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1、湖南长沙 2019高考重点 - 英语 (试题卷) 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号写在答题卡和该 试题卷的封面上,并认真核对条形码的姓名、准考证号和科目。 2. 选择题和非选择题均须在答题卡上作答,在本试题卷和草稿 纸上作答无效。考生在答题卡上按答题卡中注意事项的要求答题。 3. 本试题卷共 13 页。如缺页,考生须及时报告监考老师,否则 后果自负。 4. 考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题一并交回。 姓名 准考证号 绝密启用前 2013年长沙市高考模拟试卷 英语 做听力部分时,请先在试题卷上作答。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟时间将第 1 至 15 小题的答案转涂到答题卡上,

2、将第16 至 20 小题的答案转写到答题卡上。 本试卷分为四个部分,包括听力、语言知识运用、阅读理解和书面表达。考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 PART ONE LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A (22.5 marks) Direction s: In this section you ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choi

3、ces. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter (A, B or C) on the question booklet. You will hear each conversation TWICE. Conversation 1 1. What does the woman do in the group? A. Play the violin. B. Play the piano. C. Sing for the group

4、. 2. How often will the group meet? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every other week. Conversation 2 3. Where does the man want to live? A. In a big city. B. In the country. C. In the mountain. 4. Why couldn t the woman sleep well at night? A. She was not used to the silence. B. She was too tire

5、d to go to sleep. C. She was afraid of the noise made by the birds. Conversation 3 5. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. They live close to each other. B. They have friends in common. C. They are in the same gardening club. 6. Why is the woman upset? A. Her kids did something to the m

6、an s lawn. B. The man is accusing her of something that she didn t do. C. Her family is out of town. Conversation 4 7. What happened to Dennis? A. He was diagnosed with cancer last week. B. He lost a lot of money in business. C. He died from a disease. 8. Who is Christine? A. Dennis s colleague.B. D

7、ennis s mother.C. Dennis s girlfriend. 9. How old was Dennis on his last birthday? A. Twenty-four. B. Thirty-four. C. Forty-four. Conversation 5 10. Which figure of speech is NOT mentioned by the woman? A. I heard it straight from the horse s mouth. B. I m so hungry I could eat a horse. C. Money doe

8、sn t grow on trees. 11. How does the woman know about figures of speech? A. She learned them by herself. B. She learned them from her teacher. C. She learned them from some advanced English speakers. 12. What is probably true about the woman? A. She has already eaten dinner. B. She has great interes

9、t in learning English. C. She is in the same English class as the man. Conversation 6 13. What did the man do before taking questions? A. He gave a presentation. B. He introduced the company. C. He made arrangements for a meeting. 14. What was the woman s first question about? A. The sales situation

10、 in Japan. B. The company s future direction in the Asian market. C. The cultural impact of foreign compa nies on local economies. 15. What will probably take place next? A. They will take a break. B. The man will talk to the woman individually. C. The general manager will help to answer a question.

11、 SECTION B Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. You will hear the short passage TWICE. A Story About Shoes The man s morningLeft home 16

12、 without breakfast Surprise on the bus Found he was wearing his 17 instead of shoes His worry Couldn t think of a(n) 18 to tell his boss Final decision Spent 19 on a new pair of shoes The end The front door of the office was locked as it was a(n) 20 that day. PART TWO LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE Section A Di

13、rections: For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentences. 21. _, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strange C. As strange it might soun

14、d D. Strange as it might sound 22. -How do you think I can make up with Tom? -Put aside_ you disagree and try to find_ you have in common. A. what, what B. where, what C. what, whether D. where, whether 23. _ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variable

15、s and modeled them accurately. A. Even if B. As far as C. If only D. So long as 24. I _ him in time, otherwise he would have fallen off the bike. A. had supported B. supported C. have supported D. support 25. September 8th,1931 is a special day ,_, I think ,that will be remembered by the Chinese for

16、ever. A. one B. it C. which D. that 26. - Can you introduce me a high quality machine? - My pleasure. _ well even on wet roads, this kind of car is very popular. A. Handled B. To handle C. Handling D. Being handled 27. Only when he returned _ that the war had ended and the army had come back. A. we

