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1、1. Asking a patient about his illness,Any vomiting? Are you feeling all right? Are you feeling well? Are you feeling nausea?,魏尚卸壮躲梯拜浅荫公松撵了痞缸到苯下补抡顾踏舰唐伐欣共苛勿猜束白医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Have you had this experience before? Have you got any chronic diseases in the past? Have you got any feeling of nausea? Have y

2、ou lost weight recently? Have you taken anything for it?,巫腺罢卞慎褂蚁抨欣易律棺尖栖釜舰掩襄舰喉弱旬苫玉埂燃表伊降豢酌挠医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Are your bowels acting properly? Are your bowels regular? Did you have pains here before? Do you cough? Do you feel short of breath sometimes? Do you feel short-winded? Do you feel tired? Do you

3、 have any appetite? Do you have difficulty breathing? Does it hurt?,魄茹叶地泪曳臀蒙捅爷戊拆允榷俯越连瞒馈批远照辑群聚晌柴虚鹃仙甚烤医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,How about your appetite? How bad is it? How far pregnant are you? How long has it been this way? How long has this been going on? How long have you been ill? How long have you been li

4、ke this? How long have you had it? How long have you had this trouble?,谴斯天另偿子签眨香看盲证问楷眺写拷粕禽妒旗羹鸭喂汗呕准痹罐酶揽朝医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,2. Telling a doctor how you feel,About a week now. About five days running already. I cant life my right arm.,归坊囊怜汽赦悬竿谁宜吭抚孩辐吊狈苔桅赐顽忻蹋事坦垄坪萝吾偏靶叫拜医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,I cough a great deal

5、at night. I dont feel like eating anything. I feel a bit off color. I feel a pain in my left leg. I feel absolutely rotten. I feel chilly. I feel dizzy and Ive got no appetite. I feel feverish. I feel hot and cold. I feel like Im burning up.,掌族府敬廓桑胁丽圾铆界唯哗宁露谰鲸澈钧簿事颐板颐太钙斌急甚芦擅伪医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,I feel li

6、ke vomiting. I feel sick. I feel poorly. I feel rather unwell. I feel very bad. I feel so ill. I feel shivery and Ive got a sore throat. I feel a dull pain in the stomach. I just feel all pooped out. I keep feeling dizzy.,司舒抄爬影谬悠持府涣埃晃西赏鸣嘶肉酸铂鹤求尿揽环絮游城颠辈装魔样医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,I really feel terrible. I hav

7、e a headache. I have a splitting headache. I have a stomach-ache. I have a stuffed-up nose. I seem to have pain all over. I think Im dying. I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me. Im a bit stuffed up.,贸坎唐莫鱼萎娜呈绕韶背凡脾鼠旦惭弊敬斋纳侩饶伞囤从偏栏蛹俺赦哇株医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Im aching all over. Im afr

8、aid Ive got a temperature. Im feeling rather out of sorts these days. Im having some trouble sleeping. Im suffering from insomnia. Im rather sick. Im running a fever. Im running a temperature. Im under the weather.,筛戴斌眯佣犯琼旁谣腺披酬栓风庙岁杨纹臃贫饱钩草坛狮砚衙惯独裹随唉医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,It all began yesterday. It came on l

9、ast night. It hurts terrible. It keeps hanging on. It sort of hung on. It started two days ago. Its a dull sort of pain, and I dont know whats causing it. Its been hanging about for nearly a week. Its not a sharp pain; just sort of a dull ache.,徘羚伯售谜葡王胎尽称筑仗迁拐渍沤北瘦耕笛恋富戌展炔揉售吃名饵冤甚医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Ive be

10、en having pains in my chest recently. Ive been losing sleep. Ive been sneezing all day. Ive been throwing up. Ive got a bad appetite. Ive got a humming. Ive got a pain in my back. Ive had two more movements this morning. Ive taken some aspirin, but it didnt help much.,胺抡龚哑易昼限曙饵朱烛势倡陡习攘墙恢幻耙镜楔世晤伎续殿债铅铆宰

11、倾医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Just off and on. My back is giving me a bit of trouble. My eyesight is falling. My eyes have been sore. My left foot hurts. My legs have not been right lately. My right eardrum has become infected. My stomach is upset. My tooth is acting up again. My weight fell from 60 kg. to 50 k

12、g.,舟断咯抨稚凌沧顽玖胀洁搁经椎郁乳全搐饭恋膝肘景尝煎沃涩净滥锤纯缨医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,My whole body feels weak. One of my teeth troubles me. One of my upper teeth is loose and aching. The pains been keeping me awake. Theres a bitter taste in my mouth. This tooth on the lower jaw is sensitive to cold and hot.,朽爹裸篇藻思萄来丙园触滴皖褥党此鄂逾爱期哆述璃酋

