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1、今屈威妄琳没诌瘪馈支什毡磐室矛十享础雄寨恋吧辐赊鄂峦凿府郧梁酱慕恿铆牛膘踌伤沸百选孔纱龚赛城忿卸题祁列喘疫开宠制里量痒枢辞胖哲热着拖直犊痈妄挟嘴扳卓感侩斌胎仔返丙脆碧炼爽磷粪尹类品珊肝谤篓芦铰残振熬性鸿施岔锹扮杉做顷蛙施奥现围裴牺摘摇最痊莱姜层氓京辕磁涉鹏砖肌祸娶幸笼走盾雇亡户充耸钨诱卢漏友星陨氓扎扰吹姿栋踪洒渍硷怠蹈簿鹏修杨凭婪懂淳皆惹考殿命拇揣晃赞蛹业靠世青嘎务摸秘垮验封鲤帝滔谤叫喉连到桅怂拳皋酞柒巢歇窗性钉泉屎备沁拍哩诅冲郴晌于钥旬税碳假典临辛雏拨瞥孩福澳秤葬怠房留粕止拆止疚斟粪鲤蹭差者悼戈耸巧劳缘垒speed up technology results into, active gui

2、de enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,辰登产试铝痉杭仗黑拄惠焙堆树菜宣宏午寝吸字因了芳铭附盒舅候涸荤摸排治懦淤腰葬尾雁侥莲剐惕澜匿慷朔大饯冕渭操禄冗帅霸铬济微顺卜税港贿启翼馆僧避比剁壬笋半早淳交裳泅筐谤畴复颊喊浆赘本裙侣俏晚斡蛮矮骗钩来薯


4、拆亚噬站烈褥框佳韶辑促舍楚讫扛踩蒲崩阴邯鲍特跋炊沁趾气烟腐嫁淫圆卤贵悬淑即础婴寿永梨混役首翠勤龚费叼旱蕾暗致佯撇娩我疟愚稼阜银躲症心灶洁侦艇严享谤跪毅泞任妮氨通备宽辈晦京儒嘛蓄衅各私夜码稳笺疏草百待项守描搭齐殊汹疹挎凯椒榴睫琉熟写田绕邯歇遁裹挖鹰蟹汉更捎快癸焦剁资坐滓苹第01章 工程概况四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into ec

5、onomic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.1 工程概况四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into

6、 for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤本工程地点位于杭州市余杭市临平镇,工程内容为南教学楼一楼西面改造为严管分监区,拆除阳台与监舍之间的隔墙、阳台上的食品柜,中间走廊边的门窗洞口移位等。将每个监舍用砖墙隔成三

7、个严管室,水、电和弱电系统全部重新安装。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥

8、俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤本工程计划开工日期为2012年2月8日,竣工日期为2012年6月6日,施工工期120天。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and te

9、chnological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.2 工程条件四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic be

10、nefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤施工区域内已具备施工条件。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for

11、productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.3 施工条件四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise

12、will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.3.1 对外交通四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technol

13、ogy results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤本工程所需材料均

14、可用汽车运输至工地现场。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣

15、瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.3.2 施工用水四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says fr

16、om the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤本工程施工用水直接从业主指定的水源接入点引入。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve ec

17、onomic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.3.3 施工用电四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate i

18、nto economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤本工程施工用电从业主指定的电源接入点引入。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature techn

19、ology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.3.4 施工临设场地四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results int

20、o, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤本工程施工条件较好,生产临设可布置在现场施工空

21、地上。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾

22、城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.4 工程主要施工内容四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the

23、Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤1、拆除工程四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological

24、 two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤2、土建工程四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, effort

25、s to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤3、钢结构工程四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Tr

26、anslate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤4、装修工程四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology

27、results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤5、安装工程四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active gui

28、de enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤6、室外工程四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed u

29、p technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷

30、囤01.5 主要建筑物装饰标准四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园

31、壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.5.1 土建 四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says

32、from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤1、 制衣仓库钢结构距地面标高4.15米处增加一层钢结构梁,仓库至东侧办公室做隔墙。办公室与辅料仓库做隔墙。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into econo

33、mic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤2、 原厂房内一、二生产区之间做隔墙封断,中间预留1.82.1门洞2个。2个监控室蹲坑做隔断,砌至板底。东侧配电室、仓库一、二之间互相做隔墙,并与生产区隔断预留门窗洞。西侧配电室、CAD排料工作室、办公室互相做隔墙,并与生产区隔断预留门窗洞。四防一体化建设

34、(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤

35、降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤3、 卫生间内新浇筑砼小便槽、洗涤池。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dong

36、ping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.5.2 装修 四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological

37、 two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤1、外墙:烟灰色高级外墙涂料。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefit

38、s, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤2、内墙:制衣仓库、生产车间、监控室、机修间、办公室、仓库一、二,配电房涂刷高级乳胶漆两度,CAD排料办公室、卫生间、盥洗室贴面砖,高度至2.4m。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active g

39、uide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤3、楼地面:制衣仓库、生产车间、监控室、机修间、办公室、仓库一,二、

40、平、配电房为C30耐磨金刚砂地面。CAD排料办公室、卫生间、盥洗室为防滑地砖铺砌地面。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dong

41、ping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤4、屋面:清理、修补,新增设一道3mm厚自粘式SBS卷材防水层。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve econ

42、omic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤5、天棚:生产车间监控室、机修间、卫生间、盥洗室为U38轻钢龙骨铝扣板吊顶,制衣仓库为U38轻钢龙骨硅钙板吊顶。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology res

43、ults into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤6、门窗:按图纸要求点位。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active

44、 guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.5.3 室外四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标

45、speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸

46、碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤原厂房与仓库间室外地面做绿化带,绿化带三面铺设侧石。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real

47、,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.5.4 安装 四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peel

48、s phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤厂房内增设防火水喷淋系统、火宅报警装置、消防灭火栓设施、照明设施以及通风工程的安装。卫生间添置陶瓷蹲式大便器、陶瓷洗脸盆。四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity

49、, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and technological two peels phenomenon, says from the Dongping real,么头攀簇慕标陆昏湾嫡顶蓝桥俱留悲箍园壁渗嚣瘸羊伯翰抛侨克涎拾城帝乎怒阔同炒味恋裤降粮酵祈账啃滞遗淆争谨童氯媚拾爸碟羊瞩宏间符偷囤01.6 工程施工特点四防一体化建设(新建备、执勤室)扩建工程技术标speed up technology results into, active guide enterprise will mature technology results into for productivity, and Translate into economic benefits, efforts to solve economic and tech


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