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1、正式和非正式英语的一些表达形式l 状语 1) 时间,原因和条件状语可以用非谓语动词的形式,也可以用状语从句的形式,一般的说,非谓语动词形式比状语从句形式正式。 Being (As he was) a farmer, he had to get up early. Weather permitting (If weather permits), we shall go. 2)方式和程度状语可用介词短语,也可以用副词表示,一般说,介词短语比副词正式。 He spoke in a confident way / with confidence. (confidently) 3) 英语中用一些副词有两

2、种形式,一种是-ly形式,一种是同形容词的形式相同,一般说,前者比后者正式。 Ill get back as quickly (quick) as I can. He read loudly (loud). I guessed rightly (right). 4) 让步状语从句 how (who, when, what) ever 的形式比 no matter how (who, when, what) 的形式正式。 However (No matter how) difficult the work may be, I shall finish it. l 代词 I. 关系代词 1) 定语

3、从句中作宾语的关系词Whom 比 who正式。 He is the person whom (who) I met the other day. 2) 在定语从句中作主语和宾语的关系词Who whom and which比 that 正式。He is the person who (that) is well-known all over the country. This is the book which (that) I bought yesterday. I know the person whom (that) you spoke to. 3) 指时间和地点的从句 Prep + wh

4、ich 比 when and where 从句正式。 This is the place in which (where ) I worked. That is the day on which (when) I came. II. 人称代词 1) 通常在比较级中主格比宾格正式。 He is taller than I (me). Who is there ? It is I.(me) 2) 在动名词前,所属格比主格正式。 Do you mind my (me) smoking? I am surprised at his (him) making that mistake. 3) 单数人称代

5、词比复数正式。 Everyone should do his (their) duty. Give me (us) a kiss, darling. Everyone thinks he knows (they know) the answer. 4) 指作者本人用 We 比 I 正式。 As we (I) showed in Chapter One, it is not an easy question. 5) 泛指人时,One 比 you 正式。 One (You) never knows what may happen. 6) 在复合句中,主句和从句中的主语出现名词和代词时,主句中用名词

6、比用人称代词正式。 The plane took off as soon as it had refueled. (It took off as soon as the plane had refueled.) III. 指示代词 1) 当This 和 that都是后指时,that 比 this 正式。 That (This) is what I thought. 2.)that / those 作为先行词比名词正式。 Those flowers are better than those which (the flowers) we planted last year. l 主谓一致 1)

7、单数比复数正式。 None / Neither of them has (have) arrived yet. 2) 复数比单数正式。 If I were (was) you I would do that. Neither his wife nor his child have (has) arrived. There are (is) hundreds of people outside. 3) 和kind 连用的名词单数比复数正式。 This kind of dog (These kinds of dogs are) is easy to train. I like most kind

8、of cat (cats). l 倒装句比不倒装句正式。 Had I known it (If I had known it) I would have told you. Hardly have I seen this. (I have hardly seen this.) Away went the car (The car went away) like a whirl wind. Under no circumstances must the door be left unlocked. (The door must be left unlocked under no circumst

9、ances.) Most of the problems a computer could solve easily. (A computer could solve most of the problems easily.) l 不省略的形式比省略的形式正式。 I know that he is a famous writer.He is a person whom I have known for several years. I spent all the week in writing my paper. I saw her on the day after her birthday.

10、 We are going to visit China in the following spring. You can borrow my pen if you want to borrow. He suggested that we should come early. l 介词前提比介词结尾的句子正式。 He is a person on whom we can rely (whom we can rely on). With what did he write it? (What did he write it with?) l 情态动词 1) 用于请求时,May 比 can 正式。

11、 May (Can) I use your bike? 2) 用于请求时,Would 和 Could 比 will 和 can 正式。 Would / Could ( Will / Can) you like to give a speech? l 泛指时定冠词比名词复数正式。 The horse is a very useful animal. (Horses are very useful animals.) l 从句比不定式的形式正式。 It is important that we should do it (for us to do it). It seems that he is

12、a teacher. (He seems to be a teacher.) l 其它的一些句子。 1) If you come early, you will see him. (Come early and you will see him.) 2) I shall try and do it. (I shall try to do it.) 3) He is so young that he can not dress himself. (He is too young to dress himself.) 4) It is so beautiful a city. (It is suc

13、h a beautiful city.) 5) Havent you heard the news? (Have you not heard the news?) 6) To my surprise, I hear the news. ( Im surprised to hear the news.) 7) We starts for Beijing tonight. (We are starting for Beijing tonight.) 8) To begin with, (First ) we must consider this thoroughly. 9) I go to see

14、 my old friend occasionally (now and then). 10) I am hence (therefore) unable to help you. 11) By the way, (Incidentally) do you know something about this? 12) I was ill therefore (so) I could not come. 13) Ultimately (Finally) I shall say a few words about it. 14) He spoke loudly in order that (so

