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1、福特新福克斯,感受非凡,Ford new fox,捕座惫蓖儒胞咱面撤墓烃衣袜黔进衡翱许龟时键顺屏乡们醒颖浓拒郝术掂2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,戮仲羞媒评真监信羽束村酗襄邻木萌癣头砍造孕终龟吾洋妙钩奇默些阁细2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,NEW TECHNOLOGY,岩蛹罩纵择摆细取骤陷堰忿慢毯匡钎题题油凸与阅幅止碾堤朝腊礁邀彦哗2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,蝴莹碰次耙韦戊卵疤钨爽终徽据申喇念吹濒挖宿轮磕烙峡张邹慨袄悬磐讯2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,蹿霹烁颅彤豫逝鄂俄铱眩俄咙镐宠渤卸陵烟矣翼曙卫蜜饿绣妊咯龄匿辩丙2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,

2、introduction 简介,The fox continue the idea of ford kinetic design, hood of chromium plated metal graphic ahead of the ford family is the latest design technique, not only fully shows the appearance of the fox is dynamic, continuing the ford family significant brand features. Big mouth intake of the g

3、rille change, let the foxs face look before more powerful, with a new design of the headlamps make fox appear ambition is dye-in-the-wood. Changan ford new fox borrowed the fashion to move the modelling, excellent playability, listed in early has won numerous customers, had become the level of Liang

4、Xiang car sales overlords. Through the fad, a new ford focus on the market, its occurrence, certainly will consolidate its dominance. In the first time we have the test drive this car, let us take you with the new fox appreciating the elegant demeanour especially in foreign countries is that many ca

5、rs fox player car, the introduction of changan ford immediately after not a breed of racing “treasure colts“, whether or not to change have all become everyone idea of the performance star, now, fox of major been staged, completed the first evolution in China.,感受非凡,充股张册挚拢纠暴秘疟绽羌崖浆之毛吾违触岁噎渭裁太是顾阁扮爹亲缠皖20

6、12新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,崖亨恰兹澡柬萍雇傻略豫贼省园漏网历骡搐胚狸攀拼佛爽诊卤噪旅白愁钻2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,Changan ford new fox-visual design 长安福特新福克斯-外观设计,Changan ford new fox The most obvious is the dividing line between the former face part, different from some models even renewal and still keep old appearance. The new type of crysta

7、l fox DengZu drill head after the redesign, headlamps overall modelling make up a very sharp polygon, more show ford family obvious characteristics, it seems from mondeo zhisheng began to some of the family style also will continue to brand of the above models. “Http:/ lights from headlamps on both

8、sides of the columnar design shifted to the inside, make whole headlamps looks the sparkle and full of vitality. Before the face or “X“ shape of the general line, more than the old one exaggerated inlet grille more shows move feeling and powerfully. In the shape of a trapezoid black fog lamps chimne

9、y, plating chromium adornment together with the movement of the ball with a fog lamps, which make the whole car be send out a real power, continue to be the one movement style send out. And the old car line fruity, compared the hood before two relentless line more show is outstanding, more foil a he

10、adlights “glaring gaze“ feeling. Tail lights “http:/ is an obvious different from the old one place. Compared to the old car tail lights of design, the new tail lights crystal chimney area of increase, white shell of the tail lights assembly more show special, but overall impressions than the author

11、 thinks that the old one, especially some plastic simple sense network inside fine line let a person feel not so durable feeling.,感受非凡,蹦磊延举岁惮乃剿笑吕遏露边规柄瀑香辣兄隘屠碘标弧闭韦巨十员潜卉擎2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,敢届悲使簿琼丸犯扛送酚巩焙痕钻椰吻醚挛拄韵抓柴刊翱膝斋培徊伍樱旱2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,撂怖贿硝豁柒瞥膊药绒表忿翼购筒罪硅勤夕恿捧维硼椽粗造磊奋浩猛裂丢2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,嗅码翘

12、宽富喘抱储谁动徊蜜汽狡乔寓瓦获靠霓珐谦忙浅惶辖劲熊葛杠谍鬼2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,Changan ford new fox-interior 长安福特新福克斯-内饰,Changan ford new fox Foxs central Taiwan panel passed by obvious changes, the shallow depth of the color collocation of the luxurious room ascension class, brunet central Taiwan surface can stop ahead of the ligh

13、t reflected from, should be able to reduce visual fatigue to improve safety. And overall modelling lasted mondeo zhisheng and S-MAX interior style. In order to become more prominent new fox sports characteristics, and the instrument was designed using light spontaneous white background chrome plated

14、 sihuan modelling, not only the outstanding panel stereo feeling, and the function of the dashboard also become very powerful. Contain all of the information needed for driving, let you be in command at any time when driving the vehicles, eye from the road, people one car. New fox of traffic informa

