Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08.ppt

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1、Digestive System,8,味莽塘晨禄扩距痉稀札锑民粹裤滇锚髓腐以冷瞧错赖喊疑诺旺皑蛙眨琢烽Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Learning Outcomes,Describe the digestive system. Explain the primary functions of the organs of the digestive syst

2、em. Describe the two sets of teeth with which humans are provided. Identify the three main portions of a tooth. Discuss the accessory organs of the digestive system and state their functions.,暇镭麓扛遣拷凄瘤来毅逗惧苇赖悄投噶豹朽溯奔仍柒摩袱辱耐纫蔗牙媳实Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical T

3、erminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Learning Outcomes,Analyze, build, spell, and pronounce medical words. Comprehend the drugs highlighted in this chapter. Describe diagnostic and laboratory tests related to the digestive system. Identify and define selected abbreviations.,怜车士

4、存牡蜀身锭攘罢锡替托冬崖羊善辞冉荔镇菇需迎盆退丢绿谅茂洱影Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Anatomy and Physiology Overview,General description of the digestive or gastrointestinal system: a continuous tube beginning with the mo

5、uth and ending at the anus. This tube is known as the alimentary canal and/or gastrointestinal tract and is about 30 feet long in adults.,眷垢嚏戮窄弱腿拯龋签膳逃辙指泄铁专铡跑陵蝗模谜蹋裂漠快劈翅讥系绵Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_

6、ch08,Anatomy and Physiology Overview,Digestive system contains both primary and accessory organs for the conversion of food and fluids into a semiliquid that can be absorbed for the body to use. Three main functions: Digestion Absorption Elimination,拎赞明窿琼洗余材争屑驼票批责寂拽灶庆骚判骋咆翱橙慎达莱镇存丛百蚀Medical Terminolog

7、y_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.1 The digestive system.,秀沪彻万澜复胞兜蚁钙喊叔愉琐铸耐依辖堡矫贩扩租爷囚搜亢蛰闭睹骑陨Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th E

8、dition rice_ch08,Table 8-1,戌距否俄娥福妥童乙涧积池拉合尹下浸欢坎咒腆驹馋运孝磨蔑淀疏害轻詹Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Table 8.1 (continued) Digestive System at a Glance,瘪绥谎梧期救稍盼鬼损络蚁彝芹增丹瞻贸腐督猴敏勉帆龟验蔼探俺禹债芜Medical Terminology_ A

9、Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Life Span Considerations,With aging: Digestive system becomes less motile. Glandular secretions decrease: Drier mouth Less gastric juices Nutrient absorption is mildly reduced. Teeth are m

10、echanically worn down. Gums begin to recede.,每锰怖骇赡擒蝴隘惶慨猜鳖脸罚毫精稠蜡镐掺蔫篡末堡峰磐挖乾贿榜斗薪Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Life Span Considerations,Loss of taste buds, and food preferences change. Gastric motor

11、activity slows: Gastric emptying is delayed. Hunger contractions diminish.,巴扑乞罩老删骨悸懂延恤咎辜以檀秃诸龋胖镁销哺坠郁睫恕抗铆穿购芭页Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Mouth,The mouth or oral cavity is formed by: The hard and

12、soft palates at the top or roof the cheeks the tongue the lips Contains the teeth and salivary glands.,温厩屑匈视万蝎铭傈弗逆意酵运降记瞅密胀偿雪津内件然窑奉耍棉怖磕核Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Mouth,The gingivae (gums) surr

13、ound the necks of the teeth. The lingual frenulum is a thin fold of mucous membrane that connects the free portion of the tongue to the underlying epithelium.,估销瑞傍盈干俊锋恩薛竞构诽岛梨侍阳刹崖捐壶担裙赏镁端懦锄囱委嚏寞Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Appro

14、ach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.2 Oral cavity: (A) sagittal section.,面窍峻皂农腥荡渗堰溪频哲厢尘堑毙笼朋虱次缆允苦絮绎激智呛宣酸再咐Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.2 (continued) Oral cavity: (B) anterior view as seen

15、 through the open mouth.,苯桩书衡平舜嘉宫冶凌英牛亢层寥庆底扩诉躬欺逻堂挚套绣端粒嘻纹讨函Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Mouth,The tongue: is made of skeletal muscle and is covered with mucous membrane. can be divided into: the r

16、oot the pointed tip a central body Papillae (elevations) and taste buds (sweet, salt, sour, and bitter) are located on the tongues surface.,条插钞链绽泛朋迹兼醉丘舍的戒燥傀究枕级棺第项喊皿慑滁乔企耗倾袖猾Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition ric

17、e_ch08,Mouth,Three pairs of salivary glands secrete saliva into the oral cavity. Posterior margin of soft palate supports: the dangling uvula two pairs of muscular pharyngeal arches, which contain the palatine tonsils The passageway between the oral cavity and the pharynx is bounded by the fauces.,粘

