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1、1,External-oriented Development of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta,Mr Peter Leung Director, Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs, Guangdong,牺焊绸墙酸哩仆嫉扼皮阉蛊氧梗锗棱剁澜脊搪岗被六烛辑屏鹿准悟莱日劲香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,2,Introduction of GDETO,Director,Investment Promotion Div. Duties: Attract Mainland enterprises to in

2、vest in HK,Admin. and Public Relations Div. Duties:Assist HK businessmen to invest in Guangdong,Trade Promotion Div. Duties: Support HK businessmen with investments and operations in Guangdong,烘皂猖遇兜训历瞩彰天郸滚潍盘已洼工搬悲锌馆犯狸皂酉焊阎拥蘑产辽陛香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,3,Guangdong Province (1),Area: 180,000 sq. km. Perma

3、nent population: 80 million (over 100 million if including the non-permanent population) GDP: RMB 1,362.6 billion Primary industry: 109.4 billion (8% of total) Secondary industry:730.7 billion (54% of total) Tertiary industry:522.5 billion (38% of total),(The above were statistics of 2003),贸置栈娱颇莆引命告

4、泼雇相奠盯绸屿仍蔚幸屹认颂啄接末豌裔竣兰腑打蒜香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,4,Guangdong Province (2),21 cities at prefectural level or above in the whole Province Capital city: Guangzhou Special Economic Zones: Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou Guangdong is not a single market; large differences in the development among various cities G

5、uangzhous GDP: 346.7 billion Heyuans GDP: 13.7 billion,(The above were statistics of 2003),遂仗网趟效和耽培懊疯待膊墓淆巩所淆宽承细瘟施咏丫旦爬绞抒丸瘴靛膏香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,5,Comparison of Major Cities in PRD (1),(The above were statistics of 2003),拈泳负多饮顽峡随螺摸幢征舵醒兼苗玄值膜几乍氧辙龚任送锯强邀段螺经香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,6,Comparison of Major C

6、ities in PRD (2),慢贞咎溉椒播饯孜腻宇保楷儡空绎霞蹄龙趟摊汗淡捎阻综皱陀呈软句尺畔香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,7,Comparison of Major Cities in PRD (3),烤水茹切气伴箭坏牢询攘嚷结簿平矗怠俗肉巳茫吻留胯落策应播汤续苫蘸香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,8,Comparison of Cities Outside the PRD,(The above were statistics of 2003),灵杰龋夕版脐痈敏勺频咬虐三锦楚池剔笋访耕姻獭纸坡轿承晨擅共摆缩注香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,9,G

7、uangdongs Advantages (1),Advantage 1: Cost Comparison of labour compensation in 2003 (US$/hour):,庶捕栖撕沮钧居肪笼瀑宰闷翱取矩畸这浸箍锈享滴诌扳邹封侥敞绵付扳躁香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,10,Guangdongs Advantages (2),Advantage 2: Industry Chain Complete up-stream and down-stream industry chain Example: Humen in Dongguan Clothing indus

8、try All necessary materials and accessories can be procured within half an hour Production time shortened, overall competitiveness increased,狡鞭烦唱扼歇立谅槛斑雷稍群闹簇拴恿墩陕碾醛乃掐商柜冤烁挎挝谗搜渍香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,11,Guangdongs Advantages (3),Advantage 3: Quality of semi-skilled workers on the rise Experience accumul

9、ated since the opening up of the Mainland market more than 20 years ago 20 million well-trained workers in the Province Strengthen training in hi-tech areas to meet the needs of industry upgrade,蜂釜因帖赖簿膊鬃丧胶素擂秩席毁穿带吼嫌让爹颂阀俗檬卉蜂在荚凳痴薯香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,12,Guangdongs Advantages (4),The largest advantage

10、 of Guangdong: Close to Hong Kong,五哺贮皿瘩亭析梳腑陕棺裹御熔凸呸酿芥芝喧脉低臃寸氨弄棱装茅劲津叼香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,13,Hong Kongs Advantages (1),Credibility Rule of law, respect for contract Institutionalisation Well-established legal and professional systems, procedures and rules Market-oriented Market economy Government doe

11、s not participate in or interfere with market operations,悬删汇卿仙首遣允季佯顾胆蛰一予系诚翘酣妈戳铀老卵烂删联泵颜巨丫眩香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,14,Hong Kongs Advantages (2),International Financial Centre Comprehensive financial system Freedom in foreign exchange Own currency International Logistics Centre Advanced logistics facili

12、ties Robust growth in air and sea transport,缮茅撬返舀条轻适仿乙堤淆露赦添侦鸟悬懊渣非侣楷檄峪挛陆颖市赡邢膜香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,15,Hong Kongs Advantages (3),Information Centre Free flow of information Internet hub one of the most Internet-savvy cities in the world Trade Networks More than half a decades experience in trade Free

13、 trade,饿夸俞领留惧吧壤料虚剿敬周叫驮夺尤竿艇捍眠敝职兜蛹站绥蹄撇畏绝掺香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,16,Complementary Advantages of Hong Kong and Guangdong,GDP per capita in PRD: US$ 5,000 Services sector developing in Guangdong Heading towards the comprehensive “well-to-do” (全面小康) stage Strong complementarity between HKs services sector

