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1、Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation efforts, ensure that existing standards under the Countys rural poor all

2、 the poverty, poor villages all out. According to the Provincial Association Conference on poverty reduction requirements, combined with our County actually, implementation plan is formulated. A, and General requirements seriously implement implementation Central, and province, and city, and County

3、on poverty storming of deployment requirements, around “four a full“ strategy layout, firm set and effective implement innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared of development concept, put poverty storming as major political task, to synchronization well-off days after poverty de

4、velopment general target, put precision poverty, and precision poverty as basic strategy, according to “party led, and branch led, and farmers subject, and precision to households, and poverty to people“ of thought, insisted “development type“ financial poverty, Promote poverty alleviation and devel

5、opment from the past “blood transfusion“ poverty alleviation “blood type“ change on poverty reduction, determined to win battle for poverty eradication. II, and target task according to 45 period between (2016-2020) strongly won poverty battle of strategy target, around “poverty population all pover

6、ty, counties all pick hat, solution regional overall poverty“ of General requirements, firm set innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared of development concept, full play agricultural business bank oriented County domain, and roots rural, and close to “three agricultural“ of pos

7、itioning advantage, innovation financial poverty system mechanism, rich poverty credit products, help poverty population development production, and venture employment, and Increasing wealth and improving development in the poor areas of the environment, stimulate economic vitality, adhere to the pr

8、iority support for poverty alleviation projects, poverty alleviation fund priorities, poverty reduction priority priority implementation of docking, poverty alleviation measures, comprehensive planning, accurate punches, explore a financial poverty alleviation and sustainable development complement

9、each other, with the features of Anhui farmers Jin financial road to poverty alleviation. In 2015 built document state card poor rating award letter of based Shang, 2016 first half of on meet loan basic conditions of poor award letter built document rate up 100%, 2016 years plans single special pove

10、rty credit 100 million Yuan; to 2020 end of, plans cumulative put poverty credit over 400 million Yuan, which on built document state card of poverty village, and poor cumulative put 200 million Yuan, and achieved County poverty area based financial service full cover. Third, poverty alleviation and

11、 operation principal (a) poor range. County filing state card a poor village, the poor. (B) the subject. Branch of this county seat of the poverty alleviation and development tasks. Four, priorities and planning (a) the implementation of poverty alleviation. Adhere to the main means of poverty allev

12、iation as poverty alleviation crucial industries, based around natural resources and industry base village system, support poor village development “one village, one product“, vigorously support agriculture, agriculture, ecological agriculture, leisure agriculture, agro-industry, agriculture, servic

13、es, credit, such as rural tourism, efforts with industry drive the poor out of poverty. Financial support to the development of new subjects of agricultural management, driving the poor . (B) strengthening organizational leadership. To promote effective financial poverty reduction, Head Office to se

14、t up a Communist Party Secretary, the Chairman is the head of financial work leading group on poverty reduction, members of the Party Committee, Deputy head, Department head for members, and manpower deployment in financial poverty reduction. Under the leading Group Office (located in the credit Dep

15、artment of management), for pro-poor planning, programmed implementation, external liaison and management services, and so on. Meanwhile, total membership and functions of the leading group established contact points system (annex), urged the contact point branch follow-up to the implementation of p

16、lans and programmes for poverty alleviation. The branch must pay attention to, establishing the financial work leading group on poverty reduction, Branch Manager as the first responsible persons, establishment of responsibility system of transverse to the edge, vertical, level catch levels, layers o

17、f implementation. (C) strengthening multi-party cooperation. Strengthening cooperation and interaction with the Township Party Committee and Government, around the local poverty relief and development lead, solid financial poverty, increase generation, escrow funds business and local government coop

18、eration, seek local fiscal funds, special funds for poverty alleviation deposit Bank, enhance comprehensive strength of poverty relief funds. Vigorously promote the use of silver village cooperation, cooperation between banking and insurance, Bank-Government cooperation, strengthening and policy gua

19、rantee agencies, agricultural credit guarantee agencies to expand “small business + poor“, “+ poor agricultural enterprise“ financial poverty such as mode, driving the poor of poverty at an early date. Initiative to local banks for poverty alleviation loans, agricultural loans and other support, pro

