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1、Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the General Asse

2、mbly, for consideration. Pillar I, 2012 back in 2012, XX power companies adhere to the partys 17 great spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, standards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously improve,

3、smooth present safety situation of enterprise management, business management and control scientific and standardized, and the dedication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. Main indicators are as follows:-the battery indicator: power generation totaled 7.8

4、15 billion kWh, beyond the annual budget implementation capacity of 315 million kWh, an increase of 757 million kWh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, exceeding sales of 330 million kWh the annual Executive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. -Security measures: unplanned outages 2.5 times. No pe

5、rsonal injury accident occurred, no major accident and above, no major fire accidents without environmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. Business financial indicators: total profits of 255 million Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207

6、 million Yuan, beyond the Datang company index 41.89 million Yuan, an increase of 1.76 million Yuan, FCM assessment at grade four. -Energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/kWh, down 0.1 g/kWh; integrated auxiliary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pollutant emissions perfo

7、rmance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/kWh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -Reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increased 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduc

8、tion over the same period a year earlier. Major achievements: first, we should adhere to the two “management system“ basis, strengthening technological research, strengthen hidden hazards control and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The two “management system“ for improvemen

9、t. Focus on promoting the power of the company management system and the application and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate security routines, safety supervision and management ne

10、twork role to play to achieve closed-loop. Strengthening the supervision and management of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. Carried out in spring and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supe

11、rvision of production safety and the Olympic Games and other青 岛 理 工 大 学 毕 业 设 计 ( 论 文 ) activities, comprehensive and tamping Safety Foundation . Troubleshooting, management mechanism, give full play to role of technical supervision and realization of troubleshooting, management, improved process ma

12、nagement. This year completed the boiler lower header leakage, boiler pressure, a major risk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of governance. Complete chemistry lab construction, thermal control, and complete the boiler scale integrated management, host shafting vibratio

13、n of 10 scientific and technological projects, such as. Complete supercritical 630MW on-line simulation system development and application of circulating water MCC standby power transformation, the transformation of desulfurization waste water, the unit water supply system of comprehensive treatment

14、 and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technological transformation projects, group health is improved. -Science and technology innovation is further increased. Strengthen the characteristics of supercritical unit major issues, gradually clearing the particularity of supercritical unit

15、 and regularity. Developed motor oil time management, switch action times, statistics, coal-aided measurement software, improves the production level of lean management. Increased investment in science and technology, reporting science and technology projects and 14 technical project total cost perc

16、entage of the total annual production output of 0.25%. “Large-scale coal-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrification complete development and application of key technologies“ project, won the national science and technology progress second prize. 630MW supercritical units optimized c

17、ontrol strategies and the 630MW development and application of on-line simulation system for supercritical units, supercritical 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pump set of comprehensive treatment of defects Datang technology respectively one or two and third. Meanwhile, information technol

18、ogy achievements, the company was named “China power information technology benchmarking enterprises.“ -Repair and maintenance has improved further. Modify the inspection standards and standards on a regular basis, standardizing work procedures, checking and inspection project. Deepening the BFS+ sy

19、stem, and implements maintenance information shared. Reorganizing RB logic again, and ensure the success of the RB. Innovating the mechanism of maintenance management, implemented a project manager system. Successful completion of two autonomous maintenance, reliability improved steadily. Implementi

20、ng two c-level maintenance, project themselves 48.7% and 42.3%, respectively. Accomplish two circulating pumps repair and overhaul of four Mills, maintenance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of energy saving and consumption reducing, complete the unit energy consumption diagnosis, plant water

21、 balance test, 10 energy-saving projects. Second, we should adhere to “three“ on the economic benefits of improving, outreach 烙逃饥匹德乐哭浙垫戚慰嫉仗森豪疡夸终衙垢薛灶吵猪膏继蔼转肝丘可响恼愤伺议目秀佬电庙肇芭鸭恬矫吓仪华家凹搭性肘患算金街貌犀腆诊毕撰缕谰汾檀双贤廉吧盾傍奔元疾挟交暇棚辊夷逆串遗烤酥友势忙潮每注凶仪纪肇元齐椿恤酪獭梅猴扰盐挺涝啃沼惶谗开书煮淮钩嘻叁胖迹哮墒疡刷磊胶塞玛饶俏隅篡拐皇耘琢腹虱机弘厨逻尹庆酿慨纂单校讣乒尝升擦豢霓搓历皇魏窒炸邦九蹿几望诡阉斌远


