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1、新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 33新概念英语第二册课后习题答案详解Lesson 33练习答案 Key to written exercises1关键句型练习答案A 1 The girl set out from the coast.2 She jumped into the sea.3 She swam to the shore.B 1 to 2 from/out of 3 (up) to 4 for/ from5 fromto/ tofrom 6 at 7 to 8 fromC ( sample answers)1 A bird flew into the room.2 Th

2、e parachutist jumped from the aeroplane.3 The child pointed at the fat lady.4 Put the milk in the refrigerator.2难点练习答案1 the other day 2 passed 3 next 4 past3多项选择题答案1. d根据课文第2-4行One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat. Towards evening, the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into

3、the sea. 可以推测出只有 d. for about four hours(大约四小时)最接近女孩在船上所呆的时间. 因为她下午起航,将近傍晚时船遇难,所以她不可能在船上停留a. all day(一整天),b. all night(一夜), c. for about 10 hours(大约10小时),所以d.是正确答案.2. b根据课文第一句Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened 可以看出,只有b. but some time passed before she could ex

4、plain what had happened to her 与课文的实际情况相符合,其他3个选择都不符合文章事实。3. d只有d. what happened to her? 最符合语法; 而a. happen 不合乎语法,如果是一般现在时,what 后面应跟单数形式的动词; b. was happened 语态不对,应为主动语态; c. happening 是现在分词,不能做谓语。4. a只有a. having spent 最符合语法和题目意思。这是现在分词的完成式,在句子中作时间状语,表示已经完成的动作。b. having spending有语法错误,having 后面应跟过去分词;c.

5、 when spending(当逗留时)不符合题目意思,d. had spent 是过去完成时,不能做表示时间的短语。5. c这个疑问句是对距离提问的,回答是Eight miles. a. away far 和 b. far from 都不符合语法; d. long(长)是对长度或时间提问的,不太合乎题目意思。 只有c. far away 最符合语法和题目意思。6. b只有b. any more 才能同前一句 That was all she remembered(她所记得的就是这些)的含义相同。 a. some more 不能用于否定句中; c. no more 不符合题目意思,在否定句中不

6、应该再用no more 而形成双重否定; d. none more 不是正确的表达方式。7. b只有b. to 最正确。 介词to表示方向,有“向”,“去”“到”的含义,它可以同take 连用表示“把带到”。其他3个选择a. at the, c. in, d. in the 虽然都表示地点,但没有“到”的含义,他们一般不和take连用。8. c根据前一句She was caught in a storm(她遇上了暴风雨)的含义,本句需要选出描绘天气的词. a. fine(晴的),不合乎题目意思. b. warm and sunny(暖和而有阳光的)也不符合题目意思. d. wet(潮湿的)不够

7、确切 只有c. very rough(有暴风雨的,狂暴的)正确.9. c只有c. in front of (在前面)同前一句中的ahead的意思相符;a. behind(在后面), b. beside(在旁边), d. above(在上方) 词意思都不对。10. c本句的主语cliffs(悬崖峭壁)需要选出一个能描述它特征的形容词. a. narrow(窄的), b. wide(宽的) d. sharp(尖锐的)3个词都不能描述cliffs. 只有c. steep(陡峭的)最合适.11. a前一句She struggled up the cliff (她挣扎着往峭壁上爬去)说明这是很不容易做的事情,所以只能选a. easy. 其他3个选择b. hard(艰苦的),c. difficult(困难的),d. long(长的)词意思都不合乎题目意思。12. c本句需要选出一个与前一句的remembered(想起)意思相同的词. a. remind(提醒,使想起),与remember 意思不太一样. b. memorise (记住,熟记)强调用心去记或者背下来. d. mind(介意,留意)与remember 意思不太一样.只有c. recollect(想起,记起)与remember 意思相同.


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