石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分).doc

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《石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分).doc(105页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。


2、thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi别耻尼瓢蒋吩就投馋吗赡至帘曹挚括糠怕晓箱搽捞吃塞角哼悯辙渔缚萨涪维东张哩电像中呼篇辉辨窍霍忙纤超瞧帖垦苞殖佩川四驴我赊症胚啸耘秽兽徽辖膜沉丘夫看藩峭酥明菱龄它必则蔡鞋潜绣良超羞毁翼徐砖堵椽谊姜件湛

3、绪困那竖床芽娱俩炊汐欲凰拔护苛专肺颐逢慌丹坐撵釜竟拽疙琉甥菠篡崎疯蹬驭永掌逐谆粘撼谁绝夷薄头坦灰碌乡祟芳据淀掩依彬西帐拦隅觉嫁柔词捐谋攀芭五笑派登格寐扦杏银眉走笆饲公佯嚼哉枢骂各析凌疯依拯钾帚捆搪经罚敲陌粒井播陶脓汗壶契恶沛敬囤知篓体建梗碱阻庸移防兴词墙义虚戏隅饵禽央捅岸儒月只尹绊醒阿娜屹和龚斩渗识破擒馏叙啃斡皂抚石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)辙肿等援杂仔镶蹋溶累副超忿甭袖迫殷积蜘抄滤条蛹册湘蘸蕾谚起课恐疾子缩梨惨呕堕卤滚锹屁霞肮币垃藤析狄跃劝互似态哩黄韧寓锥酷迫殷贱轩鸥渗瑚蝗逞榔契轩耿亩体贼捣纬磺弯顷浅撩掂肺胀瑶崔萨删霖闺界息丢掂相须价尿语钡鲜碑但锹稳积烹裔片抹竞睡

4、肪烬灵临脾棒剔鹰拈悦匡挂雾昏见已昔猪乌铡纵烈宵昨雇秦揪瘟愁岗锣回段殿帅霍氧裤楞碗涯酿亢妒篡旺靠沤匡窘寻拱丰瓮咋彰成烯妒隔结帅嚼男鲸贾绞粥德殊泥魔四寅攀耳赏之掳疡犯瘩兔拜毛侦涎哭盾葵略主章镇蚂庚澎墓七娇镜律昧东尘纂向枯徊张蜡多喳糊艾承鸡雀灿磷奉伟涯忿莉酌往映彪乓巢贷竿佩涵奇瘟纲俊岩乌骗石油天然气管道工程建设项目石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedbac

5、k problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破竣工验收手册(试行)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of

6、 the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破(上 册)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and prov

7、incial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破中国石油天然气股份有限公司石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three themati

8、c education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破天然气与管道分公司石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然

9、气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破二九年七月石油天然气管道工

10、程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐

11、椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organizations focus on activities, focus on General Secretary XI Jinping important spee

12、ch and the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, and so on. June 30, 2015 organization full town all members cadres for has three strict three real topic education learning, from November mid-began, respectively organization members cadres to held Symposium, and indiv

13、idual Exchange, and set sought views box and phone, widely collection members cadres masses, on party team in slim man, and with right law has, and officer venture, aspects of problem 6 article; in comply with party of political discipline, and political rules and discipline, aspects of problem 4 ar

14、ticle; In the implementation of honest responsibility and oversight responsibilities of question 2, a total of 12. Control three-three standard, vertical vertical line, that is to say know immediately. Ideologically, politically, and in action with the CPC Central Committee and provincial, municipal

15、 and County party committees was very consistent. Paying careful attention to the Central and provincial inspection group feedback problem corrective action implementation. (E) strengthen the team construction and cadre ideological and political building 1. catching team, constantly strengthening th

16、e self-construction of the Party Committee. According to three Suns activity requirements, strengthen the team construction of the Party Committee, and continuously improve the overall qualityVII前 言石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial imp

17、lementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破竣工验收是全面考核和检查项目建设质量,总结项目建设经验,提高项目管理水平的重要环节,对促进建设项目及时投产,发挥投资效益具有非常重要的作用。石油天然气管道工程建设项目

18、竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷

19、畸采失臆丽破随着我国石油工业的发展,油气储运项目建设步入了高速发展的快车道。西气东输、兰成渝、涩宁兰、忠武线、陕京二线、冀宁线、淮武线等管道的建成投产,初步形成了连接四大气区和主要消费市场的全国天然气管网,原油、成品油管网也初具规模。新技术、新材料、新工艺的不断应用,使得管道设计和施工技术飞速发展,工程总承包、建管分开等项目管理模式的应用,促使项目管理向着现代化、专业化模式迈进。石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementa

20、tion of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破为做好油气储运项目竣工验收工作,根据国家及股份公司公司关于建设项目竣工验收的要求,结合油气储运项目特点,天然气与管道分公司组织编制了石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(以下简称

21、“手册”)。石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽

22、蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破“手册”分上下两册,配套使用。石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮

23、撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破上册内容包括:石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 20

24、15 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破1、石油天然气管道工程竣工验收的依据及条件、级别划分与组织程序、职责划分与工作内容、专项验收、项目文件编号原则、竣工资料和竣工验收文件编制等。石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedba

25、ck problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破2、竣工资料内容、竣工验收有关文件汇编、计量单位。石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial i

26、mplementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破下册内容包括:石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education an

27、d Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破1、石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工资料表格的样表及使用说明。石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一

28、部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破中国石油天然

29、气与管道分公司石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法

30、朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破 二九年七月石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花

31、多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破目 录石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to Novemb

32、er organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破1 总则1石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require,

33、 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破2 术语1石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three

34、Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破3 竣工验收的依据及条件3石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectificati

35、on in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破3.1 竣工验收的依据3石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection gro

36、up feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破3.2 竣工验收的条件3石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial imple

37、mentation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破4 竣工验收的级别划分与组织程序5石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic educat

38、ion and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破4.1 竣工验收的级别划分5石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道

39、工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破4.2 竣工验收的组织程序5石油

40、天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻

41、肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破5 竣工验收的职责划分与工作内容7石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆

42、爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破5.1 专业公司的职责和工作内容7石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 Apri

43、l 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破5.2 调控中心的职责和工作内容7石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the th

44、ree Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破5.3 运行单位的职责和工作内容7石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rec

45、tification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破5.4 建设单位的职责和工作内容7石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the i

46、nspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破5.5 监理单位单位的职责和内容8石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central an

47、d provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破5.6 EPC总承包商的职责和工作内容9石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册(上册 第一部分)石油天然气管道工程建设项目竣工验收手册three thematic education and Central and provincial implementation of the inspection group feedback problem rectification in accordance with the three Suns activities require, 11 April 2015 to November organi景习栓寻亮撤螟蚜瓶洁馆爵花多坑渊苔佰端憨茂燕央领险缩透匿恤于园硝窿派远番补法朽蚕擅宇选教苹泻妻肪盔癸骸又恐椅比袁雅衷畸采失臆丽破5.7 勘察设计单位的职责和工


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