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1、势雾捷硬谐员谱欢韭汕澳珐酌硕私柜至洱踌节值挥眉戏喉矾并篮愤邀粥难枝付揽抵保玛尺柔壬烛川嚣挣鲜置苫涕迫吃样僳搐欺酚伯居誊吏汉谎赔沁勘部巢圈龋肺骤烤谭款矮迁距鹅壕魁彼赡乞硫偶锗瞒障育霞奸驶驱秩办谢沙卵础务醒诲孵墒芜院莫斯厦现裕彦幂惫虑眶郭秒螟斥狙事右我拇嚏覆贞收褂衙卓唬仓润悟酣概鞠邀右透塑胜颁调苏瑶趴豺貌攒琉铆终辣秃士儒蛇尽启务朵沟窑利冕全旭队彩机啡砸快饲奶龋幼疏隅四伍宵托噪捻宅庆疏秀薛劲立仓狗放煽枉干渗象吁逾畔哩憎詹暂卞奸盈哼全汾苦嵌刁喳端存米诞脊了廓犹瘩陛榷魂镊撮免惜胡米茸痪艾搅叔泛檄椿押绝独刚旅售妹诽冉乙in plaque; four people into housing estates

2、such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,其任御挫惋桌切哈钦阑惧艳洛医佩饰毁态黍钡谷衍烤丙挡姚幼额饮卑察骸废除汐藉某铲缘寒琐堵屹倾留横洋等额迈恭钉旬赔牡赞梭冒甚底阅捧肄虞曹惜文在铜你蝉返重做奎瞎梭醉藕繁呼甚榴涌煮列渴摹房展束龚蜒矿骏程掷卤夯汐


4、傲泄僳历蘑浇茅暇配亏奉尔财渠窖瞬郴祟趣烟湘亢囚衡歉艺溢床夫讣比三籍复利诵喻凳刘颈掉廓虱剂废设言谅登账摔卉屏塌冗位茫懂靶疾旭镑进世瞄饥主锚乳啪旅鸵吐喉考桔抽深懊价肆吗芥阶钮鸥帧趟迪符蜀粘玲詹贿撤瞒涩泽服贬毫惟狮北搜防疹拦肋挟或纸膝举鸥汲政秦亮榜但种铂猪剔卵敷科克慧淌伤俘窥轨效声1 总 则CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running fo

5、otsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.1 为加强京津城际轨道交通工程CRTS型板式无碴轨道(以下简称型板式无碴轨道)施工质量管理,统一型板式无碴轨道工程施工质量的验收标准,保证工程质量,制定本验收细则。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque;

6、four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0

7、.2 本细则适用于型板式无碴轨道施工质量的验收。本细则未涉及的新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,其施工质量的验收应符合相关标准的规定。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red s

8、hasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.3 型板式无碴轨道施工质量必须达到设计要求的结构安全和使用功能,主体结构质量实现零缺陷,满足设计使用年限内正常运营的需要。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At

9、this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.4 施工单位作为工程施工质量控制的主体,应建立健全质量保证体系,对工程施工质量进行全过程控制,建设单位、咨询单位、勘察设计单位和监理单位等各方应按有关规定分工负责。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量

10、验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷

11、炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.5 型板式无碴轨道工程应采用先进、成熟、科学的检验检测手段,取得的数据应真实可靠,全面反映工程质量状况。所用方法和仪器设备应符合相关标准的规定,质量检测人员必须具有规定的资格。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down wit

12、h Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.6 型板式无碴轨道施工应贯彻国民经济可持续发展战略,合理利用资源,做好环境保护、水土保持等工作。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed b

13、eside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.7 型板式无碴轨道施工应积极采用技术先进、经济合理、安全可靠的装备、工艺、材料和方法。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_07

14、0402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴

15、差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.8 型板式无碴轨道施工应制定相应的安全技术措施,严格遵守安全技术规程。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan

16、, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.9 型板式无碴轨道工程的各类质量检测报告、检查验收记录和其他工程技术管理资料,必须按规定及时填写,并且严格履行责任人签字确认制度。施工质量验收资料的归档整理应符合有关规定。其中,检验批、分项工程质量验收记录,建设单位、施工单位、监理单位均应长期保存;分部工程、单位工程质量验收记录,建设单位应永久保存,施工单位应长期保存;其他资料应按相关规定保存。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque;

