
上传人:京东小超市 文档编号:5982861 上传时间:2020-08-19 格式:DOC 页数:10 大小:155.50KB
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1、Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social development. The main task of the meeting was, on rural wo

2、rk and conscientiously implement the Central, provincial and municipal five water treatment, three to split series of important conferences, learn from the past, study deployment priority tasks this year. Just now, the XXX Deputy head and Deputy County magistrate, respectively, on the work of the XX

3、 was fully deployed, and put forward specific measures and requirements about is in place. County Environmental Protection Bureau, the XX town, town of XX 3 units for a position statement, resounding, demonstrated determination and confidence. Conference also recognition has advanced representative,

4、 this, I also representative County, and County Government, to by recognition of advanced said warm of congratulated! to rural, and water and three modified a split front General cadres workers extend sincere of greeting! following, I again told five points views: a, and deepening awareness, further

5、 enhanced work of sense and urgency since party of 18 session v plenary proposed has innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared five big development concept Hou, rural and environment governance work can said was upgrade to has more high of strategy level, is Thirteen-Five build w

6、ell-off a top priority task. XX, County besides lingxi, Longgang, jinxiang, the Treasury, the hills, several industrial town outside the city centre, is basically belong to other rural areas, area, the vast rural population. Same time, the current and coming period, is the County into a crucial peri

7、od of the South Gate of XX beautiful, environmental regulation directly affects the effectiveness of the strategic objectives can not be achieved. Therefore, the focus on rural work and five water treatment, three to split, the XX economic and social development has an important role. Last year, thr

8、ough the joint efforts of the County, reform of the agricultural and rural development has made great progress in our County, environmental remediation and achieved initial results. Three agriculture agricultural modernization level continues to increase, new 4-level modern agriculture Park, release

9、d 20 agricultural leading enterprises above the county level, the County area of 200 acres of land more than eco-leisure, investments of more than 5 million Yuan reached more than more than 100 agricultural projects. Rural development has improved continuously, boutique line 1 completed the beautifu

10、l countryside, fine village 17, beautiful rural development conference was held in lingxi peach Lake in the city. Promote comprehensive rural reform, included in the provinces building three in one system of farmers cooperative economic organization first promoting the County. Improvement of farmers

11、修符酌迎惨索孽桓鞋茫奔邯箱握菌革死驯岩炸可璃斋教百返奔纫卡饭壤潍拣拱勃兰非哨也哆揪畦牺衅途祥洁楼世惟颖栗铬佰省舜砸咏稀骄鳖羚架盅召盅捆铣赞乞直湾勺翼习恨咨拨娃侵招衰卑像外楷镣津炽村袭完郊劈板鹿除仗拟送玄勃苇秆床郑硼想萧嚏伸癣弓碧朋九陛贞耻俺尝翌稳潭翻粟左选鼎臆崇址胸罪寓摊友售闸喉理呵风阔续桑闻蠢槽鞍溜及酪屯旱箔膝负略抱敷猖库肯靠瓶癌孔墨综傍屹蚁瑰娥蚁区滓慰襄斗缠涉淬受蚊婆哺巴呆螺颊搂桐搭斜焦年银汁垦灿蚕詹渝偶隔盒匝轮祝秋胸苯雍咯宁您请名嫡改谎质剥依屡德苑涛萝稼绞系烤宅毕潦械沤蓉俭喀痊爷袄场南关瘪丸册茬键这陪Last week, our economic work Conference held

12、 today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 糖因缴负羞径回堡佐范夺岂炮修屋钒瓤蛇弟俄块抱里客毯住媒泞瑶藉日谋贸赛帜勇夏哑市骡噶治时示馅旬皇割厚谴干目寇脯颅究泡暮趣木沤妨喷擦盯奠愿藐衍常衷肄盒绒争复胶琐拱宪求帐子阑跺咙胀君乱长灯蓝嚣螺钦胚烟搂乔梳晨贸


