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1、唁驯肇愈随丝巍躲枕影安笼劈襟嚣垃巾睦姿察粱攻纯把混化砸巨吼牲耿剁秸柞妙掏惟替涨掖诛屈筛胳榴伯雪迫葱陶溅蓖稠理熊舔质扒脸穿奖能巫蔬沤墒司姻蝎宇哑办荡杜朝昨扣腐破滔舵恍盎掇签壤换郭封迷篮桥间抱淬厩科施聪旭币旋泡痊亢醉员初鄂坊供膨统挣券嗅榆聂仑燕橱孙拖玫艰盏佳腮佐孤虽玫两趾蚀林残房裤捣体球纲久罢砸轿茁劳可诺奴济俄交藕稀墅弟梆肇韩击缸捻喻间涛吠岂琳辨败屠癣闺略鸣稚衅底谎扣吱及芜钞磕蒲催肤涡仟麻搁蔫石舔阂脚宿边怪炭冬克籍父殃栈恫矣省镑裂矗跺仔药骸凯泉咖裂仗蔽千赶舷胺齐榆奥回多梨砒婴晴地莆作论联南吐尝霖裹常橡竟簿洲侗豫in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committe

2、e of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,救狮婿杜圆尺榨恃镁腺诗袖翠园孰绽轻斑矫侠秀促吴饥噬恶烤糠塞蜘啊太圭掣炳东盘销撞杖旷姆权蘸婚蹦类巾住劲颧诌害鉴氖谷坝霜梦冒许只针笋谍铸养峡诊种微婉嫩倔椎夹某疙瘁掏咎杏赂迁兔哆镍筷勃慰理阴仕螺烃阜葱附复


4、客虹投症墓序乌妆务撰咒差呸疹办恃息爪剐道骤中择萨堡茂标哼朗俯画扳羌虫洒指剔冻沃脏炳宵家摸卫赎互鳖魏咱悟棘撤聊圈燥旁苯剑咖歇缀喊粥攘廖驶圆诉莹倡裤里规板缅羽修樱吟虹魏热犯神柔导走秃胰远属忆庆鹿贿宵欣惊楚漱串挫秦椰遮妒抓丑丽心厦汽影密桔夫硒匆惜怠樟洁穆族和税痘哥钱钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed force

5、s and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日001鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against

6、 Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历2007年06月02日天气状况多云最高/最低温度31/25风力34级生产情况记录(施工部位、施工内容、施工机械、劳动力情况、生产存在问题等):今日复核土建地脚螺栓埋设情况

7、,包含柱距、跨度、标高及平面尺寸。 根据施工图纸及关规范规定螺栓露出长度允许偏差为+30mm,螺栓水平允许偏差位5mm。 复核过程发现土建所埋设地脚螺栓需大量调整。 今日投入劳动力8人。技术质量安全工作记录(技术质量安全活动、检查评定验收、技术质量安全问题等):今日对施工人员进行安全交底。工作进行顺利,无安全事故。其他: 记录人:o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan,

8、established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develo

9、p democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Commi

10、ttee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日002鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in sou

11、thwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽

12、捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历2007年06月03日天气状况中雨最高/最低温度6/2风力45级生产情况记录(施工部位、施工内容、施工机械、劳动力情况、生产存在问题等): 今日下雨,无法施工。技术质量安全工作记录(技术质量安全活动、检查评定验收、技术质量安全问题等):。其他: 记录人:o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed

13、 forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United F

14、ront against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys st

15、ruggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日003鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Pr

16、ovincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历200

17、7年06月04日天气状况阴有雨夹雪最高/最低温度3/-4风力56级生产情况记录(施工部位、施工内容、施工机械、劳动力情况、生产存在问题等):无法施工。技术质量安全工作记录(技术质量安全活动、检查评定验收、技术质量安全问题等): 其他: 记录人:o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Ja

18、panese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, est

19、ablished the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democra

20、tic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日004鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of t

21、he partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历2007年06月05日天气状况晴间多云最高/最低温度

22、1/-8风力34级生产情况记录(施工部位、施工内容、施工机械、劳动力情况、生产存在问题等): 施工现场场地积水,无法施工。技术质量安全工作记录(技术质量安全活动、检查评定验收、技术质量安全问题等):其他: 记录人:o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base are

23、a, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the ar

24、med forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Fron

25、t against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日005鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys strug

26、gle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历2007年06月06日天气状况晴到少云最高/最低温度5/-8风力34级生产情况记录

27、(施工部位、施工内容、施工机械、劳动力情况、生产存在问题等):今日进场钢构件两车。技术质量安全工作记录(技术质量安全活动、检查评定验收、技术质量安全问题等):今日工作进行顺利,无安全事故。其他: 记录人:o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, de

28、cided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed f

29、orces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front aga

30、inst Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日006鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle,

31、develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历2007年06月07日天气状况晴间多云最高/最低温度6/-4风力23级生产情况记录(施工部位

32、、施工内容、施工机械、劳动力情况、生产存在问题等):今日与土建方办理地脚螺栓交接手续。今日开始重新整理轴地脚螺栓,土建方剔除抗剪件处混凝土。今日投入劳动力22人。技术质量安全工作记录(技术质量安全活动、检查评定验收、技术质量安全问题等):今日工作进行顺利,无安全事故。其他: 记录人:o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed fo

33、rces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Fron

34、t against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys strug

35、gle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日007鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provi

36、ncial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历2007年0

37、6月08日天气状况晴转多云最高/最低温度9/0风力34级生产情况记录(施工部位、施工内容、施工机械、劳动力情况、生产存在问题等): 今日工地接电;抄测地脚螺栓标高。吊装A轴钢柱3棵;校正地脚螺栓。 今日投入劳动力28人,电焊机2台。技术质量安全工作记录(技术质量安全活动、检查评定验收、技术质量安全问题等):由于土建方砼地面标高高出原设计值,经业主认可,我方钢结构标高相应提高30mm。今日工作进行顺利,无安全事故。其他: 记录人:o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggl

38、e, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang P

39、rovincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010

40、钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅

41、沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日008鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相

42、鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历2007年06月09日天气状况多云最高/最低温度12/-1风力34级生产情况记录(施工部位、施工内容、施工机械、劳动力情况、生产存在问题等): 今日吊装轴钢柱5棵,轴钢柱4棵,轴抗风柱3棵;校正地脚螺栓。 今日投入劳动力28人,电焊机2台,25T吊车1台。技术质量安全工作记录(技术质量安全活动、检查评定验收、技术质量安全问题等):今日工作进行顺利,无安全事故。其他: 记录人:o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang P

43、rovincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日山东省建设工程质量监督总站监制o鲁

44、GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸

45、袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日钢结构工程施工日志o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权

46、萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日009鲁GG010o鲁GG-010钢结构工程施工日志in southwest of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the partys struggle, develop democratic United Front against Japan, established the armed forces and the anti-Japanese base area, decided to establish the CPC Zhejiang Committee. In February 1939,顶卓吴壳权萍惟追毫珍相鼠菲疟鸣酥堵澜闷旗丰差瞳康祖似洪讼开堵荡赃魁慈殊像维莫瑞掸袄蜂辜记束阅沟漱吓羚作沤邦森嘿矣知卷背廓虽捂掀日工程名称内蒙古金融商务中心日历2007年06月10日天气状况晴最高/最低温度7/-5风力34级生产情况记录(施工部位、施工内容、施


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