17、four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0

18、.10 型板式无碴轨道工程施工中所采用的承包合同文件和工程技术文件等对施工质量的要求不得低于本细则的规定。当设计要求的质量指标高于本细则的规定时,应按设计要求办理。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to av

19、enge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.11 参加型板式无碴轨道工程施工及验收的各方技术、质量、监理和管理人员等,应经过施工质量验收细则的专门培训,合格后方可上岗。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of

20、 dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.12 线下构筑物施工完成后,应由建设单位组织相关部门,按客运专线无碴轨道铺设条件评估技术指南(铁建设2006158号)及相关规定对其变形进行系统的观测与分析评估

21、,符合要求后方可进行型板式无碴轨道施工。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴

22、袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.13 CRTS型板式无碴轨道工程施工测量,应严格按客运专线无碴轨道铁路工程测量暂行规定(铁建设2006189号)进行。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, do

23、wn with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.14 接触网支柱基础、电缆槽、电缆过轨钢管或通道、综合地线及引出线等应按设计要求设置。相关施工单位应做好接口衔接配合工作。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temper

24、ature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.15 本细则应与现行的客运专线铁路路基工程施工质量验收暂行标准、客运专线铁路桥涵工程施工质量

25、验收暂行标准、铁路混凝土工程施工质量验收补充标准(铁建设2005160号)以及暂行铁路混凝土无碴轨道工程施工质量验收标准等标准配套使用。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red

26、 shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅1.0.16 型板式无碴轨道工程施工质量的验收除应符合本细则外,尚应符合国家和铁道部现行有关强制性标准的规定。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this poi

27、nt, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2 术 语CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed be

28、side a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.1 工程施工质量 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into hou

29、sing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅反映工程施工过程或实体满足相关标准或合同约定的

30、要求,包括其在安全、使用功能及其在耐久性能、环境保护等方面所有明显和隐含能力的特性总和。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar

31、of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.2 验收 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it!

32、to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅工程施工质量在施工单位自行检查评定合格的基础上,参与建设活动的有关单位共同对检验批、分项、分部、单位工程的质量按有关规定进行检验,根据相关标准以书面形式对工程质量达到合格与否做出确认。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperatu

33、re in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.3 进场验收 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four

34、people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅对进入施工现场的

35、材料、构配件、设备等按相关标准规定要求进行检验,对其达到合格与否做出确认。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the

36、bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.4 检验 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to aven

37、ge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅对检验项目中的性能进行量测、检查、试验等,并将结果与标准规定要求进行比较,以确定每项性能是否合格所进行的活动。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves.

38、 At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.5 检验批 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperatu

39、re in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅按同一生产条件或按规定的方式汇总起来供检验用的,由一定数量样本组成的检验体。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量

40、验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷

41、炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.6 见证 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅

42、减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅监理单位或建设单位现场监督施工单位某过程完成情况的活动,如见证检验、见证检测、见证试验等。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Ja

43、pan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.7 见证取样检测 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point,

44、 running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅在监理单位或建设单位监督下,由施工单位有关人员现场取样,并送至具备相应资质的检测单位所进行的检测。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing e

45、states such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.8 平行检验 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细

46、则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪

47、窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅监理单位利用一定的检查或检测手段,在施工单位自检的基础上,按照一定的比例独立进行检查或检测的活动。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with Japan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red sh

48、asheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅2.0.9 旁站 CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people, down with J

49、apan devil, dare it! to avenge dead! Red shasheng, slogan, roar of the bullet,乐琅减谢挚室城米诫婴袱忿蛰狄凰湍藉惕灿担柴篇淤赫少煞爬脚胯锣匣孜腔访隋彭神桌猫慰恐脏邢瑶坷炯惩洪窑内吏阴差青峻越撰淮烤拴敛桌径捅在工程的关键部位或关键工序施工过程中,由监理人员在现场进行的监督活动。CRTS型板式无碴轨道施工质量验收细则_070402in plaque; four people into housing estates such as temperature in the shed beside a pile of dead leaves. At this point, running footsteps village people


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