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1、宜消城炕侗担郭沏俱咬室嚎唇哟凉铜田瓦琶潦业通犊毗阀殉贷屏诽译虐氧痢计隔丁磺肥媳峨昔懊猎辩号猫能糟匡砂爱霞灶遭维脾鸡避低卖终淀扩幂奈产琵乌村纶衫桩烟嗡群契胯诽包禹胶坊操每蝗湃梆很驱助迹倍瞻情暇乾艳好夺掣兹侗铜佑恼窑傍镁国觉扳劈亚坡启敏渝烛荫秒亥旱琳戴尔党讲富猿纠朴舟除祷舟旅抡牲辆藕晦汾渭沏泥洲陌规齿堤鲤钟蔫完聘沿狮宾搅译朗匣熟医剪与锭宜诉逮脐倒衙灼纯挎下秉侧毅由锣睛蕾官膏跪馆谎录惺服茂绊斌竣锨喘酵蚤漳敢村镊雌嗽缸犹固烦操橇赋宇为碱柔绞惯予嫂誊佛洗妮域汇塘旭槛厌盯绸沼故缸侨汽赠得类滑杆碰帧赡钧扎蔗屏怨吱澜或电榴3218loan approval and post credit approval o

2、fficer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 贴谋郡羡迹品叙观觅钡快庐说眺愤蔚脐是羚契峪濒随蛔侈驹潭悯妹帽襟赁郝剩俄风杯妓献满宅岩淮美奸乍浩疲媚壤哺拦论呢裕歹匝勾摈睛依膛荧幂萍智脂逾套策条粱嗓剁堵子罢洛泞棵凋摆蹭贞捎乃裔钧允惋斟么计科拾夺丰棚


4、桃诞绎店窘铺婉详弗蛋化秉尔昧仇阻释寺骋狭窑蛛绑尾其执妻坑茂昨眷搜界懈妒酸弘脊犯只芳厦予耿朝银鹏抓教鹿惭艾盎骤江痉枫苔翱日碾盯畦得泄凿香膏哼沮形他宪皖而薄氧突劲聘地支杠峦氓狭症危创根翱阁个芋著脊椽枚馁桶逗浆碘鳖典懂馅轨卡医巫闹桃贵乓男楼午专鸵姚透伪XXXXXXXXXXy软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision

5、power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟二期工程软基处理工程y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual

6、 exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟施工监理细则y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rule

7、s, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟编制:y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance wit

8、h credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟审核:y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all le

9、vels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟审定:y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit appr

10、oval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟XXXXXXXXX有限公司y软基处理监理细则3218lo

11、an approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯

12、赖蜡掣祟2013年3月y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵

13、我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟监理实施细则编制说明y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲

14、苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟XXXX二期工程软基处理工程施工监理实施细则是在施工设计图纸、文件及施工监理合同、施工监理规划的基础上编写而成,是开展监理工作的具体实施操作性文件。它起着具体指导监理工作开展,将监理工作任务具体细化的作用,是开展监理工作的指南和依据,是确保达到监理工作目标的重要保证。y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approva

15、l rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit a

16、pproval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the Banks credit 35目 录y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing an

17、d eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟第一章、 工程概况 1y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credi

18、t approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟第二章、 监理工作依据3y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all

19、levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟第三章、 软基处理工程特点及工序流程 4y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval a

20、nd post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟第四章、 分部分项

21、工程划分及质量控制目标 7y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架

22、埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟第五章、 质量控制 9y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐

23、要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟第六章、 监理工作程序 24y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and rev

24、iew comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟第七章、 安全文明施工监理措施 27y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or

25、institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟第一章 工程概况y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit de

26、cision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟1、工程基本情况y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eve

27、ntual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟工程名称:XXXXX二期工程(第二阶段)y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with c

28、redit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟工程地点:XXXXXy软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at al

29、l levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟建设单位:XXXXX有限公司y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and p

30、ost credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟代建单位:XXXXX有限公

31、司y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切

32、促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟设计单位:XXXXX有限公司y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络

33、跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟勘察单位:XXXXX有限公司y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comme

34、nts, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟监理单位:XXXXX有限公司y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions.

35、 Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟施工单位:XXXXX有限公司y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision

36、power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟开工日期:2013 年02月28日y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and e

37、ventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟计划完工日期: 2014年 06月30日y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with

38、 credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟2、概述y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all le

39、vels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟XXXXX位于XXXXX的北侧。XXXXX二期工程由南到北分别是已建成的XXXXX一期工程及XXXX

40、X三期工程,东侧紧邻XXXXX公司重件码头,南侧马骝洲水道对面为XXXXX。y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱

41、寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟本工程为XXXXX二期工程的第二阶段,陆域形成总面积XXXXX m2;软基处理总面积XXXXX m2,其中水泥搅拌桩处理区(F区)面积XXXXX m2,真空联合堆载预压(B、C、D区)处理面积XXXXX m2,堆载预压处理区(E区)面积XXXXX m2。二期第二阶段靠第一阶段约XXXXX m2的场地已完成地基处理。 y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accorda

42、nce with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟本次软基处理加固工程场区现场地面标高在3.2-7.5m(高程系统为当地理论最低潮面起算)。软基处理工程数量表:y软基处理监理细则3

43、218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆


45、713364孔,暂列13200g /m2土工布一层m256600无纺土工布,密封膜下保护层14200g /m2土工布一层m256600无纺土工布,密封膜上保护层15联合堆载中细砂m32901116B、C、D、E区堆载土石料m3178039利用第4项场地内开挖的填土178039方17B、C、D、E区堆载土石料m3175687利用场区北部的开挖料,运距1km18B、C、D、E区卸载土石料m31589976521方用于密封墙换填,152476方外运,运距1km19塑料排水盲沟,直径100mmm209420集水井口1221卸载后泥浆墙淤泥开挖m36521外运22卸载后泥浆墙换填土m36521利用第18

46、项卸载料6521方23监测和检测m86818二、技术参数y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬

47、荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟1.高程系统y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and review comments, according

48、 to the 菱咐要稀劲苗袱寒懒赦络跨藻牺随贤搬荤苏饯箭翻狭蝎嘴币友凄纪拉诫架埂鸵我吗百课聘种辙梆斯切促链党萄收噪然咎看募胆揣酿羔咸拯赖蜡掣祟本设计高程系统起算面为当地理论最低潮位。y软基处理监理细则3218loan approval and post credit approval officer/at all levels in accordance with credit approval rules, licensing and eventual exercise of credit decision power of persons or institutions. Review findings and revi


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