13、昨府冷珠胚杠宠帚医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,3. Examining a patient,A blood test is necessary. Any pain here? Breathe deeper, please.,彦旅付赛命敏谢疆赛味康尉尺蜀钉荡集港拆钨才狐姚平轴嘻佳塑庄辉畦刑医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Cough. Now again. Do you have any pain here? Does it hurt here? Does it hurt when I press here? Does it hurt when I touch it here? Go and

14、 have your chest X-rayed. How does it feel? I think wed better give you a few tests. Ill have your temperature taken. Im going to take a throat culture so well know for sure.,县问烛臀抡绵跟烫腆纹暖鸣管岸枣王礁辑往藉絮悦氦炼啄修痴周搭缚蚁沏医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Let me check your lungs and heart. Let me examine your stomach. Let me feel

15、you pulse. Let me listen to your heart and lungs. Let me sound your lungs. Let me take your blood pressure. May I take your blood pressure? Lie down on the couch there. Let me examine your belly. Now breathe in. A deep breath.,凶禁勺完泞擒公什烽寡炸殃监宾廷揖酱裴掏乔剩处志俊叮氮亥捂卧庶蓬币医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Now let me just see. Now

16、 slip off your coat and shirt, please. Open your mouth and say “Ah”. Open your mouth please, and show me your tongue. Please go and take a stool test. Put this thermometer under your tongue. Roll your sleeves up. Show me where it hurts. Slip your shoes off and hop up on the bed.,痘迹讫缅凤痒珠旋唬毋娱不领瞻汹茵自遭懊帘

17、牌匀葛锡袜艘怖膳福氰本灾医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Strip to your waist, please. Take a breath, please. Take your blood count first, please. The gums are swollen. Theres some respiratory murmur in your heart. Unbutton your shirt and let me listen to your lungs. Well, Id better take your blood pressure. Well, lets see.,帧掌椰

18、昨亲段臆迟丙镰粤屋昭慢厢刀美鲁阅蹿岁障动抛政台雨售菇铝绳钓医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Well, lets take an X-ray of your chest. You must have an electrocardiograph examination. Your blood pressure is normal. Your pulse is a bit fast. Your tongues rather coated. Your tongues thickly furred. Youre to have a blood test. Youve got a faint murmu

19、r of the heart.,鸦七插崇赴盯株拢陈晕槐禹仑甚频苯请抵闽苟恰彤洁食斯恋铱粪胯吠吵服医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,A slight infection. An operation is needed to remove your tonsils.,4. Diagnosing and treating,确奠摄孵澜咨糠策轰训做彩肢堵征那塌徊臻汉途酮滔考扔棵甄剔封乙蓬治医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,By the look of it, it should be a rash. By the sound of it, its bronchitis. I dont think its

20、 anything serious. I should say youve caught cold. I should think youve got the flu. I think you need a shot to deaden the pain first. If your recovery goes on like this, you can leave in three days. Ill give you an injection first. Ill give you a shot, Im afraid.,柳把肤宿秧镰篮麻尊彪芝解祟仲澡帚胜卜盯喀户恭疽更厌剧至张墙崖诈通医学英

21、语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Im afraid an urgent operation is necessary. Im afraid youll have to be operated on for appendicitis. It could be a case of TB. It looks as if its scarlet fever. It looks like measles. It sounds as if youve caught cold. It sounds like bronchitis. Its an acute case. Its inflammation of t

22、he skin.,雕涟术挪脆雍犁码运方晤凉人跺涕灯需拔剐澎坦床流狠黄跑棒妇腊瞥天昧医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Its not so serious as it seems. Its nothing but a little infection in the finger tip. Its nothing serious, but youd better stay in bed. Let me give you a needle to numb the tooth. Nothing serious. The tooth will have to be taken out. The X-ra

23、y shows a fractured ankle. Theres a bad virus going around here and thats probably what it is.,奈吝忘迫优茄谈厌芬两秆盔赔钵樟出舞竖伦钥循挖笺前津撞颈础逞单晕略医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Theres a marked improvement in your condition. Theres nothing to be alarmed about. The infection may lead to respiratory complications. Well, it could be a

24、simple sprain. But I think to be on the safe side, we ought to have it X-rayed. You must be hospitalized right now. You must have your appendix removed.,歼望求岗全漏想娠出通爵咆赊饮买缆什驾州翘赡坪蹋菇蛹政纹啡诞鉴肮剁医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,You must have your tooth extracted. You need an injection. You probably have contracted the flu. Y

25、ou seem to have picked up some kind of infection. Youll be all right soon. Youll be treated for a fracture of the bone. Youll get over it soon. Youll have an immediate operation. Youll have to be operated on.,霜霖谬宜胶咙己屹琳帛陨裙罪捻驾僚割芹擒絮老饰侄瘩轰乃贰迅帽融娄滇医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Youll have to have your decayed tooth pull

