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1、六年级英语下册复习重点 Unit 1 How tall are you? 一、 Part A 1、A 部分重点词汇 tall - taller高的-更高的dinosaur 恐龙 short - shorter矮的/短的-更矮的 /更短的hall 大厅 形容词 adj long - longer长的-更长的others than 比 old - older老的/旧的-更老的 /更旧的both 两个都 young- younger年轻的 -更年轻的metre 米 many-more 许多的 -更多的 2、A 部分重点句型: (1) Thats the tallest dinosaur in thi

2、s hall. 那是这个厅里 最高的 恐龙。 (形容词最高级:形容词+est 表示“最 .的” ,形容词最高级前面要和the 连用。 ) (2) It s taller than both of us together. 它比我们俩加起来 还高。 (3) How tall are you? 你有多高? I m 1.65 metre s. 我身高 1.65 米。 3、知识点: (1) 问年龄,身高等 How old are you? 你多少岁 ?How tall are you? 你有多高? - I m _数字_ (year s old). - I m _数字 metres (tall). (注

3、意: 在长度单位后可以加上tall ,也可以省略不用。当数量超过 1 时,单位要用复数形式。 ) (2) 形容词比较级: 形容词 +er 表示“更 .的” , 主要用于两者进行比较。 形容谁比谁更 am 主语 A + be is + 形容词比较级 + than + 宾语 B A 比 B 更的 are 如:I am taller than you. 我比你高。 I am 4 cm taller than your brother. 我比你弟弟高 4cm . Amy is shorter than Chen Jie. 艾米比陈洁高。 (注意: than 前面的形容词要用比较级。 ) Unit 1

4、How tall are you? 二、 Part B 1、B 部分重点词汇: thin - thinner瘦的-更瘦的kilogram 千克 heavy- heavier重的-更重的size 号码 big - bigger大的-更大的others feet 脚(foot 的复数) 形容词 adj. small- smaller 小的-更小的wear 穿 strong- stronger强壮的 -更强壮的countryside 乡村 low-lower低的-更低的shadow 影子 smart-smarter 聪明的 -更聪明的 2、B 部分重点句型: (1) What size are yo

5、ur shoes, Mike? 迈克,你穿 多大号 的鞋? My shoe s are size 37. 我穿 37 号的鞋。 Size 37. 37 号。 (2) Your feet are bigger than mine . 你的脚比 我的大。 (3) How heavy are you? 你体重多少 ? I m 48 kilogram s. 我体重 48 千克。 3、知识点: (1)询问体重的句型: How heavy are you? 你有多重?/ 你体重多少? - I m _数字_ kilogram s . 例:I m 45 kilogram s. 我体重 45 千克。 (注意:当

6、数量超过1 时,kilogram 要用复数形式。) (2)询问对方鞋子的尺码: What size are your shoes? 你穿多大号 的鞋? (=How big are your feet? 你的脚有 多大?) 答语: Size + 数字 . / My shoes are size+ 数字. 我穿_码的鞋。 例: My shoes are size 37. 我穿 37 码的鞋。 (注意:疑问词 how 后面的形容词要用原级 ,如: how long 多长, how big 多大) (3)Your feet are bigger than mine . 你的脚比 我的大。 mine “

7、我的”是名词性物主代词 ,后面不需要再接名词,指代句子前面所提事物。 my“我的”是形容词性物主代词 ,后面需要加名词。如:my father ,my feet 例:Your eyes are bigger than my eyes . 你的眼睛比我的眼睛大。 Your eyes are bigger than mine . 你的眼睛比我的大。(my eyes=mine ) (4)形容词比较级的变化规则: 一般在词尾加 er ; 以字母 e 结尾,加 r ;nice-nice r 以辅元辅结尾,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er ;big- big gerthin- thin ner 以“ 辅音字

