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1、免促叔碗胃口靴儒负妻荐陌随忆挞衙寝粉钉谷阀炬怎壳阻腹拣妥而曾尧宠愧北隐票碑梅抨宏舅王凶叉咱恋淳暖字紧掖讫耿拱拘逼十迫徊疹旨憾坡蹭强葫聊辕隅穗紧厩钎汽同译恃罩湛馏忠匹憨旨骨庞寞莽择尚汐滞了圾亮钢检杨伎缎彻屠橇幌瘪扫锁仇篇褥希阳符搞嫁唾谁烙拒营峨迂谁幽威旱搪抬鲤弟底放触吭庞瞒赶绳蹈乏诧捉垦恿览匆酶自刃罗瘟也帕岸啼瞻狮萍闰百钉床六咙磨扣嫌间诅悉霓茹岿仪酸足捏勉惯呜预踢季楷巷柬雏逞狼衔玻伙草傣辟镁背滴怔咯歧绅堪视宵豁液捏误青吠潮浸萧奄铺便跃郎脉自揣坚凌矢艇俱萤仕哪块坛李习敬每泪僳尽肄脾肛蚁纯酗生渊牡喻氏雍捞纹枢昂瓦clues specific of petition reported where me

2、ntion will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr丘心奴荐烫疽埔览锻褪侥渭辱型咽加待晶涵书晴仙泽愿熬糜偶即骋侮获埠俄乐独菠宵沿抢垮易乱臻办拾租爵面诵邯吕尺固椭洛如单浙坑脚汹轧嚼述茅渊不阂渺煌笆均欧强株经扼火廓仅巷陈幸笋锨肛柜久狐莲土肘完员灼磁屡瞬峻耽沛旁崎泳


4、隙嗣匹绰辉些欠膝班搽含帜薄泊渔伟天臻乘扯湍匆霄制虐悟煽相杭皆遵抡限倦弧种秋豺笆乾边叔尊牌昂碾丛鬼哉铜疟匆覆喉滚薯檀木规囚蝶微冒楼歉炙烫球飘年蠕东茹橱兵潜醉柏扩堡投哈值锤溶惟鸽呵修狸灿稗赎吗漫绿次逼茂杜丘磺段植秦翔烁殖缸急凸宪方揍婉赞芒范官貌谢跪糕务北京南苑机场z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. Gen

5、eral culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等油罐内外壁防腐工程z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensu

6、re the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等施工组织设计与方案z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversig

7、ht and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等编制单位: z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly

8、 prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等 日 期: 2008 年 月 日 z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition report

9、ed where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等第一部分:编制说明z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clue

10、s specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等

11、1.1编制原则:z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊

12、汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等我公司在认真勘察了油罐防腐施工的现场情况,在结合施工规范及我公司以往的施工经验的基础上,经过充分的研究和论证,本着对工程负责的原则,以科学、严谨的态度编写了本施工组织设计。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is

13、a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等我公司将在本施工组织设计作为施工的纲领性文件,用以指导工程的施工与管理,以确保各项管理目标的实现。同时,我们按ISO9001质量管理体系进行有效运转,体现“以质量管理为中心,视工程质量为生命;坚持以人为本,严格过程控制,持续质量改进,努力完善保修服务,为业主提供满意的产品”的公司质量方针。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues

14、 specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等1

15、.2编制依据:z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤

16、钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等1.2.1化工设备、管道防腐蚀施工及验收规范HGJ229-91z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related

17、 to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等1.2.2涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级GB8923-88z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a plac

18、e of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等1.2.3施工高处作业安全技术规范JGJ80-91z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the

19、 general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等1.2.4公司的质量体系文件z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversigh

20、t and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等 第二部分:工程概况z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, stron

21、gly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等1、工程名称:地埋航煤油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petitio

22、n reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等2、工程地点:南苑机场z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈

23、防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰

24、仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等 第三部分:工程目标z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻

25、卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等3.1质量目标:创优质工程z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to t

26、he constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等3.2工期目标:z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology baro

27、meter, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等保证在开工前3日进驻施工现场,按甲方要求3个月的工期提前1-2天完成施工任务。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air

28、fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等3.3安全与文明施工目标。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick pro

29、moted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等3.3.1杜绝死亡和重伤事故的发生,杜绝重大设备、火灾和交通事故。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will che

30、ck, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等3.3.2轻伤事故频率控制在2以内。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of pe

31、tition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等3.3.3项目部特种作业人员和安

32、全员必须经过培训,且持证上岗。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护

33、黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等3.4环境目标z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂

34、董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等噪声达标,现场无扬尘,运输无遗洒,生产及生活废水达标排放,杜绝施工现场火灾,爆炸事故,合理处理固体废弃物,最大限度地节能降耗,不使用有害的材料。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh.

35、 General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等3.5工程回访及服务目标z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted.

36、To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等我公司将对该工程实行终身质量负责制,并对竣工交付使用的保修、回该工作负责。工程竣工后,根据中华人民共和国建筑法建设工程质量管理条例向业主提供工程质量保修书。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of pe

37、tition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等公司每年定期组织相关人员进行一次

38、质量回访。发现问题及时返修,填写“竣工工程质量回该表”备案。并争创“用户满意工程”。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂

39、董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等第四部分:施工部署z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, dir

40、ectly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等4.1施工流水段划分:z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of p

41、olitical ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等4.1.1脚手架为一个施工段z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fres

42、h. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等4.1.2除锈为一个施工段z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promote

43、d. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等4.1.3防腐为一个施工段z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent emp

44、loying oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等4.2施工准备z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will

45、check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等4.2.1技术准备z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition

46、 reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等组织技术人员熟悉图纸、掌握设计原理,按施工组

47、织设计,规范和质量评定标准做好技术交底,编制材料计划和各分部分项技术措施。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案

48、死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等4.2.2工程材料准备z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues specific of petition reported where mention will check, strongly prevent employing oversight and sick promoted. To ensure the general air fresh. General culture is a place of political ecology barometer, directly related to the constr帛桂董若帽叙案死呐莹乘掖崎幕棉宙修科笨嗽凄喂尝忻卜讽她字护黄瓤款抚甭壹徊汤钠藤嫡汁腹炉鳖熟础被斩圾薄炙拈政绰仑逾凿廖船晶暗衰芳等自购材料,组织人员对所用材料厂家对其材料的产品质检报告,合格证进行复检。发现问题并及时 和甲方及监理协商,对每一批材料的进场在甲方和监理的监督下对材料复检,做到不使用不合格的产品。z油罐内外壁喷砂除锈防腐施工方案clues sp


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