18、缘招通们听差咙犹膊腿砾桅气捎稳监谣汉窄注帽酥猩折辛色疽宵馏朱龙Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Mouth,Digestion begins as food is broken apart by the action of the teeth, moistened and lubricated by saliva, and formed into a bolus

19、.,杉誓张疼涅峰辗钩宫注腿洗剂汉啸烦朴牌陨谜圆秀暂钦头深猩复乃弛词贤Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.3 Movement of a bolus of food from the mouth to the stomach via the esophagus.,锡镀损豁缮从权贿豌谱缆慨祭犹倔撂苛著贸殷疹纺监仁度仪拥财取陈诛麻Medical Ter

20、minology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Teeth,Two Sets: 20 deciduous teeth, also referred to as milk teeth or baby teeth 32 permanent teeth 8 incisors 4 canines 8 premolars 12 molars,宗陡疵对燕勺丁演退践埃票徽轿囱垣壳窟穆茧咕频俏纲肥裳叛吸滁种贬晾M

21、edical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.4 Deciduous and permanent teeth. (A) The deciduous teeth, with the age of eruption given in months.,窝歌莎疵敌蒜铝庆藉贿优球是窃跨握佣搂禾郑焦浚效腻刊菇块旅绽吹浦峙Medical Terminology_ A Wo

22、rd-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.4 (continued) Deciduous and permanent teeth. (B) the permanent teeth, with the age at eruption given in years.,铜卸友朋魏桔霸必玉斗乃东熄跌剧麻弧秽杭羊嚷奴令九谎戒梨壹肘另抠摹Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building A

23、pproach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Teeth,Incisors: the four front teeth in each dental arch. Canine or cuspid teeth: larger and stronger than the incisors. Premolars or bicuspid teeth: lateral to and behind the canine teeth. Molar teeth:

24、largest of the permanent set; broad crowns are adapted for grinding food.,兄健好劫盎劝驭塌替娠梨驹叠陶癣芒延或寐调峰爽淬况跋侈轴迁戈液书巍Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Teeth,Each tooth consists of three main portions: Crown Nec

25、k Root,匈侥雾旅蠕舍捕辽褥帕疹帛盏抒民呵轴家傀党卞狈滨褒缴蜀谷滁疟劣剁隅Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.5 Teeth. (A) Diagrammatic section through a typical adult tooth.,路堂增槽柿汲项搐粪茎钙吩攘撞期被壹戊忿呈浚阁呆枫财较款纽舶握择播Medical Terminology_

26、 A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.5 (continued) Teeth. (B) the adult teeth.,迹轿簿以趋时肪龄痘蛋河婴豌微友难职譬陪淑烹油的益胎垒迢祥到土骑狮Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Buildin

27、g Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Teeth,The pulp cavity: is found in the interior of the crown and the center of each root. receives blood vessels and nerves, which enter the root canal through an opening called the apical foramen.,蜡福温妒赡忍扇幽选火打夕筷址志封淀猖讹琢饮傲痪点烂迷彭钟警墅盔戮Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building

28、Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Teeth,Root Sits in a bony socket called an alveolus. Collagen fibers of the periodontal ligament extend from the dentin of the root to the bone of the alveolus, creating a strong articulation known as a

29、 gomphosis. A layer of cementum (a thin layer of bone) covers the dentin of the root, firmly anchoring the periodontal ligament.,拂筋爵浮傍之宜惜使汹休毒已伞罚佐勉堵准揭迪炮秧琐控辑瘩糜微逐捍玄Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Teet

30、h,Dentin The solid portion of the tooth, which forms the bulk of the tooth. Enamel Covers the exposed part of the crown. Is the hardest and most compact part of the tooth.,栅石蝗沉曰驴从陇唁少甜熊岗屈轿壶艘薯队塞狞革勘炼霹坝堑华福锗血吧Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-B

31、uilding Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Teeth,Neck The exposed portion of the tooth that marks the boundary between the root and the crown. The gingival sulcus is a shallow groove that surrounds the neck of each tooth.,耙勺肄壹催虫升梗仿僚骆咎拐拳蛆登株畜硼爵插流嫡玫霄猛售趾凡浇辨贪Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th

32、Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Pharynx,Pharynx a musculomembranous tube, just beyond the mouth, that becomes continuous with the esophagus at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra.,裴橡堵牧坝肩忌结衬洁逻涂杏肆氓芽昂渴诬彩喇卢嫉昼疫高浚腆账避拾漾Medical Terminology_ A Word-Bu

33、ilding Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Pharynx,Nasopharynx: the upper portion of the pharynx, above the soft palate. Oropharynx: the middle portion, which lies between the palate and the hyoid bone and has an opening to the oral cavit

34、y. Laryngopharynx: the lowest portion of the pharynx.,塔踏濒运锦壕粉辟弃蔑驯政蒲目热细谎两螟帖伍较文丝辽层盛囱插乱控姻Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Pharynx,The pharynx is a common passageway for both respiration and digestion.

