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1、北京市海淀区2019-2020学年八上英语期末调研测试题 一、选择题 1-How was your weekend,Tony? -_. AIt is nice and interesting BIt was great CI went to the beach DI bought a dress for my sister 2Parents play an important role in _ their children. A.teach B.teaches C.to teach D.teaching 3 What do you think of sitcoms? I like them

2、very much. Because I hope _ some great jokes. Ato learn Blearning Cnot to learn Dnot learning 4-Do you know that there are not many cranes left in the world? -Yes, I do. And 40 percent of them _in Zhalong. Ais Bwas Care Dwere 5 Anna, our school team lost the basketball game. What? I can hardly _ my

3、ears! All of the players are excellent. A.stand B.believe C.mind 6Project Hope (希望工程 ) started in 1989. It helped many poor children to get _. A.education B.information C.vacations 7 Can you come to my party on Sunday? _, I cant.I have to go to the doctors. A.Yes B.Sure C.Sorry D.Not 8Mike ,_ speak

4、loudly.Your father is sleeping. AcantBdont Cdoesnt Dnot 9I didnt see you _ in. You must have been very quiet. A.comes B.to come C.come D.have come 10We cant go to the moon on foot. Youre killing me A你的话笑死人了。 B你杀了我吧。 C你在胡说八道。 D你让我死了吧。 11The food was awful. I_it. Alike Bliked Ccouldn t standDcan stand

5、 12The boy was _ hungry and he ate _ bread. Atoo much; too much Btoo much; much too Cmuch too; too much Dmuch too; much too 13(题文) Pour some tomato sauce _ the blender. Ain B into Con Donto 14Don t forget _ your English book tomorrow. A.bring B.brings C.to bring D.bringing 15My sister is taller now,

6、 and she _ more beautiful. A.grows B.becomes C.goes D.turns 二、单词填空 16词汇运用 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1)Look at the c_. Its December 29th today. 2)Please send Tom the i_. Ask him to come to Marys birthday party next Sunday. 3)The days from Monday to Friday are w_. 4)Its time to leave. Lets say g_ to our friends

7、. 5)His cats death made him s_. 三、句型转换 17 1)Everyone had a good time there.(改为一般疑问句) _ everyone _ a good time there? 2)Mary studied Chinese in Beijing.(对画线部分提问) _ _ Mary _ Chinese? 3)She bought something interesting for her friend.(改为一般疑问句) _ she buy _ interesting for her friend? 4)He bought nothing

8、 in the shop.(改为同义句) He _ buy _ in the shop. 5)I went to Beijing during my holiday.(对画线部分提问) _ _ you _ during your holiday? 四、完成句子 18五 . 根据所给汉语意思填空,完成下面的句子。 ( 每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 1)那个小狗还活着,他惊恐地躲在石头后面。 The dog _ _ _. He hid himself behind the stone _ _. 2)这个可怜的母亲被困在废墟中,一动也不能动。 The poor mother was trapped

9、 in the ruins and she _ _ _ _. 3)在我们生火的时候,他的衣服着火了。 His coat_ _ when we were _ _ _. 4)昨天晚上暴风雨夹杂着电闪雷鸣,我吓坏了。 There was a storm _ _ _ _yesterday evening. I was so frightened. 5)因为重感冒,我没有去看比赛。 I didn t go to watch the match _ _ _ _ _. 五、完形填空 19 Do you know 1 to make super fruit ice-cream? Follow the step

10、s below and you can make your own super fruit ice-cream. To 2 a bowl of fruit ice-cream, you will need a cup of yogurt and honey, two cups of milk, two teaspoons of sugar and lemon juice ,some apple sauce and cheese ,one small watermelon. The procedure(过程) of making super fruit ice-cream: Step 1: Pe

11、el the watermelon. 3 . Step 2: Heat the milk. Add the sugar 4 it. Cool it. Step 3: Pour the yogurt, lemon juice and honey into a bowl. 5 . Step 4: Put the apple sauce and cheese in the blender. 6 the blender. Step 5: 7 the ingredients(原料) from the blender. Pour them into the 8 bowl. Cool them in the

12、 fridge. Stir(搅拌) them in and put the watermelon pieces 9 the top. Put them into the fridge 10 for about 3 hours. 1)A.when B.how C.what D.where 2)A.make B.made C.making D.makes 3)A.Cut it up B.Cut up it C.Cut them up D.Cut up them 4)A.on B.to C.with D.in 5)A.Mix it up B.Mix up it C.Mix them up D.Mix

13、 up them 6)A.Turn on B.Turn off C.Turn down D.Turn up 7)A.Take B.Taking C.Take out D.Take off 8)A.mix B.mixing C.mixed D.mixes 9)A.on B.in C.into D.with 10)A.away B.first C.again D.for 20Whitney didnt have many friends. She was shy and 1 She never wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someo

14、ne to share 2 and laugh with Then it was time for her to go to college in another town. And she had to 3 with someone she didnt know. She had no idea if she could make friends in that new situation. But something happened during the first class. And Whitneys life wasnt 4 as before because of it. The

15、 teacher asked all the students to 5 a little about themselves. Whitney told everyone where she came from and some other information. The last 6 for each student was “What is your goal(目标) for this term?” 7 of the students said it was to get good grades, pass the tests or something similar! But Whit

16、ney said something 8 . She said that her goal was to make just one good friend. When most of the students sat quietly, one student came to Whitney. She reached out her hand and introduced(介绍 ) herself. She asked 9 she could be Whitneys friend. Whitney was surprised and happy. She 10 and reached her

17、hand out, too. Then they shook hands. Their friendship went on all through the college. 1)Acareless Bquiet Cnoisy Dweak 2)Amarks Bfriends Ctests Dsecrets 3)Atalk Bcommunicate Clive Ddiscuss 4)Athe same Bdifferent Csurprised Deasy 5)Aremember Bshare Cread Dwrite 6)Awish Bdecision Ccompetition D quest

18、ion 7)AMost BFew CAll DNone 8) Ainteresting Bdifferent Csimilar Dstrange 9)Ahow Bwhy Cif Dwhere 10)Asmiled Bwatched Cran Dturned 六、用所给的词正确形式填空 21(题文)用所给单词的适当形式填空 1)Of the two coats, Ill choose the _ (cheap) one to save some money for a book. 2)What s the _ (high) of your desk? It s about one meter.