15、that) every one could hear him. 15) You should work hard even though (even if) you have made great progress. 16) They asked me whether (if) they would come. 17) He still works hard although (though) he is old. 18) He took his umbrella lest (for fear that ) it should rain. 19) Dont come otherwise (or

16、) I shall fire. 20) He failed to go there on account of (because of ) the rain. 21) He works hard despite (in spite of) his old age. 22) In my opinion (I think) he is not correct. 23) He got up early in order to (so as to) have more time to study. 24) Many (lots of) people get much ( a lot of ) plea

17、sure from music. 25) He has little (not much) money and few (not many) friends. 26) I fear (am afraid) that he will not come. 27) I have to (have got to ) see my friend. 28) The majority ( Most) of the passengers were rescued. 29) Phone me again within (in) a weak. 30) What on earth (in the hell) ar

18、e you doing?正式和非正式英文区别(二)就像中文一样,英语里面也分正式和非正式用法。对于新手来说,弄错用错是非常正常的。为了要达到熟练把握这两者的区别和用法场合上的不同,需要长期的努力。但是,有一些最基本的,最直接的区别还是能够让人一目了然。下面就列出几条。1、简单句通常是用在非正式环境。2、过去分词,独立主格结构,动名词形式作修饰通常用在正式环境。3、排比,修辞,并列句通常用在正式场合。4、Anglo-Saxon词源的词一般用在非正式场合。5、French,Greek,Latin词源的词一般是用在正式场合,而且通常为多音节词。6、Have not, Must not, Can no

19、t等在正式场合不能缩写为havent, mustnt, cant。7、非正式场合who可以替代whom。8、非正式场合,在虚拟语气中,当主语是I,he的时候谓语可以用was代替were。9、俚语,口语表达用在非正式场合。10、动词词组通常表示非正式的意思,为了表示正式意思可以找到相近意思的词代替。下面给出几个意思相近但是分别表示正式和非正式用法的词/词组供大家参考: 正式 非正式开始 commence begin运气 fortunate lucky上升 elevate rise结束 terminate end继续 continue carry on话多 speak too much talk

20、sbs head off总的来说,规律还是可循,在多看多练中就会找到感觉的。学习用英语写作应该首先学会使用最有用也最常用的词来表达自己的思想。用词组句往往没有统一的标准,但是,如果将正式用语与非正式用语,书面语与非书面语混用,往往会影响整体写作水平。 正式和非正式英文区别(三)1正式用语与非正式用语顾名思义,正式用语系指在正式场合下使用的语言。而非正式用语则指在日常生活中,人们相互交往时使用的语言。就语言形式而言,正式用语多以单词的形式出现,而非正式用语则较多地使用短语。在长期的使用过程中,正式用语和非正式用语被约定俗成地固定下来,一些词典也对此做了说明。例如:正式用语非正式用语departl

21、eaveresignquitdiscoverfind outreducecut downexplode blow up2书面语和口语书面语和口语是两种不同形式的语言变体。口语是语言存在的最基本形式。从语言的起源和发展来看,口语是第一位的。书面语源于口语,是第二位的。书面语是用文字的形式来传递人们的思想、观点等信息。它要求句子结构完整、严谨、工整,符合语法规则和行文要求,在恰当传递信息的基础上产生一定的修辞效果。英语书面语和口语的主要区别体现在:1)书面语常用非人称形式行文,即说话人不直接表明自己或他人,避免使用人称代词we,you,I;口语常以第一人称叙事,直接表朋说话者是谁。例如:A ric

22、h woman was killed last night(书面语)Someone killed a rich woman last night(口语)Its more tools that we need(书面语)We need more tools(口语)The heavy rain prevented us from starting(书面语)We could not start because of the heavy rain(口语)2)书面语常借用修辞手法,使文句优美生动;口语一般不用修辞手法,而用语调来达到这一效果。例如:Through the window,came in th

23、e sweet song(书面语)The sweet song came in through the window(口语)Once there lived a greedy king in Greek(书面语)Once agreedy king lived in Greek(口语) 3)书面语常把重要信息后置;口语则可把核心前移作为对照。例如: Its reported that the post office has received one of the letters(书面语)One of letters has arrived(but the other one hasnt)(口语)

24、 4)书面语一般不用缩略词;口语中则常常使用缩略词。例如: The professor stayed in the laboratory for 3 hours(书面语)Whos in the lab?(口语)The professor went to the hospital for a physical examination(书面语)The professor is to go in for a physical(口语) 5)书面语一般要求使用正式用语行文;口语则常常以非正式用语叙事。例如:The college requires all students to submit their essay by a given time(书面语)Ive got to hand in this essay by tomonow(口语)The author regrcts that he made the same mistake again(书面语)Im sorry that I had made the same mistake again(口语)


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