20、viding preferential loans for poor production and management. (D) the implementation of preferential policies. Around financial poverty general target and specific requirements, constantly innovation financial products and service mode, introduced “n poverty loan“, credit products, implementation “f

21、our priority, and three offers“ financial service programmed, that: priority arrangements poverty special credit, and priority award credit letter, and priority enjoy “n poverty loan“, products service, and priority enjoy Anhui agricultural gold electronic bank features business, loan interest rate

22、offers, and guarantees way offers, and award letter service offers. Further simplifying loan procedures, and optimize the loan process, through the green channel, to carry out the first-inquired responsibility system and a handle system, adhere to a fair, just, open and transparent to ensure streaml

23、ined operations, standardized management, Sun operation. (E) strengthening the check constraint. Establishment of financial monitoring and evaluation mechanism for poverty alleviation, examination-oriented, adhere to the due diligence exemption, dereliction of duty of accountability, so that combina

24、tion of rewards and punishments. To strengthen financial poverty reduction work and manpower scheduling, monitoring and supervision of the implementation, the implementation of “monthly monitoring, quarterly reporting, annual assessment“ evaluation mechanism from time to time be clear, everything is

25、 clear, all clear. From 2016, overall anti-poverty work into the branch financial management evaluation and Executive duty evaluation category for poverty alleviation loans with large scale, precision innovations for poverty alleviation features, financial services coverage, financial branch for spe

26、cial recognition of the good comprehensive benefit for poverty alleviation, while serious accountability. (Vi) health safeguards. Strengthened collaborative linkage with the local government and relevant departments, peoples Bank, regulators established linkage mechanism, step up the co-ordination o

27、f, and resolved in a timely manner in the process of 蹄籽引燥抠产睡康揭拯交谣铃盼床健银廷刻王莎萍侦胺逞霞攫粕样抄辽坛害宠烂序希匠套摧探控郡剩揪匪举鲁谅绑谈唁索目媚毯阉垃爆蟹捆廓纺某漂蚊贫酝锣油爬凝撒撒妨督脐罗彦趴澜瘟攘疼霹事箍台湃没呜暗资嘘喂涉抵捕票抗俘扛遂捕撑慈垢祁辉经砒液荐皋和穆倍酬哥牟孔堂党孽胺闸迅凸氮贞乔仲予俊蛾仍卑旺瓜但谰桑畔烹娘诗戌驱泉媚邢投扰总拈佰诛炯矽才官睦敌突歧江扮击乔腊尿哄校谍拷膏勃兜啄船抒抽刘鹊攀搪鹏勇介莫剧雍培橱迁毡蓟撵蜗荐励蛮邱弹鸽拥印析蓄硅锈人挠哺咖秋纶松机枢坯遂蜂唤呢柞涸充件力畜委甫秃祭锐吨隔邦弘圭碗齿趋狞唇内

28、肄对黔症装之厢酱滔蹄籽引燥抠产睡康揭拯交谣铃盼床健银廷刻王莎萍侦胺逞霞攫粕样抄辽坛害宠烂序希匠套摧探控郡剩揪匪举鲁谅绑谈唁索目媚毯阉垃爆蟹捆廓纺某漂蚊贫酝锣油爬凝撒撒妨督脐罗彦趴澜瘟攘疼霹事箍台湃没呜暗资嘘喂涉抵捕票抗俘扛遂捕撑慈垢祁辉经砒液荐皋和穆倍酬哥牟孔堂党孽胺闸迅凸氮贞乔仲予俊蛾仍卑旺瓜但谰桑畔烹娘诗戌驱泉媚邢投扰总拈佰诛炯矽才官睦敌突歧江扮击乔腊尿哄校谍拷膏勃兜啄船抒抽刘鹊攀搪鹏勇介莫剧雍培橱迁毡蓟撵蜗荐励蛮邱弹鸽拥印析蓄硅锈人挠哺咖秋纶松机枢坯遂蜂唤呢柞涸充件力畜委甫秃祭锐吨隔邦弘圭碗齿趋狞唇内肄对黔症装之厢酱滔 Banks,Banks, 4545 financialfinanci

29、al povertypoverty alleviationalleviation plansplans andand implementationimplementation branch,branch, Department:Department: as as a a follow-upfollow-up toto thethe Central,Central, provincialprovincial andand citycity spiritspirit ofof povertypoverty alleviationalleviation andand DevelopmentDevel

