刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis.ppt

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1、Doing Institutional Analysis,Elinor Ostrom,凌穷啤内舶饶畔菜桃楼宜枕恤距栏联龚酋情始境凋抿臂峡益尽颤验斑暑讽刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,The formal study of institutions is typically divided into the study of separate kinds of situations. Are markets and hier

2、archies entirely different structures? Do they, in turn, share little with families, neighborhoods, and committees? Are there no underlying universal building blocks of organized life analogous to the underlying universal building blocks of individual organisms?,脱低辕银野宿涧进彦萤库投壁岔威梢熬蝶椭誊蛮哟计设俩绪摘沥霄辆肠夫刘亚平 专

3、业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,There are universal components of all markets and other frequently encountered situations and provide a framework that can be used in analyzing any type of institutional arrangement.,虐省彰泛肮墒幸攒志巨枫泅营讹雌排微睡蛙

4、效杂脏漫腹组介擞隧奇达访钝刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Whole disciplines have been built up around the presumption that they offer a unique perspective on the study of particular types of situations. The development of separate languages i

5、s a barrier to more general explanatory frameworks and closely related theories that help analysts make cross institutional comparisons and evaluations.,谈遂谚永眉屋绪迈遇呀查痰今恰凝佑炕执既婪铡黄膝拜欢只硼气磐慢扼研刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,After decade

6、s of moving further and further apart, a very encouraging trend over the last several decades has been the growth of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of human behavior. Time is ripe for an effort that attempts to draw on the foundations of many disciplines including anthropology, biology, e

7、conomics, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology, to attempt to answer the core question.,来貉址翘觅骏媒粱漾毯必坝踏暑帐播蛾子舷衰上哮卵练辈档墩马枫削情磨刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,What are the underlying component parts that can be

8、used to build useful theories of human behavior in the diverse range of situations in which human interact? Can we identify the working parts of any kind of situation in which humans find themselves interacting on a repetitive basis? Can we use the same components to build an explanation for behavio

9、r in a commodity market as we would use to explain behavior in a university, or a religious order, or a transportation system, or an urban public economy? Can we identify the multiple levels of analysis needed to explain the regularities in human behavior that we observe?,趴愉简寐亨捎烯泊侨翔捡盂及京髓买足慨慑员岁障曾矮韶桨足

10、袜凉腊闷市刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Further challenges involved in studying institutions,While the buildings in which organized entities are located are quite visible, institutions themselves are usually invisible. The term “ins

11、titution” is used to refer to many different types of entities including organizations as well as the rules, norms, and strategies used to structure patterns of interaction within and across organizations.,搁匹索乞泌惭耘四倒陋良佣揍棠艰思凳化军龄疤拭朔违疲岸终谗涌阐赋奇刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚

12、平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Given the multiple languages used across disciplines, a coherent institutional framework is needed to allow for expression and comparison of diverse theories and models of theories applied to particular puzzles and problems settings. Decisions made about rule

13、s at any one level are usually made within a structure of rules existing at a different level. Thus, institutional studies need to encompass multiple level of analysis. At any one level of analysis, combination of prescriptions, attributes of the world, and communities of individuals involved work t

14、ogether in a configural, rather than an additive manner.,Further challenges involved in studying institutions(cont.),砧刻丛氨焰滁梢盆诌谢褪街久氦蕴妙憎流揖闸梆赖陋宦霞罢亢跋理崇稽好刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Institutional frameworks, theories, and models,F

15、ramework: identify the elements and relationships among these elements that one needs to consider for institutional analysis. Theories: enable the analyst to specify which elements of the framework are particularly relevant for certain kinds of questions and to make general working assumptions about

16、 these elements. Models: make precise assumptions about a limited set of parameters and variables.,构层驰暂挽呼杯春橱痕蛮淋赠膜覆庭扦状弊喊棵胸转粱添事誊约猩席打涝刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,One needs a common framework and family of theories in order to ad

17、dress questions of reforms and transitions. Particular models then help the analyst to deduce specific predictions about likely outcomes of highly simplified structures.,驳肌遏剐湿躬答身玫角哪禁掂抠溪毙栈拈惺殿瓢粟快伏宵术泞贬恿彝幂讨刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional anal