8、母 +y” 结尾,先把 y 变 i,再加 er 。heavy-heav ier Unit 2 Last weekend 上周末 一、 Part A 1、A 部分重点词汇: clean- cleaned my room 打扫我的房间 wash - washed my clothes 洗我的衣服 动词的过去式stay- stayed at home 待在家里 watch- watched TV 看电视 drink-dr ank tea 喝茶 2、A 部分重点句型: (1) How was your weekend? 你周末过得 怎么样?(横线上可换其他时间: summer holiday. ) I

9、t was good/ fine/ OK/ great, thank you. 很好,谢谢。 / Not very good. 不太好。 (2) What did you do? 你干什么 了? I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV. 我和你奶奶待在家里。我们喝了下午茶,还看了电视。 (3) Did you do anything else? 你还做了其他什么事吗? Yes, I clean ed my room and wash ed my clothes. 是的,我打

10、扫了房间,还洗了衣服。 3、知识点: (1) 询问别人在过去时间里干什么了: What did + 主语 + do ( 过去时间 )?(主语可以是you, he, she, they, your father, Mike.) 过去时间词: yesterday 昨天, last week 上星期, last weekend 上周末 .时间词可省略 答语:主语+ 动词过去式+ 其他. 如:What did she do? -She watched TV. What did Mike do yesterday? -He cleaned his room. (注意: did 后面的动词要用原形。 问句

11、用过去时提问,答语也要用过去时回答) (2)动词过去式的变化规则: 1、 一般在动词词尾加上ed 。如: cleaned,washed,played,worked 2、 以 e 结尾的动词在词尾加上d 。 如 :liked,used, lived 3、 以辅音字母和 y 结尾的动词改 y 为 i ,再加上 ed 。如: studied ,cried 4、以辅元辅结尾的,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ed 。如: stopped ,planned 5、不规则动词过去式: am/is-was, are-were, do-did, have-had, go-went Unit 2 Last weeken

12、d 上周末 二、 Part B 1、B 部分重点词汇: read- read a book 看书last weekend 上个周末 动词过去式see- saw a film 看电影last Monday 上个星期一 have- had a cold 感冒过去时间last night 昨晚 sleep- slept睡觉yesterday 昨天 the day before yesterday前天 2、B 部分重点句型: (1) I want to buy the new film magazine. 我想要 买期新的电影杂志。 (want to 后面接动词原形) (2) What did you

13、 do last weekend? 你上周末干什么了? I stayed at home all weekend and slept . 我整个周末都待在家里睡觉。 (3) Did you see a film? 你看电影了吗?(did you后面的动词要用原形 ) -Yes, I did. 是的,我看了。 -No, I didn t. 不,我没看。 / No, I had a cold. 不,我感冒了。 3、知识点: (1) 询问别人在过去时间是否做了某事:Did you + 动词原形 (see,sleep ,swim)+ 其他? 答语: Yes, I / we did. (肯定回答 ) N

14、o, I / we did nt. (否定回答 ) 如:Did you have a cold? 你感冒了吗?Yes. I did. 是的,我感冒了。 Did he see a film? 他看电影了吗?Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. Did she sleep yeaterday afternoon? 她昨天下午睡觉了吗?Yes, she did. / No, she didnt. (2) Be 动词的过去式: am 和 is 的过去式是 was 。(was not=was nt) are 的过去式是 were 。(were not=were nt) (3) 陈述句

15、变成否定句 的两种情况: 句中含有 be 动词/情态动词 can , 可直接在 be 动词/情态动词 can 后加 not。 如: It was not interesting. 它没有趣。He can not swim. 他不会游泳。 句中没有 be 动词/情态动词 , 则在动词前面 加 dont/ doesnt / didnt, 原来动词要变回原形 I go to school on foot. 变否定: I dont go to school on foot. 如He like s singing. 变否定: He doesnt like singsing, She saw a film

