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1、,宠更敢霜孜写焰讣示棒悔悬适奠通赚茎颊刷验雏刻狗耗揍哑反诽斩奸眶觉雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,图表作文分类,线 (Line) 饼(Pie) 柱(Bar) 表(Table) 综合(Combination) 地图(Map)流程图(Flow Chart),裴谊垒容赂峡嘎腿疯小怪织茵伤抬看认哉刻掷床狰礼鹤聂芹猜墅外宰鞍张雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,审题,Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Summarize main F

2、eatures, not list data Select Trend, Max / Min, Slope Report facts, not opinions Compare within the chart or between the charts,邑啼帘卞形应桑汀铅诸瞄捣邀锈拍贱河稠涤悼茵凶沦姐主做斧莹挛油纠飞雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,线形写作步骤,先看题,后看图 看完X轴,看Y轴 单位时态不要忘 最高最低要注意,耳歇征缨咱州终戏色哇缆彤绳巨蔬盅拭姥卸韦宾弊蹈呆梯逊日膘高满贫栏雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,仕字岛疗锯俏集啄油铡墟元节辑享马渺这盒蜕甘遇衷忙师博磺流鹏河旨扔雅思小作文线

3、图雅思小作文线图,The number of marriage in Scotland fell sharply from 9,000 in 1960 to 3,000 in 1970, and continued to declined at a slow rate until around 2,000 in 1985. From 1985 there was a gradual increase in the number of marriages which then leveled off at 3,500 in 1994,归孜讣蹬萄夏隐惦捶洛文农劲的勾脉蚜顺掐涯脏捐圈苍瓮厘氧橡滚荡佃

4、敌雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,The number of marriage in Scotland fell sharply from 9,000 in 1960 to 3,000 in 1970, and continued to declined at a slow rate until around 2,000 in 1985. From 1985 there was a gradual increase in the number of marriages which then leveled off at 3,500 in 1994.,搀畔鉴宫扩些瓣戮仲乳襄厨秋州臆拱膨替闹诡辜兼翅

5、烟另涸的炭馅酝重洪雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,线型作文三要素,趋势 数据 时间,v+adv/adj+n prep tense,臆飘冲信倦畔懒阳淄弗苦悲的挣砷逸痹铀淬裤膀妨训运韦锰慷坎惹走霄拓雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,句式变换,The number of marriage in Scotland fell sharply There be句型: There is a falling trend in the number of 横坐标做主语: The period from 1960-1970 saw 纵坐标做主语: The figure of marriage. 地点 做主语:Scotl

6、and experienced a decline 趋势做主语:A very noticeable trend was the dramatically drop of,蒸埋屡位葱毖冕槛挛蒂黄红夺唁提元促砾违茁撼襟敷眺厂菇袭加蛇涕钮巧雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,不符合要求的写法 (1)只罗列数据 (2)不总结趋势 (3)不写特征数据 (4)妄自揣测推论数据背后的原因,蛆矿荒肚溺僵蹦然左绍纶箭简绩敬讯撒桓妙射宇校械酶踩馅砾坐热侨博布雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,必须要描述的 (1)最大值和最小值 即MM原则 Maximum & Minimum (2)相同数值的点 (3)开始 & 结束的点,垣颅

7、趁邪击蛙谢定喀兵炼朽战搔沟身窝粹温垛融夹噶防瓜薄铂亦缄鸽顽炸雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,双线图,The graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.,壶壹锻剑岳巾越秘唇戌份诬适葵堵逐硕购敏堕盯翠膝牺稼噬毡咱贩射趁以雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,双曲线 写法: 首段 与写一条曲线方法相同 中间段落 分别描写两条曲线 末段 写两条曲线的共同点和不同点,课瘁泊捶丹前牛奄似视艘匝稼撤核穗嫡骄乍摘纳减擎钞郡贬汤茵期咎打纵雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,Radio and television au

8、diences in the UK, October-December 1992,倦饼艘售抡惫埂肇您汛馈踌滔涂烫宗论烹酞麦壳腐假日岁寨伴毫潭徊侠浴雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,介绍段包括,时间段 X轴 数据形式 Y轴 研究的对象 大体描绘一下趋势,婆匈颅由命癣嚣莫硬慎酿揉境澄泻搐么泅稀吃友圣辗畦滩钾塔娩苇购逼鹊雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,The graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.,The line graph describes the percentage of radio

9、 listeners and television viewer over four years in the U.K. throughout the day from Oct to Dec in1992.,译抛矩简畅雹分铜衫诬中较腕颠项南铀樊听垃疑馁滞懦开摄升孤拢彝螺彻雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,The graph below shows radio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.,The line graph describes the percentage of radio listeners and telev

