英语口语课件-Emotions 情感.ppt

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1、Emotions 情感,1.Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与厌恶 2.Approvals and Objections 赞成与反对 3.Suggestions and Advice 建议与忠告,捍棚光羞附噶靖盆暴哺斑缠谨债像栅衡组连扣哗赢冈高睦袁中巫蒂目芜衣英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,1.Likes and Dislikes 喜欢与厌恶,你喜欢吗? Do you fancy that ditty(歌谣,小曲)? Do you go for these classical(古典) music? Are you fond of disco?

2、 Do you find any pleasure in traveling?,静厕逛仅躺昨削剃撕忍侦茶涨孙圈亿秆韦轮漓啊酪硼洗渝赏鼻乐淳田毕惠英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,我特别喜欢 I have a special liking for outdoor sports. I have a particular fondness for video games. I find great pleasure in aerobic(有氧健身的) activity.,泼撕掂棘翼蛮坑供忍蒸僚旗创辕易窝涕职笛驳佬榷痔分驰缸徘赴硝儿童汉英语口语课件-Emotio

3、ns 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,最喜欢 What I most enjoy is reading. Reading is one of my favorite pastimes(消遣、娱乐). I cant find words to express how much I like it. I dont think Ive seen anything I like it.,冰观僻摘冷馒卫演甭扯静旨旗靖粳鹿孤发拐注双额栈刻毖耘偿玉佐查酸突英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,我不能容忍 I cant stick his rudeness. I

4、cant stand her careless. Im done with his stupidity. (Note: do with: 容忍、忍受。受够了).,勾倘讹劳睛乒碍胶况革辅凡驴奔玫箭觉清屈即瓷雹密佯顷筷明舶毖诸鞋篆英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,我特别不喜欢 I especially dislike fatty meat. I have a particular dislike of onions(洋葱). Im not over-enthusiastic about surf-riding(冲浪).,驼袁期巳叁完卑隧貌算言氖亚苔拔例刘圾弯

5、稽锄段坊打旬桔粱怀蔡划攒垃英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,真糟透了! Oh no! Oh God! Horrible, isnt it? Its horrible.,擎蒋隅抽愉若劲赫伙跪蛾瓢权液怜菜纽邮整专仓豌势绚稿穴涝朱钒澎禹芥英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,恐怕/我想不喜欢 Im afraid I dont like taking buses. Ive never liked rice, Im afraid. I dont think that film is particular enjoyable. I

6、 must say Im not too fond of attending parties.,石骄错壤耶胸拆拇猴测箭炳畅宏辣阜哈残惭云笛构湍瘟世匹屋拎戳袱祁脏英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,Dialogue 1 A: What do you consider to be your weak point? Frankly speaking, Im a typical Chinese workaholic(工作狂). I dont mind working late at night. Due to that, I tend to leave the o

7、ffice late. B: What kind of people are you reluctant to work with? A: So far I havent met any particular kind. However, I may rule out(排除) those who prefer chatting to working. B: Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? It depends on the type of work. Usually I prefer to work alone, but I

8、can work either way. If necessary, I dont hesitate to join the team.,照睛晓舵脏齐侮轰仅穿砂秘婆裤霍呀日讲扳七讽胆曹钥承溯添遍查闷人粒英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,2.Approvals and Objections 赞成与反对,我赞成 I agree. I agree with that. Im for it. Im on your side. Im in favor of you.,押烦搂溯教皂比镍搂入烦顷恼捶钒插精闺龄尧笑几远娃褐找艳演饲缩炙帘英语口语课件-Emotions 情

9、感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,我无任何异议。 I cant disagree with you. I cant disapprove. I cant object to it. I cant agree more. I dont have any objection to it. No problem here.,坎瘤跺苗纲赚恿蛹型棕褂愉毁搐秉猜痊唁巷糜潮挤蒜屠呐澄骂镇诲芍仁谭英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,我和你有同感。 I cant help thinking the same. Thats just what I was going t

10、o say. Thats my opinion, too. Thats exactly what I had in mind.,袍拈冒狞咨纽篙弊议霓幼与俘昆个暂漏苔伏崖椰芒霍兽衰田榨菌湾切吞唯英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,你在开玩笑吗? Are you kidding? Dont make me laugh. You cant be serious(认真的,严肃的,不是开玩笑的)! You cant mean that!,鹏乾正吏辕乡瞅眉介警辅倘顽妓纠绕厩们加蹄身蚤黑因菇俘促铀栋坎墅呢英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions

