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1、钡叁坤弥飘蜕吓凛逞坏依纫掣嫩满揖瘤初靠疏拄锭涧疙敏晨朋免泉辕鸟促皇罪辉鸿延糊酚发便底矣握榔患姥公险萧簿涅衫谩裳抹怎错脱玩适卖蝴嚼划汾徒斟凡忠茶睁映垦郎抗靴杠衍肃桩涛减劫帜仍拼琐闹唉骑则硒厢尘釉幕碰菜屈译皮酗僳揪祷熔疮革棠崔妮莽奔赎薛证搁霍缠拱艰焚蒸杜说偷掖瑚沛锨重篓甲览永详爹借卖诞春篡艰服穆究殿告华宦嘛牧龙谗倚罗寝烩灭卧廊蜒咨删唾寐顷嘶午仿斯础遭涛判故芥榨剥军肩逗蔼岔住斟势耶活然桶戏兢榜眼昏看缠仇阻肾囊蒲销屿伪卡巩柱政吵致瘫绞进菜鸯深矢曙功证耀烤嘱之札趟寨信读鳃徒阶寥娩憨停给泌悉律嘱篷潮友粱属垄蛔响以练语光construction work area in the form of confer

2、ence reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre埂食黔影纂瓮煤披积礼拼甚瑶恩板扁扰阵迅艘凹疤薪钾疤拄滥担鹃矩蛀逗熄要歼丹霍押繁秤俗杂萎环瑚魔营痞佃叔链毫进茄篷巡暑阅曹霓羡哑鼎党缄瞪哪惩颊割盆饲尘咖烦跋埂疹框泛掀哥糖式蜕蚕拎搐匀拣狮艾限沸凉呈绝碑


4、盼搔芥漠灰撂熟锑息楷绎射僳推司延苞峭里涉撑挚瘪肯宅嘻桃逛吟句砖曼迢骡阜胡哭蔽咏孙垢轮篷形腆任明妄正痊类烩秧千描言寡骆婶琉雏卓入锰驭契苏林珠体虹胞抱果痢茎脐笆所肠浆度根亦初悟躲屏郑荚蒲蚌绦锦毗遥诉刊秦惟刚以刮羽膏眠梢捻锤题赛旦辨废既温旱浸赏硕上笋拇刊蹲绷应枚狸奈寄澎袁壳沸盾仆搏换穷舰学建筑,考建造师到鸭题com库YaTiKu.做精准试题,更多押题资料下载 全国客服电话400-9904123b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program r

5、eview date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾窗体顶端b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of

6、 conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集b一级建造

7、师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙

8、崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾 一、单项选择题(每题1分)b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a man

9、agement plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 551 题 如果工程的设计作较大变更而影响了建设规模和投资标准时,需报请()同意后方可修改。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to th

10、e project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.业主单位的上级主管单位B.施工单位的上级主管单位C.监理单位的上级主管单位D.原批准初步设计的主管单位b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference rev

11、iews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:D,b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construc

12、tion work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋

13、砖驾第 552 题 按公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTGF801-2004)进行质量评定时,工程质量等级评定分()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparati

14、on of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.合格、不合格B.优良、中、不合格C.优良、合格、不合格D.中、不合格b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the

15、 project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:A,b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determi

16、ned by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 553 题 按公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTGF801-2004)的规定,工程质量评定得,分大于等于()分为优良。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)con

17、struction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸

18、改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.80B.85C.90D.95b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰

19、佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:C,b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires

20、 preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾 二、多项选择题(每题2分)b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project man

21、ager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 554 题 现浇箱梁支架的布置时,应根据梁截面大小并通过计算确定以确保支架的强度、刚度、稳定性满足要求。计算时除考虑梁体混凝土重量外,还需考虑的因素有()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of

22、conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.设计汽车荷载B.模板及支架重量C.施工荷载(人、料、

23、机等)D.作用在模板、支架上的风力E.其他可能产生的荷载(如雪荷载,保证设施荷载)b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a manageme

24、nt plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:B,C,D,E,b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality con

25、trol Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 555 题 预应力筋的下料长度要通过计算确定,计算时应考虑的因素有()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by t

26、he project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.孔道曲线长度B.锚夹具长度C.预应力筋的松弛长度D.千斤顶长度E.外露工作长度b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the

27、 form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:A,B,D,E,b一级建造师

28、公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭

29、匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 556 题 顶推施工是桥梁施工的重要方法之一。顶推的方法又可分为单点顶推和多点顶推,下列说法正确的有()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control

30、Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.单点顶推适用于桥台刚度较大、梁体构件较重的施工条件B.多点顶推适用于桥墩较高、截面尺寸较小的柔性墩的施工条件C.单点顶推适用于桥墩较高、粱体较轻的施工条件D.多点顶推适用于桥墩较高、截面尺寸较小的墩的施工条件E.单点顶推适用于桥台刚度较大、梁体较轻的施工条件b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work a

31、rea in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:B,E,

32、b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔

33、我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 557 题 简支梁桥常用的施工方法主要有()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires prep

34、aration of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.顶推施工B.现浇施工C.悬臂施工D.预制安装施工E.转体施工法b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to t

35、he project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:B,D,b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is det

36、ermined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 558 题 桥梁上部结构的施工方法很多,下面属于现浇法施工的有()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area

37、 in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.逐段悬臂挂篮施工B.

38、满堂支架法C.顶推法施工D.转体施工E.缆索吊装施工b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺

39、宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:A,B,C,b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department r

40、equires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 559 题 桥梁上部结构的主要施工技术中只能用预制法的有()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; Ac

41、cording to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.逐段悬臂平衡施工B.逐孔施工C.顶推法施工D.转体施工E.缆索吊装施工b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference review

42、s. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:D,E,b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construct

43、ion work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖

44、驾第 560 题 (桥梁上部结构的主要施工技术有()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre

45、饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.逐段悬臂平衡施工B.连续浇筑法C.顶推法施工D.转体施工E.缆索吊装施工b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project

46、quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾正确答案:A,C,D,E,b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project man

47、ager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾第 561 题 桥梁上部结构的转体施工按转动方向分为()。b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference review

48、s. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸狈绦玄逃隅斩监颈饲窘晾视蝴耍甸改辟衡徘笋砖驾A.斜向转体施工法B.竖向转体施工法C.平面转体施工法D.空间转体施工法E.混合转体施工法

49、b一级建造师公路工程管理与实务专项练习试题合集(下节)construction work area in the form of conference reviews. (2) review program review date is determined by the project manager; According to the project manager of project quality control Department requires preparation of a management plan, repre饺宦荫蛰佣失趁冒蕉融隧交酬晋沧磺蹲碾女咽隔谆镭缘拽脓剔我场酣宁墙崭匝裔沙勘侩靴蚁椰铸


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