18、ysis,The Institutional Analysis and Development Framework,An institutional framework should identify the major types of structural variables present to some extent in all institutional arrangements, but whose values differ from one type of institutional arrangement to another.,叉讹津哎承蚜隋抢娜许廉著癸犹妻谨卢戚衫渗众肖

19、夺庄斡支氧钓隙俏钟檬刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,恩又而税象杨谨握彦耍撕吃宗胰童稚得庸猩纂翼稽簿岂陇煞阉昔牙埔补累刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Actors in situations together with exogenous factors

20、 generate outcomes that affect the actors in the situation and potentially others. The outcomes that are achieved eventually feed back onto the actors and the situations and may transform both over time. When the outcomes are productive for those involved, they may increase their commitment to follo

21、wing the rules and norms that have evolved over time so as to continue to receive positive outcomes. When outcomes are perceived by those involved as of lower value than other outcomes that might be obtained, some actors will begin to raise questions about changing the structure of the situations th

22、rough various changes in the exogenous variables or the structure of the situations themselves.,云它毕吻婉厄转绵并浙匿青驱捞姨县窟边荣悬欢谬货藻阴隶间创孝晶臣苹刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,匙每岔餐更阑岗库斥塞板贿起屹规誉说逾雷胜腰牙活撞揉酌素郝柬蔚炙雇刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institut

23、ional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,The IAD framework is a multitier conceptual map. The first step in using this framework to analyze a problem is to identify a conceptual unit called an action arena that can be utilized to analyze, predict, and explain behavior within

24、 institutional arrangements. Action arenas include an action situation and the actors in that situation. An action situation can be characterized using seven clusters of variables: (1) participants, (2) positions, (3) outcomes, (4) action-outcome linkages, (5) the control that participants exercise,

25、 (6) information, and (7) the costs and benefits assigned to outcomes.,橙取蹄恍敝搐赠炬肄滓窝绩衷抠兴撑土后更闽课粳碌撩沥窘箩讨匆舶监俗刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,An actor includes assumptions about four clusters of variables: The resources that an actor br

26、ings to a situation; The valuation actors assign to states of the world and to actions; The way actors acquire, process, retain, and use knowledge contingencies and information, and The processes actors use for selection of a particular course of action.,缅颊讼聂定逗恫儒矗堕酬栅舍吾岳蠕祥涉贼塌奶蹬潘厉钥不镍免泻铡惋诛刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平

27、专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,A major proportion of theoretical work stops after predicting outcomes from a particular action arena and takes the variables specifying the situation and the motivational and cognitive structure of an actor as

28、 givens. An institutional analyst can take two additional steps after an effort is made to understand the initial structure of an action arena.,盟门企写敬很稍谋猴腺壕佛基蛰诌羔慕渊郑兢酿站笋补午汪猜瓢狠弛毡灌刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,One step digs deeper

29、and inquires into the factors that affect the structure of an action arena. From this vantage point, the action arena is viewed as a set of variables dependent upon other factors. These factors affecting the structure of an action arena include clusters of variables: (1) the rules and norms used by

30、participants to order their relationships; (2) the attributes of states of the world that are acted upon in these arenas, and (3) the structure of the more general community within any particular arena is placed.,子戳缮阜骆橙矿渡余哟绽僧玩薪砧晨歉将豌瓤畔辆涵厦逻毯护洼拯若撒笺刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平

31、专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,The second step examines how nested levels of rules affect behavior.,砷熏脓瞬舱松钥淤炙压鳖闭尼惰冲腾蜂氏嫁衅钟告揪挖场寨偿暑秃闰御晨刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Explanation Viewing Action Situations as Depende

32、nt Variables,Underlying the way analysts conceptualize action arenas are implicit assumptions about the rules individuals use to order their relationships, about attributes of states of the world and their transformations, and about the nature of the community within which the arena occurs.,薛共势唤缮幌燃凡

33、照施险女拆韦丙模迈咏舱肘誊泡伪甘采岳箕募莫淀筛亨刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,The concept of Rules,According to Black, the word “rule” is used to denote regulations, instructions, precepts, and principles. Social Scientists employ all four uses of the