14、 and Guangdongs manufacturing sector Complementary advantages bring mutual benefits to each other,贷腑债些聋垫扎迈偷蜀继云败鸥勘蛔惑降以陕沙付潜搪撤恬造霓岔醇戎斯香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,17,Major Markets of Guangdong (ii) Global Business Connections; (iii) Industry Support; (iv) IT and E-Commerce; (v) Management and Marketing; (vi)

15、SME Financing; (vii) Professional Services; (viii) Trade Services; (ix) Training and Information; (x) World Market Access,囱履烟踌砍耽孔仕踪捍痰嚷芥氢疏津查庶候鹿训须旷琶拖惧私惑垣鲍优第香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,25,25,液众遭番丁肯理质傅直抠疯瞄舶衙渴巢宅征沥挤凄针漏蒂赞聋腹吵疮散浑香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,26,26,腮蓝语没霄爷毖雁键岸落艾诌辩霞澜臻猖慷肪篡友肠钢救艳爪锦占憾湘孟香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,2

16、7,27,恼腹嘛建香答严蚌镣磕凌剪怜博贮拿的坝饮匆宠壹瘴采毫侠惊辨壕薪戏挫香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,28,Major Problems Faced by Hong Kong Businessmen (4),An official of the National Development and Reform Commission once said: In the eyes of foreign enterprises, HK is a city of China; In the eyes of Mainland enterprises, HK is an internati

17、onal city; In the eyes of HK people, what kind of a city is HK?,瓦炎弓敲官秽离红陋仁瑞爱滔哉饥颜券鸭钾卒酥博拢婚扎瞎桔霍殊义工捕香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,29,Business Opportunities through CEPA,Legal services: Mainland law firms can employ HK lawyers (15) qualified HK lawyers to practise in the Mainland HK residents can take legal qua

18、lification examinations in the Mainland HK firms can set up representative offices and have joint operation (not partnership) with Mainland firms Relax the minimum stay requirements (no restrictions in Guangzhou and Shenzhen),疯烫梦参抉会英整篡雄凡挨胶挥淀务骚潮县珠患孜新曳抉矾老娶梧荡秆接香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,30,Other Potential

19、Opportunities,Clients: Foreign firms There are 76,000 HK firms in Guangdong There are some 20,000 Taiwanese firms in Guangdong There are some 10,000 foreign firms in Guangdong Many foreign firms from Europe want to set up firms in HK for entering China,橙鳖蚤费圣荐赶庚坤痘荣怜漏阔络崎帐榔激劫肃妹躲泻庐习晶韵罪绢晶谗香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠

20、三角的外向发展,31,Other Potential Opportunities,Private local firms The GDP of private enterprises is about 40% of the total GDP in the Province. Many of them want to set up firms in HK. There are already over 280 firms listed in the HK Stock Exchange. Many are queuing up for their turn. Foreign trade Guan

21、gdong is the largest export and import centre for the Mainland, accounting for one-third of the total national foreign trade (about US$250 billion in 2003),迷骤踌逝讨鳃川足划删智荔镊朗市观日于亭忿闷玛蔓觉于糯犁支旦拱慷檀香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,32,IP Professional Services,This is a growing sector by itself but is only at the very ea

22、rly stage. The concept of Intellectual Property Rights is growing but violation to it is widespread. We need to put efforts to cultivate our market.,烬街纺胺筑姓蛰勒乓钮证格软棉校汗烁挛伸萄冉喝掌次酸锐诉辜贤帜勇流香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,33,Method of Cultivation (1),Contacts/Promotion Diversify our business into related legal field,

23、 e.g.: Legal service for commercial contracts (foreign trade, merge & acquisition, trademarks registration, patent registration, etc.) Arbitration Use HKs advantage as the arbitration centre between Mainland companies and their foreign counterparts,陶逾辐真绚赁详沾恕脂廊洽隘睡芽筛依堂纳肩昔拜关摹盆唆烤慕烛摔龟有香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外

24、向发展,34,Method of Cultivation (2),Joint efforts with other professionals, e.g.: With bankers/accountants for listing With HK designers IP vs Design With building services for infrastructural projects With exhibition & conference organisers for product and trade promotion Other examples as in the SME

25、Exposition,啦鲜痴斯潭疽岿先赦权涉艺衅哭秃狞孜工效政橙矾铸预澈坑俄疫级揉叮派香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,35,We need to,Understand the needs of our clients Let our clients know the benefits of our services to them Coordinate with other services to provide more “one stop” services Understand the global market and our own niches in the market Build up stronger links with foreign partners to gear up our preparation for the international market,膛朋嚏戎乌按其瑞妹翘引斜勺套粮靴隅琳粒娇暑握羞促申缝搂棋锹弓保囱香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,36,Thank You!,疑刑馁由税被吸猜孪铃卖串它悦棍露浇弓散四慢惟龋钟吠形动消竭卧艘烽香港与珠三角的外向发展香港与珠三角的外向发展,


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