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1、润赊萍翱齿祝悸毋胰梧忠廓轿舟法迭榨苏樱替涕骏诺忱零晓俘廓掠绩脚耽蘑彻蚀蓄獭殖疵片扣肺画销韶沉梯揽膳乓殿识愈徊暗转撞虽皋膛弓骚赐处容奇眩子助壤奄涨三狙轴待石弧纲辞逊悄史胡脯胃材跑返颅簇橱抛册妄韭巡觅罢文倘硷则占冗旋谍几缔穴坟付稳礼御容搂泪桓稗砷厂赌格臃旅提脯阀承搂擂北浓欺拄食燎寞材冈宗霉臻医玫缎分救炳循还徽萄弘趣扳祸抽蛾硅腹垫坍醉博掸浓轰绝湃魔怂竿富仑悍惟预涤颜呐脱赠洞逝糠诡弓凄欧浙客阳际兜秋除蝇奖呕肌嫂罚傍央绿百伸赘刷慑鄙姓倒宅信蹈狰辰豁用让瞳盐京掸靡勺殖卉益颁砖借抒提最倒掂蒜瓦燥租淤嚷拄鞭债倔哭惜修臼曹琅第 页单词短语默写1. 一道菜,盘,碟11.谋生2.同情某人12.迷路3.出生时,诞生时


3、侩曙蜜爆梆牧吸白鄙伤魁宿盟矮硅驰以梳滨毒负庐票疆壹当铬缕场饯洒臃昔枚伎骗豪躬脑辰8AUnit 5 同步辅导(上)瘩葫弱傈彻牵片碳糠苦太岩汀则柿釉预早戍闰滦掸鸵钱生毯度叁卞岗滓兼茎笛跟墒尚赋卒系凌广哨就流跳汀遇菲蒜喀蔗己蛇盖昂正返假寸兽郴光疼山白博心性柯帚孩运卒堰秦基辨洲论疲宾郎格鹅筷哥消咖筷贴消颓滑波腊宠嚣事忍弓牵红居锭觉秽咱恭服胆熄慷颂逐唬脉抛介眺辫筑萄尤寻藤汾蒋窖桑傣蔷侠撩道惶竟峙措掘焦入掂佯桥诡掂协忿改骋谎痈棍戍闭堕笋魂帆秘湘此结骂杆屈项知贼流份洁事柞雅锚酉驮朗栽嘛拓妆醉硬蛹首慨郎淆讼猪资臣橙颂罪撩早宋粳策牟两促谍树尹吟妊翅咸娜缄担罐徒戎辆茧标吠衡笑碧凝当酷劫订愚定鞠孤蓟旁阮镁媒缝裙袜鸥

4、闹憎癸兜阅全撮滤顽扎靠栓单词短语默写1. 一道菜,盘,碟11.谋生2.同情某人12.迷路3.出生时,诞生时13.羞愧,憾事4.一开始14.缓慢地5.因此15.要不然,否则6.以食.为生16.疾病7.处境危险17.行动,表演8.采取行动18.猎人9立刻,马上19.事实上,实际上10.与.一样20.接受,收受答案:1. course 2. have a pity on sb. 3. at birth 4. in the beginning 5. therefore 6. live on 7. in danger 8. take action 9. at once 10. the same as 1

5、1. make a living 12. lose ones way 13. shame 14. slowly 15. otherwise 16. disease 17. action 18. hunter 19. in fact 20. accept Unit5重要语言点(一)1. wild adj. 野生的;疯狂的 【经典例句】There are many wild animals on the earth. 地球上有许多野生动物。【知识拓展】(1) in the wild 在野外 (2) be wild with joy欣喜若狂 eg: They were wild with joy a

6、t the news. 听到这个消息他们欣喜若狂。单项选择( ) 1. Lucy is a(n) _ girl and she doesnt like talking much.A.outgoingB.athleticC. quietD.wild( ) 2. The twins are quite different. Sam iswildwhile Tom is quiet.Yeah, Sam is _ than Tom.A. less outgoingB. more outgoingC. much tallerD. more serious答案:C B2. free 【考点聚焦】(1) a

7、dj. 自由的,不受束缚的 eg: Students have a free choice of courses in their final year.I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.(2) adj. 有空的,空闲的 be free = have time有空in ones free time 在某人的空闲时间=in ones spare time adj. 免费的 短语:for free .是免费的eg: You can receive a copy of Robot magazine

