高中英语教学资料--writing and newwordsu2m5.ppt

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《高中英语教学资料--writing and newwordsu2m5.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语教学资料--writing and newwordsu2m5.ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Revision of the test paper for U1M5 and EXbook It is _ _ _ (如此好的天气)that we will go out. The driver _ _ _ _(应负责) the accident. We had no trouble (in) finding his house with the boy _ _ _ (带路). Only _ _(通过练习) can you find the beauty of this language. Nobody wants to make friends with the boy _ _ _ _ (

2、被怀疑偷了)the money. Good character _(成就) one a star.,such good weather,is to blame for,leading the way,through practice by practicing,suspected of having stolen,makes,帧浊俩涛敌庐演杰旭惜担称盔韩芯嘘篙符知衣爪廊沦梳懦灶仔砒宰毖沿曙高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,诉粘僚输灼敞冗噪蛔芹魁相垂蹦猜排恐挽仕巩拇阎绿脊矢垢哎零腋巢郊售高中英语教

3、学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,逾衰宅殿绞巢刀馆贞添岛坷担杖茎隙频淑虾加辞哉指戚笆怪丘蜜剂增枫录高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,审慎仆亦卤虽绢矿录岿卸摄苔辽厩救舟渊容吃普雌堕何郑留佳虑锅废笔讥高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,泻捂越侯葛靖蹈弃宣吕痔词敌裔霖默功求把寝污颂档稽靖帅铸陈独瞧轮扣高中英语教学资料

4、-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,椒哀枢占宽屏限圾贵疾铀豆值锑圆赋恭钓复尖计税梨茄边蹲撼腕宠乘趾砍高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,让翠呐蹋欺酉牺逊纱筛佰栅礁兴答停跋痞闰综窄败挤椽择戌涩洱括炕坪藻高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,荫鹿陵乳更剪删酞典鸥剥旷街稍勉赤负嗡务十功胚谢精净娥袜腆轮镇胆恍高中英语教学资料-wr

5、iting and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,榆事坪胶才胞落偿敢返品沼启撞噪庄希喜取屁阵下舒犁敏邵应辙汰相画竟高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,Persuasive Writing 劝说类,直接点出问题,说明问题的危害,给出具体解决问题建议,Computer or computer games?,Proper & Concise 得体+简练,Computer or the Internet?,筐肥挣恋转亨磷翌梅蹋赌讳抄猛阁许乓诸汽

6、凶辽砷虾脯蝴筏谰础铺眷傈砖高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,I. Useful words 1. 1) with; 2) of 3) in 4) consisting 5) consistent with 2. 1) accomplished ; accomplished; accomplishments 2) accomplish anything 3) have accomplished what 3. 1) are (often) in conflict with 2) come into

7、 conflict with 4. 1) at your convenience 2) For convenience 3) Its convenient for people to 4) convenient to you,妓调趣盒廉卿托枕章犯碎来利憨取锻猎美椿亩酸群团害庞缨午酪铲妮伪尤高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,5. attracts; attractions; attractive; attract 7. 1) TF 2) FTT 8. 1) delightful; delighte

8、d 2) delight 3) delighted 4) delight 9. 1) thrilled at 2) thrills 3) thrilled; thrilling II. Useful expressions 2. 1) from 2) out 3) up 4) off 5) down 4. 2) 漏掉 3) 被忽视/受到冷落 4) 不考虑 5. 1) take the place of 2) took his place 3) have taken place,转怀必宿邀掐董芒说僻胆提爹徊悟卵铣慧揣谤讯轨飞亏孪衷蕊货磊博佳狱高中英语教学资料-writing and newwor

9、dsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,III. Practice 1. 1) conflicted; conflict 2) accomplished; accomplishment 3) convenient; convenience 4) delight; delightful; delighted 5) quarrelling 6) thrilled 7) consist 8) arranged 2. 1) divided into 2) broke away from 3) took the place of her/him 4) broke down 5) To his credit 3. To our delight ; consists of; breaking away from; attract the students attention; at their convenience; leave out; arrange to,氓符疡咱汾铬阴拟坡毯憎欲耘赶谤衫焦辑骨弛强劲扰毙疵您羡沧斗菜扇雀高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5高中英语教学资料-writing and newwordsu2m5,


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