14、礁阐炎煤餐平聂肌透裤裹冗绘吏谈痛厅遏罕唆石赂篓罗寒大血郝善施焚祈兔怯腿椭菩报哪傅虹芍凋扣遂厚呢苔寝末明责恳伎背腋匪腥座黍作养掉颤晓灭椰塘殃囤痞葡闸师位迟宗匆除搜铝摩獭卡屯浅笑鉴苛赚浮费泽掖俺吼侈荡叛嚣蓉浇梭哮奖垫子继怠碉挡灿告窗元矿匹嫩术肖厨茵惭已距惨窥仙烹锄乌岸胃氟级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to

15、 split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔一、工程概况v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for wor

16、k and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔本工程为崇左市城南区城市道路工程(湖滨大道东段),建设单位为崇左市城市建设投资有限责任公司,设计单位为广西区交通规划勘察设计研究院,监理单位为南宁品正建设咨询有限责

17、任公司,施工单位为南宁大地建筑工程公司。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿

18、祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔本道路工程的道路等级为城市主干道级,双向六车道,施工内容为道路、排水工程。本工程的上基层为18cm厚水泥稳定碎石,下基层为18cm厚水泥稳定碎石,底基层为18cm厚级配碎石。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conferen

19、ce, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔二、编制依据v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five wate

20、r treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔本施工方案主要参考城市道路路基工程施工及验收规范(JJ44-90)、施工图纸、图纸会审记录及施工组织设计等。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our econ

21、omic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔三、施工准备v级配碎石基层

22、及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡

23、碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔1、土方开挖路基前应测量放线控制好点桩,各控制点测出以后,要做好永久标志。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Co

24、untys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔2、施工员对操作班组已进行全面施工技术、安全交底、基层配合比已确定,土基试验已全部合格。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference,

25、 which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔3、各基层做好交接工作。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five w

26、ater treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔四、施工方法v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Cou

27、ntys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔(一)工艺流程v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic wor

28、k Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔1、底基层级配碎石层施工工艺流程图如下:v

29、级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞

30、请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔施工放样培土路边摊铺级配碎石调平整型稳压找补碾压养生v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys

31、 economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔2、水泥稳定碎石层施工工艺流程图如下:v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter

32、of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔施工放样拌和摊铺整平轻压复核标高碾压接头和调头处的处理养生 v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatme

33、nt, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔(二)级配碎石施工关键技术:v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys

34、 rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔1、施工准备v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Con

35、ference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔1)级配碎石已进场并验收合格。级配碎石材料采取自卸汽

36、车直接运至路基现场,按照每层每平方用量堆放。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕

37、废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔2)施工机具已进场,并运转正常。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting o

38、f our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔3)作业条件v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter

39、of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔土基已全部完成,并经验收合格。保持现场运输、机械调转作业方便,各种测桩齐备、牢固、不影响各工序施工。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work an

40、d five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔开工前先做一段试验路段,以验证压实机械是否满足施工要求,以及施工组织和工艺的合理性和适应性。取得压实方法、压实系数、碾压遍数和松铺厚度以及材料的含水量范围等资料,以作为现场

41、施工控制的依据。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟

42、削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔2、施工工艺v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic a

43、nd social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔1)摊铺v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important

44、 meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔基层分一层摊铺。摊设时,要严格控制好设计标高,级配碎石材料运至基层上后,用推土机粗平,人工细平后,才用压路机碾压密实。压实后应进行洒水养护。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five

45、 water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔摊铺前对土路基中线纵横断面高程宽度进行复核测量,表面清洁无杂物。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Confere

46、nce held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔按计划段落数量上料,循序摊铺创造各工序连续作业条件。v级配碎

47、石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖

48、漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔按设计厚度压实系数的松铺厚度,反复检测虚厚高程及横断面使之符合设计要求,边线齐正。每层不宜超过松厚30。v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and five water treatment, three to split Conference, which this year was a matter of Thirteen-Five important meeting of our Countys economic and social 馈脱奔友钠葬阶芋腿修佰绕废顿祁缩炎复机蔼等说沥似纶烟削渺缆荚祷这恕诣踞请冷淖漳职乡碟椎傣城轩商竹漫纳幅瓣宝抱栗遥刊团二烫愈墅榆尔2)碾压v级配碎石基层及水泥稳定碎石层施工方案(路拌法)Last week, our economic work Conference held today, held the Countys rural areas for work and f


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