16、 last night. 变否定: She didnt see a film last night. (4) 陈述句变成一般疑问句 的两种情况: 句中含有 be 动词 /情态动词 can , 可直接把句中原有的be/情态动词移至句首。 如:It was interesting. 变一般疑问句: Was it interesting? She can take a trip. 变一般疑问句: Can she take a trip? 句中没有 be 动词 /情态动词 , 则在句首加 do/ does/ did, 句中原来动词要变回原形 I go to school on foot. 变一般疑问句

17、: Do you go to school on foot? 如He like s singing. 变一般疑问句: Does he like singsing? She saw a film last night. 变一般疑问句: Did she see a film last night? Unit 3 Where did you go? 你去哪里了? 一、 Part A 1、A 部分重点词汇: go fishing- went fishing 去钓鱼Labour Day 劳动节 go camping - went camping 去野营mule 骡子 ride a horse- rode

18、 a horse 骑马其它Turpan 吐鲁番 动词过去式ride a bike- rode a bike 骑自行车till 直到 hurt my foot- hurt my foot 弄伤我的脚phote 照片 fall off-fell off 从摔倒 can-could 能 2、A 部分重点句型: (1) What happen ed? 怎么了?(用来询问过去发生了什么事) (2) Are you all right ? 你还好吗?(用来询问对方的身体状况) I m OK/ good/ fine/ great now. 我现在没事了。 /我现在很好。(肯定回答) Not very wel

19、l. 不太好。(否定回答) (3) Where did you go? 你去哪里 了? (4) It looks like a mule! 它看起来像 头骡子! (横线上可换成其他名词,如dog, pen ) (5) Did you go to Turpan? 你们去吐鲁番了吗?(注意:Did 后面的动词要用原形 ) Yes, I did. 是的,我去了。/No, I didn t. 不,我没去。 Yes, we did. 是的,我们去了。/No, we did n t. 不,我们没去。 3、知识点: (1) 询问别人过去去了哪里:Where did + 主语 + go + (过去时间)?时间

20、可省略 答语: 主语 + went to + 地点 . (the cinema, a forest park, Beijing. ) 如:Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去哪了?-I went to the cinema. 我去电影院了。 Where did he go last week? 他上周去哪了?-He went to Beijing. 他去北京了。 Where did she go yesterday? 她昨天去哪了? -She went to a forest park. 她去森林公园了。 (2) 询问别人是否去了某地:Did + 主语 + go t

21、o + 地点? 答语: Yes, 主语 + did. / No, 主语 + didnt . 如: Did he go to Shanghai? 他去上海了吗?-Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. Did Sarah go to the library? 萨拉去图书馆了吗?-Yes, she did. / No, she didnt. Unit 3 Where did you go? 你去哪里了? 二、 Part B 1、B 部分重点词汇: go swimming- went swimming 去游泳 动词过去式eat fresh food- ate fresh food

22、吃新鲜的食物 take pictures- took pictures 照相 buy gifts- bought gifts 买礼物 2、B 部分重点句型: (1) How did you go there? 你们怎么去那的?(注意: did 后面的动词要用原形 ) We went there by plane. 我们坐飞机去那的。 (2) Sound s great ! 听上去不错!(横线上可换成其他形容词, 如: good , bad, interesting) 3、知识点: (1) 询问别人过去怎么去某地:How did + 主语 + go to 地点? . 怎么去 .的? 答语: 主语

23、 + went there + 交通方式 . (如:on foot, by bus, by plane) 例:How did you go there ? 你怎么去哪的? -I went there on foot. 我走路去那的。 How did he go to the library? 他怎么去图书馆的? -He went there by bus. 他坐公共汽车去那的。 How did Amy go to Beijing? 艾米怎么去北京的? -She went there by plane. 她坐飞机去那的。 (注意:如果 go to 后的地点词是 there 那里 时,要省略 to

24、 ,直接说 go there 。 ) (2)over the winter holiday over 在期间 (3)常见的 不规则动词过去式 : am/is-was, are-were, do-did, have-had, go-went, drink-drank, eat-ate, take-took, ride-rode, hurt-hurt, read-read, see-saw, sleep-slept, get-got, can-could, make-made, buy-bought Unit 4 Then and now 当时和现在 一、 Part A 1、A 部分重点词汇: d