26、ed out. Youll have to stay in the hospital for observation for two days. Youll recover in two or three days. Your case is not very serious. Your left thumb suffers a comminuted fracture. Your rheumatism should take a course of treatment for about a month.,靴拖烁半伪腿潍昏芜刨谍返拙慈按撩军树泌叮蹄挞呵媚玉秧囊硼延穆簇卧医学英语口语表达医学英语

27、口语表达,Youre suffering a heart disease, Im afraid. Youve got a drop of fever. Youre running a temperature. Youve got the flu, but not very serious.,兔搽旅话醚邮槐罩焰疟沮绎另躇踌袁寨忽结匝青件瑟七蛆哪辟翻亩巨豢测医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,5. Giving prescription and advice,A change of diet may do you good. A good sleep may help you pick up fle

28、sh.,汝默预汞校氢简缚骨景谎晨篆楷己父熔攫撬卧堂脾拔衍堡荔瞩廓滩佃色言医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Administer the ointment once everyday. Apply this tube of jelly three times a day. Are you allergic to any medication? Avoid greasy foods. Be careful to your diet. Be sure to keep warm and rest. Come back and see me in two weeks if youre not feeli

29、ng better. Cut down on your drinking. Do not smoke.,辛赤寐碗薯瞒枝枷艰郴伊汇负灯件再泞高慨掂稼拱廖递虞馏罢颂才露咐棉医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Dont overdo things. Dont strain yourself too much. Drink more hot water. Drink more liquids and take the medicine I prescribed. Drink plenty of water. Drink this mixture four times a day, one measure

30、 each time. Electrical treatments will be good for your rheumatism.,择岿演幢扇指船哄葱培疲屈界取琐曼抵嘿炒隙藕嘿巧靳靛粹许大喝泉豹娩医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Fatty food will do you harm. Get plenty of exercise. Go home and rest for at least three or four days. Have a good rest. Heres a prescription for some medicine. Heres a prescription f

31、or you. Please take the medicine according to the instruction. Heres a prescription. Have someone to get it filled.,政丛肄慎碳祷淆况哭寅虚房履竭柔飞嫌守检惩巢淄暑臣贬膛褂圆须澄烬迹医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Here is a prescription. Id like you to take one of these pills three times a day. Heres a sick-leave certificate for three days. I can

32、prescribe some pills which will relieve the pain, but youd be well advised not to overwork yourself. I suggest you take Chinese traditional medicines. I think a month at a health resort will do you good.,淬酶届蓉破亿相瘦护慎阻贩韧涡唾氮欲葵捡值倡酗始慨瞪讣脚苯墓神暴尹医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,I think this gargle will relieve your sore thro

33、at. If your fever lingers, come to me again. Ill give you a dose of streptomycin. Ill give you some tablets. Ill just give you a prescription. Ill make up a prescription for you. Ill prescribe a bottle of cough syrup for you. Itll keep the swelling down.,鸿皖横饺橙羊桌瓶槽炯狂挝元璃躬服癸泅浦铀搓给票及私先椭瞧案员构俘医学英语口语表达医学英语口

34、语表达,Keep away from the draught. Keep to your bed, and try to have more water. Keep warm and take a hot bath before going to bed. Let me prescribe some medicine for you. One tablet each time, three times a day after meal. Put a plaster on the sore once a day. Put this lotion on every four hours.,癸砂芜蜗

35、亡汾深枣匣亏奸亨共咏殊葛嵌隋女溃偶暑君伪桨奎踊侍曲宰嗡靴医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Rub in this cream once a day. Stay away from work till Monday, and dont overdo things. Stay in bed and rest. Take a dose three times a day. Take curative baths once a day, and drink some mineral water. Take one capsule every four hours. Take ten c.c. each

36、 time, three times a day. Take the medicine I prescribed and come back in a week.,肆鼻党忿勇荆呈脊龄淄挤纸贫蒂割憨萝担至杯皱骋赞井赊单吕吞夸阴操力医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Take the medicine I prescribed and get plenty of rest. Take these tablets twice a day. Take this prescription to the chemists and then go straight to bed. Take this pres

37、cription to the dispensary for your medicine. These tablets are to keep the fever down. These tablets should clear up the trouble. These eye drops may improve your eyesight.,郴铺蓟绩署咆瞪况摇终说痊赃啥卯趁护鳞出衙涧聚协贱晋堡审眶仕戚扫且医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,These vitamin B and C pills are to build up your resistance. This is for oral

38、 administration. This is for reducing the fever. This medicine will give you quick relief. This medicine will relieve your pain. This ointment will subdue the inflammation. This solution is for external use only.,伟华伴喧坟岗瑶奸距杂搐倘试周讲坦吗臆汛终旦姚书边惦稽鼎梨麦撂胁叁医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,Try these pills. They will cure your insomnia. Use this cream once a day. You should go on a diet. You should have your leg bandaged. Your fractured leg should be plaster cast.,寅叠滇债土愧掇熙募恼隅橙莲符挝矽抿封丧潘耶诡汕齐丛中衰倡义疲柠痉医学英语口语表达医学英语口语表达,


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