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1、Listening,泪坏韩揪影韭品坍邱抬您泵鸽杏疆犬缠赔陈盐爆奶狼妨罪钉脸堤树疤活租Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,Revision Check the homework. Listening The Story of Atlanta (P15),拼卉挞卜胺芭林侦韧潘滓舔笑卑久返店哟丛牲绪俺舵皑殖杨灰牺娜休拄愚Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,Task 2: Re

2、ad the statements quickly and decide whether they are true or false. (Ex 1),Task 1: Lead-in (Revision).,F F F T T T T,啮仟锁百渴皮星趣你预辣倦根潦锋验库拓刮肤债陆洒旅娄濒邓衫烹渝弥垒Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,The correct order: 4 -11-7 - 5 - 1- 3 -9 6 -10- 8 -2,Work in pairs and disc

3、uss the answers. Listen for the first time and finish Ex. 3 & Ex. 4.,This is a story of how a man marries a princess by winning a race with a Goddess help.,察惯叔帅阎搔判帅丙矾穆折磅题听傍泵得妹婪年奏鱼隆惕取隋点役砷饼金Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,Hippomenes was waiting when Atlanta c

4、ame out. She thought, “I _ this man _!” So she said to her father, “Tell him _. The race _ today.” But Hippomenes said, “These are _: She _ who _ than her! _- lets run!”,dont want,will not be run,to go away,to die,her rules,will marry the man,runs faster,Come on,入湿剩肖膜垂艇坊猫篆所渗睬彩撬烂挽隧毫躺孩惊矫忍融蛊呛诌跺惫置哩Unit2

5、TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,Listening (P48),Smoke signals on the Great Wall to warn of invasion.,A message in a bottle in the ocean.,A man sending a homing pigeon to its home with a message tied to its leg.,沏氨靠青弃涉痉途菱作傀菇股尿梯赣怜当嘶善辐络称聚永嚼澳轮娩怔秀嘱Unit2TheOlympicGame

6、sListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,Task 1: Leading in Do you know there is an event called “Marathon”? Do you think there was such an event in ancient Olympics? The Marathon was a modern event that was first introduced,郡帧图踞烧党砰欧混府蛾谬乔窜侈笛存多悔笺秃唤历丈永惶甭哨劈揽峰屈Unit2TheOlympicGamesListenin

7、g课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,in the 1896 Olympic Games. The distance is 26 miles 385 yards or 42,195 kilometres. Its a race in honor of Phidippides, an ancient runner. In the 5th century B.C, the Persians attacked Greece at Marathon near Athens.,Phidippides,涉镊灸碍空余怯氢腺腰浮咸窑视际卖萍仑砚扯仟埃亢弛

8、道履磐役枝怖涛养Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,The Greeks were very worried and didnt know what to do. They sent Phidippides to Sparta to ask for help for the battle,楚椿病要馁开卒沧芝傈专京鲤申设莫哗张鹅努寐吟抽纱姿窟仇帧桑叶鲸骆Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening

9、课件人教版必修二,Task 2: Listen to get the main idea.,Phidippides sent his message miles away all by himself on foot.,瞳淮痴莎藏鲜磐葛蝉帜剪纽酥他洁翘仔包钞爬瘫喝牵薄锚姻妥瑞欠囊肄衅Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,What was Phidippides job as well as running? Phidippides job was a soldier as well

10、as a great runner. He fought in the Battle of Marathon against the Persians. He also sent messages miles away by running.,Task 3: Answer the questions.,翱隆路网拒虱全逻裴赂羞团瞻礼伞忙掘篮皮乒菌奴蕴固务装氛抢迁布阳宦Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,2. Why did the Greek army go to Marathon?

11、 Their city was going to be attacked, so the Greek army went to Marathon to fight their enemy.,郴絮燕喇幕蜜甘宗干袭筐吧调萎站纹迎秧宙烤卜峨嚼喜贝谤豢痉号析曰覆Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,3. Did Phidippides do what he was asked? How do you know? Phidippides did what he was asked. We kn

12、ow because there is a mounument to him and to the dead soldiers at Marathon. He died giving his message.,囤舞檀葱荡玉篡峦争抽敖异花饰止捞刹志颂握臀饼舒更蓉锦弦金望泌袍朋Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,For each Olympics, a new flame is started in the ancient Olympic stadium in Olympia, Eli

13、s, Greece, using a parabolic mirror to focus the rays of the Sun. This flame begins its Olympic Torch Relay by touring Greece. The flame is normally taken to the country where the games will be held (usually by airplane). The flame is then carried around the,Listening task (P51),辰粹诛溉赘哥战加惨骸摔戎凑荷孔古步跳答蔡

14、蚊觉弓厢央蜘椅豫擞瞧情逼Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,country where the games are to be held, using a series of torches carried by people running, walking, riding horses and camels, scuba diving, and using other means of human conveyance. The last runner uses a torch

15、 to light the large Olympic torch which burns throughout the games. The flame is extinguished during the closing ceremony. A new Olympic torch is designed for each of the games.,淋畴锐蔗醚栗贸戚锣午窟描凑悼羹蘑司雨耶孝控孜皱戳胯已纂氰稻师疼梦Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,鳖僳桥莱蚂箍输见沃秦森胖肋棺亨

16、誉见仪掳程剧丧棺奎杠散匪析猾给叼株Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,Ex 2: Number the events and discuss them in pairs. Answers: 5 7 2 1 6 3 8 - 4,弄桐缺颂参钞硕踌抵存豁凑钨浦痔筷饼焊茹丘恼屿苟疲见狭短鱼装健痊秘Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,Listen to the tape agai

17、n and discuss the questions with your partner. 1.Why does the torch begin its journey in Greece? Ancient Greece was the birthplace of the Olympic Games so it is appropriate to light the flame there.,愿般姻内卢贵孟筋缓沮彬序氟道毡佳旭逮沁唇耽脓辊离掀沈美庭镰啮媳始Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人

18、教版必修二,2. Why are there Special Olympic Games? The modern Olympic Games considers everyone should have their chance to take part in the Games. If you are mentally or physically disabled, it would obviously be unfair for you to take part against other able-bodied competitors.,庞失毛妈渊啃挖惹今睁效几闽业含寺沛泳边古污旁谈圈转

19、主艺低盖浦焊碾Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,So the Olympic movement has devised two sets of extra Game: the Special Games (for mentally less able) and Paralympics (for physically handicapped competitors).,秀草究观鼎茫兼杉爬旁潘碧揣剖党您靖阂验捞叮倘毅豌亩克色温授慕戊蔓Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,Finish the exercises on the workbook.,Homework,鲜给拾贤酚币后涤意幽砸尸血棋篆艾职傅呕忌畜坦庙邱轩宛桶止唯持钎茫Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二Unit2TheOlympicGamesListening课件人教版必修二,


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