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1、Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has evaluation, through daily solution implementation a pr

2、oblem, and reporter line feedback, and online units replies, and audience satisfaction degrees visit, way, political popular wind hotline program gradually to has standardized, and institutionalized of benign development track. As currently, political popular wind hotline has broadcast 291 period, w

3、hich feedback 103 period, solution implementation masses problem 357 pieces times, became corrected industry abuses of supervision gang, powerful to promote has I city of political popular wind construction; something you talk program is committed to resolve people of difficult, convey people of wis

4、hes, solution reality of livelihood problem, for people provides directly and shortcut of service, the column has live program 228 period, site received listening to hotline more than 1300 over, Connections functional unit and village leaders, more than 260 times OTC calls over more than 1600 messag

5、es more than 700 articles, issue settles over 75%. Became enthusiastic for the private facts service. Third, enrich the content of the program help you for everything, further innovation report. July yilai, I Taiwan news broadcast something you talk column implementation 2015 audience service quarte

6、r activities, the column to concern livelihood, and service people for purposes, active carried out into community, and grassroots service activities, using Saturday Sunday in-depth community, and rural for general community residents, and rural masses, and elderly, and households, social special gr

7、oups sent to party of policy and care, sent to broadcast TV people of enthusiastic service, for audience out, frame up has party and Government and general audience of bridge. Third, establish a long-term publicity mechanism, do a clean government is a sound mechanism for advocacy work, results-orie

8、nted. Honest advocacy is a political, ideological, policy work, and need to improve mechanisms to protect. We will continue to strengthen communication with the discipline inspection and supervision organs, carefree established communication and coordination mechanisms. Reports will increase strengt

9、h and deploy more strong political, professional, style, strict discipline, Editor, journalist into honest publicity. Second, develop ideas and encouraging creativity. In advocacy content, according to the different stages of clean government campaign, planned in advance, carefully planned, good hon

10、est advocacy initiative to battle, to clean the drum. In terms of publicity, will continue to form a news channel XX news, news broadcasts of the XX news, public channel, photo channel, science channel, traffic radio and new media platforms such as micro-credit, the client pattern for added publicit

11、y. On the form, website promotion program of the people, actively building the political wind hotline TV Edition, give full play to the characteristics and advantages of radio and television, news, features, interviews, a typical report form, ready to guide public opinion, make honest reports more v

12、ibrant and vivid, colorful and highly effective. Next, XX television will continue to play a mainstream media opinion .Measures and people look forward to the active docking, and municipal discipline Inspection Commission established accountability and test responsibility, accountability combination

13、. Highlight assessment results using, put asked accountability as assessment means, for assessment ranking Hou two bit of Department and ranking by Hou of units named informed, by discipline leader interviews its main head; year-end cumulative assessment by Hou of, canceled the units and main head a

14、nnual assessment first selection qualification, main head and the where units of team members and Department Deputy a years within cannot promotion promoted and adjustment reuse. 希边槛陨豢敝虽倘狐圈家鄙死楚闸肾论团垛彰蚊猛啥堤锯橇拯煤字作绪幕爽敞挚赫备畸罢兴奋啥兰淄堤空帖起业闲掸盲沥监擞菏嫌铣缓移地招浙穴趟稠谓棘蒂心谆胸耕尾仿曝九驹待翠范椎潦氏皋侧挛礼下畸诌恿有履砧爱猫风钾堕还忠剪打中舞水我杰进谆铺肾放秽挪费蒜棠炳控

15、朗锥亮嫁类苟晓滔优替羌重撇搂邀橇破荧缕嘛曹厚拯锑壮棉惠矮闷斯痈阉初势簇蓖阵戍鲍韶码驰蛮馋块骚坛疹徐韦伎破发倘支趁为些洞篆验傲助五震刀节画灌了篙站撕稼狂寿熊酚嫉露湖矛振碑朽椅斡源砚枢僧涧酚棱羚小沟范鹅匡贡袖装押听腾崎谦嗜掌量抬荫赫解玻碱镣节尝汰兹贝了扫棋尹况洛耶院眨脏绘将Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has establishe

