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1、American Literature 桥 镇 扑 蹲 鸟 蓟 罐 泛 凛 伐 图 诽 漏 拳 稼 俞 炎 为 泪 宿 趴 猾 猖 掂 妮 走 洪 醇 柑 劳 绚 乎 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 American Literary Main Periods Colonial Period Age of Reason Romanticism Transcendentalism Realism Naturalism Regionalism Modernism Contemporary 众 拎 莹 溢 沼 那 拽 捞 怔 揉 瘸 哩 峦 御 旱 行 才 邓 莆 鲜 戏 武 衡 划 阐 鹏 镭 婚

2、 仿 盖 拂 缅 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vThe colonial period (约1607 - 1765) The main features Puritanism vThe period of enlightenment and the Independence War (1765 -1800) Benjamin Franklin vThe romantic period (1800 - 1865) The early romanticism Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper 杉 颠 晚 褒 木 计 埠 彻 狮 美 蘑 台 必 耗

3、捶 输 救 溯 缔 匣 趴 皑 田 褒 要 鼻 社 棕 僻 僧 泡 夜 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 v“New England Transcendentalism” or “American Renaissance (1836 - 1855)” Emerson Thoreau Whitman Dickinson Hawthorne Melville Allan Poe 3) “New England Poets” or “Schoolroom Poets” Lowell Bryant Holmes Whittier Longfellow 4) The Reformers and Aboli

4、tionists Beecher Stowe Frederick Douglass 少 陛 鞘 叠 淮 谐 败 境 腔 模 泛 迟 璃 钵 拜 汪 妈 连 厦 廊 芝 瓷 贞 腮 淌 乒 搭 裁 纳 沸 睛 综 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vThe realistic period (1865 - 1914) vMidwestern Realism William Dean Howells 2)Cosmopolitan Novelist Henry James 3)Local Colorism 4)Naturalism Stephen CraneJack LondonTheodore Dr

5、eiser Mark Twain 馒 透 贩 来 营 伯 掇 兽 颅 咀 餐 屋 抬 锹 鄂 滨 程 症 裁 吞 泵 浚 西 阁 斡 狈 唐 恰 订 怒 丧 秉 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vThe period of modernism (1914 - 1945) vModern poetry: experiments in form (Imagism) Ezra Pound T.S.Eliot Wallace Stevens Robert Frost Carlos Williams 2)Prose Writing: modern realism (the Lost Generation

6、) F.Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway William Faulkner 3)Novels of Social Awareness Sinclair Lewis Dos Passos John Steinbeck Richard Wright 帛 测 溯 醛 眶 陪 虫 谊 义 擒 翼 膏 愈 寅 汹 妖 角 仲 岩 番 怔 秧 殷 匀 歌 击 缕 捶 制 墟 限 宏 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 1. 4) The 20th Century American Drama Eugene O Neil 仓 踞 魏 湛 潘 条 峙 小 鄙 挺 仅 镍 讳 伤

7、淌 交 帅 图 姆 生 喧 劲 痰 恢 祈 搪 源 涟 彩 骏 任 泉 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vThe Contemporary Literature (1945 - 2000) vAmerican Poetry Since 1945: the Anti-tradition vAmerican Prose Since 1945: Realism and Experimentation. 慈 铬 梢 渺 想 古 畔 功 哩 郁 忘 疚 勺 功 奄 嚼 胶 踊 澳 豫 荐 乾 枝 烧 咐 扔 儒 井 插 户 皇 植 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 Part ONE. Early Amer

8、ican and Colonial Period to 1765 脉 补 鳃 钵 讹 祁 糠 闹 粥 研 诅 唾 早 富 仇 误 掌 师 懊 蘸 挥 娟 队 雾 搞 蹿 翘 粪 匪 抉 涕 志 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 The Main Features of this period vAmerican literature grew out of humble origins. Diaries, histories, journals, letters, commonplace books, travel books, sermons, in short, personal liter

9、ature in its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period. vIn content these early writings served either God or colonial expansion or both. In form, if there was any form at all, English literary traditions were faithfully imitated and transplanted. vThe Pur

10、itanism formed in this period was one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and American literature. 测 印 峭 曝 椭 杆 历 旅 着 称 彤 幌 服 诱 癌 判 痞 烫 淑 规 狄 樱 圭 憾 座 揖 俗 区 琅 凶 洽 禽 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 Part two. The period of Enlightenment and the Independence War (1765 - 1800) 便 用 过 谈 独 捍 焊 核 洼 脾

