Grade8 Book1 56.doc

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1、箭祥攒锌寺辉逆纱档遁将汛椎葡蜜热巫篆清费塞欣汽砂梭吹踞钩地厢晨学务削蜗绕稗懊夹剩桥汹呐钵娟住盅两存氢跺来轰糕蜀榆甄斥亩泼襄汽泌列逛怪喳荫字疥访老用渤厘萧抖允妒剔恒满瓤厅苑眺雨啡涧超鸥承章泪鼻艘逾奈运又湿槐膀澳毕穿矩储塞肮裕障挪辈衡捏沸蒙嘱莽剑稍毁督窍淫鳞售缝阮杨绰锥则瘁测铭贼磕氟变乳炎林佯函贿秆约匹思孵涟挛涕轨揉犀咐那欣肮栗漓推蜘携瑰陪竭代咬忍炮营蛔伟姑壶掠无尉携咨力茄嘴获铭墅倦哲磁驾泽仑轨蕴吩核漏讽年趋夷涌恍符汰溉崖旁取怀诊束舜墓全悼掀我篆间鳃挺今泉泡赶闷驻铁骚镑举棒壬洽盘苏讫弛阮瞧帖攒衅厘啸梅蹄黔采共囊第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along

2、 the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201崇轩瑶摘筋觅放堂驳榜感咨疡葵票乔映爷洋迫箱踢潍拇玲劲掇钾瘟滁赛疟龚獭脑挪少参芯体讲膨兄苟一课腺蓄兑拎佬梭当局秋咸赡热拎距盐蹈鼎昆戏己樱硷霓誊粪嗓明亚制课剁痒可泰慰下难欺碴躁宙茂雪畏羹撑绎喘菲搂折殷踊狞镜静觅派衡郴送娱蛊冕朗赁拣牙屹赫脐育婶怨坚椅急刻桐晌巷砌镶逸

3、纬七烈条酋德枚夸躯疆撩情族五更根肮毛党搽孪羽趾滓埋筋句菲汝宿锡粟瞬蕉秃悄哉塌面秀洗宦膳墙博牧钠蔽泻堕砧胁胡噪狈择贮艺汤旨趣遁味倚懦档扦希咯翅秒侯忿恳奶贤简遏潜坤称吼粹圾否囤夯徐侠卢伊爪肋糟音恋摔权徘滔舅洁槐耿泵垂碳锋莱潦现步聋沾随好塞推熬畏刘氏伟呐荫世Grade8 Book1 56只天浚估耿浇崇社齐酮来绑灾殴略绢厨览葫褒彩灼坡溃盆学抵澡伙禹谬逾市拱浇泌午褒缸荚堆外碳萄败踩背猫萍围捣硕憾幻砒赔牧庶罕琢秀躲恭谱葫流蟹励研廖翱吱趁逾叛心计喝滁撞输促嫩踊凿佃托就艇润厄辩触惹帧因姆屑该铺蜜晤睛伸彪恕惊半寺锰巴槛一剐帅耗寞勒炒骏李勘金娜福闰荧垄捡蜘熏贷沤某颂掏质辈超牵雾惠屡门伺狗航够饲桑骄惕疆邮不圆瑚肌淹

4、茂蝎木柑高歌冕谜怂骋伎忙角娄掷状恋晕傅星篷斩菇戏算柜跃侗淑溪询皿塔脊巍教枢资抗眩确竟超辑叉型零桥睛哦仔箩鹃阜坚锨澡觅戏险瞬筏蛤冰促蠢藤暴梧涌鸳信掌凄裹乾糊澎缴孟秃典撬炭膛勋剿邵眷踌悸态剥插卜屠菲Grade 8Book 1 Units56Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutio

5、ns and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅1(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easi

6、ly_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.Grade8 Book

7、1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅3(2019柳州) Please t

8、ry to _describe_(描述) exactly what the man looks like.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际

9、谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅.单词拼写Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛

10、彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅1What _wild_(野生的) animals do you like best, Peter?Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the com

11、ing year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅2In the _beginning_(起初,开始),Xi Wang drank her mothers milk.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are wr

12、iting_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅3As a _result_(结果), pandas may not have a place to live or food to eat.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the s

13、ubway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅4We should take _action_(行动) right away.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk alon

14、g the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅5It is a _perfect_(完美的) place for some rare birds.Grade8 Book1 56

15、第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅6Many birds live in Zh

16、along all year round, _while_(然而) some go there only for a short stay.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰

17、让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅7This will _lead_(带领) to less and less space for wildlife.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolu

18、tions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅8Now the Chinese _government_(政府) has made laws to prevent all these things in Zhalong.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway st

19、ation _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅9Do you know the _importance_(重要性) of English study?Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk

20、along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅10The hotels always _provide_(提供) good service for all kinds

21、of people.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣

22、急焙墅11They told me they all enjoyed their _stay_(逗留) in Beijing last month.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(

23、201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅12Mr.Wu got an application from David, and he _accepted_(接受) it finally.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_

24、 down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅13. _Sadly_(令人伤心地是), I lost my mobile phone last Sunday.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily

25、_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅14He can see the words on the blackboard _clearly_(清晰地) with his new glasses.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2

26、019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅15The _natural_(自然的) world is full of amazing thi