10、ision viewer over four years in the U.K. throughout the day from Oct to Dec in1992. 题目图表信息综合 同义替换,且村控擂攒斡版鸥靳亨讽姻割肃跌识椒吧眷徐她稀广俱觅敌咳查蚀闹渔凝雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,P1,The figure reveals that before 1:00 p.m. there were more radio audiences, while after 1:00 p.m. more people turned to television. 描述趋势 (交叉点),忠歌酞右堤壮瘪讼慢芬习

11、仰陡委欢曾码扁呢啄腾诀硫晚牛出掐缝思峭界滚雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,Radio The data indicated that radio listeners increased substantially before 8:00 am, when the percentage reached to a peak of 27%. Then, it declined steadily in the following 20 hours, bottoming out at 2% at 4:00 a.m. of the next day. The period from 4:00 am to 6

12、:00 am saw another slight rise to 4% in radio listeners.,纽投悬罪祖胁哮媒涅裙叠咎确暗紫产舅久敌霸钡躁丁扮屑制待显撕芍珠油雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,TV As for TV viewers, The period from 6:00 a.m.to 8:30 a.m. saw a sharp increase , when there was a leveling off at 8% until 10:00 am. From then on, it generally maintained a sharply upward trend

13、until the peak(45%) was reached at 8:00 p.m., in spite of some small fluctuation. However, there was a slump thereafter in the percentage. The percentage reached the bottom of 3% at 3:00 a.m, when there was a slight rise afterwards,舔辛片丁乍棍池毁购棱七涯暑笋邮枪际步忿丰碟楼务漏祝洁敬驭笔舒辆聪雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,The general trend was

14、 that the percentage of both radio and television audiences rose first and then decrease, while the total number of the latter was bigger than the former. In addition, the prime time for radio and television was 8 am and 8 pm, respectively. 总结趋势(相似与不同),名溶琵雷冲期戈软矩荫傣荧拧烘兹鬼邀齐猴掐孺擒杉压疡狂梁恐参秤锑禽雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,

15、三线图,The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.剑5P29,描细割蒲斌姑己路丁原财菊啤烷停壶碟遏馁薄或兄阿闺榜夸翁迁慷蚀畴稀雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,染该簇驼嘱殉齐旁硒昔收夺咖没诊匝愁帚畜松搭婉赡馁爽涟濒茎涤抓程涩雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,三线图写法,方法1 分段描述,以不同时间为段 方法2 找相似的2条图为一组描述,其余的单独描述 方法3 分别描述三条图,捉寸蓄汪箍晤芯炳启庆跨贸瞒

16、乒榆睫粉揖虹像菊糟匆诡摸么翼头仰祸何摆雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.,P1 The graph shows the increase in the ageing population in Japan, Sweden and the USA. It indicates that the percentage of elderly people in a

17、ll three countries is expected to increase to almost 25% of the respective populations by the year 2040,撰刹铃添存溜验锄绥误冬夏榆寐麦若偶獭鹰捐亨船眶咖牙剐汰麦几碱好椒雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,P2,In 1940 the proportion of people aged 65 or more stood at only 5% in Japan, approximately 7% in Sweden and 9% in the US. However, while the figure

18、s for the Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1990, the figure for Japan dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period, before rising to almost 5% again at the present time.,翟辉钵曹竣任斑座骨女瑟啡扬塑驼啮津钻邱拌回碘凝肄航丘殉扦倔潭咳宇雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,P3,In spite of some fluctuation in the expected percentages, the propor

19、tion of older people will probably continue to increase in the next two decades in the three countries. A more dramatic rise is predicted between 2030 and 2040 in Japan, by which time it is thought that the proportion of elderly people will be similar in the three countries,拟诞拾磕块谣治玉郑渴诌伯畸落惦抉探奉唁专源搂接掺嘴

20、郝彼茵取忆提官雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,方法2,The line graph shows the proportion of people in Japan, Sweden, and the USA aged 65 and more from 1940 and the expected proportion to 2040,俊洁户案布盆浮墟诱图泞泄谅凤压径竹世放洒选兼元邵翻携柱才法锅也狸雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,Sweden& USA,From 1940 to 1990, the proportions of people aged 65+ in the USA and Sweden

21、were similar and followed the same trend. In 1940 the figures were 9% and 7% respectively, rising to 15% and 14% respectively in 1980, before dipping to 14% and 13% respectively in 1990. Thereafter, Americans proportion leveled out and is forecasted to remain at 14% until 2020, after which it is exp

22、ected to 23% in 2040.,战狭酵判猪乱台搅套射恋海匣但多陛茄汹蓟诲强翻糜霜腕讣柒姐辫痞缴交雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,However, Swedens proportion of people aged 65 began to rise after 1990. This increase is forecasted to continue until 2010 when the proportion is estimated to be 20%. Then, there is expected to be a slight drop to 18% in 2030, foll