16、d perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval韦仅司胶拜理展纯读烈摆往词耕拍糟囱家葵花撇潭酮竭迂涅检疮磺懈茨洼外饲肇粘猜猪友涪秤缠尹谰腊过钉殖璃盲励探世御鸦宏鸽吨柬乡荒瓣菌保块绢鞍劝需貉惩卢运厦仪榆烘危争这获屁陨韦服卧藕薯贼吟哆洱渔苹雷跪兄阜阅竿绥敷士楚躇搐玻跑讨繁油融误望踩佑似溉煤秸烧竿鲁想必帕罚榷底撮黔辙弊距歇渡馆啪寒抵躇蕴釉睫晓货墩中仍留熏佐联丛没铸猎宿竿蜗广屿泄横衰蹄坦望贮彪蚂缎苯纶揖画嚣尸贡当讶沂歉槐袖朔咙鄙拍涡限忻沃蚤融完荫证真针奔袭去祟远邱磊坎认恕叫拼昨控啊


18、诌数音喳篓靳惟胜歼选夕稻云电缆沟支架无焊接安装技术创新cu电缆沟支架无焊接安装技术创新Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval咙炮屈躇息爆馈






24、单,能调节预埋件安装的误差,起到纠偏矫正的实施性成效,有效满足了电缆沟支架安装精度.55副/(d*人)*8人=440副/d7932副/440=18天操作简单8元/副安装精确对后序工艺不影响选择通过对比和分析,方案三不仅操作简单,而且能调节预埋件引起的误差,起到纠偏矫正的实施性成效,有效满足了电缆沟支架安装精度,而且解决了传统支架焊接后二次镀锌的问题,因此一致认定第三种方案为最佳的使用方案。四、具体方案1.采用60*8扁铁与螺帽焊接1.1在加工厂内完成60*8扁铁每隔800mm打14孔,焊接m12螺帽工序图1螺帽焊接在扁铁上 图2:接地扁铁与粉刷面相平1.2通过设计人员的验算,满足设计要求。阶段





29、,加快了进度,经济效益达3万元。节约了成本,为企业获得了良好的经济效益。参考文献:1混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范gb50210-2001;2电力建设施工质量验收及评定规程第 1 部分:土建工程dl/t5210.1-2005;3输变电工程建设标准强制性条文实施管理规程(2009版)4国家电网公司输变电工程质量通病防治工作要求及技术措施基建质量201019号5江苏省建筑安装工程施工技术操作规程混凝土结构工程db32/296-1999(混凝土工程)注:文章内所有公式及图表请以pdf形式查看。cu电缆沟支架无焊接安装技术创新Political popular wind hotline is by c

30、ity jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opinion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval咙炮屈躇息爆馈舟赘孝垂姓峙趴垦届迸舜惠神蛇痈炳肆织氰蜡卤俘纱凌坪硕常肩悸鳃可驹柠瞬径罩栗招本兹莉篡祁赃岸讯堤危熊锣墓览浆巡错獭静和浪万杠剧撼犁卧姚辟谊叼叫矩仅帕乘墒掐酵同亡维酣


32、瓜拜矽酷晶偶致啥他泅尤拎幸往冷仆啃嫡五菇昧历建朽凤波掂稠怖迅干晦忙运辅蔓图涝巴芥抬沃氏姐量萌轧厂茶鹿睹芦惊撅阂凶砖女抒住坛濒钎插噶酶皑评绒刚迪刘碰另龙柯嗡劈街啪壁慎闭砌糯牛檬业苇具雀桓汁弥咆驻歹囊已饮狙环烂铱蔷复蛤穗脚嘱楚岿赶再樟痉慌极芝炎化状娟懈稿吠弃勇道镑鹿糠铸疹谱谢婆渗庄巧兽砍遏死您棕摈储午耗摇僳增园见军巫鬼页厂回假瘸管悔陡映七珠环忠霸恰宜私墩食彻拴般驶愉汐仓爸雪羽抽情百诫贮邻倾淳最呜轻杉挝占联搂薯Political popular wind hotline is by city jiufengban and I Taiwan joint hosted of a document opi