34、 term that Black identifies. Until recently, rules have not been a central focus of most of the social sciences. Rules are shared understandings about potentially linguistic entities that refer to enforced prescriptions about what actions are required, prohibited, or permitted.,院变栗磁赛景滨矿删众北退举嘻拉蔡抉掏迪北家

35、徒嚷很谈防晦社咆届疮滞刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,All rules are the result of implicit or explicit efforts to achieve order and predictability among humans by creating classes of persons who are then required, permitted, or forbidden to

36、 take classes of actions in relation to required, permitted, or forbidden states of the world.,增媳饿苇浑佳潦癣疆拱咒蜂更钟抖帛聘夸屁蚂磨蚕精缉慰慢造某通执执抓刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Where do the rules that individuals use in action situations originate

37、? In an open and democratic governance system, many sources of rules exist. It is not considered illegal or improper for individuals to self-organize themselves and craft their own rules if the activities they engage in are legal. When individuals genuinely participate in the crafting of multiple la

38、yers of rules, some of that crafting will occur using pen and paper. Much of it will occur as problem-solving individuals interact and try to figure out how to do a better job in the future than they have done in the past.,彤植鲍鹿耸述梳精黍项围虹统姿蹈鸭猖未东避页惶第膜甜农蜡贿哟吗谍凳刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional an

39、alysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Participants craft rules in order to change the structure of repetitive situations that they face so as to try to improve outcomes for themselves. Rules-in-use are the set of rules to which participants make reference if asked to explain and

40、justify their actions to fellow participants. They are the “dos and donts ” that one learns on the ground that may not exist in any written document.,让燕辕衷询种想全竖位嚏遇酞贱什聂柴谊像粗誉汗蜂营橇繁柜婉螟诸选榆刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,In a system gov

41、erned by a rule of law, the general legal framework in use will have its source in actions taken in constitutional, legislative, and administrative settings augmented by decisions taken by individuals in many different particular settings. In other words, the rules-in-form are consistent with the ru

42、les-in-use. In a system that is not governed by a rule of law, there may be central laws and considerable effort made to enforce them, but individuals attempt to evade rather than obey the law.,骚镍诊筋巡裤泌烃复揪袄蚀础火咏汪窜痊跟惰奥渐拢掘耕擒芍冉澜续畔砸刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)

43、doing institutional analysis,The stability of rule-ordered actions is dependent upon the shared meaning assigned to words used to formulate a set of rules. The stability of rule-ordered relationships is also dependent upon enforcement. What rules are important for institutional analysis?,滦丘字虾必歼鬃桐扇渗酞

44、褂熬迢斗寡另躯烈于防钎蝴检沏极隐衙亥燕域错刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Rules Configurations,Seven groups of working rules can be said to affect the structure of any repetitive action situation: boundary rules, position rules, scope rules, authorit

45、y rules, aggregation rules, information rules, and payoff rules. Boundary rules directly affect the number of participants, their attributes and resources, whether they can enter freely, and the conditions they face for leaving.,眷贡瓣湿牛兔某沪磅绞宅噬椎膛舜叹搁颂彤祥背祁核姚伍漱泥臃惦冯澈览刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutio

46、nal analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Position rules establish positions in the situation. Authority rules assign sets of actions that participants in positions at particular nodes must, may, or may not take. Score rules delimit the potential outcomes that can be affected a

47、nd working backwards, the actions linked to specific outcomes. Authority rules, combined with the specific laws about the relevant states of the world being acted upon, determine the shape of the decision tree- the action-outcome linkages.,既舵念今醋挎骑芬据洒佩显邮鉴筑碎隙娘极霹另御划私绒朗氏县融穴钠袁刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing

48、 institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,Aggregation rules affect the level of control that a participant in a position exercises in the selection of an action at a node. Information rules affect the knowledge-contingent information sets of participants. Payoff rule

49、s affect the benefits and costs that will be assigned to particular combinations of actions and outcomes and establish the incentives and deterrents for action. The set of working rules is a configuration in the sense that the impact on actions chosen and outcomes of a change in one rule may depend upon the specific content of other rules-in-use.,盂湛剂构瘁洛疡虹微技聘醇柳羔凰力予厕仿坠涟近唉烷建较驰栖霓悠涤综刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十四周)doing institutional analysis,The next frontier in doing institutional analysis is a much more self-conscious study of how rule


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