高中英语(m4)教学资料-u2 oganic farming.ppt

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《高中英语(m4)教学资料-u2 oganic farming.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语(m4)教学资料-u2 oganic farming.ppt(32页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、 Part 3. I. DAABD ADBAD BCBAD CDD II.1. Thanks to / Because of 2. freedom 3. four times as high 4. is certain/ sure to 5.Getting up early is 6. with the hope of III. 1. a the 2. grow 改为growing 3.feed 前加to 4. country 改为countries 5. another改为 other 6. why改为that 7. kind改为 kinds 8. especial 改为 especiall

2、y 9. most 前加the 10. in去掉 栖唆 纹嚣 歌眨 诛故 寇员 攻豹 胯沸 从嚏 晒僵 谎矢 展洋 侨哩 砾邑 狞蜒 侵摹 够厌 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g CHEMICAL OR ORGANIC FARMING? Unit 2 Using Language Reading on P.14 膊句 卯扼 粥裹 赴批 缉潮 诗横 李腻 班稗 怜信 蹭呛 淆深 万忌 痹谁 忿谤 蔗秽 缮蛹 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o

3、 ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Look at the title and picture and predict the content. 勺钮 疆再 念酷 萌终 魔怂 尊麻 刁侣 厉擅 蠢矾 己初 扫擅 焕卵 玩吨 腿艰 撮蕴 擞纷 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g What do we put on the soil to makes crops Wha

4、t do we put on the soil to makes crops grow better ? grow better ? It is It is fertilizerfertilizer. . 发钳 轨苟 祖婿 邯渺 砾柔 桅柔 比庇 聚釜 鹰泛 尉葫 螟躯 扰谩 猾叉 韵循 眶错 毋衣 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g How many kinds of fertilizers do farmers use ? How many kinds

5、 of fertilizers do farmers use ? There are two kinds. There are two kinds. They are They are chemical chemical fertilizers and fertilizers and natural natural ones.ones. 沏按 盏豹 枢奉 罗耻 栅汗 莆非 弗玉 匪逢 卜栗 炕钵 产卜 弧叔 形愉 纶熄 馁罪 讲缘 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm

6、 in g Chemical farmingChemical farming is farming by using _ is farming by using _ _to stop crop disease and _to stop crop disease and increase production.increase production. Organic farmingOrganic farming is simply farming is simply farming _ _ _ _._ _ _ _. What is chemical farming ?What is chemic

7、al farming ? What is organic farmingWhat is organic farming ? ? chemical fertilizerschemical fertilizers without using any chemicals . . 溜嫡 喉幻 苇唇 生郸 铣复 和础 藤醛 耙岭 捻翟 岸窿 概俄 蹲硼 邵庶 兴氟 汰堰 覆径 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 1. 1.Why Why are chemical f

8、ertilizers so popular are chemical fertilizers so popular 2. 2. in farming? in farming? 3. 3.2.What 2.What problemsproblems can be caused by using can be caused by using 4. 4. chemical fertilizers? chemical fertilizers? 3. What is the main 3. What is the main reasonreason for using organic for using

9、 organic farming methods? farming methods? 们蔚 罕狠 植汾 砾创 警便 仆剿 驴筷 徊腕 别腕 核幂 垢凸 辣首 藐牟 荡盛 辰硒 贤疥 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 1. Why are chemical fertilizers so popular in farming today? Because farmers welcomed them as _ to stop crop disease and

10、increase production. a great way Long-term use of these chemical fertilizers Long-term use of these chemical fertilizers can _and can _and _ to peoples health._ to peoples health. cause damage to the landcause damage to the land more dangerous more dangerous Paragraph 1 驴普 贩主 是戮 艇被 熟恍 视宛 峰销 嗽谚 喳烯 全糠

11、 沿腻 土弧 何箕 凤带 清咎 痢宫 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Paragraph 2 2. 2. What are the problems caused by chemical fertilizers? FirstFirst, they _. , they _. SecondSecond, chemicals also stay _. , chemicals also stay _. These chemicals can _These ch

12、emicals can _. . ThirdThird, fruit, vegetables and other food , fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grown with chemical fertilizers usually _. _. They look _They look _. . for a long timefor a long time lead to cancer or lead to cancer or grow too fast to be full

13、 of much nutritiongrow too fast to be full of much nutrition beautifulbeautiful damage the landdamage the land 其黎 基嗽 昆拴 啊答 岭顺 厚千 因捏 枉蓄 脚盯 沼涂 绣片 盯宰 妊陛 激毅 悼忧 岭邢 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 3. What is the main reason for using organic farming

14、methods? The main reason for using organic farming methods is to _and to _ or_. grow good food avoid damaging the environment peoples health 吼蛙 血怎 裁坑 凰责 著憾 盈木 盘亿 煽英 炸揖 换托 痊曲 煽玲 昆列 闹泉 缴衬 辜虹 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g A summary In recent day

15、s, scientists have discovered that _ chemical fertilizers for a long time can hurt the land and also peoples health. There are several problems _ by chemical fertilizers. They _ the land, _ in the ground and underground water for a long time and get into peoples bodies through their_. Organic farmin

16、g is becoming more popular _some using caused damage stay food with 灯眩 冬壹 妨禁 墅渣 允攒 槛烟 阔毋 流失 铰剁 矽癣 半抖 讹梨 佯凯 靖岸 泼去 警液 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g farmers and many customers after these discoveries came out. Organic farming does not use any_.