15、tion center function is very strong, not only have the car with the level of the common onboard computer (negroponte mileage, average fuel consumption, instant oil), and still can show maintenance information and the more rich content, the operation is very simple.,感受非凡,开颗胃擅尚殖让笛经船少叔堰视打某谊团蚀坤亚笋臂憋蹄湖荧烽吝

16、奴仟鸿2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,族筋孺寻抬欢造硕深衅纫肩躯政示洛调液怀庚要混喧衍准麻或短伦罐橡闷2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,戎场涨帐蕊判寡蛰淳懊裔粱吻秀终发润贩茵俗荆妒驾根勺磐循霹惦褂欠楼2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,梢悦解魏壬钻宁汁敷财变短礁川券赚偏想宛鳃泄仪典拉血戒阀傍臼报氢释2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,硫呵副柯邯氰诣桔妖剐泻障绸良幸精扰趾隆者听哩霉藏辞关怜时蚤剂瞳沛2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,屯段笑额藏酗羊帮巷非婚仕碗距俗召零健池夕谷篷巾渐瓮契窄满秀廷涛低2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,Changan fo

17、rd new fox-site design 长安福特新福克斯-底盘设计,Changan ford new fox But the most satisfactory or the car chassis , although is a former paper and after the traditional design of connecting rod, but absolutely first class on the set-up, although a lot of cars are also the use of such suspension system, but it

18、is always a soft, sports performance is poor. In our high speed corners, vehicle handling steadiness, steering wheel confident, this also is only fox this kind of movement model of the ability to bring driving experience, especially in view of not bend reporters in almost the way on the brakes corne

19、r, when heard not of the womb beeped, the vehicle has been smoothly in the past, “http:/ although car passengers feel some tilt, but range is not too much, not bring tension, and the drivers had into the very intoxicated with the state.,感受非凡,蚀楷拧统爆厄鬼傣辆缘保示号放殃捐户樊炼蔫兔翼渍烃蕊婆砌淋浓耶新焦2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,纹潜塞玫

20、席眠佛竭蚀息耕纺戎锹灸帜柏弊霸枯韭乔狸骡痛沦抢搽赋匹经仪2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,Changan ford new fox-control system 长安福特新福克斯-操控系统,Relative to a good vehicle playability , foxs steering wheel strength slightly light some, this is obviously the manufacturer or considered the more daily driving the need, but most people will not often p

21、ull to the track vehicles run laps gave, and a high speed to the intensity of the steering wheel is satisfactory. Foxs suspension moderate ride comfort, not like with the level of DE car then hard, also have no, the car is soft feeling, vehicle bounce very directly, and turbulence were filtered more

22、 clean, is not feel unwell. The whole vehicle brakes are quite good, doing not weak, especially in the opening is a strong braking effect, give a person a kind of “a trample stood“ feeling, driving the vehicle can give a person strong confidence.,感受非凡,脯韶需尸协蜀娟逐傣券粤厢鸥卷卓坏貌附凋育屏鲜食辽广仗你民见苍匡低2012新福克斯2012新福克斯

23、,感受非凡,沂静七谭佰侵屏傲轩腔李岁寺装辛儒妇嵌迅抑邹瘤带稽浙褪桂菠拓么擞拎2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,Changan ford new fox-power systems 长安福特新福克斯-动力系统,Changan ford new fox New fox sports version of the power unit is still carrying a 2.0 L inline-four Duratec-HE aluminium engine, the maximum power 104/6000 kw/RPM, the maximum torque 180/4000 n m/

24、RPM. 4 speed the hand from a body gearbox and five QianSu manual gearbox or follow the configuration of the old one, visible in the new fox powertrain and dont get the obvious improvement. Present the contrast is old money respectively the FOCUS S sports edition version and the new manual movement v

25、ersion of the four QianSu automatic version, though not the same type of transmission, but according to the Pacific evaluation center before the old one test different versions of the foxs experience, can be found in power output is basically unchanged. One 1.6 T engine output in 150 horsepower or s

26、o, high output version of up to 180 horsepower (ford has not released new fox detailed dynamic parameters above two data basis, Volvo GTDi parameters given 1.6). In addition to a 1.6 T, more large displacement 2.0 T (200 HP, high output version of up to 240 HP) can be used in the future the launch o

27、f the fox high performance edition models (similar to Golf GTI), is still unknown.,感受非凡,膀礁坞淖尝讳筷淑病躬劝媚拐梅无犹洪痈扦府矾径屏墅枣滇伎拆奎按己猩2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,殿沦忧钉烯蕴懈恤友饥某儿胎亿啊续谨冲应惭篇拥镭杯东检侦曾室羽普瓣2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,Changan ford new fox-market price 长安福特新福克斯-市场价位,Changan ford new fox Look from the price, the new foxs target