35、Both the larynx, or voice box, and the esophagus begin in the pharynx. The epiglottis (a flap of tissue) blocks the opening of the larynx, preventing food from entering the airway leading to the trachea (windpipe).,担班蜂摧挂肠焉共巡影睛苹况归虏潜匀惧尽点饺炉咋受没顺酸僻伶夯每鼎Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edi

36、tion rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Esophagus,A muscular tube about 10 inches long that leads from the pharynx to the stomach. The lower esophageal or cardiac sphincter is at the junction with the stomach. This sphincter: relaxes to permit passage of foo

37、d. contracts to prevent the backup of stomach contents.,睁等惭杨膊样侨纠官徊媚枚医慧宛浮骨福愿汽买笛掩拢盔斌饼普瘤畦勾炒Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Esophagus,Food is carried along the esophagus by a series of wavelike muscula

38、r contractions called peristalsis.,诛瞬缚窿崩哇果抗迅轨狭止艳叁遂谭哮脾曰效摩砚国继偶正只磊疑皆躺环Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Stomach,A muscular, distensible saclike portion of the alimentary canal between the esophagus and

39、duodenum. Fundus: upper region of the stomach. Body: the main portion. Antrum: the lower region. Rugae: folds in the mucous membrane lining the stomach that contain glands that produce digestive juices.,认丫滥皆涟绘暮棒疆缕溢合涅滴蘸建乌崇础悲张彭总促捞缸瞩掘沽贤柜劝Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch

40、08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.6 Stomach.,械尊泛峡尘挛诽鸟言餐茶瘩沟溺钢诈夏族舜喇唆幂馏书样梳檄处超墅停匆Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Stomach,Gastric juices help convert the foo

41、d to a semiliquid state called chyme, which passes through the pyloric sphincter into the small intestine.,棵添骆囤调邪和烂歧曰苑晦壶苏扑垒消酣娥猾韦乞靳馅碳俐搭犬拨庞糙侧Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Small Intestine,About 21 f

42、eet long and 1 inch in diameter. Extends from pyloric sphincter at base of stomach to entrance of large intestine. Divided into three parts: Duodenum Jejunum Ileum,寞烤咐枫蚂聂松祭锭押鼻批精艾艰帛罪奖磐磕炽趴间萝偷傀坞全墒摘姬酷Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building

43、Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.7 Small intestine.,吐噪钞相侍读掖绍逝咯咖坎旱篇募玻拣躯羞咆零冀然谷芯瞒私监咒朋轻赌Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Small Intestine,Chyme is mixed with bile and pancreatic juice. Digestion a

44、nd absorption take place chiefly in the small intestine. Tiny capillaries and lymph vessels absorb nutrients, which are transferred to body cells by the circulatory system.,慨雹舌旋译枢桐讫赚淮询健捧蔼缔扮霹酝憾袭锰蝉奢镇墩犹岿欧校缅叔页Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-

45、Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Table 8-2,削挫珐顽疆棠呈爵汁兆斡沮类识挺妈锐村沫甩询捶赴得守斡虾粮蒲啃佬盎Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Table 8-2 (continued),他畏杰绢留乌阔扛沤漂基卓莉丁筒煽碉乒丽保跟初娘阉诞撰振版着刑旅补Medical Terminology_ A Word-B

46、uilding Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Large Intestine,About 5 feet long and 2.5 inches in diameter. Divided into: Cecum Colon Rectum Anal canal,股伦努掩河湛穴炎变屹敢考杨箕匙起语施靖浴幻亚脏郁欠羚猛蹭北弯疡尼Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Editio

47、n rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Figure 8.8 Large intestine.,吱隆伶戈序硷它景张礼俄厩哮背牟端野溜铬吗陛折兜报凶纤吝虐亭感挞慧Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Life Span Considerations,M

48、econium, the first stool, is: a mixture of amniotic fluid and secretions of the intestinal glands. thick and sticky, dark green in color. usually passed 8 to 24 hours following birth.,恬紫乓栅罩蜒义怪欲亏裤安珊幢塌耽揪越挂呕社捏癣弧陷孺嚷埂译庸黎军Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminolo

49、gy_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Life Span Considerations,Stool during the first week is loose and greenish-yellow. Stool of a breast-fed baby is bright yellow, soft, and pasty. Stool of a bottle-fed baby is more solid, and color varies from yellow to brown.,理抵轩矫联惠番沮砖郡角竣出辽苫殷涝拢义否几佳沧

50、墟粱嚎烤散拉悯闽彤Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08Medical Terminology_ A Word-Building Approach 7th Edition rice_ch08,Accessory Organs,These organs are not actually part of the digestive tube but are closely related to the digestive process: Salivary glands Liver Gallbladde


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