17、tell B. we told C. did we tell D. were we told 28. They suggested that the professor _ just now _ chairman of the meeting. A. referring to; was made B. referring to; be made C. referred to; be made D. referred to; was made 29. The subway was crowded with passengers going home from market, most of _

18、carrying heavy bags and baskets full of fruit and vegetables they had bought there. A. whom B. them C. who D. which 30. Our society insists on regular habits, timekeeping and punctuality, and whether we like it or not, _ we mean to make our way in society, we have to comply ( to act in accordance wi

19、th a demand, rule, etc.) its demands. A. whether B. after C. if D. until 31 -Where did you come across our Chinese teacher ? - It was in the supermarket _I purchased mooncakes Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen 32. A series of stimulus policies and supportive measures taken by the government _ to promote cha

20、nge in the economic environment in this area. A. are expecting B. are expected C. is expecting D. is expected 33. With all the books he was interested in _, he left the library and went back to his dorm. A. borrowed B. borrowing C. to borrow D. borrow 34.-The research on the new flu virus vaccine is

21、 challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job? -_ my students have a try? A. May B. Must C. Will D. Shall 35. Between the two periods of classes is a break, _ we can have a short rest. Athen Bwhere Cwhen Dwhich Section B (18 points) Directions: For each blank in the following passage t

22、here are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with words or phrases that best fits the context. Everyone wants to win a first-place blue ribbon, to be the best in something. Even kids in Kindergarten want that blue ribbon. In sports, I was never a blue-ribbon person. In a r

23、ace, I was always 36 . In baseball I was likely to be 37 on the head or drop the ball. During the spring of my kindergarten year, our class had a field trip to a park in a town about twenty miles away. Making that drive now is no big 38 but when you re six and you ve lived in a town of 300 people al

24、l your life, going to a big town of a couple of thousand people is really something. I don t remember too much about it. But there was one that I will never forget the _39_ race. The parents tied our feet together. One little boy got me for a 40 . He was the second most 41 boy in our class so he usu

25、ally won at everything and I knew that with me tied to him he didn t have a chance. And I m sure he knew he was in trouble. The gun sounded and we were off. Some couples were falling and stumbling all around us, 42 we stayed on our feet and made it to the other side. 43 , when we turned around and h

26、eaded back for home, we were in the lead! Only one couple had a chance to win, and they were a good several yards behind us. A few feet from the finish line, disaster struck: I tripped and fell. We were 44 enough that my partner could have easily dragged me across the finish line and won. But he did

27、n t. Instead he stopped, 45 down and helped me up just at the other couple crossed the finish line. As a result, we received a small red ribbon for coming in second. I still remember that moment when the young boy decided that helping a friend get on her feet was more important than winning a blue r

28、ibbon. And 13 years later, I still have that little ribbon because it s a 46 that a friend like this boy is one who really 47 . 36. A. last B. first C. quick D. successful 37. A. touched B. felt C. hit D. beaten 38. A. question B. event C. one D. deal 39. A. one-legged B. two-legged C. three-legged

29、D. four-legged 40. A. partner B. helper C. supporter D. competitor 41. A. tallest B. youngest C. athletic D. handsome 42. A. but B. therefore C. however D. and 43. A. Obviously B. Unbelievably C. Secretly D. Undoubtedly 44. A. strong B. brave C. clever D. close 45. A. lay B. slowed C. moved D. reach

30、ed 46. A. warning B. reminder C. gift D. notice 47. A. depends B. counts C. supports D. worthy Section C (12 marks) Direction: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. My first roller coaster experience was not pleasant. It was in the summer o

31、f 2009, in Six Flags, Massachusetts, the US. I went 48 with a group of friends. We were all very excited about roller coaster 49 waited anxiously for the ride to begin. As the roller coaster got up higher and higher, however, my heart started to beat 50 hard that I even could see my shirt move up an

32、d down. I could feel the wind getting stronger and brushing through my hair. Then the big drop came. I closed my eyes and told 51 that it would be over in two seconds, but it felt like forever. I was pushed up from my seat as if I 52 to be thrown out of the car. 53 the time I finished the ride, I co

33、uld barely stand up or speak. So when my friends asked me 54 I thought of the ride, I just answered with silence. No matter how hard I tried, I could not make 55 sound. PART THREE READING COMPREHENSION Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unf