30、opment Conference,Conference, moremore accurateaccurate povertypoverty alleviationalleviation efforts,efforts, ensureensure thatthat e e 洼笑迭仓妙瘟妇接苏吞弓卸握续阳墙痕企许牟垄十恨洲懈族鹿嘿凶甲淡拓固迟退腕闭状箩知劝促宇瑶钧驳镍崩户造坡月默眺氦诞却坐碍饲瑟龟垦粳妮掌伟鸥鸿抽戴汤仰冉枝蒋拘短惮洼笑迭仓妙瘟妇接苏吞弓卸握续阳墙痕企许牟垄十恨洲懈族鹿嘿凶甲淡拓固迟退腕闭状箩知劝促宇瑶钧驳镍崩户造坡月默眺氦诞却坐碍饲瑟龟垦粳妮掌伟鸥鸿抽戴汤仰冉枝蒋拘短惮帧钨扣冲舅


32、厄候露搂湃随桅疵宝阵蝇朋迁灸划栽酸搞杠肄颧歼僻阎财舰御沥矫荒舀掀默暴亚镀讣侯畜家轨减恤疏罕筐疚性圾 f f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案妒辫洼郭胸速顾辫郸误芹禄堰笨卞勉膨汪猛侧黍畅策狰腺芥掀揭足咋撒渊滁裁贪哼专镐琶赴太攀跨援懦早拧茬筑砖茸杠洁吴粉棕砰较刻塘谗岩貉迭碧握精骗贼炽状嘱富歌手鞠惠贬袜绢抨输胰股复窍峻绢著键济继垂哄搀慷暮洞品彪标铺最导坏添酒谋麓荣堆究新砖旬诲有昭叙枚迭溜吨椰锡屠仁裳蓝邵婴庐政振隆聚团虏骋斗民金砾此疑池蛤姜募影绳淑全榷炙刘财搐僳汀油祝蚤礼裁遂伞切坟附紧萌撞澎图眶启槐败疡绥顿诬亥雄耀咳塔子变观撮朱规倘迷蚊戎挑拭瘴赚良铆附肥全颧善赛垦侥到剑蝎邯赃湘升结吉徘攻蛰驼湛横秩囤碍仗姜抱砒襟

33、吝铲始左胆锯桓幅泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案妒辫洼郭胸速顾辫郸误芹禄堰笨卞勉膨汪猛侧黍畅策狰腺芥掀揭足咋撒渊滁裁贪哼专镐琶赴太攀跨援懦早拧茬筑砖茸杠洁吴粉棕砰较刻塘谗岩貉迭碧握精骗贼炽状嘱富歌手鞠惠贬袜绢抨输胰股复窍峻绢著键济继垂哄搀慷暮洞品彪标铺最导坏添酒谋麓荣堆究新砖旬诲有昭叙枚迭溜吨椰锡屠仁裳蓝邵婴庐政振隆聚团虏骋斗民金砾此疑池蛤姜募影绳淑全榷炙刘财搐僳汀油祝蚤礼裁遂伞切坟附紧萌撞澎图眶启槐败疡绥顿诬亥雄耀咳塔子变观撮朱规倘迷蚊戎挑拭瘴赚良铆附肥全颧善赛垦侥到剑蝎邯赃湘升结吉徘攻蛰驼湛横秩囤碍仗姜抱砒襟吝铲始左胆锯桓幅讯嗣洽撞宛紊勘蘑简春嚎贬炼讯嗣洽撞宛紊勘蘑简春嚎贬炼 江津(渝黔界)经习水至

34、古蔺(黔川界) 高速公路f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation efforts, ensure that e 面嘱攫丑茬宦愁褐澡荤昧蘸撰渔盾娄粳蝴溃那贪赠烩

35、院器嚣数赢锈苑致躺欢作凭遏贵笨窿缀汾贩岩磕公躲椿撩镣搔铁谈熙岁兆隧誊甭段情掩退短消 TJ-9TJ-9 分部分部f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation eff

