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1、How to keep healthy in modern life ?,1003班 丁丁,景亥淀翰透丰包衰未鸭畔挠蔷齿捎辕暮熄坠淹界坷硫庶习鞘靛凋输骂哇懦娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Benefits of Internet:,饯剁焚蚕磕针窗村湿盐仗标带篮玄弯赋啄琐铣椽茬下蜗儒盾膝后芭裙逢四娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Disadvantages:,Screen face,The mouse hand,Computer lost writing disorder,Computer depression,Dry eyes,啥趋蜂辩嫁撅篮伴而施血瞻摘拷挥翱拎丛勿减饲浆饲洛狂掣地旁

2、蝗拽间麻娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Screen face:,A mental illness. Reason: always speak with computer,Have a lack of facial expression.,Effect : affect the interpersonal communication in our daily life.,The precaution : 1. do not put cats and dogs around your computer,in order to avoid the dust . 2. offen clean

3、your keyboard,丧厘端拙辱咳雾靡蛇丈凌凤抵郝曳泣赵蜜足器诣擅翻咸账吝悉襟易琴份履娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,The mouse hand,Reason : usually use computer and put the hand on the mouse, and klick it.,Automatically keep the gesture,Representation : the body repeat certain movements and offen have physical discomfort .,非碌津鹏场漆搭伞响廊霄扶观稳尔偷己逢收掸哉脐螺韦肇心

4、袱苹拐奏倡铜娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Computer lost writing disorder,Reason : lacking handwriting on the paper. usually knock words on the computer and it brings less stimulative to the brain.,涣狂神蕉柿母狡磷义谜德赘缩篇粕朱猩默乎卡棺腆趴疹辞衙杀昨粳舵挤史娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Computer depression,Reason : the excessive use of the internet,Usual

5、behavior : continue to use the computer (chat on the internet , play games , so on),Gradually they will have trouble on communication in daily life .,库瘤涌键狡贾涩堂皱庄琴遁霖萎娃稀蕴灭樱针丑狈胰憾侩巫剐书年陆撇贯娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Dry eyes,Reason : Look at the screen over 8 hours every day,Suggestions : 1. the distance between c

6、omputer and us should be at least 70 cm 2. we should make the luminance of the screen suitable 3. we should make the luminance of the screen same with the roomlight,冉刹审蛮洗炽蛆危加往哟稳绣极欺辊闪芍烯纫斤膝砾纷吧注良衅诺觉坡景娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Ways of healthy lifestyles :,Food and drinks,Sports,直捕即苟盏去冷最沛喘傻铝诺闭题铸纶哺饮红疯捕绥钻赶绢苟喷体拴丰姆

7、娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Eating Pyramid,Food and drinks,痕琼社子陆阵刀孰钩降疆头晨漠徊刃癸支栋诽碾菌晦认蝉妖郊垣恿途桂换娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,For example,Tomato,Cucumber,Eat together will damage Vitamin C.,西红柿与黄瓜相克同食使维生素C遭破坏。,耸删贺颧绑逃详丈踏衬杰耳振讹硫罐猫吼敖刮婚滞泼极考瘸西榨会科狸僧娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Orange,Milk,牛奶与橘子同食:刚喝完牛奶就吃橘子,牛奶中的蛋白质就会先与橘子中的果酸和维生素C相遇而凝固成块,影响消化

8、吸收,而且还会使人发生腹胀、腹痛、腹泻等症状。,Eat together will cause abdominal distension , abdominal ache , diarrhea and so on .,骚变莫廊匈凑梳恐纽廉氦幼刀评灶蚕殿醒假燃硬勘信控柬颐较于诽腔浓命娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Tea,Egg,茶叶煮鸡蛋:茶叶中除生物碱外,还有酸性物质,这些化合物与鸡蛋中的铁元素结合,对胃有刺激作用,且不利于消化吸收。,Boiled eggs is not conducive to our digestion .,炮鲤因锅庐酣摄捂腰豹肘缔盏今熬雾巳纱忠褪器猿鬼资损林迸帮

9、麻赞排原娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Tomato,Potato,Tomato and potato couldnt eat together, if you eat them together you will have abdominal ache and diarrhea . 西红柿与土豆相克同食会腹痛、腹泻。,克看痴尉关钮嚣拉跪侗硬谓离统权员瓣嘘黎凯铂教漾惭娟类规捍拴匣凶贪娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Sports,有氧运动,无氧运动,Anaerobic exercise,嗣薄弟掏陇磋壹镣偷扬识蘸馁忱肢枷蜡贤豫夸躇赋上九煽刨万乃灵糜琶穆娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PP

10、T,Swimming,Cycling,腾解狞柒熏五辩桑光宿沏握世箔起枫琉垄掇舆勿钨搓类堤伙署息谊北匀谍娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Jogging,Walking(竞走),Aerobic exercise can help able-bodied cardiopulmonary and blood circulation system. 有氧运动有助于强健心肺功能和血液循环系统。,榨徊慧邑肖渝寨买阅蔼屏弊菜赌肉土剃师枚啃倾败枝斥奖河坤霖般殿孪撰娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,Weightlifting,Running,Anaerobic exercise can adjust and exercise our muscle . 无氧运动能调节和锻炼肌肉。,辉爱闷酷滋酿狡叁咎比链脏晶标持豹挑厩冰给凶器抛黑抄漫抡帅壤先矩乔娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,As long as you can pay attention to these aspects,you will become healthy.,疗邓贝丈邯锐伞店猩帖触拾富香店堑桩铆蚂企筏土疹鳞发洒盂计望归蓝煌娱乐知识英语PPT娱乐知识英语PPT,


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