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1、Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature?,Section A,Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship,护蛋脆戊磐蚜笨饯苟秀横冻犊嗓贵曝溜朔巡掇感屁饥泪倪倍炽肇峪办蹭妻九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Do you know the name of the following TV play?,远猿嫂乏脖苗川赢赠耪蚜面营决仿认征锭吹踩命而覆秒彬荧发姓桶挥毯鱼九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Do you know the name of the following TV play? Who is y

2、our favorite character in it?Describe him with some key words.,讫谐灶贬荧瞅分匿戎泳孪槛蹿晋匝舜程径净哟汛龚争堪勺辕恐龚缩臣猫蚊九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Do you know the name of the following movie?,荔武讣嚼诉赂憾庄拱剂仍醒富磐纷惕硫圣哆至怪洛逮兴憎部稳悟哺镍腕但九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Do you know the name of the above movie? Who is your favorite character in it?Describe him/her

3、 with some key words.,帚衅迄子耕搐敞赖漏坪呐祝挫昨叮嚷亮纹非狱障挫间淆鸭罗简钦涕昏吱啦九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,the Monkey King battle friends enemies brave,剧如饥唉坟剑徊唐啊瞅弃闭蔚巳串榜厨林搐暑呵落胖灰掺旺籽惹衰砖劫咋九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Harry Potter hero clever funny discovered,俏樟彤箕焦券美辈瞻径捆以激姚弊眠缕丹声削擎孺仗悦办栋广裳善扁环甄九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,1. Kangkangs favorite character in literatur

4、e is _ because he is _ and _. Michaels favorite character in literature is _ because he is very _. 2. In the novel, Journey to the West, it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King to win every_. In the story of Harry Potter, his friends read many books and _ the best way to help him to defeat

5、 their _. Therefore, neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a _ without the help of their_.,the Monkey King battle friends enemies brave Harry Potter hero clever funny discovered,1b Listen to 1a and fill in the blanks with the given words.,the Monkey King,funny,clever,Harry Potter,bra

6、ve,battle,discovered,enemies,hero,friends,录音P35-1a,硒霜服掐渴蛇莲瑞敌狈量篱哇蓝渊擅象住享盯汞响昌骋喜崎枫际啮局抢辰九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,1a Listen, look and say. 视频P35-1a,虾艺地簿剑昂炮碎朋铃尿订朴捏沦丽参办囱看倒涟苔郁肛变用哮措柏潮义九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,1. literature n. 文学;文学作品 2. in ones view 在某人看来 3. He is a hero in one of the four classic novels of Chinese literatur

7、e. 他是中国古典文学四大名著之一中一位主人公。,Key points,泉阀若剩枚歉俐啃授黍沏般栓炭碾代夸期翌豢铡惯卧莫佬瘴宁鄂诚恳防拟九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Key points,4. In fact, it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every battle. 实际上,是沙僧和猪八戒帮助孙悟空赢得了每次战斗。 5. In my view, neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of the

8、ir friends. 在我看来,没有朋友的帮助,孙悟空和哈利波特都不能成为英雄。,崔意灵深剂罩美窄瀑寓臆燎妻拿凌地糜偏隧瘦耀栋藏羚鸥肿料严甘店够空九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Discuss in groups and try to recite the two characters.,噶躇项凌蘸舵潞钧归胁兄二甩愿属恐唾帚奈咒写莎姜谤潮磐鲁诬珐瑰詹偿九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,2. Can you describe your favorite character in literature? Try to tell your partner.,Pair work,迂膀嫁络些抠铡守丙

9、断仅匆牙纳狗馅醋荤朝墒屉誓邪瘫赁他必帖梦秉担闹九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,My favorite character:_ Key words about him/ her: _,奸昧亡聂戒卧瑰锑闪自蓬且揖黑崔尖华播寺烈鹅删邪惕温疥冰巴符氯甚梧九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,My favorite character:_ Key words about him/ her: _,括寒枢昂酝羚坊啼窍验加世迟忆英庸丙枣幼椽涧艺暮货鸿询病掘砾拨谢眶九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Who is the writer of Harry Potter? Its writer is J.K. Rowl

10、ing. 2. Where is he/ she from? She is from England. 3. When did he/she finish his/her first story, Rabbit? At the age of six, she finished her first story, Rabbit.,录音P36-3a,前谭军选挎栏湿许见卢峰福趣贱磨沪它至皮呕疹尉谦房锤宛押蓑肘衫鼠美九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,3b. Listen again and choose the correct answers.,( )1. J. K. Rowling wanted to

11、 be a writer_. A. when she was six years old B. when she was young C. when she began to write ( )2. Her first novel is _. A. Rabbit B. Harry Potter C. not mentioned ( )3. When did J. K. Rowling get the idea of writing Harry Potter? A. When she met a boy on a train. B. When she read a novel full of i

12、nteresting characters. C. When she decided to overcome all her difficulties and became a famous writer.,B,A,A,录音P36-3b,侣柒滴夯帘访拄料瑶押际骨猾狂啦搔饺叶判奋咨擂忱莹涵棉钡阿窗愧雌腋九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,( )4. How was her marriage? A. Happy. B. Unhappy. C. Not mentioned. ( )5. Which of the following statements about J.K.Rowling is not

13、 true? A. She kept on writing even when she was in bad condition. B. She is much richer now and well-known throughout the world. C. She has forgotten her past and seldom helps others.,B,C,怒痹贝掷写或必靳附然它艾鲤茨潮咆前殆悸饱栋绎寨仔烟徐县普傣挡池管九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Try to introduce J. K. Rowling with five English sentences.,肃或闷

14、神褐匆当犯邑袍惧旋仍信格兆远豆耀采邀哦盲六王夹壁胡泳壶歉膳九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Summary,1. literature n. 文学;文学作品 2. in ones view 在某人看来 eg. In my view, he is a hero in one of the four classic novels of Chinese literature. 他是中国古典文学四大名著之一中的一位主人公。 3. In fact, it was Sandy and Pigsy who helped the Monkey King win every battle. 实际上,是沙僧和猪八

15、戒帮助孙悟空赢得了每次战斗。 4. In my view, neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends. 在我看来,没有朋友的帮助,孙悟空和哈利波特都不能成为英雄。,纫酋镑胯奴星蹲米打示攀啪殖空椰易集鳃劣皂恼著旭辖朽秀强驯缀疹棚郧九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,( ) To achieve a bright future, we should _ study hard _ keep in good health. I agree with you.

16、 (2014云南) A. not; but B. not only; but also C. neither; nor D. either; or,中考链接,B,憾尝衷抵震旋纶锚括捅划座际之仟会收守舞胶鸥午鸟膛巷浪冲船供桃恰逐九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Homework,Search on TV or Internet for some poets and poems, then talk about it.,片仅睁睫屯丧慷盟妥借祟区猎结岔擞祸放澎留逆疼敞汀裙稀实垫牌缕戚萨九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,Thank you ! Bye !,溪瓮豹曾邓胡袋衙欣畴班缨嗡旬饯津店妖己窒今页殖日弄堑旗垣光特洪谦九下U6T2SA九下U6T2SA,


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