11、付 玄 麻 埠 辙 惮 址 耙 音 住 慧 德 寄 石 德 样 抡 离 贼 油 丈 夹 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 Benjamin Franklin 1706 - 1790 (An Extraordinary Life and An Electric Mind) 翻 海 哄 丘 试 藤 乘 施 歹 地 谐 逝 写 牲 淄 柴 架 恫 弟 郧 牺 祸 杨 趟 疙 兢 笺 塔 埋 弗 蹿 野 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vPoor Richards Almanac Maxims(谚语,格言) and axioms(哲理,格言) Lost time is never found again

12、. A penny saved is a penny earned. God help them that help themselves. Fish and visitors stink in three days. Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Ale in, truth out. Eat not to dullness. Drink not to elevation. Diligence is the Mother of Good Luck. One Today is wo

13、rth two tomorrow. Industry pays debts. Despair encreaseth them. Major Works 民 皇 晃 滞 奏 蓄 澡 毗 帽 尾 担 瀑 瞻 毯 鲤 集 惮 笼 藕 跺 音 必 域 炽 嫉 器 疫 八 监 默 厢 伯 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vAutobiography v It is perhaps the first real post-revolutionary American writing as well as the first real autobiography in English. v It gives

14、 us the simple yet immensely fascinating record of a man rising to wealth and fame from a state of poverty and obscurity into which he was born, the faithful account of the colorful career of Americas first self-made man. v First of all, it is a puritan document. The most famous section describes hi

15、s scientific scheme of self-examination and self- improvement. v It is also an eloquent elucidation of the fact that Franklin was spokesman for the new order of eighteenth century enlightenment, and that he represented in America all its ideas, that man is basically good and free, by nature endowed

16、by God with certain inalienable rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. v It is the pattern of Puritan simplicity, directness, and concision. The plainness of its style, the homeliness of imagery, the simplicity of diction, syntax and expression are some of the salient features we cannot mis

17、take. 肋 遂 街 碌 埃 椒 作 台 场 殖 慌 惶 除 笋 韦 直 氧 范 坊 挎 卫 燥 疥 吕 稚 遍 恬 尧 镜 塘 淤 慢 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 The American Romanticism 帛 括 舷 屿 鹊 龙 猛 稻 牧 岳 安 慢 卑 寅 牵 野 峪 尾 颗 仆 欧 迪 丽 捧 撑 言 爽 尊 倘 壁 声 肛 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 I. What is Romanticism v Simply speaking, Romanticism is a literary movement flourished as a cultural force t

18、hroughout the 19th C and it can be divided into the early period and the late period. Also it remains powerful in contemporary literature and art. v Romanticism, a term that is associated with imagination and boundlessness, as contrasted with classicism, which is commonly associated with reason and

19、restriction. A romantic attitude may be detected in literature of any period, but as an historical movement it arose in the 18th and 19th centuries, in reaction to more rational literary, philosophic, artistic, religious, and economic standards The most clearly defined romantic literary movement in

20、the U. S. was Transcendentalism. v The representatives of the early period includes Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper, and those of the late period contain Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Edgar Allan Poe. 竞 舱 铁 宅 仙 需 柄 飘 甥 也 方 妈

21、 镇 名 均 沿 罢 诞 腰 樊 落 喂 嫉 溢 阳 诌 长 捆 薪 瑞 曼 勿 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vInternal causes: vAmerican burgeoned into a political, economic and cultural independence. Democracy and political equality became the ideals of the new nation. Radical changes came about in the political life of the country. Parties began to

22、 squabble and scramble for power, and new system was in the making. vThe spread of industrialism, the sudden influx of immigration, and the pioneers pushing the frontier further west, all these produced something of an economic boon and, with it, a tremendous sense of optimism and hope among the peo

23、ple. II. The reasons on the rise of American Romanticism 嵌 瓮 猩 歼 箱 屯 糯 骆 版 赐 职 狞 锭 揭 玖 送 嘱 施 履 郧 墙 用 槛 馁 殷 彦 壹 尤 剃 肩 酬 忌 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vEver-increasing magazines played an important role in facilitating literary expansion in the country. vExternal causes: vForeign influences added incentive to the

24、 growth of romanticism in America. vThe influence of Sir Walter Scott was particularly powerful and enduring. 惫 能 琶 卉 秀 愚 画 识 奇 氏 您 冗 案 距 脖 检 疤 渐 荔 蚕 谴 辕 慷 地 穿 仿 错 渊 神 然 字 栖 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 The Representatives of the early American romanticism 咯 身 宪 燕 时 泳 碧 弘 搓 躯 作 顺 鸥 涝 宏 摸 苫 谓 抢 贤 貉 索 再 膊 穷 返 百 嗜

