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1、1,Understanding the Theory and Design of Organizations,样原查赞吼规扦征郎悯颖怕棚咕塞猫山独翟腹邯奢贯肯攒侧故恨涝鹊咆苯组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,2,Resume,姓名 學歷 經歷,蔗改遭款您京颠略诊粟邓既犁榜谭辙郴搞殃派旭躯卡碉擎池茄挛筷织擞春组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,3,Outline,Organization Theory in Action What is an Organization? Perspectives on Organizations Dimensions of Organization Des

2、ign The Evolution of Organization Theory and Design Framework for the book,警澈亿向阜呻鹏答羚傈灶掖毙宰铡袜擦花谦冉也慢形匆羚侮阀坑俭姑舜猿组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,4,Organization Theory in Action,Topic Be illustrated in the Xerox case Current Challenges Globalization Ethics and Social Responsibility Speed of Responsiveness The Digital W

3、orkplace Diversity Purpose of This Chapter,柠统去豪氮典掘涝科挡国谬甄香腋容汉灭枉张檬嫂锗飞冕旨叉衷面桂涸麦组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,5,What is an Organization?,Definition Organizations are social entities that are goal directed, with deliberately structured activity systems, and with a link to the external environment Types of Organizati

4、ons Large & Small Manufacturing & Service Profit & Non-Profit,梦漏空刑妈穗寂焙评共焕且圾尽栓代族忍俯谗有屑北供它壶己钱喻纤缝掀组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,6,What is an Organization?,Importance of Organizations Create value for owners, customers and employees Bring together resources to achieve desired goals Use modern manufacturing and inno

5、vative technologies to produce goods and services efficiently Adapt to and influence a changing environment and globalization Accommodate the challenges of diversity, ethics, and the motivation and coordination of employees,扳嘴络坍桓虾伊本炔狐盗沧袖溅信突涂蔗辰撅冰焕筒嗓娃判涵催汕版赁锦组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,7,Perspectives on Organiz

6、ations,Open Systems Open system VS Close system Organizational Configuration Technical Core Technical Support Administrative Support Top Management Middle Management,涉杏呜参唤奸募矛嘶笺胁摄短萍假通倘山俱极噪伞钻少吝析猫翘传窘辫丰组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,8,An Open System and Its Subsystems,难挠缆附腥殖辨臆臣集逊佰泛侧慧滥绕汛施膳粮损拂若婆森讲补啮江辉安组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论

7、与实务,9,Perspectives on Organizations,Open Systems Open system VS Close system Organizational Configuration Technical Core Technical Support Administrative Support Top Management Middle Management,舍玫棍赐认皿悸什派仕靴舶鹃拦腊埠几边婚廷氮盐制颖辫凋辞荣衫姨鸟蔡组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,10,Five Basic Parts of an Organization,Top Management,

8、Technical Support,Technical Core,Administrative Support,Middle Management,Source: Based on Henry Mintzberg, The Structuring of Organizations (Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1979) 215-297; and Henry Mintzberg, “Organization Design: Fashion or Fit?” Harvard Business Review 59 (Jan. Feb. 1981)

9、: 103-116.,白禽暂帧戍特瓢梁拾呆坠比菊惕蜗臭剐奄近昨垒屡绿塘娄铆拉稿疟涣沾罕组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,11,Dimensions of Organization Design,Structural Dimensions Formalization Specialization Hierarchy of Authority Centralization Professionalism Personnel Ratios Contextual Dimensions Size Organizational technology Environment Goals and Stra

10、tegy Culture,绎茎拣锗烦吕修拄颐会苞漏极伯塑壮考跑尺佰错斩鼠泽钙谜哉鄂竞痛戊滓组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,12,频博杀锡殖息袍土邀臆杨禽巡饭健嘲鳃羚斡趾躁纸蛔韵俊搂栽溢汕核淄生组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,13,Organization Chart Illustrating the Hierarchy of Authority for a Community Job Training Program,腹昭纯胁洁浅胺辽凡栈瞪活递喉造丫信捌掌熙蔷阜做蝇丫柏鱼狸肢客昌河组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,14,Characteristics of Three Orga

11、nizations,TECHNOLOGY Manufacturing Retailing Government Service SIZE (#employees) 6,000 250,000 35,泄口工秒溃祟弗寻彤鬃瞎莲侄令凹掩编厘呛屿卸娥百器旱枉稗握压伞揉苇组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,15,Dimensions of Organization Design,Performance and Effectiveness Outcomes Learn to be efficient and effective Must consider its stakeholder,码御永绳粳褥菇滩

12、藉窃赌瑚谩切襄节疟糊咯已鼓俘印删胰耕泡农披馏萎篙组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,16,Major Stakeholder Groups and What They Expect,稀害叉泄莹缄芳蔽竟擅拿臭砂氯牲为对敷妥涵塞乘介臃拯南娘瞪阅刘荒弱组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,17,The Evolution of Organization Theory and Design,Historical Perspectives Efficiency is everything How to get organized What about people Dont forget the en

13、vironment,窜镭伏羌自胎踊靖恒永泞亥翅疵恍蝗丁忿犊计帘部鸯衣病坊冉廓柯孟业跋组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,18,The Evolution of Organization Theory and Design,Contemporary Organization Design The environment for todays companies is anything but stable. Many organizations are shifting to flexible, decentralized structures that emphasize horizonta

14、l collaboration and widespread information sharing.,即容窗碗淄斡卉岂憾眠潞抢黎置得曳讲淡陡佃广芒迟导兄丧愈隶然沽该绍组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,19,The Evolution of Organization Theory and Design,Effective Performance versus the Learning Organization From Vertical to Horizontal Structure From Routine Tasks to Empowered Roles From Formal Con

15、trol Systems to Shared Information From Competitive to Collaborative Strategy From Rigid to Adaptive Culture,法嫌色峭贡险池趁恃祈器瞧择涌婶樊拢戍肖化晒署也路痘僵贷苹门乳腹崖组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,20,Two Organization Design Approaches,洲厂寨期钙督圭佩窟读弄毙履律酪漳谰掖称唬湾忆虾卞洋菊聪序韶戎双封组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,21,Framework for the book,Levels of Analysis Organi

16、zational theory emphasizes the whole organization as a unit. Organization behavior focusing on individuals within organizations. Meso theory concerns the integration of both micro and macro levels of analysis.,唤泽粹锄客悦狰讣需己饥旭迁豁徐诺蹲币轧郝远迎骏妒荡霜枣痘磨虎篮地组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,22,Framework for the book,Plan of the Book Basic idea of organizations The role of top management How to Design organization structure Processes inside the organization,裳藩萌獭虫凌献闺冗抛挽脚惟捏瓣膨柴局昆衅役织倪亥彼驮笑语鹅狡灶翱组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,23,Thank you!,分眺羔恐耶太殉药烟颜炳炳忠抠糖盲溶助致蚜舶酸疥作崭扑咨徊赔粥浑宜组织形式理论与实务组织形式理论与实务,


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