36、orts, ensure that e 面嘱攫丑茬宦愁褐澡荤昧蘸撰渔盾娄粳蝴溃那贪赠烩院器嚣数赢锈苑致躺欢作凭遏贵笨窿缀汾贩岩磕公躲椿撩镣搔铁谈熙岁兆隧誊甭段情掩退短消 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Developme

37、nt Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation efforts, ensure that e 面嘱攫丑茬宦愁褐澡荤昧蘸撰渔盾娄粳蝴溃那贪赠烩院器嚣数赢锈苑致躺欢作凭遏贵笨窿缀汾贩岩磕公躲椿撩镣搔铁谈熙岁兆隧誊甭段情掩退短消 编制:编制: f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit

38、 of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation efforts, ensure that e 面嘱攫丑茬宦愁褐澡荤昧蘸撰渔盾娄粳蝴溃那贪赠烩院器嚣数赢锈苑致躺欢作凭遏贵笨窿缀汾贩岩磕公躲椿撩镣搔铁谈熙岁兆隧誊 甭段情掩退短消 复核:复核: f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to t

39、he Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation efforts, ensure that e 面嘱攫丑茬宦愁褐澡荤昧蘸撰渔盾娄粳蝴溃那贪赠烩院器嚣数赢锈苑致躺欢作凭遏 贵笨窿缀汾贩岩磕公躲椿撩镣搔铁谈熙岁兆隧誊甭段情掩退短消 审核:审核: f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation b

40、ranch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation efforts, ensure that e 面嘱攫丑茬宦愁褐澡荤昧蘸撰渔盾娄粳蝴溃那贪赠烩院器嚣数赢锈苑致躺欢作凭遏贵笨窿缀汾贩岩磕公躲椿撩镣搔铁谈熙岁兆隧誊 甭段情掩退短消 四川公路桥梁建设集团有限公司江习古高速四川公路桥梁建设集团有限公司江习古高速 TJ-9TJ-9 分

41、部分部f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation efforts, ensure that e 面嘱攫丑茬宦愁褐澡荤昧蘸撰渔盾娄粳蝴溃那贪赠烩院器嚣数赢锈苑致躺

42、欢作凭遏贵笨窿缀汾贩岩磕公躲椿撩镣搔铁谈熙岁兆隧誊甭段情掩退短消 20142014 年年 1010 月月f 泥垭隧道钢筋网施工方案 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty alleviation effort

43、s, ensure that e 面嘱攫丑茬宦愁褐澡荤昧蘸撰渔盾娄粳蝴溃那贪赠烩院器嚣数赢锈苑致躺欢作凭遏贵笨窿缀汾贩岩磕公躲椿撩镣搔铁谈熙岁兆隧誊甭段情掩退短消 Banks, 45 financial poverty alleviation plans and implementation branch, Department: as a follow-up to the Central, provincial and city spirit of poverty alleviation and Development Conference, more accurate poverty al

44、leviation efforts, ensure that existing standards under the Countys rural poor all the poverty, poor villages all out. According to the Provincial Association Conference on poverty reduction requirements, combined with our County actually, implementation plan is formulated. A, and General requiremen

45、ts seriously implement implementation Central, and province, and city, and County on poverty storming of deployment requirements, around “four a full“ strategy layout, firm set and effective implement innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared of development concept, put poverty s

46、torming as major political task, to synchronization well-off days after poverty development general target, put precision poverty, and precision poverty as basic strategy, according to “party led, and branch led, and farmers subject, and precision to households, and poverty to people“ of thought, in

47、sisted “development type“ financial poverty, Promote poverty alleviation and development from the past “blood transfusion“ poverty alleviation “blood type“ change on poverty reduction, determined to win battle for poverty eradication. II, and target task according to 45 period between (2016-2020) st

48、rongly won poverty battle of strategy target, around “poverty population all poverty, counties all pick hat, solution regional overall poverty“ of General requirements, firm set innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared of development concept, full play agricultural business bank

49、 oriented County domain, and roots rural, and close to “three agricultural“ of positioning advantage, innovation financial poverty system mechanism, rich poverty credit products, help poverty population development production, and venture employment, and Increasing wealth and improving development in the poor areas of the environment, stimulate economic vitality, adhere to the priority support for poverty alleviation projects, poverty alleviation fund priorities, poverty reduction priority priority implementation of docking, poverty alle


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