19、3)Do students in your school often wear _ (uniform)? 4)I have the _ (few) books of the six students. 5)There is a _ (month) test on each subject in our school. 七、阅读理解 22Jeff Green can not look after (照看 ) his things. Look, this is his room. He doesnt put his things away (收好 ) every day. Look at his

20、desk. Many things are on it. They are notebooks, CDs, video tapes, pens, pencils. He doesnt put his pens and pencils in his pencil case. Look, some of his sports collections are on the desk and chairs. Its eight oclock in the morning, and Jeff is in bed. Its Sunday. He doesnt go to school. Oh, whats

21、 under the bed? A football. He likes playing football. He can not play volleyball well. His backpack is under the bed. Why is his backpack under the bed? We dont know. Whats that under the sofa? It is one of his socks. Where is the other(另外的 ) one? Sorry, we can not see it. Jeff needs to ask his par

22、ents to find it, I think. 1)Where is Jeffs backpack? AIt is on his desk. BIt is under his school things. CIt is under his bed. DIts on the sofa. 2)What sport does Jeff like? AFootball BBasketball CVolleyball DBaseball 3)Where are Jeffs socks? AThey are on his sofa. BThey are under his bed. COne of h

23、is socks is under the sofa, but we can not see the other one. DThey are under the desk. 4)What time is it now? AIts 8 a.m. BIts 8 p.m. CIts time for bed DIts time for breakfast 5)Does Jeff put his things away every day? ANo, he doesnt. BYes, he does. CSorry, I dont know. DHe puts his school things a

24、way. 23 You may not know the name of your neighbors dog though you see it every day. But you may know the name of this cute white dog with black ears. The dog is 63 years old this year. He is Snoopy, the main character in the US Peanuts comic strip (花生连环画). In the comic, Snoopy has done lots of jobs

25、. He has been a lawyer, a writer, and even the first astronaut on the moon. Snoopy has his own dreams. He works hard to make them come true. For example, though people never like the stories he writes, Snoopy keeps writing because he wants to succeed one day. In Snoopy, people see the truth of the s

26、aying: “The only thing you can do when you fail is not giving up(放弃) . ” Snoopy never stops on his way to make his dreams come true. He teaches people to have the right idea about their lives. Because of that, Snoopy has become popular in the US since his birth in 1950. Last year, American people ch

27、ose Snoopy as the Top Dog in American Pop Culture. Snoopys influence(影响) goes all around the world. Over the past 61 years, he has been in more than 2,600 newspapers in 75 countries. As a US newspaper once said: “If anyone can be a good influence in children and teenagers lives, it is Snoopy.” 根据短文内

28、容,选择最佳答案。 1)Snoopy is . Ayour neighbors dog Ba dog in the Peanuts comic strip Ca white cat with black ears Dthe first astronaut on the moon 2)Snoopy was born in . A1950 B1951 C1960 D1961 3)Though people never like the stories he writes, Snoopy . Astops writing Bkeeps writing C relaxes himself Dasks

29、for help 4)Snoopys influence goes all around . Athe US BChina CJapan Dthe world 5)We can learn from Snoopy. Ahow to write stories Bhow to find good jobs Cthe right idea about our lives Dthe way to get much money; 八、书面表达 24 上周你们班进行了一次“说出你的烦恼”的调查活动,请你根据左面图表所示用英语写一篇短文,介绍 一下调查结果。词数100 左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)

30、要点: 1. 调查结果(如左图所示);2. 对老师和父母的建议。 Our class has made a survey“Dont keep your worries“. Here are the results. _ _ _ _ _ _ 【参考答案】* 一、选择题 题 号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答 案 B D A C B A C B C A C C B C B 二、单词填空 161)calendar 2)invitation 3)weekdays 4)goodbye 5)sad 三、句型转换 171) Did have 2) Where di

31、d study 3) Did anything 4)didn t anything 5) Where did go 四、完成句子 181) was still alive in fear 2)couldn t move at all 3) caught fire starting/making a fire 4) with lightning and thunder 5) because of a bad cold 五、完形填空 191)B 2)A 3)A 4)B 5)C 6)A 7)C 8)B 9)A 10)C 201)B 2)D 3)C 4)A 5)B 6)D 7)A 8)B 9)C 10

32、)A 六、用所给的词正确形式填空 211)2)cheaper 3)4)height 5)【小题3】uniforms 【小题 4】【小题4】 fewest 【小题 5】【小题5】 monthly 七、阅读理解 221)C 2)A 3)C 4)A 5)A 231) B 2) A 3) B 4) D 5) C 八、书面表达 24例文 Our class has made a survey“Dont keep your worries”. Here are the results. Fifty percent of the students in our class are worried about

33、 their homework and studies. And they feel stressed. Thirty percent of the students think their parents are too strict with them. They dont often talk with their parents. The other twenty percent say they are weak in health. They complain that they almost have no time for their hobbies or exercise. So I hope our teachers will give us less homework. And I advise our parents to allow us to spend more time with our friends doing outdoor activities.


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