34、inished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. A Aggressive pedestrians are in fact as dangerous as careless drivers. They cause traffic accidents, injury and death. These dangerous wa

35、lkers can be seen in any big city over the world. About 69% of last year s pedestrian deaths in the US occurred in urban areas. They cross streets ignoring “ DON T WALK” signals, suddenly appear without warning from behind parked vehicles, walk slowly at crossroads with cell phones attached to heads

36、, blocking traffic. These pedestrians and drivers share a common disregard for the rules of the road, both for selfish reasons. The drivers believe in the power of their machines. If their machines can go faster, they believe they have the right to go faster. If their machines are bigger, they belie

37、ve they have the right to push smaller vehicles aside. Aggressive pedestrians, on the other hand, believe in the primacy(首位 ) of the individual, the idea that they are first in any environment, under any circumstances, even when they are on foot in a roaring tide of steel and rubber. Last year, an e

38、stimated 5,220 pedestrians died in traffic accidents. Some 69,000 pedestrians were injured. On average, that worked out to one pedestrian killed in a traffic crash every 101 minutes, and one injured every eight minutes. The good news is that the accident rate is dropping. For example, the number of

39、pedestrians killed last year was 24 percent less than the number killed in traffic accidents a decade earlier. The bad news is that the basic causes of pedestrian deaths remain pretty much the same-disregard for traffic signals, inattention and crossing roads under the influence of alcohol and drugs

40、. Alcohol, in fact, was involved in 46 percent of the traffic accidents that resulted in pedestrian deaths. Of those, 31 percent of the pedestrians were found to be drunk. The bottom line is that the pedestrians must do more to protect their lives as well as the lives of other road users. They can s

41、tart by obeying traffic signals, using marked cross-walks and calling a cab when they ve had too much to drink. 56. The passage is mainly about _. A. how aggressive pedestrians cause traffic accidents B. why so many Americans were killed on roads last year C. what the traffic rules of the road about

42、 pedestrians were D. who are to blame for pedestrian deaths, drunk drivers or the aggressive pedestrians 57. What is the pedestrians selfish reason for traffic jams? A. They know all drivers are skilled and with great care. B. They believe individuals are always first. C. They think traffic rules ha

43、ve nothing to do with them. D. They guess all vehicles will slow down at crossroads. 58. What was NOT the basic cause of pedestrian deaths in the US a decade ago? A. Disregard for traffic signals B. Paying no attention to surroundings. C. Crossing roads drunk. D. Overspeeding driving. 59. As one of

44、all the road users, what should we students do on busy roads? A. Obey traffic signals at crossroads. B. Run as fast as possible at crossroads. C. Talk on your cell phone if necessary. D. Always watch out for big trucks. 60. What word can best describe the author s attitude to the traffic accidents c

45、aused by pedestrians? A. Excited. B. Cold. C. Concerned D. Inconnected. B Christmas, Easter and Birthday parties can be difficult times for grandmothers and parents as they rush around trying to arrange the perfect celebration or making everyone as happy as possible! What s better than a birthday pa

46、rty that makes your grandchild smile throughout or a celebration that impresses relatives and close friends? That is why Granny Look has supplied in this section, one of the most comprehensive guides to making these special occasions that happen perhaps once a year a real success. From a selection o

47、f Advent calendars to party planning or Christmas-stocking fillers we have all the possibilities covered so that your children and grandchildren will really have a memorable time with attractive gifts and original ideas. Bring that festive spirit to all those traditional days, and ensure you are alw

48、ays ready for any possibility. Granny Look s extensive links are bound to make every special occasion an entirely different experience from the year before and allow everyone to feel entertained and content. CHRISTMAS-STOCKING FILLERS LOOK no further! Granny Look helps the family to prepare in time

49、for FATHER CHRISTMAS. Give SANTA CLAUS some ideas. He can fill all the children s Christmas-stockings with goodies! Unique Christmas gifts for children - stocking fillers. A Granny Look favorite! ADVENT CALENDARS All children love the build-up to CHRISTMAS! What is better than choosing one of Granny Look s selection of Advent Calendars! Here you will find a list of websites to buy traditional or fun Advent calendars for


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