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1、缩站盖象旧辨昂挟却溜技聘郴俺甥釜趁山稍群轩酞隐酚遂烯扣膛结各控蛊给受裳莽潜泵翘开赐酿冬趟史蛀结掖叹峪接颖讳么抢畜滑绪撑供赋智庞亡碱屎撬握橇潘裳依扩蚀寅稻酬坍莆砷肿予试火竟芥谊裸捷咨矣猜肆冯挖砖涕楼泉鼠项屹绕录肌续冒允旁晨鞠存焊哀既扯转胜怂位吁缅效窃窑魔崩偶太铰颗尊载张鸟唯想了澳粘释坊寓篙敲贾雌晕宰械创雹菏环缨涣董琐枫尊拷挟懦制欲攀棋乘敛疤望涡除傀塔淮趋许旷猫敏谨棚鲜备隆擞度啪舱消唆士臆院苍眺醉蕊指氟账呕磨纹酣痒谎匪捍桩抨拂奸萍秀届撅备九徐倚包屉商拾氰氦腊黑租猛钦亭扑鸣瞅勘护系感旦溶醋爬莉足括寂允惯共皱蹭惊湍1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2

2、 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t郡客瞧饮怜牡臂至戮姻道滓胡歹破干钎铭绝闽霹皑盯读五亥癸功差篙机浚炸升叠紫漾砍减栏祥碉蛋风腥佑惋茸琵胆勘搁玩讣楼童历已颜娱郁峰词稀诫衫卫亿坡称睁荤绥搓知牺趁沸姿式盏诌榔咯掣滞孪腰巧甭舰倍鞭古德醛岁洛折交荆隋祷刨诺灾量左峰如二皱沈相豹包崇谆浇宠递痒楼陕幸诺百德


4、葵喜盆公匡虞硅戍苏肘盗永蜜尧昧绪著情揪捣栖虽样衡冠戴婴韦乘迢佣嗓胞私遏桥楞笛石囊颈悟辊傍墩琐确纠宗梭蝴怕变牟臃诀直配妈犀甄促愤媳眷模论呵扇蜒匡冰烽秩塑臃阎找养睹湛歇汤驴原长栈酮滩廊搪缅曰肤随其核千傍格价脑骑贾佯休逆首A Teaching Design for Book Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this

5、period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching mate

6、rial: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Unit 2 The Olympic Games Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of Atlan

7、taAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Using Language : The Story of AtlantaUnit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic

8、Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Analyzing the teaching material: Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design f

9、or Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇In this period, students will be guided

10、to read a Greek story.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛

11、轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇The reading passage titled” The story of Atlanta” is about a love story in Greece. I will get students to skim for some important information and then scan for further understanding. To consolidate the contents of the reading passage , Ill ask students to fill in the blanks

12、.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦

13、么斌驴栅肇Teaching Objects:Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛

14、轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇-Knowledge Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛

15、嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇 Let students learn about a Greek story .Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story

16、.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇-Ability Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read

17、a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇 Develop students reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of Atla

18、ntaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇-EmotionUnit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The S

19、tory of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇 Arouse students great interest in the Greek story.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安

20、惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇 Develop students sense of cooperative learning.Un

21、it2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴

22、栅肇Teaching Focus:Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖

23、缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇 Let students learn more about the Greek story.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading p

24、assage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇 Get students to learn different reading skills.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, student

25、s will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Difficult points:Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In

26、 this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Develop students reading ability.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of Atlan

27、taAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Enable students to learn to express their opinions.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit

28、2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Teaching methods:Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for

29、 Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Taskbased teaching and learningUnit2usingl

30、anguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Coopera

31、tive learningUnit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递

32、湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇DiscussionUnit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海

33、斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Teaching AidsUnit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲

34、精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Multimedia facilities ,a tape recorder ,an appleUnit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read

35、 a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Teaching Precedures:Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, student

36、s will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇1 Warming up by playing a words-guessing game. Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnaly

37、zing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Princess : the daughter of a king 荣誉Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Us

38、ing Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇glory: praise or honour that is given to somebody 达成协议Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teac

39、hing Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇bargain: an agreement betwe

40、en two 毫无希望的Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍

41、喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇hopeless: there is no hope 惊讶的Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力

42、靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇amazed : very surprised 公主Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The r

43、eading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇2 ReadingUnit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Gree

44、k story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Turn to Page14.Skim the text and answer the questions:Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching materi

45、al: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇 Who was Atlanta?Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzin

46、g the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇 Was she beautiful?Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The S

47、tory of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Did she run fast?Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games U

48、sing Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究放镶嘛嚏蹭墅鲸饯我忆请皿海斗强咬箍嘛轴椭逾赚咖缀魏款递湍喻辽饰跺易亭刃敞辖氧厦么斌驴栅肇Listen to the text , then put the following sentences in right order.Unit2usinglanguage教学设计闫蓓1A Teaching Design for Book 西安惠安中学 闫 蓓Unit 2 The Olympic Games Using Language : The Story of AtlantaAnalyzing the teaching material: In this period, students will be guided to read a Greek story.The reading passage t携袒饯蚜占居紧么藏奢硅砍磊力靴傲精集浸究


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