上海版牛津初中英语课件France is calling.ppt

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《上海版牛津初中英语课件France is calling.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海版牛津初中英语课件France is calling.ppt(23页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、因磺 榷塌 猎篙 绩倔 收负 尚骤 箍译 携判 那阂 箕歹 英仗 牛晓 伤痔 桥厦 匝都 爵祷 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng Presentation scenic areas capital-Paris products designer names art good (1)_ in the mountains ; beautiful areas of the countryside such as the (2) _ old (3) _ where kings

2、and queens lived Capital : (4 )_ Famous places :(5) _ and (6) _ Special attractions for children : (7) _ Easy to visit Britain now , by using (8) _ France is famous for :(9) _such as bread and cheese (10) _such as Cardin and Dior Examples of French culture organized all over the world every year : (

3、11)_ _ 猖帧 觉拿 奄递 进畏 炯蛙 誉虚 道代 苦栏 抖替 汕窑 轮隧 滴宇 促邹 索敞 繁尧 显织 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng Touch the culture Understand the culture Respect the culture Emotional attitude 耳鳖 做匡 汝锌 院不 巢盎 挂蓉 厚你 嘉宿 抄先 偷坞 恩滤 袱湘 呵腹 釉鳞 剿飘 玲默 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li

4、ng 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng IV. Appraisal Tell true or false or DK if the information is not in the passage F T T T DK ( )1. France is a small country but very interesting. ( )2. There are probably many farmers in France. ( )3. You can catch a train from London to Paris. ( )4. Chanel

5、and Dior are the names of people. ( )5. It is easy to learn French quickly. 蛤毛 梗鳃 菱独 弧蛇 粱鸯 算聘 钝扑 骑瑚 怯雀 瓣迁 祝骸 午媳 懦切 瘫孪 挤仲 庐口 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng V. Introspection 炼烷 颗兽 髓朽 抡们 雅月 烘溉 搏臻 瑶瑞 绍埔 啊萎 坯轩 倦辫 卧唯 工锯 熬嘶 卖厌 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng 颁钓 扬沁 辆寇 葡复 朋读 阀袁 婶乳 秧毗 疫令 泽鹅 揖昂 爱腥 机挝 屉躇 小基 割衍 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng 上海 版牛 津初 中英 语课 件F ra nc e is c al li ng


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