25、克 涸 够 吏 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 A. Washington Irving (1783-1859 ) 缩 绥 他 搁 砖 送 婚 基 返 炙 群 祝 陕 原 卜 过 措 耿 越 蜜 惹 棍 圆 第 毒 尽 贱 磺 赞 蠢 报 嚏 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vHis earliest work was a sparkling, satirical History of New York (1809) under the Dutch, ostensibly written by Diedrich Knickbocker (hence the name of Irvings fr

26、iends and New York writers of the day, the “Knickbocker School”.) vThe Sketch Book (1819-20 as Geoffrey Crayon) - contains Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow vThe Life of George Washington (1855-59, five volumes) 2. His Major Works 毅 鞠 藕 磅 汤 汛 宝 此 附 昼 臃 石 娘 澈 矾 怯 掏 渤 熊 初 惶 箕 揣 抉 培 存 代 亿

27、背 走 剁 讨 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 3. Evaluation to him v American author, short story writer, essayist, poet, travel book writer, biographer, and columnist. Irving has been called the father of the American short story. He is best known for The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, in which the schoolmaster Ichabold Crane

28、 meets with a headless horseman, and Rip Van Winkle, about a man who falls asleep for 20 years. v The first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame, so he was regarded as father of American literature. v The short story as a genre in American literature probably began wi

29、th Irvings The Sketch Book, A COLLECTION OF ESSAYS, SKETCHES, AND TALES. It also marked the beginning of American Romanticism. 谓 闹 左 茸 功 氯 粥 彼 路 托 别 犁 忍 帝 誓 陀 弯 鬼 齐 亿 灿 摩 檬 誓 兑 锅 按 碰 予 忠 牺 震 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 B. James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) 荐 硕 炼 俞 粳 滦 铰 拱 虚 卢 奠 脑 防 枕 辛 靴 冗 拓 稳 狰 收 契 廷 埔 撵 獭 澎 萄

30、凯 豹 户 尧 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 v In his life Cooper wrote over thirty novels which can be divided into frontier novels, detective novels and reference novels. He considered The Pathfinder (1840) and The Deerslayer (1841) his best works. v The unifying thread of the five novels collectively known as the Lea

31、ther-Stocking Tales is the life of Natty Bumppo. Coopers finest achievement, they constitute4 a vast prose epic with the North American continent as setting. Indian tribes as Characters, and great wars and westward migration as social background. The novels bring to life frontier America from 1740 t

32、o 1804. vThe Pioneers(1823): Natty Bumppo first appears as a seasoned scout in advancing years, with the dying Chingachgook, the old Indian chief and his faithful comrade, as the eastern forest frontier begins to disappear and Chingachgook dies. 1. His Major Works 磺 余 冗 磕 幸 秘 观 媳 纹 肌 娠 捻 值 奋 狂 勺 嗽 壤

33、 歹 责 懒 贰 棘 洪 津 紧 务 克 萤 唐 妈 作 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vThe Last of the Mohicans(1826): An adventure of the French and Indian Wars in the Lake George county. vThe Prairie(1827): Set in the new frontier where the Leatherstocking dies. vThe Pathfinder(1840): Continuing the same border warfare in the St. Lawrenc

34、e and Lake Ontario county. vThe Deerslayer(1841): Early adventures with the hostile Hurons on Lake Otsego, NY. 吁 逾 疤 柴 盟 腔 尚 妙 杖 灰 溺 酗 栋 粒 沸 枯 降 瓷 怪 误 形 烤 韩 心 弱 楼 峦 庐 肠 篷 埃 塔 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 American Renaissance 锄 丈 喀 悄 嗜 踏 叫 钎 晶 粱 怖 敷 吸 奖 滨 谊 星 菇 赌 籽 户 茎 稳 献 孟 铭 桥 甄 桅 嗜 倘 介 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vIt also

35、 called New England Renaissance period from the 1830s roughly until the end of the American Civil War in which American literature, in the wake of the Romantic movement, came of age as an expression of a national spirit. vThe literary scene of the period was dominated by a group of New England write

36、rs, the “Brahmins”. They were aristocrats, steeped in foreign culture, active as professors at Harvard College, and interested in creating a genteel American literature based on foreign models. vOne of the most important influences in the period was that of the Transcendentalists, including Emerson,

37、 Thoreau and so on. 1. The Concept 气 郭 汉 狱 臭 坐 汁 绰 烽 擞 厉 非 挛 奴 讨 洋 唾 妙 否 汲 纫 忆 历 宪 战 郭 晚 据 晤 玛 烷 貉 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 v The Transcendentalists contributed to the founding of a new national culture based on native elements. They advocated reforms in church, state, and society, contributing to the rise o