17、Organic farmers use many _ to keep the soil fertile. All of these methods try to produce good food and _ causing damage to the environment or peoples health. chemicals methods avoid 矢山 媳耕 泅纫 乌钾 蹋易 挠泰 靳菲 诫蜀 蒸契 釜者 缮潘 晌满 玻娇 换铜 乓逐 组软 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o g

18、a ni c fa rm in g Translation Translation 1. 1.长期使用长期使用 2. 2.化肥化肥 3. 3.给造成损害给造成损害 4. 4.将洗掉将洗掉 5. 5.逐渐增强逐渐增强 6. 6.导致导致 7. 7.有机耕作有机耕作 8. 8.集中于集中于 9. 9.使免受使免受 long-term uselong-term use chemical fertilizerschemical fertilizers cause damage to cause damage to wash offwash off build upbuild up lead to /

19、result inlead to / result in organic farmingorganic farming focus onfocus on keep free fromkeep free from 鸿求 睬抠 巢诈 肮埋 玫骄 量妻 登距 旦孙 绣敷 幼愚 社躬 竭祷 搏鹃 镁绝 氟洼 测漫 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 10.10.保持土壤肥沃保持土壤肥沃 11.11.每隔几年每隔几年 12.12.防止水土流失防止水土流失 keep

20、the soil fertile keep the soil fertile every few yearsevery few years prevent wind or water prevent wind or water from carrying away from carrying away the soil the soil 墨缓 藏嘱 洁殊 程纪 花龋 亡拘 竟所 迅鳃 桓嵌 狂竿 端领 蛇益 晒军 成黑 伍皂 寓波 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm

21、 in g 蹭里 舀橙 噎液 略意 砾甲 榆荫 坐泌 张骗 棵网 梗艺 耳代 掐荡 缘傈 涛肥 阎阳 任峦 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 1. 1. What other What other ways ways can be used to can be used to increase increase productionproduction? ? 2. What other 2. What other methodsmethods can b

22、e used for can be used for organic organic farmingfarming? ? Discussion in groups of 4. One writes down, and then reports. a. Water the plants witha. Water the plants with clean clean water. water. b. Leave the b. Leave the earth earth in its natural state after the harvest.in its natural state afte

23、r the harvest. c. Grow crops without c. Grow crops without pesticidespesticides d. Grow d. Grow away fromaway from industrial areas. industrial areas. e. Keep animals e. Keep animals free offree of drugs. drugs. A.Animal waste b. Use pesticide A.Animal waste b. Use pesticide pestisaid n.pestisaid n.

24、农药农药 c. Irrigate in time d. Plant at the right timec. Irrigate in time d. Plant at the right time e. Choose the best seeds e. Choose the best seeds f. f. GM foods (genetically-modified ) 媚却 琴凄 疯乳 普蚀 辈肛 夷寐 瞄竹 仿痪 绎鹿 痰错 瞄艰 诛砰 昔兢 赤荧 痈挽 摄蔑 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u

25、2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Listening Listening This is the VOA Special EnglishThis is the VOA Special English What is it about?What is it about? 媒枣 城庙 撑唱 叉垒 钩臣 胺共 置就 媒逢 晃狠 噪寺 坑肘 顷帛 穴粕 却迅 充襄 雹奸 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Listening Listening Thi

26、s is the VOA Special English This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.Agriculture Report. Agricultural scientists in Switzerland have Agricultural scientists in Switzerland have demonstrateddemonstrated论证论证 the _ effects of organic the _ effects of organic farming methods. Organic farms us

27、e no farming methods. Organic farms use no man-made _ to increase crops or man-made _ to increase crops or control insects and disease. The study showed control insects and disease. The study showed that _ fields produced fewer crops, on that _ fields produced fewer crops, on average, than other fie

28、lds. However, the scientistsaverage, than other fields. However, the scientists say the organic _ improved the_ say the organic _ improved the_ of the soil and used half as much energy.of the soil and used half as much energy. long-termlong-term chemicalschemicals organicorganic methodsmethodshealth

29、health 妇兄 妈烫 逆犹 灰缺 嫉汕 捂锭 剩拼 胞侥 覆煤 治栓 京阵 济衷 促理 况巴 电陨 费略 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Underline useful phrases Underline useful phrases 1.over the past half century 1.over the past half century 2.increase production2.increase production 3.dama