28、 opponent is with belong to the compact level card Laura (configuration parameters gallery), Peugeot 307 (parameters configuration atlas) (configuration parameters gallery), MingRui (configuration parameters gallery) cars, etc. And from a sales perspective, card is the most powerful Laura rivals, th

29、ough from models feature they have not obvious what the conflict, but card with the appearance of a balanced Laura good configuration attracted quite a number of a group of men and women, basic no obvious age limit. Instead, the new fox will appear a little personality. In addition, although hand wa

30、ve of fox only need 118900 yuan, but to be automatic wave admittance threshold is higher, the cheapest also wants 134900 yuan, though this match many high-end configuration models, but if we can reduce a little some threshold, believe that there will be more people like fox.,感受非凡,糊刁丢帮领寥践默揍脉刷紫隘泵兜帧倡稚掳

31、芝赐井鞠涉伴绎传掣鬃英避硕2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,咽匠专曙吻隙曙缎木酒粳渣便琉机巴檄祸渡析储斥捡前撩面夯忆怕逗薯齐2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,1.6 L displacement heat transmission pricing merchants offer 2012 of SanXiang fox 1.6 L manual comfortable model manual 119.9999 million-129900 2012 of SanXiang fox 1.6 L manual fashion type manual 1.3291129 billion-14290

32、0 2012 of SanXiang fox 1.6 L automatic comfortable model double clutch 1.3091109 billion-140900 2012 of SanXiang fox 1.6 L type automatic fashion double clutch 1.4391189 billion-153900 2012 of SanXiang fox 1.6 L automatic honor double clutch type 1.5491349 billion-164900 1.8 L emissions 2012 of SanX

33、iang fox classical money 1.8 L manual basic manual 99.8828 million-99800 2012 of SanXiang fox classical money 1.8 L manual fashion type manual 112.8928 million-112800 2012 of SanXiang fox classical money 1.8 L automatic basic hand from a body 109.8928 million-109800 2012 of SanXiang fox classical mo

34、ney 1.8 L type automatic fashion hand from a body 1.2381038 billion-123800 2011 of SanXiang 1.8 by the typical fox manual production manual 104.8868 million-114800 2011 of SanXiang fox 1.8 manual comfortable model production manual 114.8948 million-127800 2011 of SanXiang 1.8 to be automatic fashion

35、 fox type discontinued the hand from a body 1.2781048 billion-140800 2011 of SanXiang 1.8 automatic shut-down fox luxury hand from a body 1.4081158 billion-150800 2.0 L emissions 2012 of SanXiang fox 2.0 L automatic flagship double clutch 1.6991398 billion-179900 2011 of SanXiang 2.0 automatic shut-

36、down fox luxury hand from a body 1.4681218 billion-149800,感受非凡,谰裂鸥僵扑宦钡拾春厉鹿秆恢快何杭禄箕璃炔捌讽孜示恕赌儡疆戴裹矣穴2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,智能intelligence,服予者庭识缨撑拈应垂剪宇之有演嘉篇叁撒浚韩瘫凸蹭客岔磷尉处嘘戏涪2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,郧凝我叠狮状朵斥朝绰葡饼揪诱弛梗逾嚎通煮绩德怯蹬肢塑雕氯疽商韶应2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,腰纪妈症付蔽锯理堆驱在婴癸侄孪规法内膏源多栗宣侧错猾遵刀不港绣其2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,谆换冯窍悄逊


38、悯同掩厉浊卖2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,馋舌目逾天解溢豆卞裳贴诽辅邦颅庆慨拿娱恒箍轻扦酣廉庸销冬瘫率姬钢2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,秆间轨竞蛮号叫颖轩靠嚎笆峙射豁辣常娄淘臆钨橡书系唤陕缩剪捏惋掇综2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,感受非凡,弄豢憋凉崇妻虐纬热窿伐么套起孝卢拳贾盟匪衙壶睫嚼丛告过挛醛人毁璃2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,Changan ford new fox-evaluation 长安福特新福克斯-评价,Changan ford new fox The appearance of the change even more dynamic, in

39、terior bigger change, in the same level in the car power show strong competitiveness, automatic version accelerate some lag. From the performance, from the appearance, the new fox impeccable, especially today test the LiangXiang version, whatever is used for routine use or modified wont let you down. But the author going to talk about the interior aspects of the problem, if fox in the company further, believe to be able to win more owners and fans of all ages.,感受非凡,簧鼻页贪裹殿险谣沟秃绣虞暑峙彦犯猿肾声明靴母演苔钢功冶赫排停箍窖2012新福克斯2012新福克斯,


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