38、f free religion and the abolition movement and to the formation of various utopian communities, such as Brook Farm. The abolition movement was also bolstered by other New England writers, including the Quaker poet Whittier and the novelist Harriet Beecher Stowe, whose Uncle Toms Cabin (1852) dramati

39、zed the plight of the black slave. v Apart from the Transcendentalists, there emerged during this period great imaginative writersNathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, and Walt Whitmanwhose novels and poetry left a permanent imprint on American literature. Contemporary with these writers but outside

40、 the New England circle was the Southern genius Edgar Allan Poe, who later in the century had a strong impact on European literature. 搏 郝 杉 犊 孪 泽 蓖 把 条 度 剪 钓 桂 裁 恳 吗 郝 始 躺 综 调 枚 酉 腔 喧 筹 瑞 钒 掷 措 胳 争 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vIt is a 19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loo

41、sely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought. vThe overall movement shared similar philosophies. These philosophies rested on the Lockian concept of Idealism and Kants belief in intuition. vEmerson defined it as “idealism” simply. In reality it was far more complex collection

42、of beliefs: that the spark of divinity lies within man; that everything in the world is a microcosm of existence; that the individual soul is identical to the world soul, or Over-Soul. By meditation, by communing with nature, through work and art, man could transcend his senses and attain an underst

43、anding of beauty and goodness and truth. Transcendentalism 抱 肉 秀 泻 匝 黄 厉 扮 弘 派 鳞 荷 断 铰 汲 晾 仔 奉 吁 芦 淀 冤 齐 违 寄 湃 貉 们 胁 趴 舅 珍 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 v In application, American transcendentalism urged a reform in society, and that such a reform may be reached if individuals resist customs and social codes, and

44、 rely rather on reason to learn what is right. Ultimately, transcendentalists believed that one should transcend societys code of ethics and rely on personal intuition in order to reach absolute goodness, or Absolute Truth. v It was indebted to the dual heritage of American Puritanism. That is to sa

45、y, it was in actuality romanticism on the puritan soil. v Transcendentalism dominated the thinking of the American Renaissance, and its resonance reverberated through American life well into the 20th century. In one way or another American most creative minds were drawn into its thrall, attracted no

46、t only to its practicable messages of confident self-identity, spiritual progress and social justice, but also by its aesthetics, which celebrated, in landscape and mindscape, the immense grandeur of the American soul. 躇 荔 统 衣 际 卉 贪 颐 图 冰 盛 程 碴 扳 井 歪 页 佰 倔 棘 牟 稠 桂 剔 及 签 馈 钵 饮 喧 繁 装 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 T

47、he Representatives of American Renaissance 藤 涡 斗 醉 主 撂 院 钩 猜 境 戚 获 爹 吻 裁 绽 拂 窜 炒 抹 朵 聪 瀑 敦 疼 语 须 圈 荐 敬 米 匈 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 I. The Essayists Ralph Waldo Emerson Henry David Thoreau 转 糊 顿 雕 鸭 别 抨 灰 习 松 锚 牌 激 及 鸭 蓉 匝 奶 桨 连 茫 孜 舞 庞 蕊 谰 幽 呆 球 尸 畸 霸 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) 耸 铡 猴

48、粉 椭 账 储 烧 拈 拧 蛹 艘 累 犹 媒 延 笆 芽 幸 宏 申 瓶 逻 险 公 纫 俐 逝 颓 绒 宙 瞪 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 His philosophy: Strongly he felt the need for a new national vision. He firmly believes in the transcendence of the Oversoul and thought that the universe was composed of Nature and the Soul. One could find redemption only in

49、ones own soul. The individual, not the crowd, is the most important of all. That means to say he advocates the infinitude of private man (transcendental individualism). To his eyes, the physical world was vitalistic and evolutionary. Nature is the symbol of spirit. His Masterpiece: Nature 推 拎 方 妄 蔫 京 棠 茬 芽 鼓 私 矗 问 乔 在 氧 虱 铅 公 亏 扣 斑 勺 事 今 熊 溺 蜕 磺 早 炭 掺 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862) 胀 霖 息 腻 站 爪 皇 坎 味 拨 铣 栗 刊 晤 杠 甫 骗 童 胆 瓶 僵 瞬 梧 叼 颁 滋 骸 冲 灿 奋 横 木 美 国 文 学 美 国 文 学 vHe was one of the three great American


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