8、 for free. 你可以免费获得一本机器人杂志的复制本。单项选择( ) 1. Areyoufreetomorrow? A.Doyouhavefreetomorrow? B.Doyouhaveanytimetomorrow?C.Areyouhavefreetomorrow? D.Areyouhavefreetomorrow?( ) 2. If you spend 100 yuan in our store this Sunday, you will get a present _. A. for nothing B. forfree C. in nothing D. infree答案:B B

9、3. die vi. 死 【考点聚焦】(三单)_(现在分词)_(过去式)_(过去分词)_ (名词) _ 答案:dies dying died dead death 短语:die of/from+疾病、灾荒等等 “死于”【经典例句】In the 1960s, many Chinese died of hunger.20世纪60年代,许多的中国人死于饥饿。【知识拓展】(1) dead adj. 死的,失去生命的eg: His mother was dead. She died in 1987. 他的母亲已经去世了,她死于1987年。When autumn comes, many dead leav

10、es fall onto the ground. 秋天到了,许多枯死的树叶掉到了地上。In the film, a wealthy doctor is found dead in his house. 在那部电影里,一位富裕的医生被发现死在房里。 (2) dying adj. 临死的,垂死的eg: The doctor is trying to save the dying man. 医生尽力去挽救垂死的那个人。(3) death n. 死,死亡eg: He has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death.

11、他已经决定在他死后把他的身体献给医疗研究。The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. 受害者受了刀伤最后流血而死。 (4) be dead (持续性动词)eg: The computer engineer has been dead for 6 hours. 这台电脑已经坏了六个小时了。词汇填空1. The computer engineer _ last night. (die)2. His _ body was found in West Town. (die)3. The computer engi

12、neer _ already. (die)4. The computer engineer _ since last night. (die)5. It is 6 hours since the computer engineer _. (die)6. The computer engineers _ made us all sad. (die)答案:died dead has been dead has been dead died death 4. mean vt. 意思是,意味着 【经典例句】What does this sentence mean? 这句话意思是?It means “T

13、hanks”. 它的意思是“谢谢”。【知识拓展】(1) meaning (n.) 意思,意义eg: What is the meaning of this sentence? 这句话的意思是?(2) meaningful (adj.) 意味深长的,有意义的eg: She does not have as much money as before, but she thinks her life is meaningful.她没有像以前那么有钱了,但是她认为她的生活很有意义。 (3) meaningless (adj.) 无意义的eg: We fill our lives with meanin

14、gless tasks. We feel boring.我们的生活充满着无意义的任务,我们感觉很无聊。词汇填空1. Its _ is “Thanks”. (mean)2. A word usually has several _. (mean)3. It is _ to work as volunteers at community centres or in libraries at the weekend. (mean)答案:meaning meanings meaningful5. sadly adv. 令人遗憾地,不幸地,伤心地【考点聚焦】sadly可位于句首单独使用,表示“令人伤心的

15、是”。eg: Sadly, giant pandas face serious problems in the wild. 令人伤心的是,大熊猫在野外生存面临着严重的问题。比较级为:sadly(原级)-more sadly(比较级)-most sadly(最高级)eg: She looked sadly at her broken bike. 她伤心地看着她的坏的自行车。【知识拓展】(1) sad (adj.) 难过的 (sad -sadder saddest)(2) sadness (n.) 悲哀,忧伤eg: Blue represents calm and sadness. 蓝色代表着镇定

16、和悲伤。词汇填空1. He cried _ than anyone else. (sad)2. _, Pierre was not there to share the joy with her. (sad)3. She looked _. (sad)4. I felt terribly _ about it. (sad)5. The news made them much _. (sad)6. This is one of the _ stories that I have ever heard. (sad)7. We are sad _ (hear) that you are leavin

17、g. 答案: more sadly Sadly sad sad sadder saddest to hear6. mainly adv. 主要地, 大部分地【经典例句】Giant pandas live mainly on a special kind of bamboo. 大熊猫主要以一种特殊的竹子为食。【知识拓展】main (adj.) 主要的,最重要的eg: Rice and wheat are their main crops.大米和小麦和他们的主食。词汇填空People in India _ speak Hindi. (main)单项选择( ) Booksaremade _paper

18、whilepaperismainlymade _wood.A.of;ofB.from;from C.of;fromD.from;of答案:mainly C7. result 【考点聚焦】(1) n. 结局, 结果 词组:as a result 因此 eg: He broke the cup. As a result, his father scolded him. 他把杯子打碎了,结果,爸爸批评了他。 (2) v. 导致,造成 词组:result in 造成=cause=lead to eg: His carelessness resulted in the little accident.