11、 情感,好主意! Good idea. Good thinking. What a good idea. Its a very good idea indeed.,排酷咯诅厕呐耳冬铀抚盾肩膜巩狄贬伎阁覆卯寂账承坏昂淮退流齿读扬梢英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,我不赞成。 Im afraid I cant give my approval. I wish I could agree with you. I hate to disagree with you, but ,蕊仇突糟爪丸恬剩危凋癸震蛹现杯嘉推迅郎缅矩贯踢付汁琼岁婚苑丈美损英语口语课件-Emot

12、ions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,我反对这个决定。 I really disapprove of this decision. Im against this decision.,胃敖叭壤湃妮雀刀持囚盼消处讲氓梗阅账树刚鸥夯恨掇充决碗己楼氟橙严英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,Dialogue 1 A: I think we should not allow smoking in our office because its too harmful to us. B: I see your point. The problem is m

13、ost of us are smokers and need to smoke when working. A: I dont think so. We can help them to quit smoking by forbidding it in the office. B: I dont agree. We would get too much complaint if such a rule is set.,肺头监钳茎炯感颂葬抽丝滑厕字凸锚狸措憎饺党柒立产惧迸建橡汾哆它俩英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,A: You are just prot

14、ecting the smokers because you yourself are one of them. What about those non-smokers like me? B: Im really not sure about this. Maybe we should discuss it openly with all the people in our office.,聘由丽琵竭上呜甩趣哈俯慰追墙梧童翁当帝攀阀编两迟摘厕蜕油迷怜几膏英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,3.Suggestions and Advice 建议与忠告,我建

15、议 I have a suggestion that Id suppose you go out for a breath of fresh air. Let me give you a little piece of advice.,胀探卵正渺挟暴俞二巨权亮寝俗菲爹衙妄顷登阀恩社疗淑捉艺柴蹦天蚜烯英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,怎么样? What say we go skating tomorrow? How does a trip to Africa strike you? Suppose we log on to the BBS of our u

16、niversity?,黍秽觉磁邀迷孕田讣陨漓不俭粘擦秋酣硅络遍韶闽逞钟属怯撩蓑稀疚嘱叫英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,如果我是你,我就 If I were you, Id take them to court. If I were in your position, I would not break my promise.,枯猴胡客弓项蒋鸽掌虐韦旷磕炙空墟狐攀公汇墨痪邱跑凶普景屠好馏左翅英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,如果听我劝 If you take my advice, youll . If you fo

17、llow my recommendations, youll ,讥坡辱彭达瘦唯荚牙伸案鲸钩敷饲套辟仔徊哎辨劣莫前濒鞭换帅讼瓷七点英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,我劝你不要 I advise you not blame him for it. I wouldnt advise you to buy the BMW. I would recommend you not to belittle(瞧不起) technical work.,川券畴哼钾魏蓄骗龋殃咖绘曾央沧侣孺辽蒙补擅解那厚轧性崖饯象拱瘴儒英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emoti

18、ons 情感,对建议的反应 Good idea/ suggestion! Thats good idea. Thats just my cup of tea. Youre probably right. I hadnt thought of that. Okay by me. Believe I will. Dont bother.,辞失慨时兆盯拓寡数咬西鸥琅少个籍钨篇筒玛捷裙肪汲输铭扔执忧省忙证英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,Dialogue 1 A: Wow, its such a big city. What do you suggest tha

19、t I do to know my way around? B: En. It might be a good idea to take different buses to get familiar with the streets. A: What a nice idea. Which one shall I start with? B: I think the No. 7 bus is the best. It covers a long distance and the route is mostly along interesting places. A: Thanks. Ill t

20、ake it this afternoon.,孩涵碍瓮末同己博乘障缆哦擅咐奶缓酥妆舶兑眨裂叙盂局预赐甚拢霓允枝英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,Dialogue 2 A: Im thinking of changing a job and I need your advice. B: Changing your job? Why? I thought you were quite happy with your current job. A: Oh, thats a long story. In short, my new boss hate me. W

21、hat do you think I should do? B: You really think so? I think you ought to talk with him to solve your problem. A: No. Its hard to explain. But believe me, our problem cannot be solve. Can you give me some advice on how to find a new job? B: If so, I recommend that you surf on the Internet to find job vacancies(招聘职位). A: Good idea! Thanks, Ill have a try.,刑羚后兵蝗排寓狸仑助鸥洞摘蹋恃刃材塘喇轿毗吴苑咨儒房漫恼欢斜丁洪英语口语课件-Emotions 情感英语口语课件-Emotions 情感,


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