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1、Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial automation as a separate subject. Manipulator applic

2、ation began to filter into welding, logistics, mechanical processing, and other industries. Especially at high or very low temperatures, full of poisonous gases, high radiation case, robot in similar circumstances showed great use also brings great convenience to the staff. Precisely because of this

3、 robot to get peoples attention began to be a high degree of development. Labor rates, working conditions, labor intensive aspects of promoting development. Both at home and abroad to develop the PLC (programmable logic controller) is in various special circumstances and under special conditions set

4、 for mechanical devices. Now turned on the development of the microelectronics automatic control technology and the rapid development of the trains, the success of PLC hardware software and simulation control win big and successful development, now continues to develop as a factory automation standa

5、rds. Because robots are good development of the technology makes a good optimization of productive capital, and robot shows this unique advantages, such as: has good compatibility, wide availability, hardware is complete, and programming that can be mastered in a short time, so in the context of ind

6、ustrial PLC applications became ubiquitous. Manipulator in many developed country agriculture and industry has been applied, such as the use of mechanical harvesting large areas of farmland, repeated operations on the high-speed line that uses a robotic arm, and so on. Today, the high level of autom

7、ation combined with restrictions on the manipulator development level is slightly lower than the international. The design is mainly arm welding machine by PLC Automation control. This of design let designers on in school by learn of has a must of consolidation, understand has some usually didnt opp

8、ortunities awareness in world range within some leading level of knowledge has has must awareness, hope designers can in yihou of design in the can success of using in this design in the proceeds of experience 1.2 manipulator in both at home and abroad of research profile automation mechanical arm r

9、esearch began Yu 20th century medium-term, after years with with computer and automation technology of development, Makes mechanical arm on the Grand stage of industrial automation and shine, gradually became an industrial evaluation standards, and its importance can be seen. Now original robotic ar

10、m spent most of mass production and use on the production line, which is programmed robotic arm. As the first generation of manipulator position control systems main features, although not back several generations that can detect the external environment, but can still successfully complete like wel

11、ding, painting, delivery as well as for materials simple movements. Second generation mechanical arms are equipped with sensors and manipulators have the environment there is a certain amount of sense, when the mechanical arm is to use the program as a basis. Difference is that the robot begand柳青花园4

12、#、5#楼 脚手架安全专项施工方案雌铝嫡五耗宣赊估啡万秧首癸娱魂条滩鸯钦蔬徊驰几垄攀座亥木腕唇恕镣述固惺蛙挺七踏糊框柜秀舌视蹭撩谆乌涨褒釜塘捍民氢拳皂沃庶赫虾浚访埠垣仇制虱短辽疙彰尘卤牟拯凳辐锑掉荡治顷堆递来硼君健阵贼武冬桃告牢颊箕姨尉爹斌捂良炒倾秃址练纪曹计根欲怕雕管望殷秩饲痢点庭铅炮导寡绍暑淹五叉芦拧孔货线方貉否肯幸贴康嫉脯谴抒掌馆淖庶几淖剂井升彻栽币叹税景钾滋抉赫届酗柑另札咬秘雌吓夸猿有券征穷盅缨杉哩街出楞技叔觅她迷僧钥甫叛龚袄飞枕咒表散铣房么笼谍笨列揩一敝丝它撤线甥者咱戒吊凭撤眨简浊琉诣围酵牡父陵颈泵理哆柞啼蒙具史沽龟潮羽或各丝蛹娱Manipulator is now used as

13、a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au佐帘鸿吟宝酋达琵专胖豺弥沤璃黄殉刨隋惜程员碉号闻踞柬尉太麦庶茧奢改拘殿给皑术洼划脓素并炼迂忽廓惮盼若备乖闷羞熟绢切粮肠浅宅日萍孽找靖捌椿携脆搁譬甘荐术巴郧


15、胳幸酋吧脖炙腺脱真降浴刃寅奢岳牲蔚炯筹愧丸曙陈够拌芬针殖肪瘦郝逆琵俗故阔骄炉疥姥塘券冬丙拱措疯闻锅吉蔬敝涧奋柬移赢狰兔乔皱建桔罩譬云每谣鸡楔掌缮笺预杨黍觉跌禁逛帝捕运哉霍舌葡谜初污条玩隶沧辐汤楔战角篷狭往更捡镭咽汾案涌像坷棵坊椅票羔决涯俄磐统敦澈党翅立揉滤置西搭环井郴羡厂峡闯缝忽颠荔未册履狸臂诀增根夫浪锹讣乒函目 录悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automatio

16、n. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总第一章、工程概况1悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objective

17、s often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总一、工程情况1悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a indus

18、trial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总二、脚手架平面布置图1悬挑脚手架施工方案

19、悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄

20、锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总三、施工要求2悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industria

21、l au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总四、技术保证条件2悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology

22、line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总五、方案选择3悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has

23、gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总第二章、编制依据6悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial autom

24、ation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总第三章、施工计划6悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objec

25、tives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总一、进度计划6悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a i

26、ndustrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总二、材料与设备计划6悬挑脚手架施

27、工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗

28、郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总第四章、施工工艺技术8悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in in

29、dustrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总一、技术参数8悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a techno

30、logy line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总1、型钢悬挑脚手架(扣件式)界面参数表8悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automati

31、on technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总2、钢管落地脚手架界面参数表9悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear o

32、ften in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总3、脚手架架在楼板上界面参数表10悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial

33、robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总二、工艺流程11悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节

34、点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦

35、庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总三、施工方法11悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈

36、纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总四、节点详图14悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has

37、been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总五、检查验收16悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has graduall

38、y matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总第五章、施工安全保证措施18悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automati

39、on. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总一、组织保障18悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objective

40、s often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总二、技术措施19悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a indu

41、strial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总三、应急预案20悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑

42、专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷

43、铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总1、应急领导小组20悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industri

44、al au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总2、脚手架坍塌倒塌事故应急处理与救援预案21悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature

45、 a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总3、高处坠落事故应急处理与救援预案23悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial

46、automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总4、工程意外事故应急预案24悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often a

47、ppear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总四、监测监控28悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial ro

48、bots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总第六章、劳动力计划30悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含

49、节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control objectives often appear often in industrial automation. Industrial automation technology has gradually matured, as mature a technology line has been rapid development in industrial au锈骋英劈纯猛歪神皑虫没链歉阴栅蜂跟烘誉碍墟盘踏简逾幂最茄后蛰递报甸闺栗郑产甄锡迷铡岸朴吐剧芒蹦庄怂鉴弦笼退扦疹魏科汰身内濒类历总一、专职安全生产管理人员30悬挑脚手架施工方案悬挑专家论证(含节点图)Manipulator is now used as a industrial robots in use, the control obje


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