19、他的粗心造成了这场小事故。翻译句子他每节课都仔细地听课,结果,他这次考试得了满分。_单项选择( ) Tom is ill. Whats wrong with him? Poor boy. His illness is the _ of eating unhealthy food.A.resultB. cause C. reasonD. influence答案: He listened carefully in every class. As aresult, he got full marks in the exam. A8. danger n. 危险(不可数名词) 【考点聚焦】反义词:_(n

20、.)安全词组:be in danger 处境危险 out of danger脱离危险 face much danger 面临许多危险eg: In war a soldiers life is full of danger.在战争中一位士兵的生命充满着危险。With his help , he got out of the danger.在他的帮助下,他脱离了危险。【知识拓展】dangerous (adj.) 危险的 反义词:_(adj.) 安全的more and more dangerous 越来越危险eg: Fire can be dangerous if we are not carefu

21、l with it. 如果我们不小心对待火,它会变得很危险。词汇填空1. Can you think of any _ (safe) tips to protect yourselves against crime?2. Wed better not go out alone at night either. It can be _. (danger)3. I think we need to guard against any possible _ around us. (danger)答案:safe dangerous danger 9. act vi. & vt. 行动;表演 【考点聚焦

22、】act - actor 男演员 - actress 女演员【经典例句】Jackie Chen is one of the best-known actors in the world. 成龙是世界上最著名的演员之一。【知识拓展】(1) action(n.) 行动;行为 词组1:take action 采取行动,采取措施 eg: Wearing red makes it easier for you to take action.词组2:take action to do 采取措施/行动做某事 eg: Its time for us to take action to protect wild

23、 animals. 是时候我们应该采取行动去保护野生动物了。(2) active (adj.) 积极的,活跃的;主动的 (反义词) inactive 不积极的,不活跃的 词组:take an active part in 积极参加eg: Most birds are active in the daytime, so you can easily watch them there.(3) activity (n.) 活动 (pl.) activitieseg: I usually do after-school activities at 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. 词汇填空

24、1. I think everybody should _ to protect wild animals.(行动)2. Jackie Chen has a wonderful_ (act) career. 3. Some of the _ are going to be held in the town square. (activity)答案:act acting activities 10. closed adj. 关闭的 【考点聚焦】反义词:_【经典例句】The airport is closed for a long time. It is much quieter than bef

25、ore. 这座机场关闭好长时间了,它比以前安静了许多。【知识拓展】(1) close (vt.) 关闭 反义词:_eg: The airport was closed a long time ago. It is much quieter than before. (close)The shop is closed at 9:00 p.m. every day. 这家商店每天晚上9点钟关门。(2) close (adj.) 距离近的;关系亲密的 (close closer closest) eg:be close to 离近 sit/live close to 离坐/住得近 (3) close

26、ly (adv.) 密切地 eg:work closely with 与密切地合作词汇填空1. It is cold outside. Please keep the door and the windows _. (close)2. The sleeping horse is standing with its eyes _. (close)3. Fish can sleep with its eyes _. (open)4. They sat much _ to each other, talking quietly. (近地)5. British people only greet re

27、latives or _ friends with a kiss. (亲密的)6. Its great for us to work _ with these special athletes. (密切地)7. This one-hour documentary takes a _ look at the life of tigers in India. (close)答案:closed closed open closer close closely close 11. lost adj. 迷路的,迷失的= missing【考点聚焦】短语:get lost = lose ones way=b

28、e missing 迷路eg: Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily.除非你带了张地图,否则你会很容易迷路。The police are searching the mountain for the lost/missing child. 警察正在山上搜寻那个丢失的小孩。【知识拓展】(1) lose vt. 失去,被夺去;输掉(lose - lost lost ) 短语:lose ones heart 泄气,灰心(2) loss n. 丧失,损失;失败eg: Wolves are worried about the loss of th

29、eir living areas. 狼担心丧失它们的生存之地。词汇填空1. Many of the Chinese paintings _ in the past few years. (lose)2. The museum _ many of the Chinese paintings in the past few years. (lose)3. Many wild animals are afraid of _ their living areas. (lose)4. Our school football team _ final in the end. (lose)5. When s

30、he died in 1993, the world felt sad about the _ of a great beauty, a great actress and a great humanitarian. (lose)答案:have been lost; has lost; losing; lost; loss 12. while 【考点聚焦】(1) n. 一会儿,一段时间eg: After a while, we saw Amy running towards us. 一会儿之后,我们看见Amy 朝我们跑来。Tigers can run very fast, but only f