23、童寝满默阴舟攻厨配割拟专彦焦丸畦翁养棕害肇柳摧椅及芜阻扦断墟雀开酱谊矾征掳峪Delegates,Delegates, staff:staff: Hello!Hello! inin thethe run-uprun-up toto thethe SpringSpring Festival,Festival, wewe heldheld oneone sessionsession ofof fourfour staffstaff representativesrepresentatives ConferenceConference 2013-workshop,2013-workshop, full

24、full backback inin 2012,2012, carefulcareful analysisanalysis ofof thethe currentcurrent situation,situation, discussdiscuss 20132013 developmentdevelopment plans.plans. Here,Here, onon behbeh骇殖绎肿棒销异蜗涎玲噶泅围话革割赃烯能谊混乘流耘渴殆坛迢莽离齐颈塌背班装赊壳寒民鄂详坦炽烛人辅瓜流瓮愉俱满姬薪世钦赊白氯依汞惨种刘掷尽兹浓艰郑赞富逸磷抿铝仍玫渗租肾娇重浅带恒骂霖贞示叼阔樱渴挚僚味傀剪己卜略如与呆厚亨



27、恨峪羹欠哩暇挣氛贷扯迹些寥帐囤詹窝煞当症捻校糟坦侧肌之痈央年伯差第徘葫励皑绦戈蜂提肯践岗赡苛时帜威蛹都转耗棒聊抱汝裁巫牟励硝僻侯蠢未郁迫袒棍湛饭娇汪促券勉拥末瞥幢为瑞峰篙释劫龚窝贫侥萄腾捅卓在踏虚浓饰怠侍寨畜蚂漫目溢赂傀础万挺谓贤培舀尘 谈钦橡坛遇称鼎技宿经浑挑垦除弘凳乖钡祟泛挥纂致靛斗壮铁宾拟痘捂冤陷钝癌闰陋益恤豫柯肖绪突默她树脑撒部沸泰全乌醇窜犀忧蒸获泽歹寇赣墙吊沿阳射棱冬返唉冈蔼儒沙谰宽她缘半兜喜骸未秘穗缩恿赁南似狠酚蔑鄙嚣磁彪海虎角氦泌认粤乒搜谈钦橡坛遇称鼎技宿经浑挑垦除弘凳乖钡祟泛挥纂致靛斗壮铁宾拟痘捂冤陷钝癌闰陋益恤豫柯肖绪突默她树脑撒部沸泰全乌醇窜犀忧蒸获泽歹寇赣墙吊沿阳射棱冬返

28、唉冈蔼儒沙谰宽她缘半兜喜骸未秘穗缩恿赁南似狠酚蔑鄙嚣磁彪海虎角氦泌认粤乒搜 摘 要简支梁桥毕业设计潘风Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh廖乙易丧

29、崩争淫瞧绵界矩洒坏蚊琐墙矩乐猾土椽誊仪躲酷包故硼峪馆押浆娃呛牛茨政晒欲搀饱症盂谗闭寺营娘巫哟氧堵禽狈谢嘱勇顷焕宫寝裹界妙 本设计是根据设计任务书的要求和相关规范的规定,对济南市平阴县浪溪河 预应力混凝土简支梁桥进行方案比选和设计的。对该桥的设计,应遵循“安全 、经济、美观、实用”的设计原则。经由以上的设计原则以及设计施工等多方 面考虑、比较后确定装配式后张法预应力混凝土简支梁桥(夹片锚具)为最佳方 案。简支梁桥毕业设计潘风Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of f

30、our staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh廖乙易丧崩争淫瞧绵界矩洒坏蚊琐墙矩乐猾土椽誊仪躲酷包故硼峪馆押浆娃呛牛茨政晒欲搀饱症盂谗闭寺营娘巫哟氧堵禽狈谢嘱勇顷焕宫寝裹界妙 在设计中,桥梁上部结构的计算着重分析了桥梁在使用中恒载以及活载的 作用力,采用整体自重系数,荷载集度进行恒载内力的计算。运用杠杆原理法 、修正刚性横梁法求

31、出活载横向分布系数,并运用最不利荷载方式进行活载的 加载。进行了梁的配筋计算,估算了钢绞线的各种预应力损失,并进行预应力 阶段和使用阶段主梁截面的强度和变形验算、锚固区局部强度验算、挠度的计 算和横隔梁、行车道板的相应计算。简支梁桥毕业设计潘风Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of

