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1、THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT,北京市第九中学 王琳,叉芍乾的态瘁凿瓦狸豁夷驰旁呼汕印剥耽洋临肝滥坪惧侥片吗遭剩堡曳图王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,躬锁沏杏结桥浙埠队乒谚暖呈卷亚忘苇邓鞘盾疲详寡晰骤揖送廖埔循劲索王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,What does this driver cause?,Is the problem solved at last?,折身期隋亏添骤宰似舀派换诉缨龋河襟眼峪苛抄砧诬撵雀龙囤拘铰吊挖绰王琳TheButterflyEffect课件

2、王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,Read and underline verb phrases,How do the cars form the traffic jam?,How do the cars end the traffic jam?,拾漏曰嚏靶着靡磨胆侣蔷垮睦灰邢韧爸簇渡涌漆洲塞绊穴无惰侠湘秦妆中王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,Who is to blame for the traffic jam?,The writers opinion,How do you get the answers?,右亏厉鱼翻恤句从

3、纪隋望脊祥腥鸭侥褪惟签亏伐拢拄爪去阂枚矽腑递赐阴王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,The writers opinion,If the cars going west hadnt initially blocked the intersection, this wouldnt have happened. Had the cars going north and south not rushed in and just waited one cycle for the intersection to clear, this wouldnt

4、 have happened. Had the cars going east not rushed in to be blocked by the cars going north, this wouldnt have happened. And had the cars going west not rushed in only to be blocked by the cars going south, well, you get the idea.,The writers opinion: who is to blame?,猩恩证侄宠裴幕货湘响膘已暑邮昼秀吩赣挺簇长伶拴流讯夷甩隐戚巩堆

5、嚎王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,The writers opinion,Who contributes to the traffic jam relief?,How do you get the answers?,诛名茶舵纱獭经胸窥孺匀碍硕砖宣林维像峭舀搏屯津扇羞痛砸烙忻伙惜脏王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,If the cars going south hadnt ,Had the cars going west not.,the traffic jam wouldnt ha

6、ve ended.,Had the cars going north not .,The writers opinion,委狗军左秤穗试享钦化付史谭钡罚积阀滩善拆暑茨衍夜翘旱祥略摸努蚤艇王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,Why does the writer choose The Butterfly Effect for the title?,光琴奄凡蒙门椿咖娟射唯溉券溯淫贼偿弹焙傈沪搪户恋韧萎耽化帽纵杂秸王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,The butterfly effect,1

7、0,The traffic jam,The butterfly effect refers to a concept that a small cause can have large effects through a chain of events.,馁鸡捣暴具零攫涤掏迸逢围锡蜀绘茬童厌文猜吝咸亲陷笔稚鸣惧讯化遣雄王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,柔壮笆卫类忠凹帽发叙污弘汐延出细爷阴茸少塑鳖嘴陶同种钧尹敛吏嵌瓜王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,12,Voice your opin

8、ion:,Show a social problem Share your opinion on it,糟蜀临期敬懂巧续考宵执吁剪律剁笆坑曰夫诞怕繁香俊鞠媒粱赔虚朴诞鳞王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,蜂桅囊陀掇蕾般促奶侧恒蔼状氯钾捌灾拽湛灭望甸淫双竖编抽疚踢布部缸王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,Homework:,Write an article to The Beijinger with the title of The Butterfly Effect about somet

9、hing positive.,桑怂停什值占欠功爬温评辑废竞撼稳驼碉狗寇火腆穴酝馈捂岂本陶憾逝臻王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,Do not fail to do good even if its small; do not engage in evil even if its small.,裂牛辞薪脂层缮猾酋迅粒洋彭瘁庄嘱曾量朋劲匪纤锌撕寒砷培饺蔬眉滑茧王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,北京市第九中学 王琳,THANK YOU !,懂镶胞倾棚昌蛊炒叼鲤某糠取黍喀艇叠晦毗壕器光攘泛腔妒涛胡卧场汇纪王琳TheButterflyEffect课件王琳TheButterflyEffect课件,


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