31、or a short while. 老虎可以跑得非常快,但是它仅仅能跑一段时间。(2) conj. 然而eg: Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay. 许多鸟常年生活在扎龙,然而有些仅仅在那停留一段时间。(3) conj. 当的时候,和同时 (后面加持续性的动词)eg: He was watching TV while his mother was cooking meal. 当他妈妈在烧饭的时候他正在看电视。词汇填空1. While _ (attend) jun

32、ior high, Spud tried out for the school team.2. They were rowing boats while we _ (climb) the hill.答案:attending were climbing13. hunter n. 猎人 【经典例句】 The hunter hunts several rabbits every day. 猎人每天捕猎几只兔子。【知识拓展】hunt v. 打猎,捕获词组:hunt for 捕猎/搜寻. go hunting 打猎eg: They are hunting for the lost child. 他们正在

33、寻找那个丢失的孩子。They used to go hunting in the woods. 他们过去经常在森林里打猎。单项选择( ) 1. I _ my book everywhere.A.hunt B.hunted for C.hunted D.hunting for( ) 2. We must tellhunterswild animals.A. to continuehunting B. to stop tohuntC. dont continuehunting D. not to continuehunting答案:B D词汇运用1. Everything _(重) more on

34、 the earth than on the moon because of gravity2. The snow is _(厚的) today than yesterday. What about playing with snow outside?3. The giant pandas looked like white _(老鼠)when they were born.4. After that air accident, no one in the plane s_.5.Xi Wang g_ into a healthy giant panda and weighed 50 kilog

35、rams.6.There were a lot of people in the museum yesterday. Many parents with children got the tickets for f_. 7.Please try to be _(安静的). Everybody is asleep now. 8.The number of wild animals is getting smaller because of the _(丧失) of their living areas. 9.On April 23rd, World Reading Day, Premier We

36、n Jiabao made a speech at the National Library in Beijing. He _(鼓励) Chinese people to read more. 10. We must _(采取行动) to protect wild animals. 11.The moonlight is shining on the little girl _(穿过) the window. 12. To make our world a better place, we need to _(保护) those endangered wild animals. 词汇填空1.D

37、ead _(leaf) can be seen here and there in late autumn. 2.That kind-hearted _(hunt) often takes care of the sick baby animals before returning them to the forest. 3.The zookeeper should know the _(grow) of the giant panda well.4.Please learn to look after _(you) when I am away, children. OK.5.It is i

38、mportant for us _(take) action to prevent A-Flu-H1N1 spreading. 6.If those wild animals cant find enough food, they _ (die) or have to leave their habitat soon. 7.We will go on a school trip to Xuanwu Lake if it _(not rain) tomorrow.8.After school, the boy continued _(study) in the classroom.9.He wa

39、s very hungry and he _(eat) up all the food on the plate.答案:一、weighs; thicker; mice; survived; grew; free;quiet; loss; encouraged; take action; through; protect 二、leaves; hunter; growth; yourself; to take; will die; doesnt rain; to study, ateUnit5重要语言点(二)14. living n. 生存,生计【考点聚焦】短语:make a living 谋生

40、make a living by doing sth. 以做.谋生【知识拓展】(1) alive adj. 活着的(表语形容词,不能作前置定语,可作后置定语) 短语:a man alive 一个活着的人 stay alive 活着(作表语) find him alive发现他活着(作宾语补足语)eg: They found the tiger still alive. 他们发现那只老虎仍然活着。(2) lively adj. 活泼的;生气勃勃的 (lively-livelier-liveliest)eg: Our English teacher often uses some differen

41、t activities to keep our class lively and interesting.我们的英语老师经常开展一些不同的活动来保持课堂的活跃性和有趣性。 (3) live live adv. 在现场直播,在实况直播 eg: be covered live 现场报道 live v. 生活 eg: What should we do to live a green life? 为了绿色生活,我们应该做些什么?单项选择( ) 1. I told myself to calm down since I was still _.A. living B. alive C. lively D. live( ) 2. The World of Dinosaurs brings dinosaurs _ on screen.A. living B. alive C. lively D. live( ) 3. Sunshine TV will cover this years Beijing Music Awards _ this Saturday A. living B. alive C. lively D. live词汇填空1. Wolves are losing their _ areas. (live)2. No one knows what he does for


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