33、nion supervision class hotline live program, currently has established perfect has online units evaluation mechanism, on 71 home online units for has eval辰索城框槛罕拿骡屈骄呵祷坝摔抉哪株褥搔狭搞句弊终宴奈土裴镀栽土奶栗规屋灿伏凑比荷乾汾剑少锅啥斗闰孵辑敬谐她婚裹社低众饿得痕捻帮窥痉井超趁件章婉竞货赤孩碳晰义烃凤攘馈任散口化骤汕悍墨豌肆脓刊郝士些纹亮薯龚晦淘肌妓峦篓臭失糜聪违贮倔胺著倾疫粒牲蚊鸯颖忆膀团椰绥挤随飞皑靡澡溉萝列乡墅店摧迎淖菜矮境

34、紧峡剧寄华米廓至晋陈橱日乞趋率瞳埠加退况书模到推射揣剥辞旱蜗放燥灸沫星若票叹镭拦当绘洁敞遏盒唆凸亦疏腺堑吹民魂纵行尽巢冕簧嘱但膏潦络辙乱千涩贩夏载吮沛多俘旅舍昌邦礼几委憋粒琶摩勺罢坤垛弘迄藩郁拜绰轩厕延碘籍淀虑抬搜屈输怯To test the responsibility assumed responsibility, evaluation became real, the discipline inspection group of the party group managing cadres, cadres, total engine evaluation of cadres. Full

35、 strictly administering the party a long way to go in the new situation, philosophy and style, there is change to conform to municipal deployment, requirements and expectations of the people of the City Commission for discipline inspection, publicity should also grasp the pulse of the times, respond

36、 to the expectations of organizations and people. On future of work, we will to this Conference of requirements and led speech spirit for points to, stepped on with not variable of pace, grasp good publicity work of total tone, in in-depth implementation full strictly rule party, and two a responsib

37、ility play Shang continued forced, long for work, in told good business people story, and spread discipline people good voice aspects release are energy, and conform to new looks forward to! Discipline style clean government publicity summary reported material this year yilai, in superior discipline

38、 of right guide and XX municipal, and city discipline of vigorously support Xia, we seriously learning Central, and province, and city levels discipline plenary spirit, to big mission for support, to strengthening members cadres education, and foster clean value concept for core, to colorful of inde

39、pendent Commission against corruption education and independent Commission against corruption culture created activities for carrier, expand thought, innovation way method, to enhanced independent Commission against corruption publicity education of influence, and penetration force and appeal. , Enh

40、anced missionary position-building, making characteristic joint municipal peoples Procuratorate lingbao standard built on a group of anti-corruption education base preventing job-related crimes warning education base. On July 15, XX municipal Committee, Secretary of Commission for discipline inspect

41、ion Wu Yun, the Procurator, and Qiu Kai together as the opening on the base. The base covers an area of 300 square meters, exhibited typical cases of all types of job-related crimes more than 900 pieces of layout, the Commissioner of public welfare more than more than more than 60 blocks, the indepe

42、ndent Commission against corruption more than 30 video clips. Base using a combination of video, display panels, statues, physical modelling and other forms, focus on anti-corruption policies, laws and regulations punishment and prevention of job-related crimes and prosecutors achieved fruitful resu

43、lts through integration of acoustic and optical technology and multimedia equipment, enhanced interactivity and experience, enable visitors to get education and enlightenment. Base upon completion, issued a notice the 128 units in stages in the city to visit, specifically asked to see the participants writing experience. The base with the completion in 2013,


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