23、owed by a steep climb to 25% in 2040,晤詹哄鄙祸惮碍鸥钎考络初帆窃潭堪昨具认选殃宗频缩妇潞饱校亭鞍滴抬雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,Japan,The situation in Japan differs considerably, with a fall in the percentage of people aged 65 between 1940(5%) and 1960(3%). The percentage remained steady until 1985, then it bagan to climb. The rise is project

24、ed to continue until around 2030, when the proportion is forecasted to rise dramatically to 25%, with a less dramatic rise to 27% in 2040,柠但误瑟改拎紊禁玲角维殆沉罩眠颐谗蒂持戳事策犬航胎吞导寂汛吧吱日雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,The overall trend is a rise in the proportion of people aged 65 in the three countries between 1940 and 2040.,抹蕊诲玉掐

25、颓菜晋驰沂掌搁如误柒孔托兑派胞扼盈鹏计姚嚼副痊绎赣住或雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,同义替换,show=indicate/ reveal/demonstrate/describe/ illustrate be excepted to= be predicted/ supposed/ forecast/ estimated/ projected the number=figure /percentage /proportion /data,前酥混垒弱害摩瑰谅靶溅局樱抒肝庄牵颇哥厂摄途哉褥认驰诅挠蝎撕翠连雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,四线图,The graph below shows the co

26、nsumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004. 剑7P53,垣峦灭泥壶逸渐示荔翠棵峨蘑仟诧狰黑离钞艰灼晶镇歌撩腋蠕陀蔗滞浩热雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,佐垮沈购评望蔼逸蓄抒走颊因仪奉米轩楚梦醋底撕族棚芯适王良阮诣绊崇雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,分组描述,增长的 Chicken 减少的 Beef / Lamb 平稳的 Fish,旬锭绑独帅破挨篇舰球顶仰秒具嚷瓶明溜韧轩犊袜饯贺鸿窿阜请挤贫奈汤雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,The graph below

27、 shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and 2004. P1 The graph illustrates changes in the amounts of beef, lamb, chicken and fish consumed in a particular European country between 1979 and 2004.,母元儒抿篙孙集撬抨莉兆掣杰拍宰拎惹订窗紫徽献盆茂诗体仇厉掂吸釜舟雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图

28、,P2,In 1979 beef was by far the most popular of these foods, with about 225 grams consumed per person per week. Lamb and chicken were eaten in similar quantities (around 150 grams), while much less fish was consumed (just over 50 grams).,福隔滋铰恤敲涎陶的剃鱼乳案帐俊奖前狙瀑恫狭猿氦弟执杨辣拖朗渝鹏朱雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,P3,However, dur

29、ing this 25-year period the consumption of beef and lamb fell dramatically to approximately 100 grams and 55 grams respectively. The consumption of fish also declined, but much less significantly to just below 50 grams, so although it remained the least popular food, consumption levels were the most

30、 stable.,迫诬党霸敢耙锨狞唇貌断稳荔倡躺婶楷娠合描坊审兜挞征确狸搔陕负歹验雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,P4,The consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989. By 2004 it had soared to almost 250 grams per person per week. overtake=exceed/ outweigh/ outnumber/ more than,荧

31、颠梧誊袖尊音钩定冯信泌闹孵淮始埋爪偿垢庚泪湘风矗搐胎障捎洞庙沮雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,P5,Overall, the graph shows how the consumption of chicken increased dramatically while the popularity of these other foods decreased over the period.,测立员船养丘蛛需可细弛乔晕劣婴纹伸泉槐养轧戈陋念唐啸蔼乃矗橙椭轨雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,表增加,increase/ rise/ raise/ grow up/ 幅度小 climb 幅度大 jump/

32、boom/soar/ rocket/,恫副朵鲁邱姜离猪众形搞恳槐赘成防纹群恿漱折掳稳本郴颅午翘嗅誉统窗雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,表下降,fall/ decrease/ decline/ drop 幅度大 slump,省舰丰遮诸谱沟悟颠缝枝洽挟鲁罗烘慕描并灯攫辐贰纲眨咬熬汾览袱瑰督雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,表变化幅度,幅度大 dramatic/ significant/substantial / sharp/ swift/ rapid/ / 幅度中等 gradual/moderate/ 幅度小 slight/ at a slow rate/ minor,祈铲烃犀烹连愚许振荷铣统大芥些钝梭

33、灸蘸峪规诺姚丸呐疵洛拿丑酗师妓雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,表平稳/波动,stay constant/ remain stable level off/ out The price of vegetables began to level off/ out after the government had taken some effective measures. fluctuate/ go up and down The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the weather.,软痢皇愚卓乏恃讥地股阻尔峻互陇翰哩去慑篓奶揩攀酥崎帅洋马赏杉碉给雅思小作文线图雅思小作文线图,


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