,每空只能填一词。(本部分共10 小题,每小题1 分,共 10 分) 76Whats the_ news in todays newspaper? 76_ 77Sally takes great_ in the Fashion Show 77_ 78Could you give me some_ ? I dont kn

30、ow how to do it78_ 79In November it was_ in North China ,everything outside was white 79_ 80Have you seen the movie The Central Station? Yes,I ve seen it_ 80_ 81Pandas_ live on bamboo SO we people should protect it 81_ 82More and more people enjoy_ on the Internet because its very cheap 82_ 83MrGree

31、n ordered a table for two_ the window in the restaurant 83_ 84People often do some_ before the New Years coming84_ 85There was a_ look on her face when she heard news85_ 六、情景交际(本大题共5 小题,每小题1 分,共 5分 ) 根据对话内容,从方框中的六个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话,请将其字母标号写在下边的横线上。 A: Hi Betty! Tomorrow is Saturday What are you going

32、 to do? B:Nothing much _86_ A:There is going to be a concert at the Peoples Theater tomorrow evening B:_87_ A: A rock band called The Westlife B:They are very famous in the world A:YesI have got two tickets Would you like to go and enjoy it? B:Sure, thanks_88_ A:It will begin at 6 :30 B:OK _89_ AWho

33、 will give the concert? BSee you tomorrow CDo you have any good ideas? DWhere iS the band come from? EWhen will the concert begin? FHOW shall we go there? A: Let s meet at 6:00 outside the school gate and go there by bike together B:OK _90_ A:See you 8 6_ 8 7_ 8 8_ 8 9 _ 9 0_ 七、书面表达(本大题共10分 ) 根据提供的信

34、息,写一篇6070 词左右的作文。 今年国庆期间,柳州第二届世界摩托艇比赛在柳江河上激情上演,吸引了许多的中外游人前来观看。作为东道主 的市民,请你以Tour of Liuzhou 为题,根据提示,为中外游客简单介绍一下柳州旅游,并号召大家保护柳州环境。 要求:开头已给出,不计人总字数。可适当发挥。 提示语: 柳江河水干净清澈,平缓 (smooth),河面上 (over the river) 有好几座桥, 公园美丽, 乘船夜游柳江(take a boat along ),蟠龙瀑布 (Panlong Waterfall) ,来柳州旅游的最好时节是夏天和秋天。 Tour of Liuzhou Welcome to Liuzhou_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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