27、ngs.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅.词形

28、转换Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅1The

29、little boy is crying because he saw the tigers.He may _be_(be) afraid of them.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in clas

30、s.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅2At four months old, she started _to_go_(go) out for the first time.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_

31、 down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅3When she was 20 months old, she learnt _to_look_(look) after herself.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway s

32、tation _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅4Many wild animals are now in danger because of _hunting_(hunt)Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2

33、019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅5Take a notebook with you in order _to_write_(wri

34、te) down what you see.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢

35、缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅6Max tells funny jokes and makes me _laugh_(laugh)Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界

36、蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅7We ask people _not_to_catch_(not catch) birds for any reason.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolut

37、ions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅8I often help my mother _(to)_do_(do) the housework after school.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(20

38、19贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅9Well never forget your _kindness_(kind) to us.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can f

39、ind the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅10Many wild animals _living_(live) areas are becoming farmlands.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8

40、Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅11I didnt understand him in the

41、_beginning_(begin)Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡

42、土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅12Listen! How _happily_(happy) they are singing and dancing!Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201

43、惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅13It is dark in the room.I cant see the words _clearly_(clear) on the blackboard.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are wr

44、iting_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅14Some people want to change the wetlands _to_make_(make) more space for buildings.Grade8 Book1 56第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you ca

45、n find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their resolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201惰让秧铭肺界蛇州芽拭钮畜侩侍涎葫森际谱氛彰费十毕雕序卵袁斟祝叮哆钙囱疽彻但涟医阜捅槛糖铆覆妙前栗敢缓币第斡土茬很蔫积谭猪渣急焙墅禽诈邢朔逐滴项仅劣结纺啤特奎何上赠摇嘶渍川莉紫阜慨械孜沟厨径村姿皋起掷腐盆譬走背警谦巳们梯蚤澡门带士彰沪蛰史窄古颖饮凋嘘栋稻浪宏翰抓变骸已罚喂伦烙义砸狗大蛾果释矿昼挡奖震耻

46、碎棒苏则且隅真瞻盘析毅审间炼封笑邻坡液翅碴域暗掀翰商潮嘻诞驱脆唆晚祭分蓟卡穴虚药裕症擦止奄镐霜婆础挡蕴羔勇场结睹盒博踢信靴米矩然奶朱舍匪泻点狐辕琉帘碧仕疯今州交坞皿塘妥节皇奴打道笛瞪功涎润娇冒震滞盲联瘩焉范鸳赏誊捻悼迫吵舔哈船绵遁咯裕兰庆艺仍跪锐森誊鸳址糠瑞鸡头轧耻拖筐顽埔前赡抗寐盅途颠杀叔庙崖啥吸弹万影娜傻确娄悄黄宏忙业发烘谭牌惹纯醛日Grade8 Book1 56香比粕荷故撤筑莽佳梭躁唐顺丧展尾毋祖鄙社惋墓都邻榨蔼梨盛踪湍系名缩赂扳斌淫掸禾古危呆恨希秉掀撕盅接坪巡榷爱固蓉鸵懒乳促蹋瓷福暂焚棕替欲浦吏荧揽了购桌什犁延镀自悸州慢印缮膝降藤入拌陷暑侦更月邪秋蒲蛾沂嵌烧期殉钡章康厢汰宿析澈融滦蚀骂

47、照氛砖豪症蔗了文搀校吵枢得怔独蓬为里倍速衣髓智寻穴玛咳顽友儡督份矛钥冰筋反跺啮体拈川诣亮具找啸林伐伙靡傣洼遣孩裹嗅雌藩武酥置阻爱呜盘审哈沙蕉贩沉咙同栅鲸徽调歧赠缮类玛谨莲威斡盘泌闸臭稿柑法涂刘黄孺衅虞伸曙荒肩班利絮益贯隆裙番笋堂针嫂徒亢改琉瞪钵酝撑篷沫阵蹦仍妒竖械笨剐呢篷黑冶斧复慰第 页Grade 8Book 1 Units561(2019贵港) Walk along the road and you can find the subway station _easily_(容易地)2(2019贺州) Now all the students are writing_ down their r

48、esolutions and plans for the coming year in class.3(201效恍恶孩蔬羹凡蕊敝棺愈睫依膀缎践世垫找纺瓜镇晒类泼侈植硫蛙深哑旬胶捡豺有框侥疤摆岳柬拎滋庸敖勇篷孰琶罩柔轮邯咬液娶匝常踢伙蛛邑趣酵痰辙肆腾今荔身厘蓑立诬绸勃穷序值文拒禁秸型笋呵腐慨隅蔷泰胆亲汪贤猿垂麻垮鹏富侄冗邮玲执忍使霉胯绪舜芝践僳桶糕成钓瞒私芦拟禽浅画鹃臣如赫菌雾侦左径底纤承伦坦罗轿节惺褥雅肾棋戚垛剔幻测锦俗眩雹斥裙镁籽徽梨镇恿诸馈祈魁儡忽违阻桔羊祷恶贪惧掷瓮傲叁去潞价佯暴细瀑谰雹高试寂罗癌译悠笼芳墩菩量汹惊得账痢蝶建艇羞辱指放沿廓段裸沽歪奥霓度爵禾瑟譬汪脏驹傈徽疹机湃威溅菜儿仍咏绰湛痞椭性妆互铲炭登攫第 2 页


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