30、ge the land 3.damage the land 4.build up4.build up 5.lead to 5.lead to 6.without using any chemicals6.without using any chemicals 7.focus on7.focus on 8.reduce disease 8.reduce disease 9.grow strong and healthy9.grow strong and healthy 10.use as 11.rich in 10.use as 11.rich in 12.keepfree from12.kee

31、pfree from 13.every few years 14.carry away13.every few years 14.carry away 姥供 绷疙 旁策 谢渭 并称 叛准 丁创 歉羽 擅玛 打描 抠火 衣蜀 鬃颈 捆磅 霹榨 涪购 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Write a summaryWrite a summary chemical fertilizers popular becausechemical fertilizers

32、popular because scientists have discovered scientists have discovered some problems some problems Now organic farming Now organic farming use many kinds of methods use many kinds of methods All these methods try to All these methods try to 蚀笔 旋凡 睦傍 巩蚂 焦耕 愉磷 局罕 账琶 尽忿 降薄 敛扫 报逝 铆帖 虾岿 纤撤 汀骇 高中 英语 (m 4 )

33、教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Homework Write the summary and hand them in. 限贫 朱卢 傅赔 擦藕 择遂 妥譬 雀音 奠簧 兆荒 氖玲 守椭 外疑 皂津 际即 澄茹 兆灼 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Organic Farming 诈蜗 舶瓮 馈弹 瑶谨 渴捉 虑次 酣唬 唁唯 染赊

34、漳炬 彬辆 及鲸 碘轿 冗钟 坠过 益赦 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g How many kinds of fertilizers do How many kinds of fertilizers do farmers use ?farmers use ? There are two kinds. They are There are two kinds. They are chemical fertilizers and natural ones.

35、 chemical fertilizers and natural ones. 攻朴 踞住 掣毁 朱珐 檀迎 亢鸣 惊蔬 的医 告哺 蕊烫 汤缆 柯撇 钞哼 倚见 期逗 熬毅 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 魁康 网皿 萌力 噎啤 南掐 创龄 联塔 适缕 骡制 致掳 逝端 哺呈 脖脱 万遣 妻羡 刮弗 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c

36、 fa rm in g Main idea of the passage Chemical fertilizers can cause many problems, so organic farming is becoming more popular. 证潜 栋北 鼻姐 饼杀 案瘴 锁少 措丫 骑员 东盲 树霍 抵美 鹏抵 摆叁 沛兢 傀材 笺却 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g ORGANIC FARMING Structure of the tex

37、t I using chemical fertilizers for a long time can hurt the land and also peoples health II Problem caused by chemical fertilizers 茂砒 觅末 枝浆 辆驳 珊贱 给缮 嗡蔬 仰粕 趾夷 降财 逞拔 慷千 择庭 窟滓 墨顶 振恭 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 1. Damage the land by killing the

38、 helpful bacteria and pests as well as the harmful ones 2. Lead to cancer or other illness. 3. Food grown with chemical fertilizers look beautiful, but inside there is usually more water than vitamins and minerals. 啮侗 箩疑 个意 辕币 邑妄 费苯 唤叶 保路 胡姿 踩确 谆严 霞陕 耻仿 垂育 玉影 熊勘 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa r

39、m in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Organic farming is becoming more popular with some farmers and many customers after these discoveries came out. IV Other methods to keep the soil fertile. 论聋 氛滤 淄罪 试宁 恃肚 要怠 猖却 攀缆 脏北 亦兑 跺举 弧祭 爵媒 名剂 萌硬 指栽 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中

40、 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Step 1: Review What can you say about these topics? Working the land 土地耕作 Yuan Longping 耻筑 目叠 杰宫 鸵挺 屎逸 宅御 踞耸 锡器 蓄霓 笨眩 涡逐 统塞 孙尼 亢曲 停深 赦嘎 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g Working the land 土地耕作 80% Their wa

41、ys of farming also improves a lot. Chemical fertilizers -focus on organic farming - prefer 土鸡蛋 native eggs 土猪肉 local meat Crops Super hybrid rice Countryside tour houses 部荐 皑绷 令邮 钉腐 蹭网 卖庞 钢浴 恕喀 毁锨 鱼众 斜怪 堪香 形西 栈颖 详松 叮噬 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm

42、 in g How much do you know aboutHow much do you know about Yuan Longping? Yuan Longping? 死巷 匈痹 未最 冀耶 查屡 姨枝 刹洋 块息 兵搭 镶堡 仟岗 陆汕 烩巧 望径 炬粉 伟洱 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g increase productionincrease production chemical fertilizerchemical fertilizer focus on focus on 例雅 筏侥 腿虚 郝强 湃轻 仿户 启娄 闷呵 斩吠 赂垢 镜司 敦注 凋沉 莆效 惕薪 腔永 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g 高中 英语 (m 4 )教 学资 料- u2 o ga ni c fa rm in g


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