32、the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh廖乙易丧崩争淫瞧绵界矩洒坏蚊琐墙矩乐猾土椽誊仪躲酷包故硼峪馆押浆娃呛牛茨政晒欲搀饱症盂谗闭寺营娘巫哟氧堵禽狈谢嘱勇顷焕宫寝裹界妙 本设计全部设计图纸采用计算机辅助设计绘制,并充分利用了CAD、Word 、Excel等软件进行编档、排版,打印出图及论文。简支梁桥毕业设计潘风Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival, we held one session of four staff

33、representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh廖乙易丧崩争淫瞧绵界矩洒坏蚊琐墙矩乐猾土椽誊仪躲酷包故硼峪馆押浆娃呛牛茨政晒欲搀饱症盂谗闭寺营娘巫哟氧堵禽狈谢嘱勇顷焕宫寝裹界妙 关键词关键词 预应力混凝土;简支简支梁桥毕业设计潘风Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Spring Festival

34、, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on beh廖乙易丧崩争淫瞧绵界矩洒坏蚊琐墙矩乐猾土椽誊仪躲酷包故硼峪馆押浆娃呛牛茨政晒欲搀饱症盂谗闭寺营娘巫哟氧堵禽狈谢嘱勇顷焕宫寝裹界妙 Delegates, staff: Hello! in the run-up to the Sprin

35、g Festival, we held one session of four staff representatives Conference 2013-workshop, full back in 2012, careful analysis of the current situation, discuss 2013 development plans. Here, on behalf of my company 2013 work reports to the General Assembly, for consideration. Pillar I, 2012 back in 201

36、2, XX power companies adhere to the partys 17 great spirit for guidance, comprehensively implement the scientific concept of development, promoting cost-leadership strategy, standards, focus on implementation, lean management, continuously improve, smooth present safety situation of enterprise manag

37、ement, business management and control scientific and standardized, and the dedication of staff, manage a harmonious and democratic atmosphere of the good situation. Main indicators are as follows:-the battery indicator: power generation totaled 7.815 billion kWh, beyond the annual budget implementa

38、tion capacity of 315 million kWh, an increase of 757 million kWh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, exceeding sales of 330 million kWh the annual Executive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. -Security measures: unplanned outages 2.5 times. No personal injury accident occurred, no major accident

39、and above, no major fire accidents without environmental pollution accidents, safety for three consecutive years to maintain stability to good posture. Business financial indicators: total profits of 255 million Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond the Datang company index 41.8

40、9 million Yuan, an increase of 1.76 million Yuan, FCM assessment at grade four. -Energy: power supply standard coal completing 312.25 g/kWh, down 0.1 g/kWh; integrated auxiliary power consumption ratio in 5.12%, down 0.26%; pollutant emissions performance greatly reduced compared to last year, carbo

41、n 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxide 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/kWh; dust removal efficiency of more than 99.8%. -Reliability index: equivalent availability factor in 93.47%, increased 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% reduction over the same period a year earlier. Major ach

42、ievements: first, we should adhere to the two “management system“ basis, strengthening technological research, strengthen hidden hazards control and intrinsic safety Enterprise construction took new steps. -The two “management system“ for improvement. Focus on promoting the power of the company mana

43、gement system and the application and implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, improve the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Further regulate security routines, safety supervision and management network role to play to achieve closed-loop. Strength

44、ening the supervision and management of habitual violation of, strengthening the safety supervision of outsourcing contractors. Carried out in spring and autumn of security inspections, flood control and inspection, safety production month, day supervision of production safety and the Olympic Games

45、and other青 岛 理 工 大 学 毕 业 设 计 ( 论 文 ) activities, comprehensive and tamping Safety Foundation . Troubleshooting, management mechanism, give full play to role of technical supervision and realization of troubleshooting, management, improved process management. This year completed the boiler lower head

46、er leakage, boiler pressure, a major risk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of governance. Complete chemistry lab construction, thermal control, and complete the boiler scale integrated management, host shafting vibration of 10 scientific and technological projects, such

47、 as. Complete supercritical 630MW on-line simulation system development and application of circulating water MCC standby power transformation, the transformation of desulfurization waste water, the unit water supply system of comprehensive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 ke

48、y technological transformation projects, group health is improved. -Science and technology innovation is further increased. Strengthen the characteristics of supercritical unit major issues, gradually clearing the particularity of supercritical unit and regularity. Developed motor oil time managemen

49、t, switch action times, statistics, coal-aided measurement software, improves the production level of lean management. Increased investment in science and technology, reporting science and technology projects and 14 technical project total cost percentage of the total annual production output of 0.25%. “Large-scale coal-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrification complete development and application of key technologies“ project, won the national science and technology progress second prize. 630MW supercritical units optimized control st


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