小学英语外研版三年级起点 五年级下册Module4测试题及答案.doc

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1、外研版(三起)五年级英语下册Module 4测试题一、找出下列单词读音不同的一项(5分)( )1、A . library B .find C .bring ( )2、A .card B .timetable C .hard( )3、A .use B .newspaper C.us ( )4、A .egg B .email C.easy( )5、A .information B .dictionary C.timetable二、 翻译下列短语(10分)1、传统的中国食物_ 2、有关计算机的书_3、列车信息_ 4、图书证_ 5、带回来_ 6、make an e-card_ 7、in two wee

2、ks time_ 8、in the library_ 9、in this timetable_ 10、at the zoo_三.单项选择。(20分)( )1. Please bring _the book _ two weeks time. A back, in B on, in C about, after( )2. -_ Amy_ Chinese food ? - Yes, she does. A. Did, miss B. Does, missed C Does ,miss ( )3. Its easy _ a computer. A on B in C with( )4. Lets_

3、to the library. A go B going C went ( )5.-Can I have your library card, please? - _ A Yes, I can. B No, I cant C Yes, here you are.( )6.There _ any cars or buses many years ago. A .were B. werent C wasnt( )7 . Heres a card _ you. A on B to C for( )8 .She didnt_ a radio. A. had B. have C has( )9.He g

4、ave a present _ his Mum. A in B for C to( )10.I want to make _e-card for Lingling. A a B an C one( )11. We can find a book _ e-cards there. A about B for C of( )12.What _ she _ yesterday evening? A did, have B did, has C does, have( )13.Mum _ our new computer yesterday. A buy B bought C buys ( )14.C

5、an you help me ? Sorry ,Im not good _ it. A. to B.in C. at ( )15.Where are the books about computers ,please? They are _ . A on Shelf C B.in Shelf C C at Shelf C( )16. Thank you very much .Youre _ clever! A very B so C very much( )17.You can find _ about the weather this newspaper . A out in B out o

6、n C in at( )18.You can find about English food this CD-ROM. A.on on B.out on C.out in( )19.Lingling can use it the computer. A.on B.in C.at( )20.What do you want ? A.know B.knows C.to know四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.Look! A cat (run) up the tree. 2.What about (play)football?3.She (go) home with her friends

7、 last night.4.Im going to (visit)the Great Wall. 5.Will you (go) with me?五、用备选单词把句子补充完整。(5分)(traditional , enough, lots of, about, find out, )1).I watched a television programme _ China.2).Fish and chips are _ English food. 3).She sang in _ _ Chinese cities.4).We didnt have _ _ food. 5).Where can yo

8、u_ _about sports?六、阅读对话,判断正误(T或F)。(10分)I have a friend. His name is John. He is a student. He is 11 years old, but he is taller than me. Do you know where he lives? He lives in Canada. I often send postcards to him, and write an e-mail on a computer to him every week. I bought a gift for him yesterd

9、ay. It is a stamp. I send it to him today. I think he will be very happy. ( )1. John is my friend. ( )2. John is twelve years old. ( )3. I write an e-mail on a computer to him every day.( )4. I bought a stamp for John yesterday. ( )5. I think John will be happy.七、根据问句找出合适的答语。(10分)( )1.Happy birthday

10、 to you. A. Its two oclock.( )2.Whats this? B. Its a book.( )3.Whats the time, please? C. Happy New Year!( )4.Pass me the box, please. D. Thank you.( )5.Whats your name? E. Its red.( )6.Do you like monkeys? F. Im fine, thank you.( )7.How are you? G. My name is Sam.( )8.Where is the pencil? H. Yes,I

11、do.( )9.Happy New Year! I. Here you are!( )10.What colour is it? J. Its on the desk.八、连词成句。(20分)1. are , Here , you ( . ) _2.from Ive email Lingling got an ( . ) _3. Yesterday an breakfast had she English ( . ) _4. she dinner What have did for ( ? ) _5. back Please in weeks bring book time the two (

12、 . )_ 九、阅读短文,判断句子正误,用“”“X”表示。(10分) Hello,my name is Tom. I like Music.I like football.I play football at the weekend. I have a brother.His name is Sam.He likes basketball. He plays basketball on Friday. ( ) 1.Tom likes football. ( ) 2.Sam is Toms brother. ( ) 3.Sam likes football. ( ) 4.Tom and Sam

13、are friends. ( ) 5.Sam plays basketball on Friday.Module4参考答案:一、CBCAC二、1.traditional Chinese food 2.the books about computer 3.train information 4.library card5.bring back 6.做电子贺卡 7.在两周时间内 8.在图书馆里 9.在时刻表里 10.在动物园三、ACCAC BCBCB AABCA BABAC四、is running ;playing ; went ;visit ; go 五、about ; traditional ; lots of ; enough ; find out 六、TFFTT七、DBAIG HFJCE八、1、Here yopu are .2、Ive got an email from Lingling .3、Yesterday she had an English breakfast .4、What did she have for dinner ? 5、Please bring back the book in two weeks time .九、


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