25、ining hall饭厅ago 以前 必背词gym体育馆years ago 年前 grass草坪表示过去时间months ago月前 last month 上个月 last year 去年 at that time 在那时 2、A 部分重点句型: (1) There was no library in my old school. 我以前的学校里 没有 图书馆。 (2) Tell us about your school, please. 请给我们讲讲 您的学校吧。 (横线处可换成其他词,如:your family, your teacher. ) (3) How do you know th

26、at? 你怎么 知道的?(用来询问别人如何知道某事的) (4) There were no computer s or Internet in my time. 我那时候没有电脑也没有网络。 3、知识点: (1) there be 句型:表示 .(地方)有 . there is+ 名词单数/不可数名词(肉类,液体类单词) 一般现在时eg: There is a book on the desk. / There is some water on the desk. there are+ 名词复数 eg: There are many books on the desk. there was+

27、名词单数/不可数名词(肉类,液体类单词)+ 过去时间 一般过去时eg: There was a book on the desk last night. 昨晚桌子上有一本书。 there were+ 名词复数+ 过去时间 eg: There were many books on the desk last night. 昨晚桌子上有很多书。 (2) there be 句型变否定:表示.(地方)没有 . 可直接在 be 动词后加 not ,如句中有单词 some,变否定时要把some 改为 any 如:There was some water. 变否定: There was not any wa

28、ter. There were many books. 变否定:There were not many books. 可在 be 动词后加 no,原本名词前的数量词要省略。 如:There was a gym in my old school. 变否定:There was no gym in my old school. There were many computers in my time. 变否定:There were no computers in my time. ( 注意:no+名词相当于not a / an / any + 名词。 ) (3) there be 句型变一般疑问句,

29、直接把be 动词移到句首: 如:There was a gym in my old school. 变一般疑问句: Was there a gym in your old school? Unit 4 Then and now 当时和现在 二、 Part B 1、B 部分重点词汇: go cycling去骑自行车Internet 互联网 ice-skate滑冰 (go ice-skating) look up 查阅 必背词play badminton打羽毛球其他easy 简单的 /容易的 think-thought 想,觉得different 不同的 before 以前active 活跃的 q

30、uiet 安静的 2、B 部分重点句型: (1) Before, I was quiet. Now , I m very active in class. 以前 我很安静, 现在我在课堂上很活跃。 (2) I was short, so I could n t ride my bike well. Now , I go cycling every day. 我以前个子矮,自行车骑得不好,现在我每天骑车。 3、知识点: (1) 表示以前不喜欢的句型:I didn t like + 名词或动名词 。如: Before, I didnt like dogs. Before, I didnt like

31、 winter . Before, I didnt like swimming. (2) 表示过去不能做或不会做的句型:I couldn t + 动词原形 。如: I couldnt go cycling before. 我以前不会骑自行车I couldnt play football before. (3) 如何描述某人过去和现在的不同情况 外貌和性格的不同: Before, 主语+was / were + 形容词 . Now ,主语+am / is / are + 形容词 . Before I was quiet. Now I am active. 以前我很安静。现在我很活跃。 Befor

32、e she was short. Now she was tall. 以前她很矮。现在她很高。 能力方面: Before, 主语 +couldn t +动词原形 . Now, 主语+can + 动词原形 . Before I couldnt swim. Now I can swim very well.以前我不会游泳。现在我游得很好。 爱好方面: Before, 主语 +didn t like +名词/动词 ing. Now, 主语+like/likes + 名词/动词 ing. Before he didnt like singing. Now he likes singing.以前他不喜欢唱歌。现在他喜欢唱歌。 总结: Before , 主语过去时 . Now, 主语一般现在时 (动词原形 /三单) .


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